1 PAGE tggPWBHlT THE PINEHURST 0UTL00K Mff 2 j VEUVE CHAFFARD PURE OLIVE OIL IN HONEST BOTTLES. n m 1 pit (&st flii Av jiy4 Fall Quarts fall Joints Fall Half f into Park & Tilford, NEW YORK. S. S. Pierce co. BOSTON. YARBOROUGH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. a strictly high class hostelry situated on the seaboard alr Line Railway, thoroughfare between New York and Florida, and within one hour of plnehurst, n. c. Raleigh is a City of hospitable people, pretty homes, de lighful climate, fine macadamized roads, instructing museums numerous State Institutions, and much historic interest. Write for illustrated booklet. HOWELL COBB. Pinehurst Department Store. We carry a full line of Fancy and Heavy GROCERIES Such brands as are handled by New England Grocers. The Dry Goods and Shoe Departments are complete. Stock bought in Northern Markets. Quality Standard for selec tion. Full line of Columbia, Saxony Floss and Germantown Yarns. A Complete Aanortment of Finest nibbona and Embroidery Silka. The Latest Styles of Stationery, both Printed and Plain. GENERAL SUPPLY OF FIELD AND TRAP SMOKLESS AMMUNITION. Prices on par with New England Markets. IN THE DECEMBER HEAVENS Four Planets Visible in the Sky During This Month. Venus is the Evening- Star and U Con tinually Crowing: nriffhter Interesting Data. HERE are four planets which may be seen in the evening sky during De cember. First towards the southwest, is the bril liant evening star, Ve nus, which each night mounts perceptibly higher aud higher among the stars, and grows continually brighter, until by the end of this year it is the second brightest object in the heavens. Then, a little to the east of Venus, in the eastern part of the constellation Capricorn, is the planet Saturn, which is still in good position planet Saturn. At this instant the tv, . planets will be exactly one above the other, with Venus four-fifth of a degi .. to the south. On December 20, in the early evening the moon will pass over the bright st.Mr Aldcbaran. Its eastern edge will reach the star and shut it from view at 8 hour 25 minutes eastern time, and the eniei gence will occur at 9 hours 4G minutes. The observer will notice that while tin: light of Mars will fade gradually away as the moon passes over it, the light of Aldebaran will be blotted out instanta neously. This is because Mars appears to us a round disc, while every star ap pears as but a single point of light. The instant the edge of the moon reaches this point of light the star simply goes out, with a suddenness far more rapid than that of a Hash of lightening. Were there the slightest trace of air or water vapor on the moon, the light of the star would be extinguished more gradually. It is observing occultation of stars in this way that astronomers have learned that the moon is a dead world without either air or water. 8 V INTERESTED SPECTATORS WATCHING THAI? SHOOTING. for ol)servation with a small telescope. The earth is elevated nearly fifteen de grees above the rings, so that we look down upon them and see them well open ed out, while the singular dark band which recently appeared encircling the ball of the planet is still distinctly visible. To the south, two-thirds of the way up to the zenith, is the planet Jupiter, the most striking and brilliant object of the entire sky, and finally, low down in the east, the possessor of a small telescope may pick up the faint, greenish planet Neptune, which is now near the center of the constellation Gemini. If the observer will turn toward the southwest soon after sunset, he cannot fail to notice this brilliant planet, which is now the brightest object in the whole sky, with the single exception of Jupiter. It is at present moving rapidly eastward among the stars, so that while it sets two and one-half hours after the sun on De cember 1, by January 1 it has reached so high an altitude that it does not set until three and one-half hours after sunset. Its rapid eastward motion will cany it entirely across the constellation Capri corn during the month ; on December 28, at 4 a. m., it will overtake and pass the ClIfllftTJIAS ttREEXS. JPlnehumtlVuneriea Han Them Parked Heady for Mending Away. The Pinehurst Nurseries are putting up many boxes of Christmas greens and the collection is one which visitors here will find particular delight in sending t Northern friends. The boxes are of three sizes and packed ready for shipment, costing sixty cents, one dollar and a dollar and a half aud they include pine boughs and cones, holly, mistletoe, peanuts, cotton, persim mons, etc. Seaboard Air JLine Service. Cafe dining car service was begun Mon day on the Seaboard Air Line trains (50 and 43 between Hamlet and Norlina, and through Pullman sleeping cars will be run tri-weekly on trains 31 and 34, be tween Washington and Pinehurst. The "Seaboard Florida Limited," be tween New York and St. Augustine, will be put on January ninth. Through day parlor cars between Washington and Pinehurst, have been running for some time past. J V