PAGE THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK L TRAP SHOOTING POPULAR Close Scores Feature of Semi-Weekly Sweepstake Events. j. V. Hall Wln Friday's Shoot With ingl Target IV. ME. Ilervey I,ead Tuenday. HAP shooting is playing an important part in the list of early season sports and there is a constant increase both on the part of participants and on lookers in the informal events which are now being held Tuesday and Friday afternoons. It is doubtful if any sport here has more interest for the "gallery," and it seems to appeal especially to those who have never handled a gun, and many women are included among those who watch the events. Friday's shoot. Last Friday's shoot drew a field of six contestants and there was a pretty light for the cup oll'ered for the. best score. The event was 25 single targets from the expert traps and was shot from scratch, .1. V. Hall, of Pittsburg, winning by a single bird with 15, J. C. Thompson, of Fast Liverpool, O., Herbert L. Jillson, of Worcester, Mass., and A. C. Babson, of South Orange, X. .1., tied for second with 14 each. TUESDAY'S SHOOT. There were eight contestants in Tues day's shoot, a twenty-live single target, expert trap handicap event. Messrs. I fall, Thompson and Jillson conceded a handicap allowance of five targets to the field, but W. II. Hervey, of New York, did not need the allowance, winning with 15. F. A. King, of Northboro, Mass., and Messrs. Jillson, Thompson and Hall tied for second at 14 each. G. L. Knight, Philadelphia; W. IE. Mofiitt, New York; and W. M. S. Magraw, Philadelphia, were among the other contestants and a goodly company watched the shooting. Another event of the same character is taking place as The Outlook goes to press. Till: JttAllKET AHEtf. Veg-etable Delicacien Furnished are lleing- Much Enjoyed. The Market Garden is contributing many vegetable delicaties to the Village food supply and lettuce, cucumbers and radishes are among the appetizing things being furnished in liberal quantities. The sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips etc., used at the hotels were raised during the summer. Cut Flower at Nurseries. Poses, carnations and violets are plenti ful at the Pinehurst Nurseries. Orders may be left at the General Oltice. AX ATTItACriVK BOOKLET, "Winter Homes in the South" Heady for Distribution. The Southern Pailway has issued a very attractive edition of its usual publication, "Winter Homes in the South." The cover design is an attractive one in colors, and the book is filled with beautiful half tones, and interesting information, together with a tabulated list of hotels. Two pages devoted to Pinehurst, con tain the following information : T Pinehurst is nestled among the pine clad hills of Moore county, North Caro lina, at an elevation of G50 feet above the level of the sea, and is one of North Caro lina's famous resorts. The sand-hill re gion of the state of North Carolina has long been famed as a natural sanitarium, Jin elysium where nature is lavish of her gifts, conducive to that greatest boon to mankind, health. No case of consumption was ever known to originate here, and Pinehurst is one of the few resorts in the country where consumptives are entirely excluded. The climate of Pinehurst and the sur sounding country is mild and soothing, and its wonderful effects are noticable in the cheerful manner of the favored ones, whose better judgement has led them to select it for their winter (iiarters. l'XiaiTY ATIIIACXIVE. New PiiiehurNt Hooklet on Golf Heady for Distribution. A uniquely attractive booklet, "The Poyal and Ancient Game of Golf at Pine hurst,'? is now ready for distribution and may be had on application to the Pine hurst General Office or of Mr. Leonard Tufts, Boston. The cover design depicts "ye game of ye olden times" in colors and the interior of the booklet is filled with interesting illustrations, two in colors and many in tints. Among the photographic repro ductions are many of well-known golfers who are frequent visitors here. IN CULTURED BOSTON. He Hello central! What did you cut me off for? Central You used, sir, a plural verb when it should have been singular The GRAFTON v"mSSSc' - - - tA'J.::.-z1.JLz "-JMMJl.i,mJ THIE GRAFTON is situated on the most fashionable thoroughfare in Washington, very convenient to all point of interest and within live minutes' walk of the White House, State, War, Navy and Treasury Departments, and Coicoran Art Gallery. Cars passing the door run direct to Capitol and depots. The house and furnishings are new. The rooms are arranged both single and en suite, with pri vate baths, and is conducted on the American plan. Kates $3.00 a da v and upward. Long Distance 'Telephone in every room. Especially attractive for ladies traveling alone. HARRINGTON MILLS PROPRIETOR. The Princess Anne Hotel, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. Are you looking for the most delightful spot on this earth? If so don't return home until you come here. The Hotel is only 200 feet from the ocean waves, the gulf stream is near by, making climate charming. Outdoor sports all the year, Golf, Quail shooting, Duck, Geese and other wild fowl in abundance. Pure air and plen ty of sea food. AJIEIIICAIV AUTM EUHOPEAS J?JLAW. WRITE FOU BOOKLETS TO JAWES S. GROXES, President and Manager. HOTEL PKESTOfl, BEACH BLUFF, MASS. One of the most Delightful Resorts on the North Shore. H. W. PRIEST, Proprietor. ESTABROOK & EATON'S WELL KNOWN BRANDS OF Imported and Domestic Cigars Are now on Sale at the Pinehurst Hotels, Store and Bowling Alley. Cobb, Bates & Yerxa Co. Importers and Grocers Hotels, Clubs tind families supplied with the choicest goods in the market. Orders by mail given prompt and careful attention. 222 Summer Street, (Wholesale;) 55 Summer Street, 274 Friend Street, 87 & SO Causeway Street, G & 8 Faneuil Hall Square. ISOSTOX, MASS. FOR TEN YEARS we have been striving to make our drug store the most complete one in this part of the country. Let us prove to you that our efforts have not been in vain. All orders filled promptly ; all prescrip tions filled accurately. J Oil A SOWS PUAimACY, SOUTI1EKN PINES, N. C. Guilford-Benbow Hotel AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS GREENSBORO, N. C. An ideal stop over place for tourist travel to and from Pinehurst, N. (J. Stop over privileges at Greensboro have been arranged on all tourist tickets. These houses are thoroughly modern equipped with passenger elevators, 6team and hot water heat, and telephone systems.