THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK PISTOL SHOOTING TOURNEY Saturday's Handicap Contest Results in an Agreeable Surprise. !Mn. B. II CJleniij, of Sheffield, It! una. IVIiin Cup With IVet Wcore of Two Hundred and Fifty. fOMETIIING in the way of an agreeable surprise was created by the splen did score made by Mrs. J5. $. Glenny, of Shef field, Mass., in Friday's Pistol Tournament, and she carried off the trophy ottered for the best net score, with a handsome margin, making the best gross score of the day with one ex ception ; that made by the scratch par ticipant. Mis. Glenny participated in her first tournament two weeks ago and scored only one or two hits. Last week she made 4G out of a possible 250, and in Fri day's event she did 140, leading her near est opponent in the handicap field by 34 points. There were in all, ten participants the largest number of the season thus far, marking another step forward in the in creasing popularitr which this sport has enjoyed since the opening of the season. Handicaps have been assigned to fully thirty contestants for the shoot which is taking place as The Outlook goes to press. THE SCORES IN DETAIL. Gr. II dp. Net Mrs. li. B. Glenny, SlienU'ld, Mass. 140 110 250 Dr. Geo. S. Hill, Marblehcad, Mass. 116 90 206 G. DeWitt Williamson, New York City. 176 0 176 C W. Frazier, Brooklyn. 97 40 137 Mrs. F. A. King, Northboro, Mass. 21 110 131 J. C. Thompson, E. Liverpool, O. 49 55 104 T. W. Tully, New York City. 90 0 90 F. A. King. Northboro, Mass. No target J. V. Hall, Pittsburg. No target P. S. Crawley, Montclair, N. J. No target Sunday Services. Sunday services will be held regularly in The Village Hall Sunday morning; Episcopal services at ten and Union at eleven-fifteen. OueHtN at The X,xlug-fon. Mrs. J. E. Lambie and Master Edward, of Erie, Pa., and Miss N. D. Toe, of New ork, are guests at The Lexington. Mliis lHott Wind Oolf Cup. An informal golf feature of the week was an invitation tournament for a cup presented by F. W. Kenyon, of New .ork, which was won by Miss Lela Elliott, of Waterville, N. II. lilt. GEOAGE S. 1 1 ILL. Pistol Club Committee Elect Him President This Week's Handicaps. At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Pinehurst Target Pistol Club, held at The Holly Inn Monday evening, Dr. George S. Hill, of Marble head, Mass., was elected president to fill the vaneancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Herbert J. Hall. Plans for the winters shoots were dis cussed and rules governing them were adopted which will be posted at the butts. The prospect for a successful season is unusually bright. AT THE 1MH LT111 FAllItt. llirthdaj Parties Tills Week More Prize Winners Coming'. The coming week was a busy one at the Poultry Farm with birthday parties are booked for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th. Thursday and Friday were the days of special interest to visitors. The hatching last Tuesday, broke all records for the season 309 downy chicks tumbling forth from their shells with great rejoicing at the prospect of waxing fat and then delighting the guests of Pinehurst. Another invoice of choice breeding stock is expected during the week in the way of Black Minorcas, prize winners at the great Madison Square Garden and Boston shows. One of the cocks expect ed is the son of a bird at the head of a pen of five birds which recently sold for $5,000. Seventy-Six Present. Hev. J. 15. Seabury reports a most gratifying attendance at the Sunday Union services, seventy-six being present last Sabbath. --'...v. ;( ; - . - - v - V f 4.- ,- - '.' I . ,"-"( - . ' P ; J I MASTER GEORGE HAYES. MaBter Hayes made the best score in the pre liminary round of the boys tournament for The Outlook trophy last Saturday. THE HOIihY IM PINEHURST, N. 0. 5. 111-, ' Vn VJ'.-'""-ly xrsw- w m ! '.in..J The Holly Inn is one of the most attractive hotels in the South. Since it was built in 1895, it has been necessary to enlarge it several times to meet the constantly increasing demand. The interior is elegant, cheerful and tasteful. No modern con venience is lacking. There are bath rooms, electric lights, steam heat and open fireplaces. There is a call bell in every room, and all beds are furnished with best hair mattresses. An orchestra furnishes fine concerts daily, and also provides for dancing. The cuisine is unsurpassed. The waitresses are all white girls from the North. Hooms for billiards and other games are provided in the hotel. A. I. CREAMER, Manager. TINLHURST.TL& . The Harvard, PINEHURST, N. C. This recently completed hotel is centrally located be tween The Carolina and The Holly Inn. It is modern in every respect, having electric lights, steam heat and several suites with bath, and with its cottage annex and large dining room accommo dates seventy-five guests. The Cuisine is in charge of a competent chef, and the table service ia guaranteed satisfactory. F. H. ABBOTT, Manager. THE UPLANDS BETHLEHEM, N. H. F. 1-5. ABBOTT, - Proprietor- Address until May Jst, PINEHURST, N. C The Mt kineo House, KINEO, Moosehead Lake, MAINE. Nature's Ideal Summer Wilderness, Lake and Mountain Resort for Climate, Scenery and Location. Send for Booklet C A. JUDK.INS, - - manager. Pinehurst Casino Cafe Provides excellent New England cooking and table board at a moderate price. F. H. ABBOTT, Manager,