PAGE THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK CITY OF GREENSBORO Itpossesses Many Attractions for Visitors From the North. Guilfr"1 Ilevolutionarr Mattlo Ground of ,,ecial liiteretInter.tlng-Information. UK close proximity of IMnehurst to the city of Greensboro, and the fact that visitors here pass through the place both going ami coming, causes mny to make short visits or stop over oitlipr going or coming. The place is one of much interest, being a typical Southern city and the hotel JUuilford-lienbow, af fords the most satisfactory accommoda tions. Greensboro, is situated in the Pied mont section, on the main line of the Southern J Jail way, claims many advan tages as a winter resort for tourists from the north who are, at this time of the year, wending their way southward, and js espec ially inviting to those who, with the majority, lind it wise to break the long journey from the northern states to the extreme warmth of the far south. The climate is temperate and dry; and (Jrecnshoro occupies an 'altitude of 300 feet which is sulliciently high to give it a dry and bracing air in a latitude just far enough south to give a delightful and temperate mildness to the climate. The County of Guilford, named in honor of Lord North, Karl of Guilford, was formed in 1770, and here was fought, March loth, 1781, the liattle of Guilford Court House, in which the British troops, under Lord Cornwallis received at the hands of General Nathaniel Greene the turning blow under which it staggered until it surrendered at Yorktown. Greensboro derives its name from Gen end Greene. The Iiattle Ground which is about thirty minutes drive from the hotel door, i now marked by many beautiful monuments and long lines of small "qua re marble stones mark the lines of battles. A number of tombs of heroes of those stormy days maybe found on this Hi'ld. An interesting feature not to be overlooked n a visit to this battle field, is the famous llattle Ground Oak which measures seven feet in diameter and which owes its prominence to the fact that Lord Cornwallis, horse bit the top oft of it while a liulo more than a sprout. Another fj'atuiv which will repay the visitor his tune, is tin. museum which contains many interest ino- lvics 0f tj10 involution. The 1 luted states Congress has recently "'i'uV an appropriation of 10,000.00 for the erection of a monument to Generals laviilsnn and Francis Nash, and Senator Aldrich of Ubode Jsland has introduced a "ill in the Senate to erect a memorial 8,,:d't to General Greene. Hotels Guilford and lienbow oiler to tourists accommodations the equal of any of the 'nest resort hotels to be found in south. Both houses are heated with 8toam il"d hot water, have passenger ele ctors, : i Hil jiii hit mvwnniiu'it inr 1 ole- plioiie system between the bed rooms, nearly, all of which are connected with private baths. These are operated on the American and European plans, have their own central plant which furnishes ice, electricity, and heat, and also the laundry ror tlie guests. An electric coach meets all trains at the Union Station which is about two blocks distant from the hotels. The Grand Opera House is in a circuit which guarantees to Greensboro the best attractions that come South. The roads leading out from Greensboro are macadamized and go through an at tractive rolling country. Heart Party at The Inn. The weekly hearts party at The Holly Inn Tuesday evening was, as usual, en joyed by a large number of players. The first women's prize, a leather writing pad, was won by Miss Delano, of Boston. Mrs. II. L. Caswell, West Va., took second, a sewing chatelaine, and the third, a sil ver hat pin went to Mrs. C. P. Heyward, East Orange, N. J. The first men's prize, a gold scarf pin, was won by Mr. F. li. McFeely, Pittsburg. Mr. II. M. Kida bock,. New York, secured second, a bridge whist set, and the third, a silver pencil, went to Mr. D. W. Coon, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. The participants were, Mr. and Mrs. Case, 31 r. and Mrs. Munger, Mr. and Mrs. Converse, 31 r. and Mrs. Hansel, Mr. and Mrs. Head, Miss Elenor Head, Dr. and .Mrs. Marvel, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Hidabock, .Mrs. Byrnes, Mrs. Parke Wright, Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Delano, Mrs. McFeely, Mrs. Hogg, Mrs. Knowlton, Mrs. Posenfeld, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Palmer, 31 is. Davis, Miss Davis, Mrs. Abbott, Miss Carey, Miss Joost, Miss Durkee, Miss Huston, Mr. Scott, Mr. Tracy, Mr. Abels, Mr. Cas well. l'reavnt for Mr. Itobinaon. The guests at The Cedars presented Mr. J. Milton Bobinson, the manager of The Lenox, with a very handsome burnt wood clock on the occasion of the recent celebration of his birthday. VEliV SELECT. The Tenderfoot -1 say, Old thap, is your intv solnct out bore? Bad 15111 It sure is. Why, I killed a dude from the East myself hist week who tried to uuw imu one of our dances without an invite. NEW ORLEANS "THE GATEWAY OF THE MISSISSIPPI" The Coming Great City of the Great South. The Largest Cotton, Rice and Sugar Market In the World THE MOST POPUIAH WINTER IIESOIIT IN AMERICA Continuous IIor Racing-, Golf !inU, Ilunting- and JFUhlng Comfort, Health, Ileaure NEW ST. CUAllLEi HOT EI, Modern, Fireproof, First-Class. Accommodating One Thousand Guests Turkish, Russian, Roman and Plain Baths. Luxurious Sun Baths and Palm Garden ANDREW R. BLAKELY & COMPANY, Limited, Proprietors. THE Pinehurst Pharmacy Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Druggist Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ete. Prescriptions a Specialty Compounded by liegistered Pharmacists. Choice Confectionery in Large Assortment. Big Line ol Imported and Domestic Cigars. SODA SPECIALTIES Egg Phosphates Malted Milk Drinks lee Cream Soda and College Ices. Ice Cream to take out by the pint and quart. THE MAGNOLIA PINEHURST, N. C. Open November 1st, to Hay 1st. Steam Heat and Open Fires, Electric Lights and Baths with hot and cold water. Sunday Hours 9 to 10 a. m. and 2 to 9 p. m. VIC TO It E. lFIO V CO., of Washington, 1. C. AT - - THE CASINO - Jewelry and Bric-a-Brac Jewelry Repairing-. PAi'i iikiiix Ji:n Jewelry and Novelties, The CAROLINA, IIouim: A. M. to . I. Jf. THE NEWS DEPOT An up-to-date Bookstore. Fine line of Stationery, Toys and Novelties. Large stock of Souvenirs and Sporting Goods. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. J. L. POTTLE, Manager. The Pine Grove House, riHEIIUIlST, If. c. Pleasantly located near a large pine gove. sunnj rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. FRANK B. POTTLE. - Manager. EAGLE INN, Oil WELL - - - EIITIOXT. A delightful summer home, located on high ground in the beautiful Lake Cham plain valley, between the Adirondacki and the Green Mountains. Superb climate tmre snrinir water, correspondence solic ited. For information and booklet address, F. B. KIMBALL, Proprietor, Orwell, Vermont. E. L. MERROW, Photographer. Bric-a Brae, Burned Wood and Leather Novel ties. Jewelry and Art Needle Work. Photographic Supplies and Films. Finishing for Amateurs, a Specialty. PINEHURST, N. C. THE ST. JOHN, Charleston,. S. C. New porches and sun parlor since last season : over 50 new baths; steam heat throughout; also open fires. Best equipped ; nearest the Battery. Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Boating, etc. St. John Hotel Co., Owners and Proprietors. LAKEWOOD, N. J. iSljgK' KL" & posite, Laurel House; a quiet homelike family hotel; sunny rooms, modern improvements, as clean'as a new cent; good things to eat; dairy products, poultry etc., from the Lexington farm and are the best; rates $2.50 per day and up; $15 per week and up. People come again and send friends. Booklet. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, OF BOSTON Manicuring, chiropody, shampooing and massage. Hoom3 1 he Carolina. EOF TEIN YE MRS we have been striving to make our drug store the most complete one in this part of the country. Let us prove to you that our eflorts have not been in vain. All orders filled promptly ; all prescrip tions filled accurately. jouxsoar'S pharmacy, SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Dr. GEORGE S. HILL, Resident House Physician, Office at The IIoll y Inn. 1IOURS: 9.30 to 10.30 a. m; 2.00 to 3.00 p. m. 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. THE LENOX .... . . . THE CONCORD pxxeiixtust, x. c. By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detail, and en deavoring to suit the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation established during the past five years. J. M, ROBINSON, Manager.