mBHK2?"2n THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK PAGE ; Uf. K PI it ?; Ill; 3 EH Mr BOWLING INTEREST GROWING League Matches Drawing Together Large Crowds Including Many Guests. Department Store Team Leads With Carolina and Holly Inn Making Hitter Fig-lit for Second. ! ACII additional week adds to the interest in the series of matches beinjr rolled by the local bowl ing league, and while the Department Store team still maintains a good lead with GOG per cent, ten games won and live lost, it is by no means having a walkover. The Holly Inn and Carolina teams are fight ing for second place, at the same time keeping an eye on first, very bitterly, and the feature of the week was the game rolled Tuesday evening which The Caro lina team won by a narrow margin. The matches are drawing together large crowds, including many guests of the Village, both men and women. Sing ing and cheering by the supporters of the rival teams is proving an interesting feature. FRIDAY EVENING. DEPARTMENT STORE. Ellis 94 118 112 324 Ward 102 Y2i 98 322 Baxter 114 100 13!) 3r3 Stillings 152 134 124 410 Robinson 141 118 141 400 G03 592 614 1,809 THE CAROLINA. Austin 145 128 130 403 Albee 111 125 130 306 Francili 131 140 100 371 Danzi 153 97 125 375 94 100 98 292 634 590 583 1,807 TUESDAY EVEN IXC J. THE CAROLINA. Danzi 116 176 129 421 Wheeler 97 113 97 307 Albee 149 104 147 400 Austin 150 145 149 444 Francili 111 124 132 367 623 662 654 1,939 HOLLY INN. Turner 103 113 105 321 Mulcahy 132 123 150 405 Dodd 149 173 127 449 Ruggles 133 122 111 306 Yeager 125 117 105 347 642 648 598 1,888 Oriental Novelties. D. A. Fuleihan, of New York, is at The Carolina for his second season with a fascinating exhibition of Oriental novel ties, laces, etc. Ciuemt at The Cedai-M. Mr. Charles II. Dow, Boston, Mass., is at The Cedars for his third season in Pine hurst. Rev. 11. K. Harlow, Medway, Mass., is here for the remainder of the season. JIMS. SA11INE 13 XEIITAWTS. Follows Out Custom Observed Annual j Since Seventj-Six. Mrs. Margaret Sabine, Syracuse, N. Y., entertained very pleasantly, Wednesday evening, with a dinner given in honor of Washington's birthday. Nine covers were laid, the guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foot, Rye, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fresbrey, Miss Burnham, New York; Mr. W. G. Laphain, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cotter, and Mrs. II. W. Friest. Following dinner an hour was spent pleasantly with informal toasts and story telling. Mrs. Sabine has given a similar dinner annually since 187G, and used as the spec ial decorative feature, a large American Hag upon which is embroidered the names of the places, both in this country and abroad, where the dinners have been given. Ex-Governor .McLean a Guest. Ex-Governor George F. McLean, of Connecticut, was among Friday morn ing's arrivals at The Carolina. C. I. Becker Wins Putting. The first of a series of putting compe titions arranged for Saturday afternoons, was held last week, C. L. Becker, of Bos ton, winning the trophy offered, a leather, golf club fob and seal. Sunday Evening- Concert. A general invitation is extended to the guests of the Village to attend the regu lar Sunday evening concerts at The Caro lina, Prof. Trev. Sharp announces the following program for tomorrow evening : Maestoso Religioso "Agnus Dei" Bizet Overture "Banditenstreichc" Suppe Andante from "Italian Symphony" Mendelssohn Pianoforte Sole a "The Rose" Macdowell b "Shadow Dance" Macdowell "Iieirense" Karganoft" (1 "Autumn" Macdowell Miss Lufkin Selection Scenes from "Carmen" Bizet Violin Solo "Adoration" Borowski Miss Abbott Serenata "I Studenti" Bucalossi Hymn "God Be With You" Tomer (Guests Please Join in Singing) f I mi $ t H ''X L-HI l:f:x 'if' GRAY AND THE PUPS. NEW ORLEANS "THE GATEWAY OF THE MISSISSIPPI" The Coming Great City of the Great South. The Largest Cotton, Rice and Sugar Market in the World THE MOST POPULAR WISTEH IIESOIIT IW AMERICA Continuous Horse Ilacing-, Golf Xiinks, limiting- and JFUhlng Comfort, Health, Pleasure NEW ST. C1IA11IES HOTEL Modern, Fireproof, First-Class. Accommodating One Thousand Guests Turkish, Russian, Roman and Plain Baths. Luxurious Sun Baths and Palm Garden ANDREW R. BLAKELY & COMPANY, Limited, Proprietors. HOTEL RICHMOND, 7th and M Sts. Unshlnpton . D. C Strictly first class. Admirably located for the entertainment of visitors to Wash ington. Two squares from the White House. Modern appointments. Long distance telephone throughout. CLIFFORD M. LEWIS, Proprietor. Pinehurst Pharmacy Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Druggist Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ete. Prescriptions a Specialty Compounded by registered Pharmacists. Choice Confectionery in Large Assortment. Big Line of Imported and Domestic Cigars. SODA SPECIALTIES Egg Phosphates Malted Milk Drinks lee Cream Soda and College Ices. Ice Cream to take out by the pint and quart. Sunday Hours 9 to 10 a. m. and 2 to 9 p. m. VI ( J on DESIO fc CO., of Washing-ton, I). C. AT - THE CASINO Jewelry and Bric-a-Brac. Jewelry Ilepairing-. PAUL REIIXIlEIlf,;, Jewelry and Novelties, The CAROLINA, IIoui-m: O A. XI. to .1 l. jff. THE INE1AS DEPOT An up-to-date Bookstore. Fine line of Stationery, Toye and Novelties. Large stock of Souvenirs and Sporting Goods. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. LAKEWOOD, N. J. I , & posite, Laurel House; a quiet homelike family hotel; sunny rooms, modern improvements, as clean as a new cent; good things to eat; dairy products, poultry etc., from the Lexington farm and are the best; rates $2.50 per day and up; $15 per week and up. People come again and send friends. Booklet. THE LENOX . . . THE CONCORD i"Jt3fEiiunsT, ar . c. By providing home comforts, giving personal attention to detail, and en deavoring to suit the tastes of guests, we intend to maintain the reputation established during the pas; rive years. J. AU ROBINSON, Manager. THE MAGNOLIA PINEHURST, N. C. Open November 1st, to May 1st. Steam Heat and Open Fires, Electric Lights and Baths with hot and cold water. J. L. POTTLE, Manager. The Pine Grove House, PIXEIItTItST, If. c. Pleasantly located near a large pine gove, sunny rooms, good beds, steam heat, electric lights and baths with hot and cold water. HUNK B. POTTLE, EAGLE ORWELL - - Manager. VEItMOXT. A delightful summer hom, located on high ground in tbu beautiful Lake Cham plain valley, between the Adirondack! and the Green Mountains. Superb cllmatt pure sprlnsc water. Correspondence solic ited. For Information and booklet address, V. B. KIMBALL, Proprietor, Orwell, Vermont. E. L. VIE R ROW, Photographer. Brlc-a Brae, Burned Wood and Leather Novel ties, Jewelry and Art Needle Work. Photographic Supplies and Films. Finishing for Amateurs, a Specialty. PINEHURST, - - N. C. D. A. FULEIHAN OF NEW YOItK Itooin 1 The Carolina. 0 A.M. to ! I'.M- Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits, La ces, Kimonas, Shawls, Draperies, Ori ental Goods and Novelties. : : FOR TEN YEARS we have been striving to make our drug gore the most complete one in this part of the country. Let us prove to you that our efforts have not been in vain. All orders filled promptly ; all prescrip tions filled accurately. JOIIXSOiV'S PHABMACli SOUTHERN PINES, V. C Dr. GEORGE S. HILL, Resident House Physician, Office at The ITollj Inn- Hours: 9.30 to 10.30 a. m; 2.00 to 3.00 p. m. 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. Miss Laura Agnes Walker, OF BOSTON Manicuring, chiropody, shampooing and massage. Room 3 The Carolina. MIMOSA HOTEL Winter and spring hotel, 1 1-2 miles from 1 rj ou Station. Send for booklet. W. H. STJ2ARX&. : c. '