PINEHURST OUTLOOK 9 .V 1 : hi ;; 12H In .r- f 1 tt 1 ' : 4 t. f pi' , f.r.; J, .' r Published Saturday Morning, Twenty-five Weeks in the year, at Plneburst, Moore County, North Carolina. (Founded by James W. Tufts.) Herbert L. Jillson, Editor. Th Ontlnnt Publishing Company,. Publishers. One Dollar Annually, Payable in Advance; Five Cents a Copy. Address Communications and make Remit tances payable to The Outlook publishing Company. Entered in the Post Office at Pinehurst, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter. SATUIII1AY MA IIC II. 4, 1005 At the Coif Club Tea. How charming you're looking today, dear! (Aside : What a frock ! It's a fright !) How lovely those red decorations! (A side : They're a horrible sight!) I wish I could manage as you do (Aside: If I couldn't do better!) To make things so pleasant and cozy. There's Mrs. De Vorse. Have you met her? O, no ! She's not really so bad, dear ! But they say (See her waist ! How it humps !) That her first husband (Tea? O, yes, thank you! A little with sugar two lumps). Now; what was I saying just then? O, About that strange Mrs. De Vorse, That her first husband what? You don't mean it? Why, it isn't her own hair, of course ! Yes, she does do it cleverly ! Heavens ! There's young Mr. Bachelor! Look! I've heard he's in love. There's the person Who wrote that disgusting new book. Yes, I've read it. Why, haven't you, really? You must! It's too rich ! What a tub ! They say that she's can't get a figure. No matter How cool! What a snub! See that awful Miss Freak yes, the young one The girl in the very loud pink. How on earth she got asked I can't fathom ; It's her grandfather's millions, I think. O, millions will take you to heaven, But they won't make the saints take you in! Did you notice Miss Darling's complexion? She daubs it on so! It's a sin! Another cup? Mercy, no, thank you ! Where on earth did you get such good tea ? (Aside : Why, it's poison. She serves it, But it certainly wouldn't suit me!) Well, dearest, I'm going. Yes, really! That music is simply sublime! (Aside: What a discord!) Goodby, dear! I've had such a beautiful time! N. Y. Press. 'e'en,' The Editor Itegret. Into the office, ink-begrimed, A fairy vision flew; She left a poem to be read, Tied up with ribbon blue. 'Twas sprinkled well with "o'er" and And such poetic pets, And so he put a slip within The Editor Regrets. Yet she herself a poem was Of perfect workmanship, And simply perfect were the feet He heard so lightly trip. His wealth is small. That poem fair His peace of mind upsets; It was not offered to him, still The Editor Regrets. -N T.Sun. MIDSEASON COMMENCEMENT Sports and Pleasures In Doors and Out at Their Height. lVi'i Arrivals at Various Hotel Include Many Old Friends and Iistiiig-iiilied Visitors. HE week marks the com mencemeut of the mid- season and witnesses the beginning of a demand for accommodations at the various hotels which it will be hard to supply. Beautiful weather has been the rule, and there is a suggestion of spring in the balmy air, the swelling buds and the awakening birds. Sports and pleasures indoors and out, together with many pleasant social events, have filled in the time completely and delightfully. Prominent among the new comers are many distinguished visi tors. Ex-Governor .McLean and benator Cook of Connecticut, President Ramsey of the Wabash Railroad, President Taylor of Vassar college,and Contractor John 1J. McDonald, being among the week's ar rivals at The Carolina. AT THE CAIlOI.I A. Great House Full of Guests Finding Enjoyment in Doors and Out. A congenial house full of guests are finding enjoyment both indoors and out at The Carolina, and many old friends are returning:. AMONG THE GUESTS. Col. R. S. Thompson, and Mrs. G. K. Sage, Chicago, are making a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. Drucklieb, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Surburg, New York, are completing a brief stay. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Grosvenor, Beach Bluff, Mass., spent a portion of the week here on their way west. Mr. and Mrs. Irving G. Day, Newark, N. J., are here for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Foster, Boston, will make a ten days visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gummere, South Bethle hem, Pa., are here for March and a return visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cliino, Mr. Bascom Little, Cleve land, come to remain until spring and for their fourth season. Mr. II. L. Young, Mr. J. E. Soule, Philadel phia, are making a return visit. Mr. W. II. Woodhull, Mr. C. B. Baldwin, Syra- cuse, N. Y., are here for golf. Ex-governor George P. McLean of Connecti cut, joins Senator Cook. Mr. Bancroft G. Davis, Boston, is making his second visit. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Jackson, Pittsburg, will remain several weeks. Mr. J. F. Shanley, Jr., Newark, joins his par ents. Mr. II. J. Ruesch and Mr. II. Blank, Newark. are completing a short visit. Mrs. Lyman Moore, Miss Moore, Hamilton. Can., will spend March here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramsey, Jr., Miss Ramsev. Miss Mary Ramsey, St. Louis, Mrs. Kirtland, Miss Kirtland, Mr. A. D. Palmer, Orange, N. J., Col. and Mrs. S. C. Reynolds, Toledo, O., are here to remain several weeks and for a return visit. Mr. Kamsey is president of the Wabash railroad. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bennett, Albany, are com pleting a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. G. Bremer, Mrs. William M. Bremer, Miss Maud C. Bremer, Boston, are here for several weeks. Mr. John G. Walker, Mr. Clemmens C. Jones Richmond, Va., are making a return visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Dennison, New York, will make a long sojourn. Mrs. M. D. Paterson and Miss Clarice Pater- son. New York, return for the season and are welcomed by many former acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. James N. North, Boston, are here for March. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Winston, Philadelphia, will remain until April. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. B. At water, New York, come for a few weeks' visit. Contractor John B. McDonald, New York, re turns for golf and rest. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pratt Miss Pratt, Morris Pratt, Brooklyn, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor, Miss Taylor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., will remain several weeks. Dr. Taylor is president of Vassar col lege. Miss Carstairs, Philadelphia, joins Mrs. A. W. Mellon. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Towell, Ottawa, Can., will remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Ward and Mr. W. J Convill, New York. Mr. W. J. Gordon, New York, joins his brother. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Nase, New York, will re main through March. Mr. A. W. Mellon, Pittsburg, rejoins Mrs. Meilon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Day, Mr. Leonard N. Doggett, New Haven, will remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kittle, Master P. Hamilton Kittle, New York, are completing a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. H. Church and son, Wash- ington, D. C, will remain several weeks. Miss Thomas, Philadelphia, Miss Oliver Wash ington, Miss Clark, New York, Miss Magraw, Baltimore, are among the week's arrivals. Mr. W. B. Johnson, Now York, joins friends. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Freeman, Montclair, N. J., spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Guerney, Jr., New York, are making an extended visit. Mr. Robert F. McGaw, Dr. P. M. Peltz, Phila- delphia, are recent arrivals. Mr. Donald Day, Syracuse, N. Y joins friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mix, New York, Mrs. G. D. Webber and daughter, Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Meldrun, New York, are here for a short visit. Mr. Meldrun is vice-president of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Mr. A. W. Clapp, Miss Clapp, Boston, are here for March. Miss Albro, New York, and Miss Jones, Brook lyn, will remain several weeks. Miss Ellen E. Clark, Miss Bessy B. Barrows, Haverhill, come for March. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Renshaw, child and maid, Altoona, Pa., are here for a month's visit. Mr. John L. High and Mr. George H. Calvert, Pittsbuig, are here for an extended rest. Mr. George B. Witter, Worcester, and Mr. J. Russell May, Boston, are making a short visit. Miss L. F. Haynes, New York, joins her father and sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stetson, Boston, are niak- ing a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Collins, New York, were among Wednesday's arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stark, Norfolk, are spend- Ing March here. The Misses Valentine, Bellefonte, Pa., return for their annual visit. Mrs. Wilbur P. Rice and the Misses Rice, Bos ton, are here for March. Mrs. A. F. Hallette, Miss Hallette, Miss Marion Hallette, Somerville and Mr. G. P. Howard. Boston, are making a ten days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Reid, Pittsburg, are making a ten days visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Thayer, Miss Helen Thayer, Mrs. W. II. Hyde, Mrs. M. Ross, Ridgeway, Pa., are here for March. Mrs. Harry G. Rand and Miss Rand, Troy, N. Y., join Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lockwood. Miss Morna Bate, Ottawa, Canada, joins her father. Mr. John D. Mcllhenny, and Mr.' Francis S. Mcllhenny, Philadelphia, come for golf. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Treadwell, New York, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Kellinger, Lebanon, Pa., will remain two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Beacon, Mis"s Catherine. Mt. Holly, N. J., were among Thursday's arrivals. Mr. G. II. Johnson and Mr. A. G. Johnson. New York, are here for a months rest. AT THE 1I(LL1 for dales it, Departing- Guests Jflake lloom Newcomers. The Holly Inn is finding accomm tions for new arrivals only as depart ; make room for them. AMONG THE GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Do Lamater, Newliol.i, . J., return for an extended stay. Mrs. C. C. Compland and Miss H. W. Kn Philadelphia, are hero for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. . Briggs Wadsworth, Muster Briggs Wadsworth, Jr., Master Bradford Wads worth and Miss Edna G. Wadsworth, Boston, come for a long sojourn. Mrs, N. B. Williams, Miss Williams and .Mr. E. P. Williams, Bridgeport, Cr., are hereto re main until spring. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robertson, Pittsburg, will spend several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pennock, Syracuse, will remain pome weeks. Mr. John Hauchahau and Mr. A. P. Wilbur, Canandaigua, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. J. C. Wil bur, Miss Mary Wilbur and Miss Wilbur, at The Dogwood. Mrs. George E. Bristol, Hamilton, Canada, re turns to remain till the house closes. Mrs. M. F. Jones and Mrs. L. O. Crane, Brook -line, Mass., come for a long visit, Mrs. Crane joining her husband. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Noxon, Pittstleld, are here for March. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Caskey, New York, join Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Seiter and Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Scheaff. Mr. S. L. Smith, Warren, Pa., is here for the golf. Mrs. W. A. Erwin and two children, North Carolina, will remain until spiing. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClain and Bruce Mc- Clain, New York, M ill spend some weeks here. Mr. II. B. Hogg, Parkers burg, W. Va., join his wife. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Waterhouse, Miss Water house and Mr. G. B. Waterhouse, Centreville. K. I., are here for a return visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Morton and Mr. A. Marcus M. Morton, Boston, return for a long sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitney, Hartford, Ct., will spend six weeks here. Mr. W. W. Benson, Albany, is here for an ex tended visit. Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Gould, Newport, Vt., were guests of the week. At The Harvard. Mr. Harrison Townsend, Jr., Philadelphia, comes for several weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee Knight, of the Honeysuckle cottage. Mrs. Martha S. Hollinshcad and Miss Mabel E. Hollinshead, Moorestown, N. J., are completing a brief visit. Mrs. Charles S. Kohler, Mr. Harold L. Kohler and Master Carl Kohler, New York, arc here for a long sojourn. Mr. W. O. Riddick and Mr. M. C. McDonald, Richmond, Va., made a brief visit during the week. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Brazer, Philadelphia, are completing a short visit. Mr. George A. Mosher, Troy, N. Y., is here tor a return visit, renewing many pleasant acquaint ances formed in years past. Dr. Walter E. Fisher and Mr. Erwin F. Kuehn, New York, return for a few weeks after a south ern trip. Among other arrivals were : Mr. A. II. Kellry, Virginia; Mr. W. P. Munday, Roanoke, Va.; W. A. Erwin, West Durham, N. C; Mr. William Coffee, Asheville, N. C; Mr. N. Megrow, Balti more; Mr. C. W. Tank, New York; Mr. A. ! Bleazby, Detroit. Foot Wins Farmer's Cup. The tie play-oft' between J. ! Fool . Rye, N. Y., and A. I. Creamer, Non'i Conway, N. II., Wednesday, for tr( Farmer's cup was won by J. L. Foot, 1 1 1 ft ! .. up, 21 holes. Mr. loot conceaea Creamer five strokes handicap. $ lit;. :;v:i n