ALLAN LARD CLUB CHAMPION OUT. C. II. Rosenfeld, New York, VILLAGE DEFEATS CAROLINA Lard, 653 445 645-41 Becker, 553 446 53439 IN. Lard, 535 454 535394180 Becker, 435 454 6464139-80 57 57 114 18 96 Final Round With L. D. Pierce Ends Tournament of Unnsnal Interest. Season's First Base Ball Game Promises Well for Series Arranged. Twenty-Two Ilole Semi-Final Match Iletween lard and Decker Feature of lVeek Foot Win Consolation. lIIK annual "Club Cham pionship" golf tourna ment, begun Saturday, which ended during the week, was the closest and most interesting event of its character in the history of the club, Allan Lard, Washington, defeating L. D. Pierce, North Adams, (Mass.,) Country Club, live up and 'four to play, in the final round. J. D. Foot, Appawa niis, won the consolation, defeating G. EXTRA HOLES. Lard, 54 351797 Becker, 54 361898 QUALIFICATION ROUND. In the qualification round L. D. Pierce led the field with a gross score of 84, winning the medal offered. Allan Lard scored second with 87 and C. L. Becker and Dr. W. E. Fisher tied for third at 88. The net score medal went to II. S.Gor don, who scored 72 net, playing with a handicap of 18. The sixteen to qualify were as follows : FAILED TO QUALIFT. M. B. Byrnes, New York; Fred. A. King, Northboro.Mass.; E. B. Lockwood, New York; II. M. Waters, New York; Charles Hansel, New York. THE SUMMARY. The full match play summary follows : First Round-E. N. Wright beat II. A. North, 5 and 4; C.L.Becker beat J. D, Foot, 3 and 2; Allan Lard beat C. II. Rosenfeld, 7 and 6; M. K. Waters beat G. W. Lindsay, 3 and 2; M. C. Par, shall beat II. W. Ormsbee, by default; L. E. Wardwell beat Dr. W. E. Fisher, 7 and 5; L. D. Pierce beat G. Lee Knight, by default; W. S. North beat II. S. Gordon, 3 and 1. Second Round Becker beat Wright, 4 and 2; Lard beat Waters, 7 and 6; Wardwell beat Par shall, 1 up; Pierce beat North, 3 and 2. Semi-finals Lard beat Becker, 1 up, 22 holes; Pierco beat Wardwell, 5 and 4. Fin als Lard beat Pierce 5 and 4. P CONSOLATION. First Round Lindsay beat Ormsbee by de- Good Hatter? Work and Hard Hit ting1 the featured Pi nehurst De feats Southern Pine. score of 7 to 3. HE local base ball season opened Saturday after noon, with an interesting game between the Village and Carolina teams,which the former won by a Good battery work, hard hitting and fielding which shows good material, promises well for the series of matches arranged, and which will be much enjoyed by visitors here. Captain Frawley of The Carolina teanf 'U I H . . '' ' ' ' '".: e W. Lindsay, Philadelphia, four up and two to play in the finals. The features of the week were the matches between C. L. Becker, Boston, and Mr. Foot in the first round, and the 22-hole match between Mr. Lard and Mr. Keeker in the semi-finals. At the turn Mr. Becker had Mr. Foot four down and at the eleventh hole dor mle six. The twelfth hole was halved in four, Mr. Foot then winning the thir teenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and six teenth, in order, and losing the match on the seventeenth, 32. Mr. Becker had Mr. Lard dormie three on the fifteenth hole, but the Washing ton player took the last three holes in succession, evening the match on the eighteenth, and winning on the twenty second, 56. The medal play scores for the eighteen holes were eighty each (ap proximately), the last four holes being played in 17 and 18, respectively ; or a total for the twenty-two holes of 97 for Mr. Lard and 98 for Mr. Becker. TAKTICI PANTS IN TIN WHISTLES THE SCORKS. Out Iu. Gr. Hp. H. S. Gordon, New York. 46 44 00 18 72 L. D. Pierce, Boston,. 44 40 84 10 74 Dr. W. E. Fislier, New York,. 45 4;J 88 12 76 L. E. Wardwell, Camden, Me., 44 46 90 10 80 H. A.Noith, Chicago, 51 44 95 15 80 II. W. Ormsbee, Brooklyn, M 47 97 16 61 G. W. Lindsay, " Philadelphia. 46 44 90 8 82 G.Lee Knight, Philadelphia, 46 4S 94 12 82 E.N. Wright, . - Newton Centre, Mass., 48 45 9J 11 M C. L. Becker, Boston, 42 46 88 5 83 J. D. Foot, Kye.N.Y., 44-45 89 3 86 Allan Lard, Washington, 43 44 8 0 87 X;" , M. K. Waters, Lakewood,N.J., 7 46 92 2 90 GOLl-' FROLIC THE MONKEY TOURNAMENT. fault; Knight beat Rosenfeld, 8 and 6, Gordon beat North by default; Foot beat Fisher, 5 and 3. Net semi-finals Lindsay beat Knight, 3 and 2; Foot beat Gordon, 2 and 1. Finals Foot beat Lindsay, 4 and 2. HumiBiag-e Sale. A rummage sale will be held at the Village Hall Saturday March 25, after noon and evening. Proceeds to go to wards the building fund of the Episcopal Church. Any persons having secondhand cloth ing, books, magazines, or anything that will be useful for the colored people in this vicinity, are asked to contribute. Children' Birthdaj Party. A birthday party in honor of little Miss Doris Milham, was given Tuesday even ing at The Palmetto. A very interesting program of recitations and songs was ren dered by the children, and refreshments were served. says he can strengthen his nine consider ably and he hopes to even matters in the next game, and Captain Blake of the Vil lage team is just as firmly convinced that he can win out with an unbroken series of victories. The make-up of the teams for Satur day's game was as follows : VILLAGE CAROLINA. Smith c. Ilannan Rogers p. Albee Blake l..b. Pallitt Charlie 2 b. Frawley Berry 3 b. Lee Abbott b. s. Mulcahy Baxter 1. f . Smith Kaler c. f. Monahan Yaeger r. f. Whit In a game last week the Pinehurst team defeated Southern Pines, 12 to 11. GAME SATURDAY. The Village and Carolina nines cross bats this afternoon (Saturday), for their, second game.