PAGE .PS8jlf THE """ST "TLO0K OUT-OF-DOOR FOLKS. The question of healthful, strengthening food is an im portant one to those who engage freely in out-of-door sports and recreations, whether for health or pleasure. Open air life calls for foods which embodies in the high est possible degree strengthening and vitalizing qualities. Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit precisely meets these requirements. It is composed of the whole wheat berry, which analysis shows to contain in con centrated form, every element entering into the composition of the human body. It builds bone, teeth, muscle and tissues, and supplies vim and energy. It is a tempting food, as it may be prepared in hun dreds of ways with milk, cream, eggs, fruit and vegetables something new for every meal. Always serve according to directions in "The Vital Question Cook Book," which we send free. Xriscuit, the whole wheat cracker, take the place of bread it is health ier and better in every way. Try "Toasted Triscuit and Cheese." THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Gorham Co., invite attention to their unsurpassed facilities for the designing and manufacturing of special TROPHIES FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS and Particular Occasions They have in stock at all times the most extensive showing of Punch Bowls, Lov ing Cups, Vases, Smokers' Sets, Riding Crops and Whips, and all the newest things in leather for travelers, including a large number of handsomely fitted Bags and Suit Cases. THE GORHAM CO., silversmiths and goldsmiths Broadway and Nineteenth Street, New York. Southern Pines Sanitarium, FOR THE TREATMENT OF Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. The Most Thoroughly Equipped Institu tion of its Kind in Eastern North Carolina. Edwin Gladmon, M. D., Supt. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET. MILLINERY OPENING March 2d and 3d at Mrs. Hayes Mil linery Parlors, New Hampshire Ave nue, Southern Pines. A male milliner is in charge of the trimming department. Mrs. Hayes, Millinery Parlors, Southern Pines, N. C. Mrs. C. C. Stevick, MASSEUSE MANICUltlST, Is located in Pinehurst for lier fifth serson. Appointments may be left at The Magnolia. IS. D. WELLS, Southern Jlne, M. C. JEM ELEIl A1YI PTICIAJT, Complete line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil verware, Souvenirs and Novelties. Select Line of Souvenirs and Novelties Fine Watch and Optical Repairing. First ClaN Work Guaranteed. MISS FERGUSSON, The Cedars, Pinehurst, n. C NUASINO Al MASSA. Graduate Nurse, Boston City Hospital, Boston Floating Hospital For Children. DR. MONTGOMERY A. CROCKETT, Resident House Physician, Office at The Hotel Carolina and Mlntletoe Cottag-e. Carolina : 9 to 10 a. m.; 2; 7:30 p. m. Mistletoe: 10 to 10:30 a. m.; 2 to 2 :30 p. m. He Wa a Summer Boarder Who Ex pected to Die. "I ain't sayin' that all the young fellers in Detroit are like the one I took in as a summer boarder through July and Aug ust," said the Oakland County farmer, "but I'm tellin' you that I can't be done for agin right awr.y. He come drivin1 up one day, lookin' as pale as a ghost and bavin' a lonesome cough on him, and he explained that he wanted a quiet, restful place 'til he got ready to die of consump tion. All he wanted for any meal in the day was a glass of buttermilk, and he said he alius went to bed at sundown. He talked about death and graveyards and angels 'til he got my pity up, and J gave him an appetite. I looked to see him in bed soon after dusk, but he was moonin' around the farm 'til after mid night, and slept so late in the mornin' that he had to have a special breakfast. That was only a beginnin'. "When I think of the pork and beans an' taters that young feller stowed away in the two months I wonder how I can ever pay my taxes this fall. It was eat and drink all day long, with a special lunch at night. A pan of sweet milk was only a sip for him, and a boiled dinner vanished before him like frost before a hot sun. I ought to have had at least ten bushels of harvest apples to sell, but he ate all but about two pecks, He gobbled on to my pears and plums and peaches, and he drank up the last of my hard cider and currant wine. Six fresh eggs beat Iff J : i I f i I LATIIKO-r E. BALDWIN, NEW YORK, RUNNER-UP, I finally agreed to take him for $2.50 per week." "And did he die on your hands?"' was asked. "Not if the color of my hair is black! Lands save ye, but he's somewhere in town this very minit, and he's most too fat to walk around and lookin' healthy null to live for a hundred years to come." "What happened V "Well, that cough disappeared before he had been with us two hours, and that night at supper he just cleaned off the ta ble and left me 'n the old woman still hungry. He'd got away with a gallon of buttermilk before the meal, but it only up was oidy a taste for him in the morn in", and a dozen boiled or fried at supper time seemed to be about his fit. Me 'n the old woman could figger that lie ate at least $4 worth of stuft'a week, to say nuthin' of his bein' a trubble. "But when he finally come to take his departure he figured that the board he had contributed would pay off the mort gage on my farm and buy a new mowin' machine to boot. I may take another summer boarder sometime, but you can bet your life it won't be one that's got consumption and is expectin' to pass through the pearly gates before black berries are ripe' Detroit Free Prets. n