m Pinebupst fapms: IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS DAIRY DIVISION: Selected herd of grade cows supplying the entire Village with milk. Registered Berkshire hogs of the best strains in the country for sale. A. M. Swinnerton, Manager. MARKET GARDEN: Hot house cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, etc., etc. Choice voilets, carnations, roses. Flowers delivered at hotels and cottages carefully packed ready for mailing. T. J. Lyons, Manager. POULTRY DIVISION: Choice fowls for breeding, and eggs for hatching. T. J. Taylor Jr., Manager. The guests of the Village are cordially invited to visit any division of the farms. Address all correspondence to the PINEHURST GENERAL OFFICE. No one who enjoyed "The Dolly Dia logues" and the "Zenda" stories can fail to sigh as he takes up a new novel by Mr. Hawkins in these hitter years. Truly t he hand of the master seems to have lost its lightness of touch ! Yet "A Servant of the Public," by Anthony Hope, (Fred erick A. Stokes Co.,) is a decided im provement on its predecessor, the dis agreeable "Double Harness." The "Ser vant of the Public" we are assisted in the Dr. Russell G Sherrill, DENTIST, 208 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. PINE TOP LODGE & KENNELS, VIRGINIA. Thousands of acres well stocked .with Quail, Turkey and Deer. Dogs, guides, teams and home comforts provided. PINE TOP CAMP IN FLORIDA. Quail, Deer and Fish in incredible numbers; also Bear. Tarpon fishing in Tampa Bay. C. V JL. P. BLOW, Chub, Sunaex County, Virginia. Dobbin & Ferrall, 123-125 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina's Leading Dry Goods Store A Ileal City Store. THE Pinehurst Pharmacy Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Druggist Sundries, Toilet Articles, Con fections, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Compounded by a Registered Pharmacist. SUNDAY HOUBS: 10 to 11 A. M., 7 to 8 P. M. HOTEL PALM BEACH, Palm Beach, Florida. . The success of Hotel Palm Beach has been es tablished by its refined patronage of tourists and families, who appreciate the appointments and home comforts of a large modern hotel, but de sire less of the style and formality of the more pretentious. Accommodates 500, new, modern, amid orange and cocoanut eroves. between Lake Worth and the ocean, and next door to the oelebrated Royal roinciana Gardens. GOLF, FISHING, SAILING, SURF BATHING. Rates $3.00 and upwards: special weekly rates Address Ilotel Palm IBeach for .Booklet, Etc. Robert L. Burns, Attorney at Law, Carthage, 9. C. Rooms 7 and 8, Law Building. Phone 18 connects with Pinehurst. Reference : The Bank of Carthage. Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker, lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let us send you our little book telling all about it. Typewriter supplies. Ma chines rented.- Stenographers furnished. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 802 IS. Wain Street, lllcbmond, Va. A Servant of tlie Iulllc. capable of taking care of herself and though she does turn the men's heads she inspires the women with strange feelings of compassion and sympathy in the midst of their wrath. Suddenly while convinced that she is deeply in love with Ashley Mead comes Jack's request for permission to return to her. Then the situation grows ridicu lous. Oras innocence and perplexity, her fine ideas of renunciation, her pa thetic entreaties to Ashley to stand by Mn shMkX: M if ( -:, sv ., 'rri'J.. -Itft I "V;; i; fi '"-jV- , . ..- !k; ' ' WHERE THE MISTLETOE GROWS. explanation by the six representations of a lady before a green curtain on the cover is Ora Pinsent, actress, in private life Mrs. Jack Fenning. Jack, however, is absent and we easily divine that he is a scamp who has left his wife to the great relief of both. We are all familiar with the beautiful helpless heroine who turns the heads of. all the men and arouses the wrath and jealousy of all the women. Ora'ditlers from this type. She is quite her, combine to convince us that she lux uriates in emotions even those called up by apparently trying experiences. Feel she can not but she delights in imaginary feelings. She is not insincere but "de void of moral impulse," as Irene Kilnor ton declares satirically. . How the entanglement works out, with its effect upon all the characters in the story, may be ascertained by the perusal of 362 pages, but, as Sam Weller says, 7