PAGE THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK foe. Great was the rejoicing in the camp when it was known that the boy chief of the desert and famous horse were captives. Fiercely gloated the turbaned leader of the caliph's soldiers over the helpless Abon. "Right glad will be the commander of the Faithful to behold thee, robber," he cried. "Better that thou hadst taken his prof fer of gold and jewels and Indian shawls, for now the matchless steed of the desert is his without payment, and thou in the calinh's dunsreon shall waste thy life away." The young Arab's right arm had been severed by a Damascus blade ; his wounds were grievous and many, and he was bound like a malefactor, but he answered never a word to his enemy's taunt, only in his dark eyes there gleamed a proud defiance. The victors pitched their tents that night upon the battlefield and the tired warriors sought repose. Bound hand and foot and guarded bv a sentinel, dark 0 Abon lay. Tethered to a stake near by was peerless Lalla, the pride of the desert. In the dark watches of the night the sentinel fell asleep, and Abon, wrestling with pain and unrest, heard the low neigh of the disconsolate steed without. The sound touched the heart of the chief, and, bound and almost helpless as he was he rolled over and over on the ground and through the opening in the tent, to where White Lalla was tethered. The steed greeted his master with a neigh of joy, and bending his proud neck he lay his muzzle against young Abon's cheek. uO my brave my beautiful," whispered Abon to his steed. "It is not ordained that thou shalt feed in the stables of the Commander of the Faithful. Thou would st pine within the city's dark walls for the desert has always been thy home. Now, hark thee, peerless Lalla, I will cut with my teeth the rope that holds thee, then with the speed of lightning thou must away to where the white tents of my people cluster beneath the desert palms. Do this and the heart of Abon El Mahr will fear neither captivity nor death." And the Arab steed whinnied and pawed the ground with his shining hoof, as if to say that he understood his mas ter's speech. Then did Abon set to work to gnaw with his teeth the stout rope that held his faithful steed. Patiently he labored for an hour, at the end of which time Lalla stood free. But the horse did not spring away; instead he smelled the bonds that held his master and seemed to realize the wrong. Then there happened a wonderful thing that for ages afterward was the theme at many a Bedouin camp, arid is still told to Arab children as a bedtime story. With his strong white teeth Lalla grasped slim and sinewy Abon by the girdle, and proud as a mother might be with her child, he dashed like a streak of lightning through the sleeping camp, In vain was all pursuit. White Lalla left far behind all other steeds, and as the morning sunbeams silvered the palm tops, safe in his own tent he laid his master. And to-day when they wish to praise a steed the Bedouin says he is as fleet of foot and as -faithful as White Lalla, the Arab steed Of El Mahr. Three Friends. By the blazing fire, in a big arm chair, We're as happy as happy can be ; The three best friends in the whole wide world, My Dolly and Pussy and me. My Dolly looks 'ceedingly good and wise But not a word speaks she ; And Pussy can only mew or purr So the talking's done by me. I read to them from my story books, And the pictures they like to see ; I can't help thinking they understand The way they look at me. My Dolly is only two years old, I'm seven, and Puss is three ; But still we're the very best of friends My Dolly and Pussy and me. Carolyn Wells. A Itlddle. There is Something that flies Yet has no wings ; It brings sure death To all living things. It is always going But never gone, For every second It's newly born. It never sleeps Nor does' it eat ; It travels fast, Though it has no feet. It brings us evil, It brings us good : Its ways are strange And ne'er understood. It comes and goes As the lightnings fly : 'Tis here when we're born, And stays after we die. Answer : Time. Uardahin of a Hoy. I like roast beef and lemonade, And ham and gingerbread, . And apple pie and pickles, just Before I go to bed. But ma she says it wouldn't do To eat a single bite; She says that little boys who eat Such things will die at night. I'd hate like anything to die, Yet eating is such joy; ' Between the two it's pretty hard To be a little boy. Conundrums. When are windows like flags? When hoisted. Why are actors like little children? They arc always fond of playing. Why is a sick Hebrew very valuable? He is a Jewel. (Jew ill.) What is it? In marble halls as white as milk, Lined with skin as soft as silk; Within a fountain, crystal clear, A golden apple doth appear. No doors are there in this stronghold, Yet thieves break in and steal the gold. Answer: An egg. V fc-. : TOURISTS. Always Drink POLAND WATER IT ASSURES HEALTH IN ALL CLIMATES. IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT FOR ALL TRAVELERS. Because of its unequalled purity and unchanging diuretic qualities, Poland AVater is the most import ant of all dietetic factors in over coming the attacks on health which always menace tourists. To drink Poland Water always is to be free from all dangers of lo cality always. If you have any difficulty obtain ing Poland Water in your travels, we would esteem the information. Before You Start South CALL ON HIRAM RICKER & SONS POLAND SPRING, SOUTH POLAND, MAINE J. C. Littlefield, TAILOR 12 Beacon Street, BOSTON. Everything needed in the way of clothes by the well dressed man: RIDING BREECHES AND SUITS SMART BUSINESS CLOTHES Dress Suits a Specialty- HOTEL GORDON lflth and X Streets, Uashlngton, - O. C Two squares from the White House, State War and Navy Departments. American plan, $3 to a da j RICHMOND HOTEL 17 & H STREETS, Washington, D. C. American Plan, $3.00 per day and upwards. CLIFFORD M. LEWIS, Proprietor. II. W. PRIEST, PROPRIETOR, Beach lizff, Jffdssaohusetts. fn Ideal Summer Resort on the 'Joxth Soro. Princess Anne Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. Situated within 200 feet of the ocean waves. Splendid drives through the pines and along the beach with the best quail and wild fowl shooting in Amer ica upon its preserves. Write for booklets. JAMES S. GROVES, Proprietor. The Magnolias PINEHURST, N.C Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Excellent Table. J. L. POTTLE. Blooded Dogs For Sale, Call or address, G. Dan Morgan. Pinehurst Kennels. M. Steinmetz;, FLORIST, imleioii, nr. c. Hose, Carnation, Violet. Palnm, fern and 1'otteil lIunfN. JIuIIim for fall Planting-. Telephone and mail orders promptly executed. Ilessle Otis Hinckley, ART NEEDLEWORK, NOVELTIES, ETC, . The Merrow Studio.