wmssm PAGE THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK for the Rolf tournament. Mrs. Edward A. Cruikshank, New York, will remain until Spring. Mr. Fred BuckinB, Mr. E. S. Davis, Mr. Ray- mond Bault and Mr. D. R. Greenwood, Philadel phia, spent the week here enjoying golf and shooting. Mrs. C. A. Tufts, and Master Nathan Tufts, of Boston will make a long sojourn. At The llerksliire. A hearts party arranged by Mrs. L. M. Keaneaster, of Washington, provided a delightful evening at The Berkshire,Wed nesday, the parlor being artistically and appropriately decorated for the occasion. Mrs. E. DeW. Adams and Mrs. C. B. Crockett took the womens prizes, and Gen. F. II. Harrington and Mr. Paul Ilehnberg, the mens. Three other prizes were hidden about the room which those who had not won were permitted to hunt for at the close of play, Miss Bessie Otis Hinckley, Miss Nina Mackall and Mr. Theodore Stickney, being the fortunate ones. AMONG THE 'GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scott, Ottawa, Can., come for an extended visit. Mrs. W. B. Thomson and Master Archie, El mira, N. Y,, will remain through March, Mrs. Ray L. Williams, Philadelphia, and Mrs. F. A. Reigart, Washington, are making an ex tended visit. Mr. Howard S.Jones, New York, is completing a short visit. Mr. E. P. Williams and W. G. Halkett, Ridley Park, Pa. are enjoying golf. Miss E. S. Strong and Miss C. R. Strong, Pitts ton, Pa. come for a long sojourn. Mr. F.A.Miller, New York, will remain until spring. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Dayton, Miss Dayton, Brooklyn, N. Y. plan to remain some weeks. At The Harvard. One of the enjoyable affairs of the week at The Harvard, was a needle thread ing and nail driving contest, Monday eve ning ; enjoyed alike by participants and onlookers. The prize winners were: Mrs. C. S. Thompson and Mrs. II. W. Hughes, Mr. Louis M. Prindle and Mr. C. S. Thompson. AMONG THE GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Prindle, Washington, will remain through March. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, Maiden, Mass., are here for their annual visit. Mrs. J. R. Linsley, and Masters Duncan and James R. LInsley, Jr., New London, will remain until spring. Mrs. C. M. Wager, Flint, Mich, and Mrs. W. Babcock, Medina, N. Y., will remain throughout the winter. Mrs. Julia Hooper, Oshkosh, Wise, is making an extended sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pippitt, Ashland, O., are completing a short visit. Miss Wellington, Corning, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Farr, Williamsport, Pa., plan an in definite stay. At The Jflag-nolla. Mrs. II. S. Owen, Miss Owen, Miss McLean, New London; Mrs. J.W. Quinhan, Howard Quin han, Lonsdale, R. I., and J. E. Kellogg, Fitch burg, are among the late arrivals at the Mag nolia. At The JPine drove. Mrs. T. Colby Brown, Dover; Miss Florence Fletcher, Winchester, Mass., Miss Agnes E. Gil more, and Miss Mary A. McDonnell, Cambridge, are late arrivals at The Pine Grove House. YOU OUGHT TO UK IIEItK! Youthful Plneburat Admirer Set Forth Attraction of Village. That Pinehurst's friends are not con fined wholly to "grown-ups," the follow ing letter from a small boy here to a young friend at home, will show : Pinehurst, Feb. 5, 1906. Dear you ot too be her. . Wee can go too the pinehurst zoo, wee can go once a week. You can have rids on donkys and camles, there are camles, baby bears and a frisky goat, monky and big monkies, parrots, dear tigers and a big bear, wolves and all sorts of animals that I can not describe. We play golf. had a berthday party and ten came. Good by truly yoors. Hoys Golf Tourney. The Pinehurst Outlook has offer ed cups for a medal play handicap tournament for the boys of the Village, details for which are being arranged by a committee consisting of Richard Tufts, Russell Jones and Harry Carroll. ITI m. Oldringr Entertain. Mrs. G. II. 0 Idl ing, of Brooklyn, enter tained at The Plymouth cottage, Wednes day evening, at hearts, Mr. P. D. Honey man and Miss Anne Hay being the prize winners. Gneiti of nr. and 9Ir. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Price, Salem, and Miss Helen Child, Amesbury, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. I). Sheppard at The Honeysuckle cottage. At The Lexington. Mrs. Anne Seekamy, Miss Emily Seekamy, Brooklyn, are at the Lexington for an extended visit. The Delineator for IT euruary. For the woman of fashion, the Febru- arv Delineator, with its display of Spring styles, is a most attractive number. Be sides the fashions there is much of inter est for the general reader, and the depart ments concerning the practical house holder have been abundantly contributed to. There are short stories bv Zona Gale and Margaret Beauchamp, with an inter esting: travel sketch entitled "In Cairo with a Camera," by Horace Wyndham. Miss Winslow's story of club life "The President of Quex" is continued gaining much in interest. The "Collector's Man- ual'' is concluded with an article on "Old me Lights." For the children there is a delightful girl's serial "Sunlight and Shadow," one of Alice Brown's "Grad ual Fairy Tales," and amusing games by Lina Beard. Mothers will find Dr. Mur ray's paper on "Exercise and Physical Culture" particularly helpful, and the numerous pages devoted to matters of housewifely interest, such" as cooking, gardening, house furnishing, etc., will prove to be of equal interest to the young housewife. THE HOIihY pniEHUBOT, n. o. INI!! M,JTy r- -r, rasfl:.ns' 'mLwummrmw III 1 tmmvm:4&&to-i. ..... X jj ' ' ' The Holly Inn is one of the most attractive hotels in the South. Since it was built in 1895, it has been necessary to enlarge it several times to meet the constant ly increasing demand. The interior is elegant, cheerful and tasteful. No modern convenience is lacking. There are bath rooms, electric lights, steam heat and open fireplaces. There is a call bell in every room, and all beds are furnished with best hair mattresses. An orchestra furnishes fine concerts daily, and also provides for dancing. The cuisine is unsurpassed. The waitresses are all white girls from the North. Rooms for billiards and other games are provided in the hotel. A. I. CREAMER, Manager. The Harvard PINEHURST, N. C. "Pinehurst Ti.& Anis reeenuy completed noiei is moucrn in every re spect, having electric lights, steam heat and several suites with bath, and with its cottage annex and large dining room, accommodates seventy-five guests.. The Cuisine is in charge of a competent chef, and the table service is guar anteed satisfactory. F. H. ABBOTT, Manager. Guilford-Benbow Hotel, Greensboro, North Carolina ADJOINING THE FAMOUS GUILFORD COURTHOUSE BAT TLEFIELD. SITUATED MIDWAY BETWEEN THE NORTH AND THE FAR SOUTH. STOPOVER PRIVILEGES ARE GRANTED ON ALL THROUGH TICKETS. GOLF LINKS AND HUNTING PRESERVES. : : : : : THE UPLANDS BETHLEHEM, N. H. F. H. ABBOTT, - Proprietor. Address until May 1st, PINEHURST, N. C.