Pinehurst farms: AN ENGINEERING WONDER I DAIRY DIVISION: Selected herd of grade cows supplying the entire Village with milk. Registered Berkshire hogs of the best strains in the country for sale. A. M. Swinnerton, Manager. MARKET GARDEN: Hot house cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, etc., etc. Choice voilets, carnations, roses. Flowers delivered at hotels and cottages carefully packed ready for mailing. T. J. Lyons, Manager. POULTRY DIVISION: Choice fowls for breeding, and eggs for hatching. T. J. Taylor Jr., Manager. The guests of the Village are cordially invited to visit any division of the farms. Address all correspondence to the PINEHURST GENERAL OFFICE. Dr. Russell G. Sherrill, DENTIST, 208 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. MISS FERttlTSlOar, Tlie Cedars, - Pinebur, HT. C Graduate Nurse Boston City Hospital. Boston Floating Hospital for Children. Pine Top Lodge and Kennels, Virginia. Pine Top Camp in Florida Thousands of acres well stocked with Quail Turkey and Deer. Dogs, guides, teams and home comforts provided. C. A T P. BIOW, Chub, Snuex Countj, Virginia. Dobbin & Ferrall, 123-J25 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina's Leading Dry GoodsiStore A Ileal City Store. THE Pinehurst Pharmacy Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Druggist Sundries, Toilet Articles, Con fections, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Compounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Sunday Honrs: 8.30 to 10.30 a.m; 3 to 8 p.m HOTEL PALM BEACH, Palm Beach, Florida. . The success of Hotel Palm Beach has been es tablished by its refined patronage of tourists and families, who appreciate the appointments and home comforts of a large modern hotel, but de sire less of the style and formality of the more pretentious. Accommodates 500, new, modern, amid orange and cocoanut groves, between Lake Worth and the ocean, and next door to the oelebrated Royal Poinciana Gardens. GOLF, FISHING, SAILING, SURF BATHING. Rates $3.00 and upwards; special weekly rates. Address Hotel Palm Ileach for .Booklet, Etc. Robert L. Burns, Attorney at Law, Carthage, N. C. Rooms 7 and 8, Law Building. Phone 18 connects with Pinehurst. Reference : The Bank of Carthage. I The Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. I it does better work, does it quicker, lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let us send you our little book telling all about it. Typewriter supplies. Ma chines rented. Stenographers furnished. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 802 JE. TIaiii Street, Ilfcfamond, ra. OMETHING like twelve millions of dollars and several years work, to say nothing of almost insurmount able e n g i neering difficulties, will be required to complete the projected extension of the Florida East Coast Uail waj, but the result will, without ques tion, be one of the most important achievements in this the century of rail way engineering wonders. Simply the difficult problem is to con struct and operate a railroad thirty feet above and across open seas, in a section where violent tropical storms prevail, the largest of the unbroken stretches being nearly two miles in length. The extension from Homestead, the present terminus, to Key West, is one hundred and twenty-six miles. Sixty- may go to and fro. There are three chan nels requiring bridges. There are four open seas, the longest, between Long Key and Conch Key, will require a viaduct ten thousand live hun dred feet, or nearly two miles, in length. The one crossing Knight's Key Channel will be seven thousand three hundred feet, and the one across Moser Key Chan nel five hundred feet longer. liahia Honda Key Channel, the shortest, will probably be the most difficult to cross. It is four thousand nine hundred and fifty feet wide where the viaduct will be constructed, but . the outlying reef is broken by a wide, deep approach channel from the ocean with water from eighteen to twenty-eight feet deep. The standard form of construction of these four concrete arch viaducts is fifty feet reinforced concrete arch spans and ON COURT DAY. Judge "Do you work by the day?" Sambe "No, sah, I'ee ah night watchman." five miles of this road bed will rest on natural foundation, nearly six miles upon concrete arch viaducts, the rest on an embankment thrown up by dredges and heavily ripraped. Two miles from Home stead the road crosses the Big Prairie to Jew Fish Creek, crossing this to Kev , 0 Largo, where fifteen miles of track will be laid. Between this and Key West, about thirty keys are crossed, some not more than a few hundred feet apart, while between others there are open seas from one to two miles wide where the road will cross. Where the water in these openings is shallow and protected by the outlying reefs, embankments will be thrown up and ripraped. These will have twenty-five-foot openings, permit ting the passage of small craft. Where wider channels are crossed, draw bridges will be constructed, that large vessels piers, varying at places to sixty feet. In order to prevent their swaying out of line when the water is disturbed by heavy storms, the piers will be anchored to the bottom by piles driven into the rock and carried up to within two feet of the spring of the arches. Abutment piers will be used at every fifth arch. The arches are reinforced with circumferential square corrugated bars, near the outside surface, and with transverse bars tied together witli half-inch round radial bars. Earth filling will be put between the spandrel walls, and the ballast on top of it above the level of the concrete coping. This brings the base of the rail thirty-one feet above the mean water level. Most of the work of constructing the viaducts will be done by machinery, and for the purpose the following equipment has been provided : Eight barges, forty