THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK PAGE S3 THE SPRING TOURNAflENT n Id j P 5 fVVfDK'ift j . 1 -us ovists life rt: I When visiting New York on the return journey stop at The Hotel Woodward Broadway and 55th Street A few days spent in New York will prove a pleasant ter mination to the winter's travels. The select and exclusive charac ter of the patronage of the Hotel Woodward, its refined en vironment and easy reach of the shops, theatres and railroad stations, make it an ideal place from which to enjoy the many pleasures of a short sojourn or permanent residence. A modern fire-proof building, admirably equipped and fur nished. The cuisine and service exemplify the best achieve ments in the culinary arts. T. D. GREEN, Manager Also Hotel Edgemere, Edgemere, Long Island. THE BALMY BREEZES OF THE SUNNY SOUTH Are laden with Health and Happiness for the Worn-out Wrestler with the Strenuous Life. But you cannot repair wasted tissue or restore strength to jangled nerves with air and sunshine alone. The stomach calls for a food that supplies body-building material in its most digestible form. Such a food is Shredded Whole Wheat. It is made of the whole wheat, cleaned, cooked and drawn into fine porous shreds and baked. These delicate shreds con tain all the nutritive elements of the whole wheat grain and are taken up and assimilated when the stomach rejects all other foods. Shredded Wheat U made In two forms--DISC U IT and 1RI8CUIT. The II IS CU IT U dellciou for lreaktat with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with fruit or vegetables. TfllKCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourishing' and appetizing. Delicious as a toast with beverages or with cheese or preserves. "It's All in the Shreds." THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY NiagaraFalls, N. Y. ATURDAY'S thirty-s i x hole final rounds in the third annual Spring tour nament, brought to a close an event of excep tional interest through out. Never has a field here been more evenly matched and keen play, and close matches were the rule rather than the ex ception, half a dozen cards being turned in daily, which were eighty and better. Interest in the closing day's play cen tered in the match between J. D. Foot of Apawamis, and C. L. Becker of Wood land, for the first division or President's trophy, Mr. Foot winning, 3 up and 1 to play, on the seventeenth green. Pierce of Woodland, was going very fast' disposing of Allan Lard of Columbia, by the liberal margin of 9 up and 8 to play. Mr. Pierce was six up at noon, with a seventy-six card, and he made the turn on the afternoon round in thirty-six, four Under Bogey, making recovery of lost ground by his opponent absolutely out of the question. J. D. Climo of the Euclid Club, Cleve land, took the second division, and M. II. Redpath of the HoyalClub, Montreal, the consolation; E.M.Barnes of Englewood, the third, and Frank Presbrey of Garden City, the consolation ; G. W. Daw of the Island Club, Troy, the fourth, and M. B. Johnson of Euclid, the consolation. Ebbitt House 'UJmtLi- Atmy and NaVy HWters IW WASHINGTON, D. C. ki ?.niTn ii j iiw?' r. fea3i : iff 'HTlWIltlllilMf ! SSS . American rian, Bates 3, $3.60 ana 4 per day. f mtWIltttf Til CIM Room8 wltl Batl. rarlors extra. iyt Y--'tS, ".-ii:jJl H. C BURCH, Proprietor. V f - "--'- 'II "' " " ,1 "v.' The full story of the week's play is told in the following summaries : the scores: first division. C. L. BECKER, RUNNER-UP IN SPRING TOURNEY. The match was stroke for stroke from start to finish, at noon the score being even up, with medal play cards of eighty and eighty-one. Mr. Foot had a little the best of it, however, on the afternoon round, being two up at the turn, and in creasing this lead to three at the thiity second. Mr. Becker, however, rallied, taking the thirty-third, halving the thirty-fourth, but losing the thirty-fifth and the match, 43. The, players fin ished out the round with medal play cards of seventy-nine and eighty-two, or a total for the thirty-six holes, of one hundred and fifty-nine for Mr. Foot and one hun dred and sixty-three for Mr. Becker. In the first division consolation L. D. Out. In. tir. L. D Pierce, 40 87 77 C. L. Becker, 41 89 80 C. B. Fownes, Jr., 88 43 81 Allan Lard, Columbia, 38 44 82 L. E. Wardwell, 42 41 83 J. D. Foot, 46 37 83 II. C. Al)orn, 41 45 86 R.E. Wilsey, 44 42 86 C. II. Schoff, 43 43 86 W.L.Maltby, 43 44 87 A. P. Thompson, 42 45 87 E. B. Humphreys, 46 41 87 V. C. Fownes, 47 41 88 J. O. II. Denny, 40 48 88 II. C. Fownes, 47 42 89 n