pa GE THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK Parkhurst Alden, 44 45 89 SECOND DIVISION. J.D.Climo, 46 43 89 R. R. 1'erklnu, 4fi 43 89 Thomas Hooker, 47 43 90 II. M. Kedpath, 46 44 90 0. E. McCann, 4 44, 99 Captain II. Crichton, 46 45 91 Alfred W. Wattenberg, 44 47 91 William C. Freeman, 49 42 91 C.S.U088, 48 44 92 G. O. Russell, 51 41 82 J. C. Head, 47 45 92 George Worthington, 45 48 93 C. E. Johnson, 49 44 93 W.S. Mclntyre, 47 46 93 1. C.B.Dana, 46 48 94 Harry Dutton, 60 44 94 TUIBD DIVISION. II. S. Cummings, 48 46 94 E. M. Barnes, 44 50 94 R. J. Miner, 47 48 95 Thomas T. Rushmore, 44 51 95 E.S.Clark, 61 44 95 D. McK. Lloyd, 47 48 95 G. H. Converse, 47 49 96 Frank Presbrey, 48 48 96 7. E. Kellogg, 47 49 96 E. E. Rinehart, 48 48 96 L.H.Elliott, 48 49 97 C.E.Cameron, 48 49 97 J. F. Shanley, 46 51 97 G. Lee Knight, 49 48 97 E. T. Challenger, 48 50 98 A. R. Gausler, 47 51 98 FOURTH DIVISION. M. II. Wilson, 46 53 99 T.J. Royce, 46 53 99 C. II. Rosenfeld, 46 53 99 A. P. K. James, 47 62 99 H. W. Ormsbee, . 45 65 100 M. B. Johnson, 48 53 101 J. l Bell, 60 52 1 2 G. W. Daw, 47 65 102 J. VV. Downes, 51 61 102 H. G.Runkle, 53 50 103 J. E. Pumphrey, 64 49 103 J. Frank Black, 63 51 104 W. A. Harbison, 2 62 104 Dr.T.R. Williams, 62 64 106 D. B.Logan, 48 59 107 D. A. Cruikshank, 60 58 1C8 THE MATCH PLAY ROUNDS. F1KST DIVISION. First Round C. B. Fownes, Jr., Oakmont, Pa., beat R. E. Wilsey, Montclair, 3 and 1 ; Park hurst AMen, Springfield, beat A. C. Aborn, Montclair, 4 and 3; C. II. Schoff, Springhaven, beat A. P. Thompson, Honesdale, Pa., 5 and 3; C. L. Hecker, Woodland, beat Allan Lard, Co lumbia, 2 and 1; E. B. Humphreys, Camden, N. J., beat L. E. Wardwell, Megunticook, Me., 2 and 1; J. D.Foot, Apawamis, beat W.C. Fownes, Oakmont, 4 and 3; J.O.H. Denny, Oakmont.beat L. D. Pierce, Woodland, 6 and 4 ; II. C. Fownes, Oakmont, beat W. L. Maltby, Royal, Montreal, 5 and 4. Second Round Fownes, Jr., beat Alden, 4 and 2; Becker beat Schorl, 5 and 4; Foot beat Humphreys, I up (2 1 holes) ; Denny beat Fownes, 1 up. Semi-Fj N a ls Becker beat Fownes, Jr., 6 and 4; Foot beat Denny, 3 and 1. Finals Foot beat Becker, 3 and 1. CONSOLATION. Firt Round Aborn beat Wilsey, 3 andl; Lard beat Thorn peon, 3 and 1; Wardwell beat Fownes, 1 up; PienSe beat Maltby, 7 and 5. Semi-finals Lard beat Aborn, 6 and 4; Pierce beat Wardwell, 1 up (20 holes). FiNALS-Pierce beat Lard, 9 and 8. SECOND DIVISION. Fihst Round Capt. It. Crichton, R. A., Royal Hong Kong, beat R.'ll. Perkins, New York, by default: A. W. Wattenberg, Baltusrol, beat C.E. McCann, Englewood, 1 up (19 holes) ; G. S.Goss, Engle wood, beat W. S. Mclntyre, Springhaven, 6 and 5; J. D. Climoy Euclid, beat II. M. Red path, Royal, Montreal, 1 up; I.C.B. Dana. Great Barrington, beatThbmas Hooker, New Haven, 2 andl; G. O. Russell, Winchester, beat J. C. Head, Oakmont, 7 and 6; C. E. Johnson, Nassau, beat Harry Dutton, Oakley, 3 and 2; Wm. C. Freeman, Montclair, beat George Worthington, Bennington, 6 and 5. Second Round Wattenberg beat Captain Crichton, 5 and 4; Climobeat Goss, 1 up; Rus. sell beat Dana, 2 andl; Freeman beat Johnson, 4 and 3. SEMi-FiNALS-Climo beat Wattenberg, 2 andl; Russell beat Freeman, 3 and 2. FiNAL8-Climo beat Russell, 2 and 1. consolation. First Round McCann drew a bye; Redpath beat Mclntyre, 4 and 3; Head beat Hooker, 2 up; Worthington beat Dutton, 1 up. Semi-finals Redpath beat McCann, by de fault; Head beat Worthington, 8 and 7. Finals -Redpath beat Head, 4 and 3. THIRD DIVISION. First Round Thomas T. Rushmore, Garden City, beat J. F. Shanley, Lafeewood, 3 and 2; II. S. Cummings, Wee Burn, beat R J. Miner, New Haven, 6 and 4; G. II. Converse, Braeburn, beat E. S. Clark, Providence, 7 and 5; G. Lee Knight, Philadelphia, beat Frank Presbrey, Garden Citv, 3 and 2; J. E. Kellogg, Alpine, Fltchburg, beat E. E. Rinehart, by default; E. P. Challenger, Camden, beat L. II. Elliott, Euclid, 2 up; D. McK. Lloyd, Oakmont, beat C. E. Cameron, Baltusrol, 3 and 2; E. M. Barnes, Englewood, beat A. R. Gausler, Camden, 3 and 1. Second Round Cummings beat Rushmore, 1 up; Converse beat Knight, by default; Kellogg beat Challenger, 3 and 1; Barnes biat Lloyd, 5 and 4. Semi-finals Cummings beat Converse, 1 up; Barnes beat Kellogg, 7 and 6. Finals Barnes beat Cummings, 1 up. consolation. First Round Shanley beat Miner, 6 and 5; Presbrey beat Clark, 6 and 5 ; Elliott beat Rine hart, by default; Cameron beat Gausler, 6 and 4. Semi finals Presbrey beat Shanley, 3 and 2 ; Cameron beat Elliott, 3 and 2. Finals Presbrey beat Cameron, 6 and 5. fourth division. First Round M. II. Wilson, Euclid, beat Dr. T. R. Williams, Punxsutawney, Pa., 5 and 4; II. W. Ormsbee, Crescent A. C.beatM. B. Johnson, Euclid, 5 and 4; J. E. Pumphrey, Glenview, beat H G.Runkle, I'lainfleld, 5 and 4; T. J. Royce, Rutland, Vt., beat W. A. Harbison, Brighton. 3 and 2; J. P. Bell, New York, beat J Frank Black, Ridley, Pa., 6 and 5; C.H. Rosenfeld, New York, beat E. A. Cruiksl'ank, New York, 5 and 4; G. W. Daw, Island, Troy, beat I). B. Logan, Worcester, 8 and 7; J. W. Downes, New Haven, beat A. P. K. James, London, 1 up. Second Round Ormsbee beat Wilson, 7 and 5; Pumphrey beat Royce, 1 up; R tenfold beat Bell, 6 and 5; Daw beat Downes, 3 and 2 Semi-Finals Ormsbee beat Pumphrey, 5 and 4; Daw beat Roeenfeld, 1 up. Finals Daw beat Ormsbee, 6 and 5. consolation. First Round-Johnson beat Williams, 2 and 1; Harbison beat Runkle, 3 and 2; Black beat Cruikshank, 5 and 3 ; James beat Logan, 4 and 3. Semi-Finals Johnson beat Harbison, 4 and 2 Black beat James, 1 up. Finals Johnson beat Black, 5 and 3. Uj ) i) : l V L. D. PIERCE, WINNER CONSOLATION. A F A . r r 1 T . . '-0 V 03 r.-J,-:K. ?". ' I t'r Kenilworth Inn, BlLTMORE, NEAR ASHEVILLE, N. C. JUST THE PLACE TO STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME. Recognized as the leading hotel of Western North Carolina. No .scenery in the world will compare with the view from this hotel Mt. Mitchell and Pisgah in full view. Adjoins and overlooks the Biltmore Estate. Dry invig orating climate. Magnificently furnished, cuisine unsurpassed. Orchestra, golf, livery, beautiful rides and drives. Coach meets all trains at Uiltmore Station. Open all the year. Write for booklet. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. JACKSON SPRINGS HOTEL, JACKSON SPEINGS, N. C. Close by the famous Mineral Spring, water from which was award ed silver medal at St. Louis exposition. Hotel modern in every respect, Golf, Tennis. Shooting, Fishing, Boating. For booklet or Information, addreaa ROBERT IRVIIV, Manager. 2f RICHMOND HOTEL 17 & H STREETS, Washington, D. C. American Plan, $3.00 per day and upwards. CLIFFORD M. LEWIS, Proprietor. H. W. PBIKST, PROPRIETOR, Beaoh SZwf, Jffassachusctts. fn Jdeal Summer Resort on the Jtforth Shore. Princess Anne Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. Situated within 200 feet of the ocean waves. Splendid drives through the pines and along the beach with the best quail and wild fowl shooting in Amer ica upon its preserves. Write for booklets. JAMES S. GROVES, Proprietor. The Magnolia PINEHURST, N.C Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Excellent Table. J. L. POTTLE. H. Stein met 55, FLORIST, II ALEIGII. X. C. Hose. Carnations. Violet. Palm a, fern and Iottd l'lanfa. IIuIIm for Fall Planting-. Telephone and mail orders promptry executed.