THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK PAGE Pinehurst Pharmacy A Complete Line of Drugs, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Confections, Stationery, Cigars, Etc. Prescriptions a Specialty Compounded by a Registered Pharmacist Sunday Hours 9 to 11 a. m; 2:30 to 5 p.m. The Halo-American Champion Holdfast GRIP MEANS THE GAME. Try Aly Holdfast Boon! It is a moistener thai keeps the hands from get ting sore, insures an easy, compact grip on the bandies of golf sticks, aud is indispensable in other games where a strong grip is essentitl. It may be used all the year around Wax and pow der may be ued for the same purpose, l'rice 25 cents. Holdfast Small Cans, 35c; Regular Cans, 60c. Trade Mark Registered. A. T. JOHNSON, Opposite Fair Grounds, Patent Applied For. M1NEOLA, L. I., N. Y. The Beeches, Paris Hill, Maine. A Sanitarium for Semi-Invalids. Mountain Scenery, High Elevation; Electricity, Massage, Baths. DR. CHARLOTTE F. HAMMOND, Resident Physician and Owner, may be seen at the Holly Inn till March 21st. Pinehurst Steam Laundry. First Class Work in AH Departments. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. BR1 ARGLIFF LODGE The Hotel Beautiful of the Westchester Hills. Thirty Wiles from 'ew York City. Will Open in the Spring More Finely Equipped than Ever for the Entertainment of Fastidious People. D. B. PLUMER, Manager. THE BANK OF MOORE, CARTHACE, N. C. We solicit all classfa of accounts and extend all favors consistent with safe banking. Noac count too small to receive a courteous welcome. Fire and burglar proof vault and safe. Safety deposit boxes free to patrons for the season. U. L. SPENCE, President M. G. DALRYMPLE, Cashier W.J.ADAMS, T.B.TYSON, D.S.RAY, President. Vice-President. Cashier. The Bank of Carthage, CARTHACE, N. C. Resources - - $120,000 The Village of Pinehurst. itHK WrrvLS P1NEHURST 1 ----- Xvlifo PINEIIUUST is, to be brief, the most complete and perfectly equipped fall, winter and spring resort of its class in the world, and it possesses, besides, many exceptional natural advantages and attractions in environment, oppor tunities for out-door life, climate, location, soil, water, etc., right conditions for living in every sense of the words. It is unique in that it possesses all the very best features of the typical Xew England village, after which it is modelled, and in this particular, as in many others, its like is not to be found in the Southland. It was founded in 1895 by the late James V. Tufts, of Boston, Mass., and is beautifully laid out with wide, curving streets, and ample room for fresh air and sun shine everywhere; abounding in shrubs, perennials, semi-tropical and other plants. Its location is near the center of North Carolina, in Moore County, in the midst of the health-giving, sand-hill, and long-leaf-pine region or "Thermal Belt," long noted for its healthfulness and equable climate. It is one hundred and twenty-live miles from the seacoast, and has an altitude of six hundred and fifty feet. Raleigh, which is the largest city in the immediate neighborhood, lies seventy miles northeast. The Village has four strictly modern hotels, several boarding-houses, over fifty family cottages, and various public buildings. In connection with the Village are maintained various utility plants, a Dairy Farm and Piggery, Poultry Farm and Market Garden, which supply the needs of the Village in the way of fresh milk, cream, poultry, eggs, and fresh vegetables. These plants are models of excellence, having no equals in the South, and being the only ones in the world maintained on the same large scale, for a similar purpose. Of the hotels, The Carolina, completed in 1900, is not only the largest in the Village but in the State as well, and one of the, best appointed in the South, accom modating five hundred guests, and calculated to meet the requirements of the most exacting. The Holly Inn, accommodating two hundred guests, enjoys general pop ularity and is most homelike in its character. The Berkshire and Harvard accom modate about one hundred guests each, and are suited to the needs of those desiring a more moderate rate than is possible at the larger hotels. The boarding-houses are the Lenox and Cedars, Magnolia, Pine Grove and Lexington. The family cottages are cosy, substantially built, well furnished and provided with modern conveniences, including electric lights, running spring water, and per fect sanitary sewage. Many are heated with steam, have hot water and are pro vided with bath, and all have open fireplaces and inviting, vine-covered verandas. The Pinehurst Golf Courses are universally acknowledged to be the finest in the South, embracing three distinct courses; two eighteen-hole, each six thousand yards long, and a nine-hole, three thousand yards in length; combining varied and attractive artificial and natural hazards, perfection in putting greens and mainte nance. Here are held annually four contests of more than national importance, be ginning with the midwinter tournament in January, and ending with the United North and South amateur championship in April, the tournament schedule begin ning Thanksgiving week. The Club House is conveniently located and admirably equipped, but a short distance from the center of the Village, with hack service for those who wish it, and here golfers and non-golfers rendezvous, and many informal social events are held. Three well-known Scotch professionals are in charge of the links and available for instruction. No golf equipment in the world, not even his toric St. Andrews, rivals Pinehurst. A Shooting Preserve, of forty thousand acres, is under the control of the Village, and maintained expressly for its guests. Kennels, which rank among the finest in the country, are run in connection, and teams, trustworthy guides, etc., are availa ble. Trap-shooting grounds and target pistol butts, modern in equipment, also provide entertainment for those with the sporting inclinations. The Livery Stable is one of the best in the country, Kentucky saddlers meet ing the requirements of the large number who ride. There are numerous fine tennis courts at the Country Club and throughout the Village as well as roque or croquet grounds; a baseball diamond, with grand stand ; a riding ring where numerous equestrian contests are held ; a public bowling alley and billiard hall, in addition to the billiard rooms at The Carolina and Holly Inn, at which are also located high-class orchestras, dancing being much enjoyed in spacious assembly halls. The Village has a post-office, express, telegraph and money order offices, local and long distance telephone system, electric light, steam heating and power station, abundant pure water and sanitary sewage system, ice-making plant, steam laundry, department store, meat-market, photographic studio, arts and crafts shop, resident physician, Village hall, circulating library, preparatory school, and weekly news paper, The Pinehurst Outlook. In fact, Pinehurst supplies every modern need, offering unequalled attractions of a varied nature, for people of refinement at a wide range of prices. CONSUMITIVES CANNOT HE RECEIVED. Pinehurst is eighteen hours from New York, and through Pullmans run through out the season direct to the Village over the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. Part of the journey may be made, if desired, by sea to Norfolk. Stopover privileges are granted to tourists going either north or south. For detailed information, handsome booklets, etc., address: THE PINEHURST GENERAL OFFICE, Leonard Tufts, Owner, Boston, Mass. Pinehurst, N, G Pinehurst School consisting of College Preparatory Intermediate and Primary Schools receives boys and girls Pupils may enter at any time and for any length of time. The scheme of work is individual, the aim being to enable pupils to continue in the same studies which they have been pursuing in their own home schools. If they bring the books they have used and a plan from their teachers of the ground to be covered during their absence, they will be so instructed that they may rejoin their classes without loss, after a long or short stay, in an ideal climate, surround ed by right conditions for living and removed from the usual temptations of school life. TERMS: Primary: season, $75.00; week, $2.50. Intermediate: season, $125.00; week, $4.00. College Preparatory: season, $200.00; week, $7.00. Private tutoring, per hour $2.00. Mr. Lightbourn, the master in charge, may be consulted as follows : At the Carolina, Monday, Wednes day and Friday evenings. At the Holly Inn, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. At the Berkshire, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. At other times by appointment. For information, etc., addreaa: Philip L. Lightbourn or Pinehurst General Office READ THIS AGAIN and AGAIN Before you start South and when you return home, send us standing orders foi COFFEE You will then be assured of a satisfactory cup of coffee EVERY morning. Oriental Tea Company, Scollay Square, Boston, Mass. "The Big Teakettle." Batchelder & Snyder Company, Slanthtirart, Packar and Maaufaetarsn. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Bee!, Mutton, Lamb, Yeal, Pork, Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausages, Poultry, Game, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Beam. Offices and Stores, M, 51, M, Ol A K1 ItlacLaton Hrt, 1BOSTOIV. THE PINE GROVE HOUSE, PINEHURST, N. C. Delightful location, directly oppoalte tha I ine drove, modern conveniences, tun parlor. Rates, $10.00 weekly and upwards. E, R. Ellis, mgr. GEORGE SUMNER HILL, M 0., RESIDENT PHYSICIAN FOR PINEHURST. OFFICE AT THE CAROLINA. Hr u-i : lo to ll a. MM r bj aypalatmaat.