THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK THE HOMtY PIHEHUB8T, H. 0. mtM M liji urns a V- The Holly Inn is one of the most attractive hotels in the South. Since it was built in 1895, it has been necessaiy to enlarge it several times to meet the constant ly increasing demand. The interior is elegant, cheerful and tasteful. No modem convenience is lacking. There are bath rooms, electric lights, steam heat and opeD fireplaces. There is a call bell in every room, and all beds are furnished with best hair mattresses. An orchestra furnishes fine concerts daily, and also provides foi dancing. The cuisine unsurpassed. The waitresses are all white girls from the North. Rooms for billiards and other games are provided in the hotel. A. I. CREAiVlER, Manager, The Harvard, PINEHURST, N. C. TiNEJiURST.Ti.Ci. This recently completed hotel is modern in every re- pect, having electric lights, steam heat and several suites with bath, and with its cottage annex, accommodating seventy-five guests. F. C. ABBE, Manager. HOTEL, ROYAL PALM, Port Mye rs, BOATING, FISHING. SHOOTING, GOLF. f n?.7 HhIn,S.0 en,3J njo tropical spot in Florida, should visit this wirter retreat, beau tlfully located on the sylph winding Caloosahachee twenty mlls from the Gulf of Mexico w.ltw!S aJm 18 nKe 0f th m08t attractive and palatial hotels in south Flo ida. Since last rtKm ielflaf been thorough lv renovated and newly furnished and a music room.sun parlor, dutch room, and fifty bed rooms, all with private hath, have hern added. The Club house has also bSs P Y 116 additln f a 8wlmin P001' 8lllPhur baths and a large numbw of priJiS F. H. ABBOTT, Manager TONIGHT'S XMAS COTILLION All Pinehurst will Assemble at The Holly Inn to Enjoy It. Social CJaytlea Hound out Week of Holiday 9Ierrj making- at II o tela Man j Arrival. LL Pinehurst will assem ble for tonight's Xmas Cotillion at The Holly Inn, the first of the more formal social a fTa i r s which will give brilliancy to the social side of the season. A pro gram of originality andjsurprise has been arranged, sparkling with the merriment of the Holiday season, and the favors are a wealth of showy novelties. Details of arrangement are in the hands of an active committee iucluding Miss Blanche Tap ley, Miss Ethel Check, Miss Harriet Hor- ton and Misses Theodate and Margaret Clough. EVERYBODY CAME. "Everybody Come!" read the invita tion for Thursday evening's bridge party arranged by Mrs. John Bassett Moore, Mrs. M. L. Bishop and Mrs. E. A. Guthrie, cottagers joining with hotel guests in the enjoyment of the evening ; thirteen tables being necessary and the group including: Mr. and Mrs. John Bassett Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Todd Parks, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ashley Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. King, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Wesson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc Creery, Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Mallinson, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sandford, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Creamer, Mrs. C. L. Olmstead, Miss Olmstead, Mrs. C. S. Horton, Miss Horton, Mrs. A. W. Hay ford, Miss Blanche Tapley, Miss Theo date1 Clough, Miss Margaret Clough, Mrfi. A. J. Phelps, Mrs. M. L. Bishop, Mrs. William Lewis Washington, Miss Ethel Gibb, Mrs. Herbert L. Jillson, Messrs. Charles Banes, J. T. Bishop, Benj. Thaw Jr., J. S. Walker, J. P. Rob ertson, J. H.'Martel, Jr., Giftbrd Horton, Spencer Waters, C. M. Brett, C. L. Wise, E. A. Tracy, Sydney F. Mc Creery, Capt. R. B. Parrott and Dr. M. W. Marr. The winners of the dainty prizes were : Mrs. Aloore, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Met calf and Mr. Walker. Consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Mallinson and Mr. Banes; Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Mc Creery tying for the 500 prize played at one table, Mrs. Phelps winning the cut. These rules governed play: Play four hands at each table. Spades must be played Winners progrers toward head table. Nothing added to score for progression. Winners at head table go to foot. No doubling. AMONG THE GUESTS Every train brings its quota of arrivals, prominent among them old friends who will spend the season. Mrs. Warner J. Banes and Mr. Charles H. Banes of Overbrook, return for a long sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Johnson and Miss Margaret Johnson of Springfield, Ohio, are here for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Peabody of New York, are here for a fortnight ; Mr. Peabody enjoying the shooting. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coyle and Master Coyle of Bethlehem, Pa., are here for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. C. Rumsey of New York, return for the winter. Mrs. W. W. Temple of New York, re turn for the Holidays. Mrs. Daisy C. Porter of Boston, is here for the Holidays. Dr. T. D. Myers of Philadelphia comes for the shooting. Capt R. B. Parrott of New Brunswick, returns for golf. Messrs. A. II. Hough, R. C. Wetmore and R. L. Ireland of Cleveland, are here for ten days golf. Mrs. A. J. Phelps of New York, joins her son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oria of Dayton, are here for a week. Col. C. M. Brengle of Richmond spent Tuesday here. Mr. C. D. Benbow of Greensboro, former resident manager of the Village, spent the week here. Mr. C. II. Matthiessen of New York, joins the golfers. Dr. R. B. Corbin of Metuchen, N. J., joins Capt. Parrott. Mr. J. S. Walker of Orange, Va., re turns for the Holidays. Mr. W. C. Johnson of Philadelphia, is back for his usual visit and golf. Mr. Sydney F. Mc Creery of New York, joins his parents. Mr. Herbert E. Cushman of College Hall, returns for golf. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bruff and Mrs. W. H. G. Wood of New York, and Prof. A. Marshall Elliott of Balti more return for the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Truesdell of New York, return for the season. Mr. E. J. Spaulding of Burlington, is welcomed back by the golfers. Mr. Paul F. Richter of Philadelphia, returns for his annual visit. Miss Edith Macleod of Toronto and Miss Von Mater of Red Bank, return for the winter. Mr. II. S. Haskell of New York, joins Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hayford's party. Mrs. Frances C. Gross, Miss Marion I. Gross and Mr. LeRoy C. Gross of Cam den, return after an absence of several years, with Miss Margaret Taylor of Baltimore, for the Holidays. Mr. Charles McDowell and Miss McDowell of Brooklyn, stopped ofl on their way south. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gladwin of France, return for the second visit of the season. Mr. Benjamin Thaw and Miss Thaw of Pittsburg, join Mr. Benj. Thaw, Jr. Delig-hted with .Pinenurst. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hammond and family of Boston, have taken the Wal nut and Elm cottages for the winter. They came for a month at The Inn, were delighted with the Village and will now remain until spring.