PAGE jjfBlipS'THE PIN EHURST OUTLOOK IjBj 5 I TOP D.HCUDCT "DTIIlTrANP" 1 Mf I N (b I H KM3tK THE PINEHURST "PINECONE m mt " Published Fortnlg-htly Ij the Girls of the .Pinehurst School." HE appearance of The Pintcone, ''published fortnightly during the season by the girls of the Pinehurst School" was a delightful surprise of the week which was welcomed by all, the only regret being that the limited edition, riecessarilly disappointed many who desired copies. Encouraged by its recep tion the editors are planning larger and sale editions, the proceeds to be devoted to some charitable purpose. To supply the demand for copies of the opening issue' The Outlook is printing the contents of the little mag azine in full, and it merits careful read ing, replete as it is with dainty bits of verse and prose, spiced with childish originality throughout. Next week a special Christmas edition with two color cover is promised, and thus early it is apparent that many who have not placed advance orders will be disappointed. . The contents of the opening issue are printed below, the only omissions the decorative wall paper cover and the pen and ink illustrations. Pagel THE PINECONE Vol. i, No. 1 Five Cents Saturday December 18, 1909. Published fortnightly during the winter sea son by the girls of the Pinehurst School. EDITORS IN CHIEF. A.Moore E. Tufts EDITORIAL STAFF. M. Rogers E. Abbe A SURPRISE. When I climbed up a tree, Who fell down, but little me. W. Rogers. ALBERT'S ADVENTURE. We were playing one day I am sorry to say, By the old, old iron bar, When disobeying his ma, Albert said a stunt he would perform, He did it too fast, and he had cause to mourn, He did it too fast, and we heard a crash, He had broken his teeth, for he was too rash. E. Abbe. A. Moore. Page 2 WINTER SPORTS AT ST. MORITZ. Of all the places where they have winter sports, I think St. Moritz is the ideal. There are three principle sports. Skating, toboganing, and skl-ing. Tobooanino Is a difficult and dangerous sport, there are many killed every season. To bogans are long sleds, holding about six people. They go by dreadful curves, and If the man who works the signals forgets to give a signal, and another sled comes down, then there is a collis ion. Skating, of course, is not a dangerous sport, nor is ski-lng, if it is not carried too far, when it may then rank among very dangerous sports. ski-ino I enjoyed very much, but I only went down the easy plac s. One of the best features about skl-ing is, that no matter how many times one falls, one does not hurt oneself. A, Moore. THE PINES. The pine trees wave In a dress of dark green, Their home in the forest is Quiet and serene. They are always happy In their home in the wood, For the fairies around , Are those that are good. They are happy in sunshine, They are happy in the rain, And those that are around them Are happy over again. W. Rogers. THE WORLD The world fell down one night From its great height, The people.all cried, "Oh, don't please, Oh!" The world replied, "I must now go." A, Moore. Page 3 ERNEST IN THE FOREST. Chapter 1. Once upon a time there was a boy named Ern est, who lived in a house in the woods, out near Mississippi, he was about ten years old at the time of this story. His father was dead, and his mother was very old. They were quite poor, as all the people in that region were. One day Ernest took his bow andrrows and went off to hunt, as this was his custom. He had one horse on which he visited his traps. For by trapping and shooting he got his food and the money he and his mother had. (To be continued) E. Tufts. Why is a book like a tree? Because it has leaves. Master Albert Tufts has achieved his Gymnas tic ideal, namely turning a somersault on the iron bar, and also breaking his teeth. Young surgeon to head doctor: (The young surgeon has just finished amputating a leg ) "Doctor is this all right?" Doctor: "Yes, that is very good, except one small mistake, that is, you have taken off the wrong leg." THE MOON AND THE STARS- The moon and the stars went out to play Behind the clouds, one summer day. The night came on and out the three peeked, Right into the lamp-lit street. L. Mallinson. Pinehurst's Pare Water. . Monthly chemical and bacteriological tests of Pinehurst's pure water continue most satisfactory, the supply even more abundant than in the past. Its remark able softness is compared with rain water by experts and its beneficial effects are generally recognized by the medical pro fession. Wanted. Tutor A young man who would in struct boy of seventeen, backward in his studies, also accompany him in out door sports ; golf,. horseback riding, etc. Address S. R. Young, care The Out look, stating qualification, salary, etc. .351 CALIBER Self-Loading Rifle. As its name indicates, this rifle reloads itself, the recoil of the exploded cartridge dding the work. This places the complete control of the rifle under the trigger finger, which permits rapid shooting with great ease and accuracy. The .351 Caliber High-Power cartridge, has tremendous killing power, making it heavy enough for the largest game Catalogue fully describing this rifle, "The Gun that shoots Through Steel" sent upon request. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Winchester Shells and Cartridges for Sale at the Pinehurst Store, Traps and Ranges, Look for the Big Red " W " on Every Box. .......M..M.M.....M.U.........M. For Perfect Health Mankind requires the material as well as the ethereal form of nourishment. The virtues of the soft southern air and sunshine when added to those of Shredded Whole Wheat! will produce results on the nervous, tired frame benefi cent and lasting. . . It is made of the good, whole wheat cleaned, shredded and properly baked and can be easily assimilated by the stomach in its most delicate state. Shredded Whole Wheat is Concentrated Life Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream and a little fruit will sup ply all the energy needed for a half day's work at a cost of five or six cents. . Try it for ten mornings and you will feel brighter, stronger and happier. Your GROCER sells it. "There's Health and Strength In Erery Shred l.a........M..........MM.M..M ................... ......... THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS A Modern Village 1600 Feet Above Sea Level is BETHLEHEM, N. H. No better place for rest and recreation. Every amusement and sport common to resorts Is found here, while the natural advantages and scenic beauties are unsurpassed. Is one of the best of the many home-like hotels at a moderate THE 'ARLINGTON price. Splendid location excellent cuisine modern in all its appointments. Fine golf links, teanla, orchestra. Long distance telephone. Furnished Cottages for rent, 250 to $700. F. C. ABBE, PROPRIETOR. TUE ITT tJTlAnnfl Camden, 1 j ii w vvy south Carolina Improved GOLF" Linlcs T. Edmund Krumbholz