PAGE ilPfg THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK 1 i Iae, 123; Miss A. Blancke, 130; Miss Shannon, 131; Mrs. Phillips, 137; Mrs. Barnes, 139; 3Irs. Jenks, 141; Miss Cummings, 143; Mrs. Waterhouse, 144; Mrs. Check, 148 ; Mrs. Waters, 150. MATCH TLAY First round Mrs. Jenks and Miss Fownes beat Mrs. Rae and Miss Shan non, 6 and 5 ; Mrs: Check and Miss Bar nett beat Mrs. Shannon and Miss Cummings, 4 and 2 ; Mrs. King and Mrs. Phillips beat Mrs. Jillson and Miss A. Blancke, 2 up (19 holes); Mrs. Water house and Miss Van Ostrand beat Mrs. Barnes and Miss Ilelmer, 4 and 2. Semi-final Mrs. Jenks and Miss Fownes beat Mrs. Check and Miss Bar nett, 5 and 4; Mrs. Waterhouse and Miss Van Ostrand beat Mrs. King and Mrs. Phillips, 5 and 4. Final Mrs. Jenks and Miss Fownes beat Mrs. Waterhouse and Miss Van Ostrand, 1 up. THE FIDDLER'S CONVENTION Season's Most Unique Treat Promised For Thursday Evening Mext 9111. CJLARK'S 1IEST IIOUIVU lOl EiglityTlire Ycun Old he Plaja the CJolf Courte Dally Eighty-three years old, March 2nd, I). N. Clark of Woodbury, Conn., has rounded out a remarkable winter, playing his daily round since his arrival early in December, with one hundred and one a fair average on the number one course. The card affords an inter esting basis for comparison, for in all truth, it demonstrates that "age is mere ly a condition of mind :"' OUT 5 6465674 649 IN 65557074 752101 M r. Clarks birthday anniversary was pleasantly remembered by Berkshire guests in the presentation of a watch and fob and a birthday cake. In responding, Mr. Clark said that he attributed his ex cellent health to the beneficial exercise derived through golf and that by aid of it, he was planning to observe many more birthdays at Pinehurst. n. 1TILE WINS SUOOTItt Score Ilun Clone in Weeklj Ilnft drl Target Handicap N. M. Yuile shooting with an allow ance of thirtv-five and scoring one hun dred and five net, was the winner of the weekly trap shooting handicap. In sec ond position W. Carruthers (S) scored ninety-eight and in third F. S. I odd (30) ninety-six. P. W. Whittemore (30), S. M. Merrill (30) and P. T. Sage (25) were tied at ninety-two, W. C. Bullitt, (3o) making ninety-one, A. J. Nichols (10), eighty three and L. C. Hopkins (10) seventy- nine. Ml Ilelmer Lead in Swatfeat In a uswatfest" arranged by the Silver Foils, Miss Myia B. Ilelmer won from Mrs. I.S. Robeson, the field of contestants including Mmes King, Climo, Jenks Phillips, Fownes, Waterhouse, Burrage Check, Truesdell, Parsons and Barnes and Misses Van Ostrand, Blancke Homer, Cummings, Shannon, Linton and Carolina the Place, Eight-Thirty the Hour, and Declnion as to Mimical Supremacy the Object THE JEFFERSON The Most Magnificent Hotel in the bouth. - - ltiijiioLiAi evening next. March the twenty first, is the date selected for the second annual "Fiddler's Convention with The Carolina mu sic room the place, eight-thirty the hour, and the purpose not alone the most entertaining affair of the season, but the very worthy object of raising money for the Public School for native white children. Very plainly and briefly expressed, the affair is no more or less than a com petition between native violinists of which there are many, for the "fiddle" has long been the one instrument which has provided the rural "orchestra." If one assumes from this statement that the evening is to be lacking in musical qual ity or harmony, the error should be im mediately corrected, for "art is ever an expression of man's joy" and prince or peasant, the musician is one whose soul goes into the instrument he loves. Tenderness, pathos, and a quaint hu mor, absolutely unique, the evening pro vides ; a rare treat none should miss, and the only regret is the fact that the capac ity of the music hall is limited and a re petition of the evening's program can be hardly counted upon owing to the wide range from which the contestants will be gathered. For those who are declared the leaders in the evening's program suitable prizes will be given; a compe tent committee to make the awards. RICHMOND, VA. The New 8-Holc Golf Course of The Country Club of Virginia nearby EUROPEAN PLAN r Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Roman Baths. Every comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man. The many points of historic interest in, and around the City, make Rich mond a very desirable stop-over place for tourists, where they can enjoy the climate, thus avoiding extreme changes of temperature. For handsomely illustrated booklet and reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Va. O. F. "WEISIGER, Manger. ETERNAL SUNSHINE ALONE CANNOT ENGENDER HEALTH. The soft breezes and warm, bright sunshine of the South have a soothing and beneficent effect on the tired sys tem. But the internal needs of the body must not be forgotten in the quest of health. Good, wholesome nutrients must be employed in the building up of the body-structure. The House of Health that is built on SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT is like the proverbial house built upon the rocks of Strength and Permanence. When the stomach is in delicate condition, it will take up and easily assimi late Shredded Whole Wheat which contains the whole wheat grain, cleaned with scrupulous care, drawn into slender, porous shreds by delicate machinery and baked in hygienic oVens to just the degree consistent to perfect di gestion. Shredded Whole Wheat is Concentrated Life Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream and a little fruit will sup ply all the energy needed for a half day's work at a cost of five or six cents. Try it for ten mornings and you will feel brighter, stronger and happier. Your GROCER sells it. ft PURE AIR HEALTH AND COMFORT-PURE WATER m ur uc-dt nr -r u r uiuiTr MniiNTaiM ac uruf UAMPfiMinr AAdrtOS AT THE APEX OF THE IDEAL TOUR a .v- Qolj Courte 6t4S0 yardt IHJ5 JWOUWT PIIAiim IDE MOUWT WAHIWTW Winter : Hotel Ormond, Winter : Hotel Clarenden, Ormond Beach Fla. Seabreeze, Florida, 'ft Information at 1180, 1122 Broadway, New York and all of Mr. Foster's Offices -Jfe- Bretton Woods Saddle Horses at Seabreeze and Ormond this Winter. Fownes. AT THE EIFLE BUTTS