PAGE THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK pg.g 5 "In addition to the trans-Atlantic serv ice we are also making arrangements with vessels sailing in southern waters to get reports twice a day, and this in formation will be of inestimable value during the hurricane1 season," said Mr. Scarr. To some persons daily consultation with the weather man is a very necessary part of the day's routine. Take the pro duce men, for instance merchants who deal in perishable goods, like fruit and vegetables. They are obliged to keep daily tabs on the weather, so as to know how to protect their wares. It may be that a commission merchant has just loaded a cargo of potatoes which cannot be left over night. He must ship them immediately, so he calls up to know what the weather is to be for the next twenty four hours, so that he may protect the consignment for transportation. Or it mav be a man is wishing to send a cargo of fruit to some other point. He calls up and nods that there is to De zero weather ; therefore he wraps his fruit to keep it from freezing. Another line of business that depends ou the weather forecasts is that of the salvage companies, those who make a business of saving wrecked vessels from total destruction. From this source the weather man has constant calls. Templeton' Dlscoverien All the children of Folkstoue Beach were mound builders, spending hours every day with buckets and spades, piling the beautiful white sand up in quaking mounds. The trouble was that nobody's mound went up very far. As fast as fresh bucketful was poured on top the cunning, crawling sand would slide away from beneath and no amount of bucket fuls could coax the mound up very high. But one day Templeton Yellot made discovery. He found how to keep the sand from slipping back to the level beach. He was working oft by himself when he found out this great thing, and he built hi8 mound up and up, getting so eager and excited that he did not hear Nelly Tucker and the two Tucker boys coming up behind him. "I say, Temp, how did you do that?" "Let me help, will you, Temp?" But the mound builder was rudely un willing to share his secret or his fun "Go awav !" he said, ansrrilv. "This is my place, and I don't want you here. found out by myself how co build this high one, and I'm not going to tell any bodv. What makes vou stav where you're not wanted?" "Yon npedn't hft so afraid." said George. "We wouldn't stay for any thing. You couldn't pay us." And the three Tuckers turned their backs and set off down the beach. Templeton went on building higher and higher, but somehow the fun was all gone. Pretty soon he emptied out his bucket, shouldered his spade and went to look for the others. There they wei e, 20 or more, little girls and bovs, piling up the sand, laughing and sVinntino' Thnir mnilllds Were lOW but their spirits were high, and Temple ton envied them the good time they were having together. Then our little boy made his second discovery that day, which was that being selfish is a poor way to enjoy yourself, and it was a much pleasanter secret than his first one. "Look here, George," he called to the oldest boy. m show you how to build better than that. It's easv when you know how." And soon he and the Tuckers and the rest were hard at work building fine, high sand heaps. Train Announcer' Illval Union Station Train Caller Ben Brown stor d in grave danger of losing his job Friday, as a rival suddenly appeared, ana alter listening tn Wop Upti ii awhile, developed a remarkable talent along that line says the St. Louis Star- Chronicle. The rival was a parrot, the property of S. P. Bowen of Greencastle, Ind., en route to Los Angeles, Cal. "A-w-1 a-b-oo-re-d fer th' Ro-c-k F-l-a-n-d, a-a-n-d a-11 p-oi-n-ts west," began Brown, when he was interrupted. "Squawk! 1 ou're a liar. All b-o-a-r-d squawk ! Hello, pal ! Gimme er chew all points w-e-s-t squawk ! Giv' 'em 'ell, Bill!" Brown looked around to discover his imitator and failing started again, but was again drowned by Polly. "Beat it, kid ! Squawk ! Skidoo, cat ! yer tail's on fire Rock Islan-n-d git on de t-r-a-i-n ding dong goin' west squawk !" Ben finally located the noise and re tired in disgust to a distant part of the room, where he called his train, followed by the diabolical laughter of the parrot THE JEFFERSON letter Enigma My first is in frown, but not in laugh; My second is in grain, but not in chatf; My third is in earn, out not in dollar; My fourth is in neck, but not in collar; My fifth is in zero but not in warm; My sixth is in wind but not in storm; My seventh is in crown, but not in scepter; My eighth is in goblet, but not in nectar. My whole's a condition Of all winter weather; And I hope you will solve me Without any bother. Conundrum) Why is a cherry like a book? Because it is red (read). When is water most liable to escape? When it's only half tide. When is a bed like a watch? When the mattress is tickinjr. What is it that can kick without feet? A gun. k' GATHERED TO ROMP AND PLAY Three bunnies and a fairy We find at close of day; Three bunnies and a fairy Gathered to romp and play! he Most Magnificent Hotel in the South. - - RICHMOND, VA. The New 18-Holc Golf Course of The Country Club of Virginia nearby EUROPEAN PLAN r mm, Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Roman Baths. Every comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man. The many points of historic interest in, and around the City, make Rich mond a very desirable stop-over place for tourists, where they can enjoy the climate, thus avoiding extreme changes of temperature. For handsomely illustrated booklet and reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Va. O. F. WEISIGER, Manger. ETERNAL SUNSHINE ALONE CANNOT ENGENDER HEALTH. The soft breezes and warm, bright sunshine of the South have a soothing and beneficent effect on the tired sys tem. But the internal needs of the body must not be forgotten in the quest of health. Good, wholesome nutrients must be employed in the building up of the body-structure. The House of Health that is built on SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT is like the proverbial house built upon the rocks of Strength and Permanence. When the stomach is in delicate condition, it will take up and easily assimi late Shredded Whole Wheat which contains the whole wheat grain, cleaned with scrupulous care, drawn into slender, porous shreds by delicate machinery and baked in hygienic ovens to just the degree consistent to perfect di gestion. Shredded Whole Wheat is Concentrated Life Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream and a little fruit will sup ply all the energy needed for a half day's work at a cost of five or six cents. Try it for ten mornings and you will feel brighter, stronger and happier. Your GROCER sells it. WOODS PURE AIRHEALTH AND COMFORT-PURE WATER IN THE HEART OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT THE APEX OF THE IDEAL TOUR Qotf Count full 6,460 yards THF JIOV9T PIEASAni TUB MOUWT W1IHIIOT09 . J. Trudeau, flfgrr. Wm. 8. Knnj, Mfirr. Winter: Hotel Ormond, Winter: Hotel Clarenden, OrmODd Beach Fla. Seabreeze, Florida. Information at 1180, 1122 Broadway, New York and all of Mr. Foster's Offices Bretton Woods Saddle Morses at Seabreeze ana urmona mis winter.