1 VOL. XVI, NO. 13 SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1913 FIVE CENTS GUESTS OF THE CAROLINA Complimentary Washington's Birthday Cotillion Splendid Success Program of Novelty .Entertain and Old Time Dances Contraitt Strange lj with modern Product THE ONLY regret con nectea witn tne com plimentary Washing ton's Birthday Cotillion tendered by the Hotel Carolina was that the music hall wasn't "the hippodrome." Over sixty couples participa- ed in the dancing and as for the on lookers, they were numberless in spite of the definite announcement of the com mittee that the limited capacity of the hall made it impossible to provide for them, f "Didn't vou read the invita tion?" asked one of the committee in response to request for seats which there were not. 1" Yes, and that is just why I wanted to come ! " f And here you have it; the continual yearning of a human race for the unattainable ! f The "crush," however, was but of brief dura tion, for those who came early gave way to others in waiting and the program throughout was replete with its novelty. Flag March Two Step Waltz Favor Two Step (1) Favor Two Step (2) Virginia Reel Schotttsche Waltz (1) Waltz (2) Cake Walk Up To Date Two Step TEN MINUTE INTERMISSION Stars and Stripes Paul Jones Circle Partners The Fruit of The Tree The Original Hatchet Do You Recall It? Will You Chance It? Please Don't Hurry Be Very Careful Rag Time Medley Have You This Card? Waltz Two. Step Favor Waltz (1) Favor Waltz (2) Portland Fancy Favor Waltz Suit Yourself Bunny Two Step (1) Two Step (2) Favor Waltz Partners Paul Jones Circle We'll Merry He In Noisy Glee You Have Danced It? May I Play? Pray Do! Rag Time Medley Bells on Her Fingers Rings on Her Toes Home Sweet Home In the opening march led by Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stone of Boston, the si'k American flags carried by the dnncers gave bright color and suggested the character of the day, and the same idea was carried out in the favors which in cluded clusters of cherries, hatchet fans, three cornered tri-colored chapeaux, beribboned bonnets and the cardbojid hatchets which indicated the seats of the dancers. An innovation of the evening was the introduction of the old time Virginia reel, schottische and Portland fancy; with the turkey trot of 1912 listed as the C4ke walk up to date and suit yourself bunny. The potato and egg racs were merry scrambler, Paul Jones circles created uo end of fun and the selection of partners in the tlig figure by the bells on her fingers and rings on her toes as popu'ar as ever. Many Tie lu fcilver JPoiU Play In Silver Foils competition Miss Louise Elkins, the watch contest and Miss J. A. Brown whose allowance was thirty, lied for firsr, at fifty-two, while Mrs. J. D. Baile ('20) liuMied eecoud in fifty-four with ties h!o for third aud fourth in fifty-six and fifty-seven, f The scores: Miss DavU, 53; Mrs. Rtndall and ?P sis ? Is i - - r-..t--r: . gj 1 r ,: ;,, -"tf;t ,.- .K, , & i - - Va. t , 4 . 4 & " ' ' I a v l 1 1 1 rS MR. ROBKRT HUNTFR g c-i OX- r- OX- Covet not the trophy when you meet him at either match or medal play, until the wiuning putt is down. l3tCCCCCtC3C3C33C3 C3 CJ 3 C3 C3 CJ C3 C3 C3 CJ Souvenir post cards also made the selec tion of partners uncertain and playing cards were used in the same way with good effect, the program concluding with a picturesque confetti ami serpen tine shower, f Over seventy enjoyed the dining room supper served at eleven thirty which concluded an evening long to be remembered, f For the immediate future the annual spring subscription cotillion is planned. Mrs. Price, 56; Mrs. P. M. Shannon, Miss Blancke aid Mrs. Simonds, 57; Mrs. Jillson and Mrs. R. C. Shannon, II., 58 ; Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. Vanderbeck and Miss Cummings, 59; Miss Priest, Miss Damon and Mrs. Ormsbee, 60 ; Mrs. Robeson, Gl ; Mrs. Brinton, Mrs. Trues dell and Miss Barnett, 62; Mrs. Worth, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Ridgway and Miss Hutchinson, 63; Miss Lippim-ott, 64; Mrs. Metcalf, 65, and Mrs. Rae, 66. TIN WHISTLES ARE HOSTS Forty-one Couples Participate in Annual Invitaton Mixed Foursomes Striking Evidence of folf' Poiu larity in lie Vlllag-e where the Game Iteigrnw Supreme SOCIALLY the mixed foursome here is not unlike the hunt ball at Meadowbrook. As a natural result the an nual invitation tourna ment of the Tin Whis tles is anticipated from year to year ; the record entrance of forty-one couples for Mon day's event striking proof of the pop ularity of golf in this the Village where the game permeUes the very atmos phere. Distinctly it was ladies' day from preliminary anticipation and prep aration on through the excitement of play to afternoon tea and the even ing's "nineteenth hole explanations' 1 Three prizes were oftVred for the best net scores; IJev. T. A. Cheatham of Salisbury, N. C, and Miss Gwendolyn Cummings of Brookline, whose handicap was eighteen, leading with eighty. Sec ond in eighty-two were Mr. F. A. Sedg wick of Hartford and Mrs. J. N. Iluyck of Albany, whose allowance was eight een. For third prize a tie resulted be tween the two best gross scores of the day ; Mr. Henry C. Fovvnes of Oakmont and Mrs. C. II. Vanderbeck of Philadel phia (3) and Mr. I. S. Robeson of Roch ter and Mrs. Herbert L. Jillson of Beth lehem, N. II., (6) who recorded eighty three. Numerous ties made up the list which ended with only two cards above the hundred mark. The scores : Rev. T. A. Cheatham, Salisbury and Miss G. Cummings, Brookline F. A. Sedgwick, Hartford and Mrs. J. N. Iluyck, Albany II. C. Fownes, Oakmont and Mrs. C. II. Vanderbeck, rhila. I. S. Robeson, Oak Hill and Mrs. II. L. Jillson, Bethlehem C. It. Fownes, Oakmont and Miss Louise Elkins, Oakmont W. L. Hurd, Pittsburgh and Miss Helen Barnett, New Haven J. G. Nicholson, New Bedford and Miss Dorothy Hutchinson, Detroit Dr. M. W". Marr. Dorchester and Miss Lucy K. Priest, Portsmouth J. V. Hurd, Pittsburgh and Mrs. J. V. Hurd, Pittt burgh W. T. Stall, Brockton and Mra. C. S. Waterhouse, New York (Concluded on page three) 93 18 80 100 18 82 86 3 83 89 6 83 91 7 84 107 23 84 95 10 85 98 13 85 91 6 85 106 20 86