PINEHURST OUTLOOK Your Gun Knows that there is a difference in powders. So does the veteran sportsman he makes it his business to know as much about powders as he does about game, dogs and guns. He knows that shells loaded with HERCULES "INFALUBIX SwekmUm Sbatsna Powder give uniformly good results. Don't let chance or the dealer decide what powder goes into your shells. Study your requirements. Order the powder that suits your needs. "Infallible" is a smokeless powder that is not injured by the wettest weather or extremes of temperature. Its high velocity means a longer shot when needed and not so much of a lead on your bird at other times. Other "Infallible" characteristics are even patterns, light recoil and breech pressure always within safety limits. Send for beautiful calendar in colors "The Game Bird of the Future." Suit able for framing. Address Dept. zmz&mm povljzicq Wilmington, Delaware . J or -AJN i PURPOSE we Iaurige Joyce Engraving (b. H.C.C. STILES, Mgr.' Evening Star B'ld'g. Washington, D.C. MYRON W. MARR, M. D. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN FOR PINEHURST Office at The Carolina Hours: 10 to 11 A. m or by appoin'ment. KoiielilirsrlirtDol Published Every Saturday Morning, During the Season, November May, at Plnehnrst. - - - North Carolina (Founded by James "W. Tufts) Edited by Herbert I. Jlllaon )ne Dollar Annually, Five Cents a Copy Foreign Subscriptions, Fifty Cents Additional. The Editor Is always glad to consider contri butions of descriptive articles, short stories and narratives. Good photographs are espe cially desired. Advertising rate card and circulation state ment on request. Editorial Rooms over the Department Store hours 9 to 5. In telephoning ask Central for Mr. Jlllson's office. Entered as second class matter at Post Office at Flnehurst, North Carolina. Saturday, April 11, 1914 Departmental Office Honrs Moving pictures 8 to 10 p. m.; Wednesdays and Saturdays, 3.30 to 5.30. Pharmacy open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. ; Sunday, 9 to 11 A. m., 2 to 9 p. m. Postoffice 7 : 30 A. m. to 9 p. m. ; Sunday, 9 to 10.15 A. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Dairy Barn, Dairy, Market Gar den and Kennels, Daily and Sunday. Shoe Repairing General Office Building, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Country Club 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Trap, Rifle and Pistol Grounds 9 a. m. to 6 P. M. General Office 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dept. Store 7 a. m. to 8 : 30 p. m. Telegraph 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Telephone All hours. Library 3 to 6 p. m. Train Schedule Below is a complete schedule of ar riving and departing trains : DAILY LEAVE PINEHURST 7.00 A. M. conn, for S. A. L. No. 5 for South 8.30 A.M. 9.15 A.M. S.25 P.M. 7.35 P.M. 10.00 P. M. Dally. 12 4 11 3 North South North DAILY ARRIVE PINEHURST 7.45 A. M. conn, from S. A. L. No. 6 from North 10.20 A. M. ' " 6.30 P. M. " 7.15 P. M. " 8.30 P.M. " 11.00 P.M. ' Dally. CARTHAGE TRAINS Leave Carthage for Plnehurst . (i " Plnehurst for Carthage t it it Dally except Sunday 9IalI Schedule ARRIVK PINEHURST From North ..... " " and South " South " North, South and West from Asheboro, N.C. from Asheboro.N.C. No. 11 from North 3 it it " 2 " South 7.30 A. M 6.35 P. M. 8.20 A.M. 8.10 P.M. 7:35 8:30 10:80 6.80 7:20 8:30 A.M. A. H. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. M. LEAVE PINEHURST For All Points 8:oo a.m. " South . . 8:30 and 7:00 p.m. " orth 8:00 FM N. B. All registered mall arrives at 9:30 A. m. and leaves at 5:00 p. m. A CI1AT W1T11 SIMEOS FOIII) Fnnioui lloniface Comment on Ilotelt, Guests, and landlord Simeon Ford has made a few observa tions on hotels, guests and landlords which awaken responsive chords in tour ists. Here they are : Hotels I asked Boldt how many col ored ' folks patronized the Waldorf, and he 3aid that he had seen only two in his restaurant, and when they glanced at the prices on his bill of fare they both turned white. The Bible says the leopard cannot change his spots, nor the Ethiopian his skin, but when that statement was made the Waldorf wasn't opened. The Waldorf can knock the spots out of anything, and I presume they would skin an Ethiopian there as quick as they would a white man. Guests The timid man stands in front of the hotel clerk, and the clerk attects to be oblivious of his presence and continues to relate an humorous anecdote to the commercial traveler. Finally the timid man plucks up courage to askthe clerk if he can get a room. The clerk, with a look of disdain, spins the register around, projects a pen at the timid man, and the timid man feels that really thej proper thing for him to do would be to J get ofi the earth. After the registering is done the clerk throws a key at the timidman and the African gentlemandrags him away and slams him into the elevator. When he is in his roomXthe; colored gentleman brushes away the last spark of vitality that yet remains in him and leaves him in a con ditionof collapse. Landlords Landlords would make brave soldiers. Suppose they had been asked to go up the line of San Juan such men as Boldt of the Waldorf and Baumann of the Holland and Charley Delmonico and Louis Sherry and that Teddy Roosevelt had given the order to charge. Don't you believe these fellows would have charged? If they had charged, the hearts of the Spaniards would have gone down into their boots. When these fellows charge, everybody has to go down into his sock. "Hope Spring Eternal!" The ruined sport was walking home from the races. He had gambled his last cent on the ponies and was a total wreck, financially and emotionally. He was a distinctly recognizable pic ture of despair. He knew he would have no dinner. So, in order to fool his stomach and make himself think he had fed, he reached his hand into hi3 vest pocket to get a toothpick. He felt something disk-shaped in be tween the lining and the cloth, below the pocket proper. His heart stopped beating. But it started again. Digging vigorously, he recovered a 25-cent piece. "Ah" he cried, joyfully, "help from an unexpected quarter ! " Get the Habit: Send The Outlook to Friends. Telling, as it does, the full story of the week "It Saves Letter Writing. SMOKELESS SHOTGUN POWDER for FIELD AND MARSH SHOOTING VXT H Y handicap v v yourself with an inferior powder ? The successful hunt ing trip and its resul tant joys depend largely upon the se lection of the sport ing powder. VOU should there- lore shoot BALL ISTITE, a powder whose superiority has been proven at the traps as well as in field and on the marsh. Insist on getting BALLISTITE. It is Absolutely Waterproof TJnaffected by climatic changes. Extremes of humidity and dryness make no difference with Ballistite. "yOUR top shot wad should read BALLISTITE. Your powder problem is then solv ed conclusively and satisfactorily. gALLlSTlTE is loaded 6jJ the principal am munition companies and sold in shot shells and in bulk by dealers every where. Booklet pertain in& to BALLISTITE mailed free on request. ASK DEPT. 297 DuPont Powder Co. Established 1802 Wilmington, Delaware THE FAMOUS Jackson Springs Water Was awarded the Silver Medal for Its purity and softness at the St. Louis Exposition In 1904. Relieves Indigestion and Kidney troubles. Served at the PINK CKEST INN. ON SALE AT Plnehurst Department Store THE NEW PINE CREST INN A delightful present season addition to Plnehurst's Hotels MODERN TIIROUGIIOU.T. Mrs. E. C. Bliss. Manicure, Shampooing, Chiropody and Marcel Wave LAURA A6NE8 WALKER Room 2 THE CAROLINA A