. jptt !.!V 11 S. IWW KSSI4 iMfil THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK HIaftW 2 CD 1 THE JEFFERSON THE MOST MAGNIFICENT HOTEL IN THE SOUTH RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 3 Eighteen Hole Golf Course of Country Club of Virginia Nearby S The many points of historic interest in, and around the City, and its central location make Richmond a very desirable stop-over point for tourists. S Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Roman Baths. Every comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man. 5" For handsomely illustrated booklet or reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Virginia O. F. WEISIGER, Manager PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE SPORT COATS We have a few of these fash3 ionable coats left. Plain White and Checked Chin chilla. They are of the best quality and cut on the latest styles. ONYX HOSIERY We carry a full line in both Silk and Lisle Toilet Articles in Parisian Ivory, Chaffing Dishes, 5 O'clock Teas, Useful Leather Goods, Silk Waists, Silk Sweaters, Golf Coats, Sporting Coats, Tennis Goods. Also we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Wools, Embroidery Silks, Groceries, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fruits and Vegetables. Quality Service Price FLORIDA: EM ridge 25 MILES NORTH OF PALM BEACH Hunting, boating fishing bath- T g Hamb ing, tennts, golf. Write for folder. Hobe Sou'ns F, Y THE CANADIAN VIEWPOINT 5 5 L Til Community 1 in burnt Plea Miniatvr of Agriculture AS THE result of the recent visit of United States Secretary of Ag riculture, David F. Hous ton, and Canadian Min ister of Agriculture, Mar tin Burrell, those two Iry eminent authorities dined '( i ufr together in Washington recently. Both were keenly interested in the agricultural problems which are being so successfully solved in the Sand Hill sec tion and largely through rural organiza tion and co-operation, and both were enthusiastic over the character of the climate as an all the year land of liberty and living; Minister Burrell especially so because of the speedy manner in which he rallied under its bracing atmosphere from his recent illness. Minister Burrell discussed in an inter esting and instructive way the problems which confront his Government. ' ' The Federal Government and the Provinces, of Agriculture is the inspection of all seed offered for sale in the Dominion. If a Government agent finds the seed that the stores are selling to the farmers is not what it is represented to be the Govern ment prosecutes the party responsible for the deception. If A myriad of publica tions are issued by the Department on every subject in relation to farm work. Among these is the Agricultural Gazette. ' r None of Minister Burrell 's remarks are of interest to the local people quite so much as his account of the profitable farming which is being carried on on the sand soil of British Columbia. "This, " lie said, " is often very deep, loose and light. Irrigation, which entails heavy ex pense, is also necessary. They raise but one crop a year, nevertheless the soil is very valuable and is wonderfully produc tive. Great yields of fruit and potatoes are made on it." The distinguished visitor was most in terested in the account of the development of agriculture in the Sand Hills and was .agreeably surprised to learn that tho A PINEHURST CORN FIELD first of all," he said, "are working to gether for better agriculture in Canada. Agricultural schools are being established for those who do not care to go or who are unable to go to the high schools or colleges on completion of the common school course. Courses in all lines of agriculture are given. These schools which are often run in conjunction with the experiment stations, are proving popular and useful. On the day one is opened two hundred or more pupils may present themselves for admission. ' ' Canadian farmers, like United States farmers, are slow to take up co-operation. However, where the conditions have forced them to it as in the marketing of fruit, excellent results have been obtained. Co-operative creameries and other at tempts at concerted action have also done well in some sections of the Dominion. 1f District representatives who work much as our farm demonstrators do, are also doing a great work for better agriculture. "Another interesting detail of the great work of the Canadian Department farmers here had perfected so complete and earnest a co-operative federation and that without State or National aid. Silver Foil Officer The Silver Foils at the annual meeting elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Clarence II. Vanderbeck; Vice presidents, Mrs. William West, Mrs. Alex ander McGregor ; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Gwendolyn Curhmingsj Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Lucy K. Priest ; Club Captain, Mrs. Guy Metcalf ; Handi cap Committee, Mrs. J. P. Gardner, Miss Louise Elkins; Board of Goverors, Mrs. Louis E. Beall, Mrs. J. E. Price, Mrs. Irving S. Bobeson, Mrs. J. T. Newton, Mrs. M. B. Ormsbee, Mrs. J. G. Splane. fflra. 11 ut ton Wlni flo.r Handicap Mrs. George C. Dutton of the Belmont Springs Club was the winner of the bogey handicap arranged by the Silver Foils. She finished two up playing with an allowance of nine strokes.