. . II iiiimn ,JSa,nCTW'-V,WVkT'',','ff. I " MHMMB id i ill w I II TMElPIIMEMlLJRiT Published Every Saturday Morning During the Season, November May, at Pinehurst, North Carolina Cdltvtl by Herbert I,. Jillnon One Dollar Annually, Five Cents a Copy Foreign Subscriptions, Fifty Cents Additional The Editor is always glad to consider contri butions. Good photographs are especially desired. Editorial Rooms over the Department Store hours 10 to 5. In telephoning ask central for Mr. Jillson's office. Advertising rate card and circulation state ment on request. Entered as second class matter at Post Office at Pinehurst, Moore County, North Carolina. Annual Spring1 Number, 11)15 Departmental Office 11 ours Pharmacy open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 9 p. m. Postoffice 7:30 a. m. to 9 p. M.j Sunday, 9 to 11 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Dairy Barn, Dairy, Market Gar den And Kennels, Daily and Sunday. Trap, Rifle and Pistol Grounds 9 a. m. to 6 P. M. Travel Bureau, General Office 9 A. M tO 9 P. M. Country Club 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. General Office 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dept. Store 7 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Telegraph 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Telephone All hours. Library 3 to 6 p. m. Vraln Schedule Below is a complete schedule of ar riving and departing trains: DAILY LEAVE PINEHURST 7.00 A. M. conn, for S. A. L. No. 1 for South 9.15 A. M. conn, for S. A. L. No. 4 for North 7.35 P. M. conn, for S. A. L. No. 3 for South 10.00 P. M. conn, for S. A. L. No. 2 for North 7.38 A. M. conn, for Asheboro and Highpoint 11.00 A. M. conn, for Asheboro only. Daily. DAILY ARRIVE AT PINEHURST 7.38 A. M. conn from S.A.L. No. 5. 7.45 A. M. conn, from S.A.L. No. 1 from North 4.30 P. M. conn, from S.A.L. from Asheboro 8.30 P. M. conn, from S.A.L. No. 3 from North 11.30 P. M. conn, from S.A.L. No. 2 from South Daily. CARTHAGE TRAINS Leave Carthage for Pinehurst. . .6.15 A. M. Leave Carthage for Pinehurst. . .6.15 P. M. Leave Pinehurst for Carthage. . .8.00 A. M. Leave Pinehurst for Carthage. . .9.50 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Mall Schedule ARRIVE PINEHURST From North 7.35 A. M. From North and South 8.30 A. M. From South 10.30 A. M. From North 8.30 P. M. LEAVE PINEHURST For All Points 8.00 A. M. For South 7.00 P. M. For North 8.00 P. M. N. B. All registered mail arrives at 9.30 A. M. and leaves at 5.00 P. M. SUNDAY HOURS 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. 8100 to 9.00 P. M. MEMORY PICTUfiES, INDEED! 'Hide With Me Some Day Out Upon the Hill Cret JRoads" I 'M wondering if this wide world over, there's a day to equal a 1 1 Pine hurst day;" the sort of day friends associate with the Village? IfQuite a number of globe trotters tell me they have never seen their equal, and never do those of us who know Pinehurst, both in smiles and tears, question the statement. When the sullen hills purple beneath threat ening clouds we anticipate, and when the sun breaks through and glorifies them in wondrous tints of orange, pink and violet we forget. If Here surely is realization Freedom ! Ride with me some day out upon the winding hill crest roads, pausing from time to time to drink in the marvelous panorama wnicn opens up. n fore grounds of rich brown and warm green The Society Menag-erle We are printing the following extract from a special "dispatch" merely as an example of style, for we can hardly con ceive how it could be regarded as news. which by-the-way, is apparently rather scarce at the point from which this emanated. H Palm Beach, Monday. Warm weather brought out all sorts of animal pets on the beach, at the golf club and around the hotels. The strangest of all was one owned by Mrs. W. W. Miller of New York, recently married, which consisted of a very small alligator, about ten inches long. It obeys commands like a human being, and when ordered to stand still long enough to have its picture taken, did not make a single move until it was over, then opened its mouth wide open, which, according to Mrs. Miller means thanks. Another pet is owned by Mrs. N. Owen, but was carried by Miss Umbria Millican, of New York. It is a small creature, which resembles a bear acts, walks and has a head and brown 0?0(0t?0 )? C&J 0?0 0?0 ? 0?0 0?30?0 C& 0?0 0?J ?J 0?0 0?J l?0 0?0 0?JO?00?00?l c- 8 c- n OX OX 8 r-i n Spring: at Pinehurst fl Once again the Spring is here, Gladsome time of all the year; Butterflies flit here, and there. Gathering sweetness everywhere From the blooming shrubs and flowers, Through the happy, sunny hours fl Here's the Robin back again That the Spring has come to Btay. Singing, working, happy they While other birds call, each his mate, Mocking birds sing soon and late Carolling his glad refrain; H Flowers are blooming all about And the Trees are budding out; Snow white Dogwood, Flowering Vines; Tasseling Oaks among the Pines, These and more in bright array, Growing prettier every day. If So the Spring comes every year, Bringing faith, and hope, and cheer; And as Spring brings back the flowers Faith puts into these hearts of ours Renewed hope, happiness and strength And eternal Spring is ours at length. XJ Xo X XO XO u - XO - XO XO I 1 Anna Faulkner Cheatham XO XO r-t XO i i Cg3 C&O C&3 C&O C&3 C&3 C&3 C&3 C&3 C&O C&3 & C&3 C& C&3 C&3 tI3C3C3C3C3C3 C3C3 standing out sharp and clear against hills as blue as sapphire and fields as bright as topaz, with the vast dome of sky banked in mighty fortresses of clouds which defy brush or pen, and tell me then if ever Turner imagined sucn colors, Whistler such exquisite tones, and Corot such subtlety! Let your vision dwell upon the distance, not the scrub oak, which is but an inci dental complimentary note of color giving character, and suddenly you will realize that it is, indeed, "God's Coun try;" strangely beautiful because of its implicity and its unity. If ' ' Memory Pictures,' ' indeed, they are; treasures to be cherished by those who have eyes to see. Paint them! H Gracious; no canvas big enough! h. l. J. Nearly 12 1 g-lit y Dollar Wetted Seventy-seven dollars and eighty-five cents was the sum netted at last Friday's entertainment at the Community Hall. Other similar affairs are planned for the near future. Snappy Well Some! Snappy? Well some. If The Outlook. Mail it to friends. coat exactly like a cub, but in reality is a three months Chinese dog called Chang. 11 Mrs. Frederick Edey, Mrs. John C. King, Mrs. Edward B. McLean and Mrs. H. Rumsey Green had small dogs, while Mrs. John R. Bradley managed a black and white wild cat that nobody else can control. She, the cat, meekly obeys every imperative order and responds only at the sound of "bick." These pets were seen at different places and times. 1f The attention of society was concentrated to day on a smart parasol carried on the beach by Mrs. Oliver Harriman. It was of black and white circularly striped, each about four inches wide, which, due to the flatness of its construction along the line of Japanese umbrellas, looked like a target visible at very long range, striped coat to match. Owner of The Manor Mr. Thomas Wadley Raoul, owner of The Manor at AshevilJe, spent a portion of the week here as an interested visitor. Camden's II o rite Show Camden announces its annual horse show for Friday, March 19th. New Ways TO Throw "Clays" EXCITING as you 've found trapshooting, it is now more so when the " clays" fly from the 1 PONT Hand Trap Then the shooter is "up against" the cunning of man, unknown target flights and disconcerting range cal culations. Eighty-yard straightaway targets, "over-heads," "jack rabbits," "curvers" and ' Englished ' ' targets are some of the flights described in our FREE BOOKLET we will send on request. This book explains just how to work the Hand Trap, and pictures many scenes sug gesting how outing, camp ing and motor parties may gain pleasure and instruction with this simple and cheap target-throwing implement. Price: $4.00. For sale by sporting goods and hardware dealers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. FOR HAND TRAP OR SPORT ING POWDER BOOKLET WRITE TO DEPT. 297-S Du Pont Powder Co. Established 1802 "Wilmington, Delaware Manicure, Shampooing, Chiropody and Marcel Wave LAURA A6NE8 WALKER, THE CAROLINA Rtorn 2 and Barber Shop European Cure in America GREENBRIER White Sulphur Springs, W. Ya. OPEN ALL THE YEAR New Bath Establishment DR. GEO. II. KAHLO, Medical Director FRED STERRY, Managing Director J. II. SLOCUM, Manager BOOKING r New York The Plaza OFFICES Boston Copley Plaza n