Mll THE PINEH.URST OUTLOOK "SmMn Dodson Sheltered Food Howe Complete with 8 ft. Pole, $8.00 i.e. b. Kankakee, III. Feeding Car. Price $5.00 f.o.b. Kankakee, III. GIVE A BIRD HOUSE m Sf la,iifSJfpph,M There is no gift that will give more happiness than a Dodson Bird lions or Feeding Device. If put out now will save the lives of many of our songbirds. Dodson Sparrow Trap Automatic drop and double funnel trap combined. Price $6.00 f o. b. Kankakee, 111. Nature Neighbors Best sot -of books about birds. Beautiful colored plates. Fbee Illustrated book telling how to win birds to your gardens, and descriptive folder of Nature Neighbors, illustrated with birds in natural colors. A picture worth framing. 744 S Harrison Ave , KANKAKtt, ILL. Mr. Dodson it a director of the American Audubon Association V Wren House Price $5.00 f.o.b. Kankakee, tU JOSEPH H. DODSON Weathervane Feeding Table. Price $6.00 f.o.b. Kankakee, III. Pinehurst Department Store EVERYTHING YOU WANT OR NEED Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Pharmacy, Groceries, Hardware, Shoes, Fruits, Toilet Articles, Books, Etc. Page Trust Company ABERDEEN - CARTHAGE - HAMLET NORTH CAROLINA RESOURCES $750,000.00 A prominent factor in the Development of the Sand, hills Section Our aim is to serve New Spring Line Men's Caps, 50c to $1.50. Ladies' and .:- Men's Outing Hats. Ladies' and Gent's Shoes, Sport Shoes, Oxfords, Tennis Shoes, etc. Middy Blouses and Suits. Chil dren's Dresses, Ladies' Shirt Waists', House Dresses, etc. PATCH & RICHARDSON ' Phone 16 Southern Pines, - - - North Carolina THE PINEHURST OUTOOK Send copies to your friends HUNTER BREAK AWAY Wins Tin Whistle Roand Robin Fownft Return Into tb Game, and Take m Prize from Kelley, Trnetdell and Clapp l riK.ii.iv rousing cheers for Hunter The trophy belongs to him. Likewise the lead of all the Tin Whistles in round robin play as sembled. Rest gross, best ball, and better yet, a triple and sub stantial victory over-those three mashieteers, Becker, Parson and Danforth. It is no new thing to see him winning a tournament. From Maine to Miami it is a com monplace dispatch. Not all Pine hurst has been able to deprive him of the autumn tournament since when the minds of men run not to the contrary. But this is something else again. The Tin Whistles have an antidote for perennial champions,- and it has been a long day since the scratch man has been able to manoever through the combined defences. This week the ancient and hon orable club played a two days' schedule. The first day consisted in a medal round, led by Hunter in a walk with an 82 on the No. 2 course, 39 out and 43 in. Donald Parson of Youngstown, C. L. Becker, who invented the game, and F. S. Danforth of North Fork qualified in 90 or better for the first four in the next morning's play. It was ordained that the eight best gross scores should play a round obin from scratch, in groups of four every man play ing every other in the division. That the next twenty should play in similar, wise in groups of four in the order of their medal scores, under their proper handicap and that all and sundry the rest of the club who did not attain to posi tion in this classification by rea son of slicing, pulling, bad luck, off days, blind staggers or any other reason should be relegated to match play against that hord old master Bogey. This division, as a matter of fact boasting the leading citizens of the colony and most of the humor of the town ship, an. exclusive and highly de sirable situation, was libelously called the "slush" by the ennous and serious; - Due to a mistake in single the totals and the complete returns of this evens are not ready when we go to press, and will be re ported in full detail next week. Urges Golf Links for Women (Concluded from page eeven) like this the green is always trapped according to the club which the man would use. There fore to ask a woman to play a brassie shot with the accuracy and direction of a midiron, or to play a mid-iron shot and hold it where a man must use a mashie to stay on the green is manifestly unjust, and only a case of adding to the burden at the very point where the load should be light ened. No amount of moving for ward of the tee can shift the traps and bunkers for the second and third shots on the long holes. Moreover, when a woman is called upon to force herself to carry a ditch or a brook it is hard to keep the shot as aceuate as it would be if it were well within her strength;. . Even taking the Women's Western Golf Association ratingj allowing. fifty yards difference on each stroke .'for par, serious diffi culty is found oh the long holes. In a -550-yard" par 5 hole, the tee would be. moved forward . 150 yards." This would probably be at the location of or beyond the first trap for men, but' if would also be in a particularly fine place to catch a good drive by a woman in the traps set for the second shot of the men. And thus Miss Stirling arrives at the thoroughly logical conclu sion that there ought to be links designed expressly for women golfers, if they are to play their own .game, and not an ill-fitting adaptation on a course that is not at all suitable for the business in hand. In England there are many courses designed and con structed for women alone, and this may in a measure account for the great superiority that has een evident in the olav ot the fair English golfers who visited these shores in recent years.: New York Times. RatiiI Tttw Htttt nnv fn irmir friii-'idSv Tf folio Via ettw V.a nroolr and SfcVe letter writing. Ask for mailing envelope9'