TAGE TWO THE PINEHUBST OUTLOOK ta -OT m HIGHLAND PINES INN WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA Ou the lUMin liiiH of tho Sesiboard Air IJne Kjiilway and Capital Highway tive milt*s from Piiiehurst Bnii^ am HOTEL WENTWORTH ^ NEW CASTLE, PORTSMOUTH, N. H. The Leading New England Coast Summer Resort Every facility for sport and recreation: Golf, tennis, riding, driving yachting, fishing, bathing, and well equipped garage under compete ni supervision. Fine livery. Music by symphony players. Accommo dates 500. Local and long distance telephone in every room. Trap, Rifle and Pistol Shooting is one of the attractions. Annie Oakley, the world famous markswoman, will mstruct ladies tri:* of charge. Send today for illustrated booklet. I WENTWORTH HOTEL COiMPANY J. P. TILTON, MGR., - Formerly of Poland Spring, Maine Golf, Tennis, Shooting, Fox Hunting, Racing, Canoeing i Overlooking the Golf Courte and Country Club OPEN DECEMBKR TO MAY MOTOK’JNG—hundreds of miles »f tin* l)f*st roads in the South rjidintc from Southern Tines Complete Garage, Well Stocked Stable, Good Motor Bus Service to Pineliurst and Neighboring Resorts CREAMER & TURNER, Proprietors Writt* lor lUustrated Kooklet The Big Fourteen iNFALUBLE ^*£.cr These are the fourteen standard brands of loaded shells and the shell you shoot is among them. Remember—you can always get your favorite shell loaded with Infallible or “E.C.” if you ask for it and insist on getting it. You can buy any one of the fourteen shells listed at the right loaded with one of the HEI^CULES Smokeless Shotgun POWDBHS INFALLIBLE £.cr When you swing your gun to your shoulder and pull the trigger—/VV the ponder that does the nvork. And it is of the utmost importance to you that this powder be dependable. Hercules Smokeless Shotgun Powders are alnvays depend able. They always burn evenly, give even patterns, high velocity and light recoil. The next time that you buy shells, look on the top wad for the name Infallible or “E. C.” tHBI{pULES POWDEt{^ CO. ^ W. 10th Street Wilmington Delaware HIGH GUN IDEAL PREMIER TARGET SELBY LOADS CHALLENGE GRADE SUPERIOR GRADE 0\BLACK SHELLS FIELD RECORD "^l^NCHBSTER lES PO\ WrMJJBLC/ 14 .8HE1XS. Club House Old Voini Coivfort GoJf and Country Club Five Minutes Walk from Hotel Chamberlain Hotel Chamberlain directly faces Hampton Roads, the constant scene of every phase of Marine Activity.. Immediately in front is the Naval Training Base and Aviation School. Langley Field, the Army Aviation^ Experiment Sta tion, is the “Show Place for Aviation in America.” The 18-HOLE GOLF COURSE is six minutes away by trolley. The Course is in excellent shape. GOLF EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR is almost a certainty. A colored Aeroplane Map of the Course, the only one of this kind ever made in America, as well as our booklet “CtOLF” will be sent you, if you wish. MEDICINAL BATH DEPARTMENT, COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. Every Bath and Treatment, as given at European Spas, with the additional advantages of sea-breezes and sea-bathing. For further particulars, booklets, etc., address, GEO. F. ADAMS, MGR., FORTRESS MONROE, VA.