PAGE TWELVE THE PINEHVBST OUTLOOK ATLANTIC CIT^ World’s Oreatest Motel A^uccess The luxurious center of social life in America—the inspiration of the gayest and most fascinating life on the continent Traymjre guests have full privileges of ,Jthe beautiful I‘Country Club of Atlantic City, where Golf is played the year round. 18 hole championship course of 6,016 yards w morT ftMnwcTfr nAillHl. M. fi'HITE ft*r«aid«at THE JEFFERSON THE MOST MAQNIFICENT HOTEL IN THE SOUTH RICHAIOIND, VIRGIINIM f Th« numj points of historic interest in, and around the City, and its central cation make Richmond a verj desirable stop-over potbt for tourists. Eighteen Hole Golf Club of Country Club of Virginia Nearby Etooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Turkish and Bomau Batha ^erj comfort for the tourist, every convenience for the traveling man. ' For handsomely illustrated booklet or reservations, address THE JEFFERSON, Richmond, Virginia O. F. WEISIOER. Manager tbe Greenbrier White Sviphvr Springs West Virginia The fame of White Sulphur Springs was based originally on its wonderful medicinal baths. But today distinction as a golf center is added to its fame as a Spa. The 18-hole championship course of 6250 yards lies in a valley flanked by beautiful mountains. The splendid 9-hole course is attractive to those who are less ambitious. Perfect golf and just the right baths as given at the Greenbrier, con stitute the greatest ■’rent” in the world The magnificent and thoroughly equipped bath establishment is under the professional direction of The White Sulphur Springs Med ical Institute. 1^ dlbmarlf yarn flshewlUe,N.C ^ “Perfectly charm ^ ing” English Inn in the glorious Land of the Sky. Real Southern hos pitality, homelike infor mality, perfect service, concentrated comfort— in an atmosphere of re finement and taste. Perfect Golf in a Perfect Climate and all other sporta in perfection Open the year round WRITE FOR BOOKLET « MAKE RESERVATIONS 3n (^mgrica - * '3nn