fEBZUABY 18, 1920 The Week in Pinehurst PAGE 5 7 " n if k J a 4 r f f f ' i k d- vlA' dr l Am SlVvJr Quinton Prcece, Pinehurst 's Youngest Polo Player Mr. J. A. Tuckerman, of Boston, in action on the Polo Field of the Sand Jlill Club MR. AND MRS. W. A. MAGOON, of Detroit, Michigan, are here to spend a few weeks visiting Mr. Magoon's broth er, Mr. G. A. Magoon, at the latter 's cottage, Beausoleil. THE NEWLY ORGANIZED Pine hurst Forum bids fair to become one of the popular adjuncts of colony life. The members have introduced the cus tom of gathering at the Country Club on Sunday evening for an informal supper1, which is followed by discussions and speeches by prominent men. The last meeting held on Sunday, February 8th, was opened by an infor mal address by Mr. Lawrence Abbott of the "Outlook," who was introduced by Mr. Homer II. Johnson. Mr. Abbott discussed very impressively the peculiar ly American qualities of his friend Theodore Roosevelt his caution' and preparedness, his moral courage, his sense of humor, which Mr. Abbott iden tified with common sense, and his gentle ness. The second speaker of the evening was Mr. Benjamin F. Butler, of Eagle Springs, who talked of Mexico. Mr. Butler was for sometime a resident of the southern republic, and as an eye witness of the fall of the Diaz govern ment, the Madero revolution, and the rise of Huerta, could speak with knowl edge of the existing problems. The speaker severely scored the failure of the American Government to take steps toward the improvement of present con ditions and expressed the belief that armed intervention is inevitable. The meeting was attended by about 60 members of the Colony. MISS JEANETTE WIGGINS, daughter of Mrs. Russell Wiggins, cele brated her fifth birthday at the Club, Tuesday afternoon, with a little party for six. MRS. GEORGE STATZELL, of Phil adelphia, is entertaining as visitors her niece Mrs. M. M. Tenzler and also her Tittle grandaughter, Miss Adele Tenzler. The visi'.urs will remain in Pinehurst for a few weeks. Mr. AND MRS. A. P. DE FORREST ALLGOOD, of New York City, who ar rived two weeks ago on their honey moon, have gone to the beaches of Flor :.da for a few weeks, from whence they will return to their home in New York a", 130 E 67th Streeti Mrs. Allgood was Miss Laurie E. Smith, daughter of Gen eral and Mrs. Robert C. Smith. MR. AND MRS. HENRY W. MOORE, the young couple from Brock port, N. Y. who are stopping at The Carolina, will leave for home the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will be greatly missed not only on the links, where they have been daily visi tors, but also at the Club Grill, where their dancing has elicited many an aren't they graceful. ' ' MISS KATHERINE KOLB, of Phil adelphia, is here to spend a few days. Miss Kolb is one of the best of women horse riders here. She is also a dancer par excellence. HUNTING PARTIES under the supervision of Mrs. Spencer are becom ing very much in vogue. Despite the threatening rain on Thursday morning a party of eighty which included Mrs. Spencer, Miss O'Rourke, Miss Houck, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Yipp, Mr. Holbrook, Mr. Trotter and Mr. Coffee, as the huntsman. The party set out at 7 o'clock in the morning to return at 11:30, without the fox, to the sorrow of many. The first place to be reached by the riders was Allen's Grove, but find ing nothing in particular to attract their attention there, they proceeded to Chandler's Pond and to Thaggard's Grove. After a lunch they returned to the Carolina. The riders struck the trail of a fox, much to their joy; but, owing to the inexperience of the hounds, were not able to follow up their quarry. LIEUT. MITCHELL is kept very busy these days. So many people want to fly that he is compelled to make at least ten flights a day. Among those who have taken trips with Lt. Mitchell during the past week are Mr. C. H. Levy, of Oil City, Pa.; Dr. W W. Van derhoof, of Watkins, N. Y.; Mr. A. W. Lawrence, of New York City; Mrs. F. M. Weld, of New York City; Mr. E. G. pa'-z, of Albany, N. Y..; Mr. J. W. Southern, of Albany, N. Y.; Mr. M. Blue, Carthage N. C; Mr. R. K. Run ton, of Arl ngton, Mass.; Mr. Lester Woodward, New York City; Miss Mar-, ion Atkinson, Aberdeen, N. C; Mrs. Lee R. Page, of Aberdeen, N. C; Mr. P. L. Bar'-on, Boston, Mass-.; Mr. Herbert Foster Hewitt, L. I.; Mr. T. C. Shot well, New York City; Mr. J. R. Page, Aberdeen, N. C; Mr. F. T. Walker, New York City and Miss Julia Price, of Jefferson City, Mo. MISS ELEANOR T. CHANDLER, the prominent Philadelphia golfer, is in our midst again. On Monday she won the Medal' for -'he lowest score and Fri day won the finals of the St. Vaneltine Tournament for Women, after a close match with Mrs. Armstrong. Miss Chandler displayed remarkable courage ami grit in this match and well deserves the cup. MRS. L. F. F. WANNER has yet to 1 e beaten on the track. Her horses, as wo'l as her dogs, are creating a sensa 'ion here at the present moment. Her champion shepherd dog, Artis-Mercedes was adjudged best of the breed out of '118 dogs at the Grand Central Palace Dog Show in New York last week. MR. AND MRS. T. B. BOYD enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Rumsey and Miss Lord at dinner at the Holly Inn on Tuesday evening. J. A. M.