DECEMBER 15, 1921 PAGE 11 THOMAS MORRISON WINS CAROLINA TOURNAMENT BOOST FOR PINEHURST (Continued from Page 3) The third division prize went to Henry D. Waters, Buffalo, who defeated John H. Goodall, Belleview, in a 19 hole strug gle, while J. R. Bowker, "Woodland, won from F. T. Bronson, New York, for the consolation trophy. The Summary: Qualifying round I. S. Robeson, Rochester E. L. Scofield,, Pinehurst C. W. Deibel, Youngstown Donald Parson, Pinehurst R. R. Shannan, Youngstown S. O. Miller, Englewood W. E. Watson, Youngstown Thomas Morrison, Oakmont R. E. Harlow, Scarboro Frank S. Danforth, North Fork D. R. Meigs, Pottstown F. T. Keating, Pinehurst At the annual meeting of the Metro politan Golf Association, held at the Racquet Club in New York on Tuesday evening of this week, it was declared in open session that the professional golfers got . such substantial prizes at Pinehurst they sneezed at the offerings in the Metropolitan open, and accordingly it was voted to mark up dues$10. a year so as to better compete with the resort courses. 78 Indicative of 80 the demand for housing accommodations 80 in Pinehurst is the news that all office 83 and rooms in the new Bank building have 8G been rented. The new bank was com 86 pleted just a month ago. 86 86 86 89 89 A Window Display in New York which is creating consid erable interest is that of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad's City Ticket Office on Forty-Second Street. Mr. ,S. B. Murdock VT. u. i. uaraner, itnoae isiana u. u yu Division Passenger Agent of that road has fitted up the window with all Pine 90 90 R. H. Hunt, Worcester T. C. Bronson, New York W. E. Wells, E. Liverpool II. C. Fownes, Oakmont G. M. Howard, Pinehurst R. C. Shannon 2nd, Pinehurst Lee Steinfeld, North Shore D. P. Kingsley, Blind Brook T. C. Bell, C. C. of Virginia C. B. Hudson, North Fork W. Y. Sing, Brooklyn C. L. Becker, Pinehurst C. M. Ramsoni, Buffalo George Van Keuren, Englewood C. L. Sebring, Alliance C. C. II. N. Card, Canoe Brook I. Hellman, Fairview J. L. Hayes, Belleclaire G. T. Dunlap, Pinehurst W. B. Merrill, Brookline J. D. Armstrong, Pinehurst J. R. Bowker, Woodland J. R. Goodall, Belleview G. M. Herdling, Areola C. M. Rudel, Montreal B. H. Kroger, Cincinnati A. F. Blake, Belleview Henry D. Waters, Buffalo H. C. Buckminster, Winchester J. A. Campbell, Youngstown F. T. Bronson, New York L. H. Melville, Toronto John Smith, Brookline E. H. Wiswell, Pinehurst G. A. Magoon, Oakmont Harry Lee, North Fork James Barber, Englewood J. T. Newton, Pinehurst B. J. Sanborn, Wellesley H. T. McClearn Jr., Dedham J.' G. Chickering, Andover 124 Match Play First Division hurst articles, including the Pinehurst Golf Ball, the Pinehurst Golf Shoe, the Pinehurst Pipe and Pinehurst prizes For the holidays Mr. Murdock has re quested some Pinehurst holly, mistletoe and evergreens which abound in this sec tion and which will be sent him. 91 92 92 9., 93 94 94 95 J Semi-finals Watson beat Bronson, 5 95 and 4; Morrison beat Deibel, 2 and 1; Ji Final Morrison beat Watson, 4 and 96 2. 96 Consolation Final. 97 Scofield beat Harlow, 5 and 4. y Second Division y8 First round Sing beat Card, 2 up; 98 Merrill beat Hudson, by default; Sebring 98 beat Ramsom, 3 and 2; Hellman beat 99 Hayes by default; Shannon beat Van 10 Keuren, 4 and 3; Fownes beat Howard 100 2 up; Kingsley beat Becker, 1 up (2o 101 holes); Bell beat Steinfeld, 5 and 4; 101 Second round Sing beat Merrill, 1 up 10- (19 holes) ; Sebring beat Hellman, 4 and 10- 2; Fownes beat Shannon, 2 and 1; King 102 siey beat Bell, 1 up (19 holes) . 1U Semi-Finals Sebring beat Sing, 1 up 10 (19 holes) ; Fownes beat Kingsley, 3 and 106 2. 106 Final Fownes beat Sebring, 2 and 1. 108 Consolation final Becker beat Card 109 4 and 3. 11 Third Division 114 xjisi. luunu vvaiers ueai ivieivnie, and 3; Magoon beat Blake by default; 114 117 118 Herdling beat Bronson 1 up (19 holes) ; Wiswell beat Smith. 4 and 3: Oamnhpll 122 v j. -r i.. -i ia . weau uuhaci, up xw noies; ; Armstrong beat Dunlap, by default; Rudel beat Buckminster. 2 and 1; Goodall beat First round Watson beat .Gardner, 6 Kroger one up. and 5; Wells beat Harlow, 3 and 1; Second round Waters beat Magoon, Miller beat Keating, 5 and 4; Bronson 3 &nc 2; Herdling beat Wiswell, 4 and 3; beat Hunt, one up; Deibel beat Meigs, Campbell beat Armstrong, by default; 6 and 4; Robeson beat Scofield, 4 and3; Goodall beat Rudel, 2 and 1. Morrison beat Danforth, one up; Parson Semi-Finals Waters beat Herdling, beat Sharman, two up. . . 2 and 1 ; Goodall beat Campbell, 2 and 1. Second round Watson beat Wells, two Final Waters beat Goodall (19 up ; Bronson beat Miller, 4 and 3 ; Deibel holes) . beat Robeson, 5 and 4; Morrison beat Consolation -final Bowker beat Bron- Parson, 2 and 1. son, 4 and 3. . HIGHLAND PINES INN ' WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS SOUTHERN PINES. NORTH CAROLINA On the main line of the Seaboard Air Line Railway and Capital Highway five miles from Pinehurst Vv1. -,.''-'"-,-.-'.-- . ' '.- '. -.. . v, ' : ' : . . . ii$kp-r. i ; era r1- o " y .tJ.T ujt-.ate.jtMaf Mb tit' , . t'JuAJUi tJL ., .. JL-Jxi- gattelj -jgr .. , Golf, Tennis, Shooting, Fox Hunting, Racing, Canoeing Overlooking the Golf Course and Country Club OPEN DECEMBER TO MAY MOTORING hundreds of miles of the best roads in the South radiatd from Southern Pines Complete Garage, Well Stocked Stable, Good Motor Bus Service to Pinehurst and Neighboring Resorts CREAMER & TURNER, Proprietors Writo for Illustrated Booklet "More Activity In Moore County Than Anywhere Else in America." That is the way James Boyd expressed himself ,011 his return to the Sandhills a. , , ; couple of weeks ago. He looked at the new buildings under way, the orchard expansion, the road improvement, and the general and striking evidences of progress and industry everywhere in -the region, and said emphatically that he had seen nowhere in the North, East or West anything to compare with it. Then another Sign: Tourists are arriving a little earlier this year, And they are coming in numbers. More associations are picking Pinehurst for their meeting place. State and National events at Pinehurst are becoming more numerous. The New Houses built during the Year are Bringing more People. , Pinehurst of this winter is showing its regular 25 per cent advance over all previous years, and the record of the past is always the indication of the future. This is the time to secure a Pinehurst location. For information see the Real Estate Section, General Office, PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA