I DECEMBER 29, 1921 PAGE 9 Season's Sports Program List of Principal Events 'H': iTIIj:;:: . GOLF DECEMBER 28, 29, 30, 31; JANU ARY 2. NINETEENTH ANNUAL MIDWINTER TOURNAMENT. Quali fying round and finals, eighteen holes. Gold medal for best qualification score; President's Trophy to winner of first six teen; Governors' Trophy to winner of second sixteen; Secretary's Trophy to winner of third sixteen; Treasurer's Trophy to winner of fourth sixteen; Captain's Trophy to winner of fifth six teen; also sterling trophies to division runners-up and consolation division win ners. Special trophies for additional divisions. JANUARY 30, 31; FEBRUARY 1, 2, 3, 4 EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL ST. VALENTINE 'S TOURNAMENT. Qualifying round, 36 holes; finals, eigh teen holes. Gold medal for the best qualification score; Trophies to winners of first eight sixteens, and to first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth division runners-up and consolation division winners; silver medals to division runners-up and consolation division winners in the seventh and eighth divisions. Special trophies for additional divisions. FEBRUARY 7, 8, 9, 10. SEVEN TEENTH ANNUAL ST. VALEN TINE'S TOURNAMENT FOR WO MEN. Qualifying round and finals eighteen holes on the morning1 of each day. One or more eights to qualify. Gold medal for best qualification score; sterling trophies for winners and run-nersi-up in each eight. Special trophies for additional divisions. FEBRUARY 16, 17. SECOND AN NUAL SENIORS' HANDICAP TOUR NAMENT. Eighteen holes medal play each day. Prize for best net each day and a gross prize for best 36 holes. En trants must be 55 years of age or over. Players may select their partners and must arrange time for starting. FEBRUARY 21. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL TIN WHISTLE ANNIVER SARY TOURNAMENT. Note. Ac cording to the privilege granted eighteen years ago by the Board of Governors of the Pinehurst Country Club the right of way on number two course is given to the Tin Whistle Club for two hours; on this day. March 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. EIGH TEENTH ANNUAL SPRING TOUR NAMENT. Qualifying round, thirty six holes; finals, eighteen holes, in all divisions. Gold medal for best qualifica tion score; trophies to winners of first fourteen sixteens, and to first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh division runners-up and consolation division winners; silver medals to division runners-up and consolation division winners in the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth divi sion. Special trophies for additional divisions. MARCH 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. TWEN TIETH ANNUAL UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH AMATEUR CHAMPION SHIP FOR WOMEN Qualifying round and finals, eighteen holes to be played on the morning of each day, four divi sions to qualify, first division of sixteen, other three divisions of eight. Gold medal for best qualification score. Champion ship Trophy to winner of first division; Governors' Trophy to winner of second division; Secretary's Trophy to winner of third division, and Treasurer 's Trophy to winner of fourth division, and ster ling trophies to runners-up and consola tion division winners m each division. Special trophies for additional divisions. MARCH 31 and APRIL 1 TWEN TIETH ANNUAL UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH OPEN CHAMPION SHIP. Seventy-two holes medal play; amateur winning first prize to receive a trophy. First prize for professionals $300; second prize, $200; third, $150; fourth, $100; fifth, $75; sixth, $60; seventh, $50; eighth, $40; ninth, $30; tenth, $25. Player making best score receives championship gold medal. APRIL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. TWENTY SECOND ANNUAL UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH AMATEUR CHAMPION SHIP. Qualifying round and final of winning pair in first division, 36-holes. All other finals, 18-holes. Gold medal for best qualification score; Champion ship Trophy to winner of first sixteen; Governor 's Trophy to winner of second sixteen; Secretary's Trophy to winner of third sixteen; Treasurer's1 Trophy to winner of fourth sixteen; Captain's Tro phy to winner of fifth sixteen; Club Tro phy to winner of sixth sixteen; ster ling trophies to division runners-up and consolation division winners in all divi sions. Special trophies for additional division. "The Chisholm Beach Memorial Cup" will be played for in connection with this tournament ; conditions will be posted in the Club House. APRIL 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. TWELFTH ANNUAL MID - APRIL TOURNA MENT. Qualifying round and finals, eighteen holes. Sterling trophy for best qualification score; President's Trophy to winner of first sixteen; Governors' Trophy to winner of second sixteen.; sterling trophies to first and second divi sion runners-up and consolation division winners. Special trophies for additional divisions. FIELD TRIALS and DOG SHOW January 23-27 Fifth annual Field Trial and Derby. First two days Membership Stake for trophy. Third day, Derby. Purse guar anteed $75.00. Last two days, Free for All. Purse guaranteed $100.00. Nom inations close January 10. Write to Pinehurst Field Trial Club. $5.00 to nominate and $5.00 to start. Nominations close January 10. Write to Pinehurst Field Trial Club. 4 . " .... : y 11'. . h f 1"! HOTEL WE NT WORTH An Estate Comprising 125 acres, 3 Miles from Portsmouth, N. H. Most beautiful location on North Atlantic Coast. Sea shore and Country Combined. A First-class Hotel Catering to Exclusive Clientele. All Out door Sports, including Yachting, Deep Sea Fishing, etc. Im proved Golf Course Picturesquely Situated on Ocean Front. Concerts daily by Boston Symphony Orchestra. Also Special Dance Orchestra. SPECIAL FEATURE VEGETABLES FROM OUR OWN FARM SEASON MIDDLE OF JUNE until MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER Advise early reservations for season 1922 WENTWORTH HOTEL CO., J. P. Tilton, Managing Director 111 Summer Street, Boton, Mass What Is Money For? Benjamin Franklin had the reputation of knowing a lot. He is authority for the statement that the use of money is all the advantage there is in having money. Moore county can use a bunch of money because this section is doing a great deal of development. If all the money lying around idle, five dollars here, twenty dollars there and some other dollars some other place could be gathered up and loaned to the man who will pay for its use that money would set industry in motion on a much bigger scale in this county. That is What BANK OF PINEHURST Is Trying to Do Help the game along. Bring in your idle money. It is at your command just the same as if in your pocket or your pillow case. It is ready when your check calls for it. Help the bank to help the industry of the county, and we are all benefited. THE BANK OF PINEHURST Pinehurst, N. C. The Bank of Service. The Bank of Safety