Vol, XXVIII miiiiiiiiwimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiHiiiii ........»nHmiUIIIIIIIIUIN||||||.|llllll1>UIHIIH«HHimilllllUIHmNHIIIIHIHIIHIIHimilHllllllllllimtllllllllimtl«IIIUlllllll JANUARY 31, 1925 Entered as second class matter at the post office at PINEHURST, N. 0., Subscription, $2.00 per year. iiiiiHiiiiiiiiimimiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHHM Number 7 lllllltlliimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiuaimaaa Annual Midwinter Target Tournament C77JITH fine weather prevailing, ex WI cept for the last day when a heavv M I Scotch mist made good shooting difficult, and with a splendid field of shooters on hand, the eighteenth annual Midwinter target tournament, held the middle of this month, was run off in fine fashion. The tournament, as usual, was under the management of Charles North, of the Chamberlain Cartridge Company, with our old friend, John W. Todd, of Charlotte, at the cashier’s' desk. The big shoot started on Monday with a 160-target event at 16 yards, styled the Midwinter Introductory, and was follow ed with similar events on Tuesday and Wednesday, all of which made up the high average contest on the first 480 targets thrown from that distance. The Prelimi nary Handicap was shot on Thursday and; this led up to the Midwinter on Friday. The Midwinter was the real classic of the week from the standpoint of money and glory and it culminated in a most unusual finish. The handicaps ranged from 16 to 25 yards, and for the first time in its long history it was won by a woman gunner. Mrs. J. C. Wright, of Atlanta, shot from the 16-yard line and led the classy field with 84x100. But, unfortunately, Mrs. Wright, who felt that she would have no chance among such stars as Mark Arie, Frank Troeh and other marksmen equally renowned, had entered to shoot for targets only and was thereby deprived of first money and a $150.00 trophy. As a result first money and emoluments fell to Martin Mc Vqy, New York, and Charles Nuchols, Charlotte, the next high men, who finished in a tie with 83 apiece. On the shoot off, McVoy was the winner, and with true sportsmanship he presented Mrs. fright with a trophy equal in value to the one she forfeited. Coburn Wins the Opener C. D. Coburn, Mechanicsville, Ohio, began the week’s festivities by carrying off the Introductory event with the ex cellent score of 159x160. He missed the fifth bird in his first string and then ran through 155 straight. C. B. Stickley, Van Cluse, Va., and Frank Troeh, Portland, Oregon, were the next high men in this event with 155 each. Mark Arie, who was the outstanding figure in last year’s shoot here and who is con Isaac Andrews, Veteran of Many Pinehurst Shoots, who won the Preliminary Handicap . m? sidered the best handicap trapshooter in the world, finished fourth with 154. Frank Troeh, the Pacific Coast crack, and P. Miller, Dallas, Texas, were high guns in the second 160 targets at six teen yards, shot on Tuesday. Both of these shooters broke 154x160, and Troeh’s score of 155 the previous day put him in the lead in the high average race which he subsequently won. The Class winners in this event were: Class A—Troeh and Miller tied for first; Paul Earle, Star, S. C., third. Class B—C. B. Stickley, first, with 152; A. E. Conley and L. R. Slocum tied for second and third, with 150 each. Class C—E. E. Gardner, first, with 147; B. J. Hillidge, second, with 145, and W. H. Matthews, third, with 144. East Defeats West The 160-target event on Wednesday was won by Troeh with 156x160. That event decided the high average contest on the first 480 targets at 16 yards, which was also won by Troeh, and the East versus West team race in which the Easterners were victorious with a total score of 2277 as against 2247 for the West. The Class winners in this event were: Class A—Troeh, first; Frank S. Wright, second. Paul Earle and P. Miller tied for third. Class B—W. H. Fawcet,, Captain of the Olympic team last summer, and C. B. Stickley tied for first and second, and! . L. R. Slocum, third. Class C—Isaac Andrews, first; A. IC Kibler, second, and H. T. Reed, third. Andrews Wins Preliminary There was realrejoicing throughout the entire delegation when Isaac Andrews, Spartanburg, S. C., topped the field in the Preliminary Handicap and Won first money and the. trophy with 94x100, shooting from the 18-yard mark. This; veteran trapshooter has attended most every shoot held here since its inception in 1906 and his victory in this important event was a most popular one. The scores in the Preliminary and Midwinter Handicaps were as follows: Sixteen yards Mrs. J. C. Wright Val DeCot Mrs. W. P. Andrews 78 84 75