Fine Homes of Pinehurst Built Within a Year or Two Tell the story of the days that are to come in the home-making tendency of Pinehurst. v ; Each year Pinehurst is a revelation to the returning visitor because of its new homes of ambitious character, its new land scape in all directions following its home development, and the improving roads and drives leading farther out into the adjacent pine and hardwood-covered hills. This year the Thomson house, which has transformed the country to the south of the highway and given the Hersloff house a fitting companion, leads the way to a new field. In the heart of Pinehurst is* starting the colonial block by the Reed, Hurd and Biddle company. Smaller buildings are noted here and there in and about the village, and all of the folks who are taking part are becoming a part of the Pinehurst total of energy. It is easy to read the future in Pinehurst., More people every year, more homes, but not any more land. For a buildilng site inquire of • MR. EMERY At the General Office Building (first floor to the right) is always glad to give information? IFfCTCTW|w|i!frygviyiYgyiy>WCTCTWT>irMrwrCTCTWtCTro|>CTCTCTCTCTgw,M>i|OTi|fflrerCTWvnviviTW|TOTCTCTCTv! ?■'