T TRY AN EASY SHOT IN THE WANT ADS AND FIND A BASKET FULL OF BUYERS TIMES-NEWS, Rich Square, N. C., March 3, ] Classified Want Ad Rates AU.CtAs5i£t^Want Ads ap}»ar >n one edition eaoh-w«ek qL The HeroR Aboskio: BcrUe Ledger-Adv«mce, Windsor; Korthampton !:ounty tiAie.vNewSt Rich Scjuate; 'Oates Coatity Index. Gatesvdie^ and 'Iho Roon^-Chew&n Newsr- 8eraid. Murfreesboro—covering at one small cost the lunncs the Hoanuke-Chouran sectkm. FB5R WORD, Jst WEEK 88 PE» WORD. AJTTER Ifit WEEK .. . 6i MtNIMt'M CHARGE, First Week SI Card of ‘Eianks, In MemorlamB, Resohnlons o£ Respect, ete,. to a|:^ar In paper alone are charged at die rate . ■ef .ffil per word. Fifty cents service charge additJonsi on ^ keyed— "Mind”—ads to cover cost of handling regies, AB ClasslRed Ads, Cards of Ittanka, etc., ate cash in advance unless regular charge account has been estEd> ' liahed i 104. Real Estate, General SELL YOUR PROPERTY throuoh an experienced real estate broker. Homes, farms, businesses. We handle all details including financing. J, Carl Wilroy, Jr., Colonial Realty Co., 112 N. Mitchell St., Ahoskie, Phone 332-2768, Nights 332-2232. Hac tf SALE—1 lot on corner of West Memorial Drive and Pembroke Avenue, near hospital. Phone Ahos kie 332-2667. Hac tf 108. MobUe Homes l—ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. Entertainments R-C PAGEANT. March 12. 1966. All seats reserved. Tickets available from any Ahoskie Jaycee or Harrell Bunch, Men’s Department, Belk- Tyler’s Co., Ahoskie. First come, first served. Hac 3-n Gates County, ience necessary lelgh dealer. Over 200 items assures you of a steady full time business, Write at once, Rawleigh, Dept, NC C 370 307 Richmond. Va. Ip 4-1 MOBILE HOMES PARKWAY - CONNER MAGNOLIA-RITZ-CRAFT Low Down Rayment—Easy Terms We Trade For Anything of Value EAST COAST SALES, INC NEW—USED MOBILE HOMES SALES LOT 1 Mile West on Hwy. 258 MURFREESBORO. N. C. Phone 1221 FURNITURE SALE OWNER TRANSFERED Must sacrifice living and dining room furniture, stove, refrigerator, air con- tioner, excellent condition, Call for appointment to see AHOSKIE 332-3850 Hac 2-28 Immediate settlement. This 24th day of February, 1966. T. K. Harvin, Administrator Estate of Mrs, Kate K, Harvin, deceased. TNe 3-24 Executrices of the Estate of Essie B. Jerniean, deceased. TNc 3-31 258. Machinery and Tools NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Willie A. Baird, de ceased, late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of SeMember, 1966, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of March, 1966. Linwood E. Baird. Executor of Willie A. Baird Estate Crew & House, Attorneys Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina TNc 3-24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Miss Anna R. Harris, late of Northampton County, N, C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the under signed. or my Attorney. Eric Nor fleet. Jackson, N. C., on or before August 26, 1966. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Dated February 21, 1966. Jethro J. Harris. Administrator Seaboard. N. C. TNc 3-17 thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bldderis). for cash, behind the North ampton County Courthouse, Jackson. Nortti Caro 11 o’clock A.V . this Jobs Wanted VII—FINANCIAL 7. Special Notices JORDAN wants a Job sing, baby sitting or cook- 1, Box 110, Windsor, Lap 3*11 IF YOU NEED ial cash for poses, contact Time Payment De partment, Planters National Bank WILL PAY CASH—For old furni ture glassware, guns and clock*, Harold Mitchell. Mitchell Furniture Company, Ahoskie. Phone 332-3043. Hac tf BELK-Tyler’s in Ahoskie Is your authorized Singer sewing machine dealer for the Roanoke - Chowan area. Eaty terms can be arranged. IV—INSTRUCTION ■ VIII—RENTALS 30. Miscellaneous Service CHARLES BEAUTY SCHOOL — Complete beauty course under ex pert supervision, Easy terms. 124 30th St., Newport News. Va. Phone CH 4-5221. Hac tf 151. Apts, for Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT—duplex in Millennium, 2 bedrooms, bath, electric heat, new. See Sam Farmer or Phone Ahoskie 332-3039. Hac 3-11 III—EMPLOYMENT B V—SERVICES FIRST FLOOR four t Mamie Godwin, 3' Ahoskie 332-3240. IS. Help Wanted, Men SELL KNAPP Shoes part or fi time. Earn $25 to $150 a week high commissions and bonus. Stea year-round business. Equipme furnished free. Write to R. L. Joh son, Knapp Shoe, Brockton. Ma SERVICE STATION att ed. Apply in person Service, Ahoskie, N. C Brett’s 52. Building, Contracting SAND, FILLER, Rock and Topsoil. Hauling and Front End Loader work. R, A. Newsome and Son, Rt. 1, Box 107, Cofield, N. C. Phone EL8-3797. Hac tf 55. Rental Equipment 3-ROOM furnished down,stairs apart ment. 111 Mitchell Street, phone 332-2536 Ahoskie, N. C. Hac tf APARTMENTS FOR RENT—tWO-3 and 4-room apartments. Furnished and unfurnished. 314 Spring Avenue, Murfreesboro. See or phone W. T, Gray, 332-3287 Ahoskie. Hac tf Local party may finish payments of $11.28 monthly or pay complete balance of $47.12. Can be seen and tried out locally. Write Mrs. Nichols, “National Repossession Dept.,’’ Box 283, Asheboro. N. C. Ic 3-31 259. Miscellaneous Articles FOR SALE—late 24 Vol. Encyclope dia Britannica with case. Some Books never been opened. With case. Only $160.00. Contact A. Stephenson, Aulander, N. C. Hac 3-7 NEW HEAVY DUTY ARC WELDERS. FACTORY CLOSEOUT. Discon tinued 1965 models, 6 year guarantee. Uses 110 Volt house current. Ten day trial, money back guarantee. Complete with welding rod, full face mask and instructions. Over 600,000 now in use. Send cash, check or money order, Only $19.95. Prepaid from factory. AMERICAN WELDERS, INC. BOX 102 NP, OSAGE BEACH. MO. 65065. Hap 3-14 WEDDING Announcements — Print ed and engraved; finest work; quick service. Herald Printing House, Ahoskie. Hanc tf OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale—Tied in convenient bundles. Three cents per pound. Herald Printing House, Ahoskie. Hanc tf 260. Sporting Goods, Boats ONE 1958, 35 Horse Johnson Motor in excellent condition, Easy to Start, $100.00. See Richard Joyner, Kelford or call 344-7817. Hap 3-11 NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY GEORGE W. LEE VS OLA W. LEE TO - OLA W. LEE Take notice that a complaint seek ing relief against you has been filed In the Superior Court of North ampton County, North Carolina, in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is to secure an Absolute Divorce upon the grounds of a On» Year Separation. You are required to make defense to said complaint by filing answer to same or other pleadings not later than twenty days after the 31st day of March. 1966, and upon your failure to do so, the plaintiff seeking service against you wUl apply to the Court for the re lief sought. ’This the 24th day of February, 1966. Rebecca Long Clerk of the Superior Court Thomas L. Jones Attorney at Law Murfreesboro, N. C. TNc 3-24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Mary Gatling, late of Northampton County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, or my Attorney, Eric Norfleet, Jackson. N. C., on or be- August 25. 196$, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make arompt payment. Dated February 21, 1986. Mrs. Maudle May Jeffries. Administratrix Route 2. Box 79, Conway. North Carolina. TNe 3-17 Saturday, March 26, 1966, the personal property conveyed in said chattel mortgage, the same being described as follows: 1. One 1952 MT John Deere Trac tor, Serial No. 36134. 2. One set of John Deere M200 cultivators, The last and highest bidderlsl at said sale will be required to pay the entire purchase prlcelsi at said This the 21st day of February, 1966. THE PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. W, S. TAYLOE, JR., Vice President Revelle and Burleson, Attys. Murfreesboro. North Carolina. TNc 3-24 NOTICE OF RESALE Jackson PTA To Feature Book Fair JACKSON - A book fair will be the outstanding feature of the Jackson Elementary School PTA meeting on Monday, March 7. Five hundred books for elemen tary school children and their parents will be on display in the Elementary School Library on Monday from 10 a,m. until the PTA meeting at 8 p.m. The books are from Straughan’s Book Store in Greensboro and may be pur chased by the public as they visit 152. Houses for Rent A PHONE c 332-3050 be yoi^Ktta $500, Would you like to talk to you. Be at Motel between 6 and 8 p.m March 3 Ask for Mr. Ed' ns I want the Chief Thursday, FORMAL WEAR — Shop Ahoskie Department Store. Featuring “After Six" tuxedo and dinner Jackets. Rentals, available if you desire. Call 332- 2141. Ahoskie. Hac tf 60. Miscellaneous Service >8. Septic Tank, Cess Pools WHITFIELD S Suffolk. Call 539-5315. Septic each. SMALL House fo rent in Askew- vine. Running water, Day phone PY4-2384 - night phone PV4-3807, Melvin K. Jernlgan. Lac tf R RENT—Three good houses near vienola. School bus goes by the 5r. Contact H, C. Vaughan, Wood- id. N. C. Hap 3-4 1 Aulander, .N. C. Business Rentals Tank Service, ect 539-2706 or ks cleaned $25 SMALL BUILDING FOR RENT— Suitable for office storage or small store. Main St. WInton, N. C. Phone EL 846S6. Hap 3-9 XI—AUTOMOTIVE 301. Auto Parts Repairs FOR SALE—rebuilt generators and starters, 6 and 12 volts. Britten- ham Garage, Aulander highway. Hap 3-26 FOR SALE — Mufflers—Guaranteed life of your car. Install free, Eddie Harrell Auto & Sports Store. Ahos kie. N. C. Hac tf 303. Tires, Recap. Repair USED TIRES—Airplane tires for farm equipment, trailers, log carts, Over 3,000 used passenger tires and tubes. New batteries 1c to 2c per day. Ahoskie’s largest tire market, Ahoskie Tire Service, Memorial Drive, Ahoskie, N. C. Hac tf NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of J. W. Kirkland, deceased, late of Northampton County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed or my attorneys. Martin & Flythe, Rich Squai'e, N. C. on or before the 10th day of September, 1966, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 1st, day of March. 1968. CLIFTON D. KIRKLAND, Administrator of the Estate of J. W. Kirkland Seaboard, N. C. TNc 3-24 for 1 TRAINEE-We I ur sales force i a and have oc 71. Watch Repairing QUICK SKILLFUL REPAIRS on any types of watches by expert watch maker. Garrett’s of Ahoskie is ready to serve you to the best of their BUILDING for rent. Suitable for 304. Trailers, AH Kinds office space or any business. Al ready equipped for restaurant. M. G. (Toby) Williford, Phone PY4-3717, Windsor. Lac tf $350 $450 per month, with op portunity for advancement in 90 to 120 days. Apply at Chief Motel be tween 6 and 8 p.m. Thursday, March 3. Ask for Mr, Edwards. DEEP WELL drilling, Magette Well and Pump Company, R. W. gette Manager. Phone 332-2265, SPRUILL’S Truck Stop Station and Restaurant for rent, Now in opera tion. Windsor, Lae tf WAREHOUSE FOR RENT—Catherine street. Ahoskie, next to Whedbee- Equipment Company. Contact Clay ton S, Godwin at Ahoskie Feed and Fuel Company or phone 332-3117 or 332-2756. Hac tf 305. Cars, Neiv and Used IX—AGRICULTURE Raleigh, N. C. SERVICE s Must hav« tact Buddy ^ Ahoskie. water, no pay. Simmons Well and Pump Co. Phone JU 7.2731. Wood land, N. C . TNac tf DEEP WELL DRILLING — 4-6-8 inch wells. Call for free estimates Simmons Well Co.. Woodland, N. C. Tel. JU 7-2731. TNac t1 Two experienced mechanics to wor on tractors and trucks. Apply i person Whedbee Equipment Companj Ahoskie, N. C. Hac 1 16. Help Wanted, Women VI—REAL ESTATE 100. Houses for Sale FTTR SALE—Eight Room Colonial Home with a bath half. Located in Aulander. 345-4201 Aulander, N. C. h 204. Dogs, Birds, Pets THREE German Shepherd p AKC registered. Three mont Contact Ernest Britt. Jr. or 585-2651 Conway, N. C. H; 205- Hay, Feed. Seed 1965 PEANUT hay for sale. I Jack Jernlgan, Rt. 1 or 332-3952 Ahoskie, N. C. H FOR SALE '60 Thunderbird EXCELLENT CONDITION Phone After 7 P.M. 9871 Murfreesboro N. C. Hanc tf 206. Plants, Flowers NEED 2 ladies > salary $1-75 per ner between 9 a Phone 332-3050, ersonality . Starting Mr, Wer- FOR SALE—Oi irick veneer house, oms, 2 baths, on Aulan- Highway. Sam Farmer, ;all 332-3039. Hac 3-11 MAID—New $65 I Tri-County Employment Washington St-, Suffolk, v Nights 539-1346. 149 E. Phon Contact Wilroy Jr.. Colonial Realty N. Mitchell St., Ahoskie, 12-3768 days, nights 332-2232. Hac tf IT’S SPRING PLANTING TIME, Write today for Free copy New Planting Guide-Catalog in color offering Virginia's largest assortment: Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines and Landscaping Plant Material. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES Waynesboro, Virginia 22980. 207. Farm Equipment FOR SALE—1959 Custom Ford. Good Condition. Contact B. F. Hawkins, I mile from Ahoskie on Highway 13 South or phone 332-3629 Ahoskie, N, C. Hap 3-8 306. Trucks-Tractors OPENINGS for women. If you want work but cannot give full time there is a splendid income opportuni ty tor you with Avon, Write Mr*. Louise Perry. Box 433. Ahoskie, N. C. Hac t( 47. Help Wanted, Male-Female HOUSE for Vindsor. Con- I porch, laundry c OVER $400,000 sold ir County. Route open able person. Custom lond, \ TNaf OVER $202,000 bought by customei in Bertie County. Vacancy ther now. Customers clamoring for serv ice. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NC C ( B19 Richmond, Va. Lap 3-: SELL KNAPP SHOES time. Earn $25 to $1! or full less, Equipment te to R- L. John- Brockton, Mats. MALE HELP WANTED Sell KNAPP SHOES part or full time. Earn $25 to $150 a week on high commissions oned bonus. Steoidy year-round busi ness. Equipment furnish ed free. Write to R. L. Johnson, Knapp Shoe, Brockton, Moss. Hac 3-9 SPECIAL SALE ON ALUMINUM SHEETS 241/2" X 36" 100 Sheets $20. OR 25c PER SHEET These aluminum sheets are ideal for covering tobacco barns, out buildings, ceil ings, tops and many other uses. WILL NOT RUST LIGHTWEIGHT WEATHER RESISTANT contact GILBERT VAUGHAN at The Herald Phone 332-2123—Ahoskie Hac tf New FORD Tractors and All Makes & Models USED TRACTORS Special Discounts for Quick Clearance for 8N Ford to 4000 Ford B & M Troctor U.S. 13 South of Ahoskie Hac tf FOR SALE—Truck side* for 1958 Ford '/ston, and others with intide fenders. Wood slats with mesh wire- $30.00. Ward’s Grain Service. 885- 4611, Conway, N. C. Hac tf ONE FARMALL H TRACTOR for sale, new tires, in excellent con dition, cheap. Call Kelford 344-7817 or see Richard Joyner, Kelford. Hap 3-11 XII—WANT TO BUY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Order of the Superior Court of Northampton County. North Caro lina. dated the 17th day of February, 1966. made in that special preced ing entitled ’'Pattlc E. Garrett and her husband. W. T. Garrett, et aU. Petitioners, vs. Marvin Ryland Brad ley and his wife Emily Bradley, et als. Defendants," the undersigned Commissioners will on Monday, the 7th Day of March. 1966 at 11:60 A.M. in front of the Court house door of Northampton County. In Jackson, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property: All of the timber and trees of every kind and description on the following described tract of land: That tract of land in Wiccacanee Township, Northampton County. Nortn Carolina, bounded on the north by Wild Cat Swamp; on the east by a tract of land known as the Kizzle DeLoatch tract, and by the lands of Frank DelKiatch; on the south by the lands of Frank DeLoatch; and on the west by Lot No. 2 In the division of the Robert DeLoatche lands, and by a tract known as the Peter DeLoatche tract, containing 187.7 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. I of the Robert H, DeLoatche Home Tract, as shown and allotted to the late Wade A. De Loatche in a Special Proceeding which is duly of record in the office of ine Register of Deeds of North ampton County. North Carolina. In Book 110 at pages SS2 et seq. The purchaser of the timber and trees will be granted two I2) years from the date of the deed therefor within which to cut and remove the timber and trees purchased. A five i5‘/> I per cent deposit will be required of the highest bidder. This is a resale and the bidding will commence at the raised bid of $73.- 550.00. This sale is subject to the confirmation of the Court. Dated February 17, 1966. ERIC NORFLEET. FELTON TURNER, JR.. Comtiiissloner.s. 307. Timber WANT TO BUY Pine and Cypres* standing timber and logs. Paying highest market prices. Beasley Lumber Products. P. O. Box 306. Phone No. 326-5301, Scotland Neck. Public Notices Non Caro NOTICE X—ARTICLES FOR SALE Egrly American Gifts Quaint—Different MULBERRY HOUSE GIFT SHOP Sundays 1 to 5, Daily 10 to"5 2830 Norfolk Rd., Suffolk, Va. Id tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Kate K. Harvin. deceased, late of Woodland, North ampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Woodland. N. C. on or before the 1st day of September, 1966 or this notice will be pleaded vill pleas indent Appliances ' 332-2947 Ahoskie 256. Household Goods THIS WEEK SPECIAL-Brand new Spinet Piano. Full keyboard. $495. cash or $16.59 per month. You should see to appreciate this value. Open Friday til 9 p.m. Rowe £. Long Music Co.. 185 N. Main St., Suffolk, 539-6591. 3-11 ATTENTION HOME OWNERS C & M Construction Co., Inc., is looking for three (3) homes within a radius of thirty miles of Ahoskie to use as a display for their new aluminum siding. If you think your home would qualify call collect 703-464-5116 or write C & M CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC, P, O. Box 4081, Virginia Beach, Va. 23454 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the undersigned Commissioner Judgment of the Superior Court the display. Twenty per Cent of NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor* of the last will and testament of A. J. F’e-'s-)eth. deceased, late of Nopth- r'mpton County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at their post office address in Conway, N. C.. on August 10, 1966, ur this notice will be pleaded in bar of thetr recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This February 8. 1966. Mattie B. Hedspeth, and Billy Hedspeth, Jr.. Executors of A. J. Hedspeth. Conway. N. C. Edgar W. Martin. Atty, Conway, North Carolina TNc 3-3 of Northampton County which rendered in the Special Proceeding pending therein entitled “Mary P. Bristow and her husband, W. J. Bristow; E. E. Parker, unmarried; Ivah P. Cordle and her husband, F. E. Cordle, et als. Ex Parte to the Court." the undersigned Commis sioner will resell by public auction, subject to the confirmation of the Court, to the highest bidder for cash In front of the Courthouse Door In Jackson, North Carolina, on Thursday, March 17, 1966, at 11 o'clock A.M., real estate which Ij described as follows. the proceeds will go to the Jack- son PTA which is sponsoring the event. Miss Alice Straughan of Greensboro will be the speaker at the PTA meeting at 8 p.m. Her topic is “Adventures in Reading” and will include a dis cussion of such areas as stand ards for the selection of chil- dren’s books, howtogetgoodval- TRACT NO. 1: Lot No.T-A "situated ue for money Spent and some of educational values tobefound Is described at a stake, corner of 8-A, thence along line U-B N 62” W 201 feet .. _ thence along line of Lot No. 6-A N 18° 45 min. E 2142 feet to stake or the public road leading from Garys- burg to Jackson; thence along which INNING lot No. Lot No. Stake; NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA NOn’^’''AMPTON COUNTY DOROTHY DANIELS. PLAINTIFF VS WILLIE JAMES DANIELS, DEFENDANT The above named defendant. Willie James Daniels, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, by the plantiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the ground that plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than ne year next preceding the bringing of this action; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of ’he C'erk o' the SuneHor Court of Northampton County, in the court house in Jackson. North Carolina, within thirty days after the 4th day of March, 196$, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 10th day of February. 1966. Rebecca Long Clerk of the Superior Court TNp 3-a The elementary classes will visit the display on Monday and Tuesday and have the opportunity to examine the,books. Children’s books from kindergarten through N A *s grade eight will be featured, with min, W 2186 feet to the point of ^ few high spots in adult books, beginning, containing Ten ilOi Acres. Lists OftoolS, booklists andbookS Kinmiv’toSK" about chlldrM's tooks tor useby ton County, North Carolina, which parents and teachers will alsobe is described as follows; BEGINNING included, at a stake in center of right-of-way at one time used by the Carolina Although the emphasis Of the and Northeastern Railroad Company, book fair iS on SChool-age Chil- corner for this lot and Lot No. e-B; pm. nrociHont Plftvrt thence along the center of said ^^en, PIA presioent, b loyo right-of-way N 14” 30 min. w 1048 Price, says, ‘It is felt that feet to stake; thence along line of parents of preschool Children Anderson land S 70” 45 min. E 349 t ... . .. .. .t feet to a gum; thence s 73” 45 min. wW benefit from attending the E 234 feel to gum; thence along line book fair and PTA program. We toet'’to'^pinefl^t” Wmin. e"22o felt ^ special invitation to those to a gum; S 77” 25 min, E 580 '' feet to pine; thence 11” 30 min. W 231 feet to a gum; thence S 10” W 173 feet to pine; thence S 01” 35 min. W 14 feet; thence along line of Daniel lot due West 373 feet to oak; thence S 10” 55 min. W 49 feet; thence along line of Lot No. 6-B S 75° 45 min, W 728 feet to the point of beginning, containing Nineteen and Two-tenths 119,21 Acres, and being the shares allotted to Leathu Parker In that Special Proceeding entitled "Thelma P. Gilbert and her husband, T, C, Gilbert, et als vs. W. T. Parker and his wife. Bessie Park er, et als" recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton County In Book of Orders and Decrees No. 15 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra trix of the Estate of Martha B. Barnes, late of Northampton County. N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly verified to the undersigned. Eddie Barnes. Jr. Sea board,' N. C. on or before August 15, 196$, This notice will be pledged in a bar recovery dated February i, 1966. Eddie Barnes, Jr. Post Office Box 222 Seaboard. N. C. Administratrix of the Estate of Martha B. Barnes. Deceased, Seaboard. N. C. TNc 3-10 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the powei- of sale contained in a certain deed or trust executed by Frodie C. Gum bo and wife. Hilda M. Cumbo, dated Augu.sl 29. 1960. and recorded in Book 457, Page 310. Northampton County Public Registry and as signed to United Dealers Corporation b.v assignment dated August 29. 1960 and recorded In Book 457. Page 310. Northampton County Public Registry, default h.nving been made in the pii.vmenl of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being b.v the terms thereof subject to foreclosui 149 et seq. This sale will begin with th« raised bid of Five TTiousand, Three Hundred and No/100 i$S.300.00i Dol- Thls 28th day of February. 1966. Ballard S. Gay. Commissioner TNc 3-10 Special Notices CARD OF THANKS The family of J. W. Gray wish es to thank everyone for visits, cards, flowers, prayers and food, for each and every other act of kindness shown us in the loss of our loved one. Wife, Children and Grandchildren TNp 3/3 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for the sympathy and kind ness shown us during the sudden departure of our little girl, Gloria. We appreciate the flow ers, food, cards and visits and especially do we want to thank the unknown friend who paid for the pall. whose children are not yet In school.” Mon Escapes Injury In Accident ROANOKE RAPIDS - A Pleas ant Hill man escaped serious in jury Fridaynlghtatapproximate- ly 7:30 p.m. when his 1957 Buick was in collision with a Seaboard Airline train on W. I3th St. here. The police report showed Har old Eugene Arthur, 19, was at tempting to cross the railroad tracks when his car was hit in the side by the train. The train engineer was listed as C. F. Falton of Route 1, Ra leigh. Arthur told police he didn’t stop before attempting to cross the tracks. No charges were made. Ap proximately $250 damage was reported to the Buick and none to the train. Bookmobile Schedule luslcv uubliu auction for cash at the c •liiekson. North Ca vill I ■ for 1 biddei t Noor NOTICE North Carolina Northampton County The undersigned, having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Jame.s V. Jones, deceased, iate of Northampton County, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of August. 1966. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 18th day of February, 1966. NANNIE P. JONES, Administratrix of the Estate of James V. Jones, deceased BALLARD S, GAY, Attorney TNc 3-31 3lHh day of March.. 1966 the propert.v conveyed In said deed of trust, the .same lying and being in Jackson Township. Noithamptun County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Two tots or parcels of land situated in Jackson Township, Northamp- lon County. North Carolina, the .siime being lots numbered 20 and 21 on map showing subdivision of a portion of the N. E, Mitchell tract made by J. C. Shcarin on Septem ber 29. 1945, which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County in Bonk of Maps 2. page 61, and being the same lots and all of them which conveyed in Tuesiiay, March 8, morning: George Post Office; Wixidland School 10-11 o’clock; Vaughan’s Lucille and Linwood Coggins Gift Shop 11:15-12 o’clock. Aft- TNp 3/3 ernoon: Mrs. Ray Bryant’s home; Mrs, Paige Futrell’s home; Mrs. ^ , , . .... Jack Vaughan’s home; Milwauk- Our actoowledgemenl o( deep wheeler's home; appreciation and gratitude is ex- po’tepasi center. CARD OF THANKS tended to our many, many kind and understanding friends, and neighbors and Dr. C. B. Robert son, who so faithfully stood by us in the recent loss of a loved one, Walter Rawls. Your acts of thoughtfulness, kindness, serv- Thursday, February 10, morn ing: Mrs, Carl Price’s home, Pleasant Grove; Seaboard School 10:30-11:30 o’clock; Mrs. Jack Draper’s home; R. Foster’s home. Afternoon; Mrs. Calvin Maddery's home; Mrs. J. R. Ed- ices and concern rendered In any Mrs. Llo^d Mad- lunar iirill nliiroirG Ho i-arnamnaT>AH ' _ _ N. E. roll and • Northampton County The undersigned, having qualified as Executrice.s of the Estate of Essie •B. Jernigan. deceased. late of North ampton County, this is to notify all persons having claims against s.tld estate to prcsoiit them to Ballard S. Gay, Attorney, Jackson, North Caro lina, on or before the 25th day of August. 1966, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said “state will please make immediate payment to Ballard S. Gay Attorney. ESSIE J. JEFFREY.'?. DORIS J. SANTON, Mitchell, narris. aaied November 21. of record in the office o( Hegislev of Deeds of North: ton County in Book 336, Page and also being the same lots which Ernest /eyed of Ern Raymond Julia diiled February 25. 1946. of leeoid in the office ol the Register of Deeds of North ampton County in Book 336, Page to. to which map and deeds ref- I'erenee is hereby made for greater ripllo) But of Hat>^ subject to all outstan taxes and municipal assessments. This the 28th day of Februarv. 1966 W. LUNSFORD CREW TRUSTEE TNc 3-24 NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain chattel mortgage dated August 8, 1963. executed by Mark Murphy, ol Northampton County, to H. and V. Equipment Company, Inc., of Hert ford County, North Carolina, as signed by H. and V. Equipment Company, Inc. to The Planters Na- 'ional Bank and Trust Co., recorded In Book 488. page 297. Northampton County Registry. default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness secured, and said chat tel mortgage being under the teims way will always be remembered. May God richly bless each of you in a special way. Helen and Calvin Ward TNp 3/3 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appre ciation to our friend.s for the cards, visits and food given us during the illness and death of our father, Jerry Woodard, Es pecially want to thank Dr, Out- land and Rev, Thompson for their faithful attention. The children TNp 3/3 Eagletown By MRS. INDIA QUINN Mr, and Mrs. N. M. Jacob and daughter, Angela, of Norfolk were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Ad dle Elliott. Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Knowles and son, Gary, ofNorfolkandMr, and Mrs. Joe Bolton and chil dren of Elizabeth City spent the weekend with Mrs, Milton Joy ner and Mrs. Ray Bryant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leggett visited Mrs. Lucy Outland in Ahoskie Sunday. dery’s home; Margarettsville; Miss Lillie Mae Collier’s home; Galatia; Mrs. Harold Taylor’s home; Ernest Erekson's home. Conference Meet Held At Willow Oak RICH SQUARE - The Second Quarterly Conference of the Rocky Mount District, Rich Square Circuit, was held at Wll- loWOak AME Church here. The business session was held on Friday night at 8 o’clock. Devotional services were con ducted by the Rev. H. L. In gram, the new pastor of the cir cuit. Presiding during the business session was Dr. G. W. Larkin, presiding elder of the district. All churches made their report. Sunday worship services were held at 11:30 a,m. with the Wil low Oak AME Church choir fur nishing music. The morning mes sage was delivered by Dr, Lar kin.

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