' * . . * - I ' Headlight. I.. NO. X ROCKINGHAM. N. C., WEDNESDAY^ MARCH 20, 1901. Send One Dollar and Get It. i ■ ii -- — - - - - - - — ■ — - BACK FROM FLORIDA ■r. Arp Sees Fraa Bortew to tie . Lm4 of Flowers AM) TEN BE RETURNS ROME •on* an OO—rroi Ojr a* PM 1 ted a H—it sail to Florida, ul taw Mot monad. Tka railroads «»»k» 1t ao any htmwvUU mi a mono aaa mm tl bo baa Ufa *ta**7- t Mt boon ooa woruJig after •arty breakfast, aad anas la Jackion rtUa lhad eight to aappar with m/V-ir aad kto (natty, «U miles In thirteen taw*, aad InwM oetr ports ol btr ram. It woo a daylight trip aad I had opportaalty to aotico tka chaagca Hat Httada nakao to eagetiUoa. TUa aa* route to Florid* la a alar lias Cram AIMaU aad fbs watt. U Ip ciodm tka Wash kill*. Okattaaoopa aad •t- LooJo. tka Wamara aad AtUaile. tka Oaotral (a Maooa. tka Ooorgl* aa 1 nortda looUarm to Valdosta aad tka brteaua, .Vatdaam aad Wortaca to JaetoowriU*, tka praaiJaat, olraacat aad boat ragulatad city la tka sooth. All of Cbam teat-clan roads, wltk tW woaT atm tarry at JaaksoartlK bad ksap aa aad ■ la tbs jnmplng o8 flaca, 1C yoa wish to go than. That mow road batwimn JeekaroriPa aad ▼aldsota baa amda tkla apaad aad ■■dost pfcaaltla'. (or It baa doaa away wltk the albcgr^ at TUtoo . aad Way* aroae Tbe frail Wm system baa bo •lbowa altar yaapatsalt,bolttttd loop way* Cram Atlanta and tka west. Tba mom rood waa lost what our pao fis waa tad. It U frat-oiaas ka all r* mb. aad makaa Ha lid tallas ta la a Ikaa tkraa boon. I Ilka tfcass amipkt nortda rallroada; tkay don't rasl yau aboat Ilka oar nods swoop tka am tala*, add tkay lost pllda slant tun a * la tka gnat. Iban momnun aa old waa aroaad Ik: smia hla prola aad loira Jk sad aplfnm aad him ooro rad rOfl tor two or _ - Ifap't'brttefottata maaT^JSa’&l j barmy task wars tataodad to mix ap Pear sad walk aad lard ta biscuit dough. My Old Crlaad Jadpa HUlyor Oadavwoed wars, ones walk* aaat ta Mow Tork a bakery tkay caw pafPOOde, aad la tka tag Chat, dodge Hlllyer tali: "Da roa reckon tkalr (sat art alsaaaP* "WH, yoo," aald Ondorwoort, "1 jwekow tkay ara by tkla Uar. tkay ■Mb M'Oaediap . a pood white.' ■at 1 dow’t cars a east abort tka took WWtfag. ( hrtlsri tn aalC-malataaoaea —I baMora that arary houeboM aboald be reload to da tkalr owe work wham It la aasnnry aad t am prued ta ny that my wtb aad my obUdrsa kaua «nto »• rtaw vrtiast bar wtO. Bhaort ara soar; tolkar po aad root If aba waste to. Tba tart ta. It salts ma pretty wall, tor the oooking Hi n hhi nonj n {t( |Jh| oo tow tMnfe and eu 4U« out wHh our bidrw iwry day or Wp W« ran ■MMMk' itnndFake Mk and bak* (fMl potaYwa and^fkr ana and pat alias in* aMaat a ooofc. ■at l wna tfctaklas at oat Florid*— Ur VtorMa Oat VoaoTM Iwoo found ■ftp roam Worn At rttttmo tooad Plyaa/b or Mi bwlrb found Jinaa lown, . Fair Florida-tk* Bdorado of aid mUirt R ban baa* fclddaa tar ran, baa kin baaa foond t r tb« Irka of aortbam tourtat*, a at JaafcaaarlMa aaa urarrua. It tafeaa aoawnl aafaaua la tlatr papara toylra Uwlr aaeaaa. Tbaaa touryu ara SlwStTtwaTlljrtyVfod^aofcJba^bit At aiaw^lto* «b»4 a** pcawiran Hra^HAaatoTi wawm tor^biaar known Ilk lor Htr ran. Tfcoy bora to work ton bard; pair tfclapt 1 ua tarry tor thaw. Tbdr barn pat aath U* baa aw*^ I walkSf round'In . .» Sdl^5b*Maplad walled rtsaKir^cnr’as Until) tta «m»t la WBlilwnwy, aad the rt»ht aaa will aot ted hor. A*d. yot thaw* aorthwra philan thropist* will ship onr Uw all and Ilka O«dao aad Oo.. asks a toar dowa mtk to aaa how tha appro u ratlins ow—tha hoot toctaolad raea upoa tha acrid.' Tram JackaoavUls 1 dropisl dowa In Htoh Mp wterotha pood ladtaoot tha Maw Oeatnry dob war* call1 os bo. r had a doMphtfal time—an ora Ilea of ywaap malda oad SMtroao aad old Totarato -whose nay halts oal ear a-Worm faooo twaiadad ao of the paoatap yaaro aad tha paoatap of tha old aid tors of tha sowtodacway. Thaaa Twteraas will oooa all bo pooa, for— ~Ttau sots down ell. I Both gnat uf Man. hatapt a pensioned oold-'sr; Thay do doc die. But awittplr Aa tut aa they grow older." W« bat* bat 70.000 loft gear, all loM; lut they bare nearly a mutton up north oa the peoaion rods. High Borises la oar a toon of Im provement. The Plant tyateaa has iti largest hospital there, and Ua ecu exumiee abopa eaaept those In Be ▼an nab BiaryMy la bar and sesqr» baly arataa aoataotad and hippy, was the gneat of Mr. and Mia. Oner, whoae beautiful home and iorrty tittle Children made me feel at borne. Whcr eetr I dad little rh'ldrtn l hen bo faar. aad I do aa I please, aad eat w.lh ay knife aad drink codes out of my gano«r If 1 went to. The good-looktcg maydr waa eeleoted to Lotrodeoe me t» the andleee, but sot being need to net performances, forgot ble Httle speech, aad began wtth "Now I Ur me down to elaes," and" ad they had te get the preacher, to taka Us place. I stall not eooa.-' forget ■ the Hndnma of thoea good propts of High Springs, and m pedally the cordial greeting 1 recalled from the twenty-one Udlae of the New Ceatury CUb:- • Thunorlptnrre ten ai that the time will cons whan stein woman abaU lay hold of one mao, bat I -wad captured by three times lireo sad maintained myself well eenridar* lag my aatkjaity.—Bill Arp, 1m Atlanta CbaaUiatfon. IE LEftlSLATUBE AUOUBNS. Loot Hun ftovatod to tba R*40ca tlowof Mte. , FMty-teIrd Day.—Th* lm|» mat at tO a’ehxk. After tka tattodocUoa at a number at aalmpottaol bttla tba Beoote, ta oommltta of tea wt»U, m lumiil —toutem at tea meats* btU. Uftia program waa mada At tea afternoon (melon eoaalderatloo of At MU to pay tee coait ot tmpaeahmeat eocepied tee 8000107-0 atteatloa. Ad journment woo roached at A late beer. nrty-fourth Day.—Tba Senate mrt at (:M. Ooad pragma waa mad* la tee reread* MIL Many minor mat tan ware dtapenl ct Houn. ADJOtnUtMOBMT. Loot fleaatoo—Th* Hoaie waa in (ooatarabl* eonfnalos. A ten* earn bar at bUte war* raaided, and a fra minor Mila paaoad. BlU* to abolleb tea office of en troaelAg dark aad bar* tea work doo* la tba office of tba Secretary ot Bute, under Ms mgervlMan. were lotrodac *d to tee Howe*. Ia tea Senate u oam* near paaalag. without objection, but aamerooa aaeadmeate war* of fered eooeermtet oempeoaatloa. and tb* bUI waa laid oa tee table. fa the Heap* Mr. Jeoklae, of Oma rO)*, tee aped ladber of tee House, mad* an eloquent epeocb oa tee work Af tee leptetetara. He declared teal it bad fblMsd.tte pled sea; had prorV ad far beater schools, tod even eur tare aa eappnrt to the laetUetfeee tar tb* aadOrtmatee and tod mad* previa(00 In ear* ibe ballot to IU1 te rete white mew. AM member* ef tb* Heaee arowded a roved him to coepratatete him and Md him pond by*. Tha llama mag ~A*M Lang Byrne’ The teat act wan ta adopt a reeohr ttoeoa the death at ea-Tra*Maat Herrieoa. Bpaahar Moora retaraed than ha and told to thoaght tele tee great**! bona* that bad ever dwarf tea holla. IMFtoACHMBtT DOUBT. After tea formal apaateg of tee town ef (mpeoflhamnt orgaateed for ito aw of Chief adltoe rear aba* aad Monday Am too meglag aff"toe°toerr Th# tagnffignj apaeeh wm and* by fudge bywwm. la ebfeb bo aolllaed Mto Aifmea daOp. Th* ball* aad gaiter gar the apaaah at lodge Bream. EX-PRESIDENT DEAD Bon. leafuDlfl' Harrison hues to His Reward. HIS LIFE AND PUBLIC SEDUCES. Elected t* tlH Hi (beet Office ba to* am erf toe Peopi*. to ServA W«fl MU Day ud Oeamlloa. TadlttwifrlH, Bpadil.—Orartl Bo, Mala Harrdaoa died at 4: it o'oloch Wadnadar alteroooa vHbaa ^tcala in* wekwiM. Hi* dRt irae » and put Ha, Ibaa bain ft «ra daal atfihli* gtUl tha ad aaq vhieb ana marftad bj a atasla ttMT^nrtiita th, a Ufa departed from the Indy of tha craft oinfaiaiv The ‘.‘ftMtraa, with a fair axcagttoa, aa aorftM of hit old aad triad frtaodt, ova ft tha former Pratdmi’a bad-aida .pfto hi -M ___ » T paaoad t«ajt. r Oaaarm] nurtm had heart mnoo actoua for houra beigrt fft •xeot tlaa ofta ha gaaaad Ufo ft oaaa. •fame atate baioft dUOouft o datar nta*. H« apoV« to bo « • 4 arts* tin I omr. (UMas to rwxwsln-.to Mb tot*. BUtlAL OF THE EIUKtMNT. Patty ip.aoe People Attended Oao. Harrteoa’a Fmoral. ImtfanapuUa. Special. — Surrounded by tally 11,000 of Ida fallow dtitan*, tba remain* of Benjeoiln HarrUoi Bataday iftaraooai ortra Interred 1b tba f—tly lot la Crown HiU Cemetery CVaee by tba pan wera tba atember* of bta family. PrseldaDt McKinley and otbar Tlaitore of dkaUaciioo end tba taort knMiaatd fnende of Oaoarel Her tteow. Beck a diet tore of Bfty yard*, behind roves gnarded aealoualy by e barge force of polio* etcod wllb nn oorarad beads «ba grant multitude wbc know him not eo weB aa did they who dtood heelda the freshly up'.uraol earth, bet who hoonred him and ad odrod him quite ea much. It U doubt tal if aay publio man. at laaat In tbit generation, baa bean tome to ble Uat resting peace among ao many man, taaUrtloea of res pro t. Of poaaionaia grief there wee UUle, outalde the maoi: barn of kh family, bat the tribute of ipspeqt pea oalreraal. It came from ell abba. tram thoae of HU own pottil eal faith exad from theta why differed wHh him couoarnina wbet U beat for the nations pood, from raws who have been bti Lfetong friends end from thoae who knew trim merely by eight end to whoa ho had asm spoken. It came tram women aad children, from while erd black, from all ooadlttooa and binfl of people Tbora wea no exception anywhere to -the eeprea aton that tba nation bad loot out of Its ablest mao lad the greeter t men of bid generation la bU oarn State Sampson’* Bounty Mousy. WaatAcgtoa, D. C., Boar 111.—War rants will be leaned by «b* Treasury Depsrtmast tn n few days la payment of Ua bounty claims of Rear Admiral Bampaon aad Aa offlcara aad men of bln war Seat oa account or the da struoBoo of Spanish raaacla la Cuba. Aa commas dor-tn-cblet od Aa North Atlantic station dorian Aa Spanish war, Adtrlral Sampson will At H Ui for At daAMMMfB pf Oervera s ships, about *f.VW bcfahcOMt of MMfift Akta at MaawaatUo. and about |8M fhr slaking ft Jt*a*'S A Nip* BA. making kla than UT bobatt money aasMAlag WKws’Uaa tlLMO, TV as* w__.__ _-1 ar* Wi par ate from those for prise money on aceooat of As capture of Spanish, Alps, which ar* baling adjudicated ^Ui ssrarot doarts. Bo:A Admiral D«t*j .Aad Rear Admiral Sampson, aa swell as Ae officers and ’men who served under Asm. »ltl ihare A Ae prim awards. Oea. Trlaa Lays flown fils Ana*. Washington. D. C.. Special.—The war department has received tbs fol lowing cablegram from Oen. MacAr tbwr at Manila announcing the nr rasdar of Llsot. Oa*. Tries: Adjataat Cenrra], Washington Mariana Trias, omly I las tenant go li ra] In insurgent army, enrraariered Marsh it, Ban Francisco 4* Mai aboil, with ala* offlcara. 1*5 wall armed men. Trite Immediately took oatk of alaglaao* In At preaeccs of sever - al thousand naklvew. Moat suspicion srAt; lndlc*r«* final stag* Armed la mrraotioa. Rrvwtlg* Trlaa. aboUiem Loam, eqonl to AgulDaldo. Oca. Rates aad Col. Frank D Baldwin «n tltlad to grant credit for persistent -work la bringing Ala about. McArthur. Germany*a Population. Washington. D. C-, Special—The census office has recently reacted Arough A* courtesy of A* State De partment of coinlar ispoil on Ae po pulation of A* German empire and Its chingen dnrteg tbs past cent ary. The population la now about OOb—larger than that of any oibor country A Europe accept Ruatla. which haa In Europe alone over 1M. C00.0*0. or amrly twice aa maay ar ClnMtWl LctM Moy*. Nnr York. ftpaotal.—Aadraw Oar aapta, kb* al*o* reUrlM *a •para from lb* ataal world, ha* baen abla to doroto 41a ttmw aioleatraty to Ua otbar yaaatoa, tba foaodltm ol Mbrarlaa. baa mad* Ma 'Popartara for Tampa tMa aprtap mamorabla by tba atoclroc/ of tb* tsechsr. Tb* eat pror!3*« thaf no teacher or Other perm ‘shall teach or critics* the doctrines of any church, religion! sect, or deoomlna Hon, or shall rttawrpt to 1*1 nance toe pupil* for or against any Church or rellgtocs sect In any public pofcooU Violation of this auction la mad* punishable by summary dismissal from tb* pnbllc sorties. It le prorldrd however, that It may be leerful for the priest or minister of the pueblo where Tb* ecbool la e*noted, to taaoh rellg loo for defend* la as latarrlaw BublUk •4 by tiro London Dally Mall, toys: "1 bopo an aw noth 17 will wla. aa Brttiah victory would do anr* ho dorado? yachting oo both atdaa of tha Atlantic aad promote good will batwaan tha two a at Iona than anyth It* eae eonid. A Tokobrwa dispatch aaya that tha embtast orMa at Baoul, eccUa) of Ko- . rta. which arose out of the arraaa of tbs acting Mlalatar of rente on tharcro cd haring platted to uaardar a nunlur of tba ladles ut tha tnrportol foneobotd eautfauaa. A d spa'.eh hoaa Hhanghal aiaouneas tha aalllai at Halted dtataa Mlalata: Ooagar. Tha toedKJon of u llnng Chum* Is Iwprorad. Tha railroad ba'wara Pekin aad Chaa Blag On waa oannad tathrday. la tha imme of the fed aad M> gtaa ■ta'atara. Tkeee waa a rerlww of tha troops as a foatura of Iks teMit Ooa. Tba Vlaaaa News rrWa Prams ro por fa a returns rising la Teaaraa. Prr aU hnaaam ceifaa reforms hara ken aitenptad by tha Ik ah Majow Mallcrd. of Iks Tklrtf-atatk lihatry waa attached by a aet whit* gotag frnta Maorta to Kioto lla was la |^i |||^ t