l Headlight. ROCKINGHAM, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1901. Send One Dollar and Get It. SWEPT Am UST ESTIMATE) AT 75 •4 St I btr bb «a r ktiM 4 tfcant “•PEACHMBNT TRIAL. *7 W&2feS5 AM *ou Mlln out o< U« o*Ha Kj?Vj3«r»4 U* wrttlMrfwL*’1*^ <”*W •SSSmjm mnjr oOiw wajr out **-^thaa 1m« as a yj^raBSMBS-i IpiRSS did ttjy M7 to to»tr- . B* <»» ■»»Ur had ^"Wy *J»1* Wort tt>« writ ID to. ^jpr.**- !•«* •• “» «■ K«o»n «nl •'Will wn Mlnltoti Hi m illtfaaan i ■ ka raapton •kfectrt . waa com bt oc«T *u Umc b ittorom. Tb*. irai , >«»^mhr^ssrja Oatkm tor a* promuuUua on u< Qppbt far the dafaaaa la a atn»t ox :SCTaiKT-irsaEr«r kiBuaaoata of mwail on both at— SaVabaec dlmtoad and on a high or fir. aaab aim badttias tba ImpocUhl MM aadar oonctdoratloa. Aimnm ant by iQuaaat to tba bow to oaoas ha am'till a» trial occupied tba rtmalndor of tb* awt. mad ana ra aninrut od IffiadAf. Fraatdaal Tamar called tba high went of mmaibmat ba ordar Moo day moraine at It o'clock. Forty thraa baaolon aa* acred «o tba roll cali. butm Junior okared * rreota ttoo that court boM nlgfct aaadlona from > o'clock aatfl 10 o'clock. Sana— Morion oppoaad *l|bd —Mi—. a«t*i —ora war* otbauuMd bon mu three moo the oocdlaaoua labile dobra aal cabal Mat tba ran oa tba raaohi tloa ba dafarrad uaw all tba Baaanor? war* prdmat Jaatlca toatalad on tba ruatotutloa beta# pat Tba raaolnpoe waa touk Ayaa a. aoaa K V. U. Dnbaa, lor tba ooa • H*. office of aba writ of ataapty a anMiipa ta a Mark yo carry oat tba |co»I «*»■# of tba optakm jau ca It — tba duty of tba clock to law **“5T^ta*c*—^ba"!ndBa»aDt ol Jbdmo Btaabaek ordarad tba tauaanooat a writ and tko Buymo* Otmit only at Braced that Jafl—w* Jadpa Ctocb. la hto flaaaetlag optaton, aaya that a writ of nandamaa bad beta ordarad. Now aha!) thma rmonndaata ba JtadaM tor wtaat Jadpa Clark aayay Tba ooor| took tba can a rtow of thto aa orory tba aoort norar tohaa of tba matter, an te term or a» or patltloa of Mark to tapally aaOad to M? At 11: U Hr. Beat a a acnatodad hU Mid ba bad ^t^ ^to'lMfa apaaeb wab aa abia pro aaatatoaa af tba aM* ad tba Juatto— and taw daHracad to aa ia—ra —Bar. Ha auaatolal hto ana— at t.m. to throughout the couhtry Tb* Sowtb. T. R Cananter. a ndnt wMrttat of Ob to, btaw bU bwil off arltb ■ •hct ia at L* oat on. Via. Tb* Hf fating to Uaatanant Bobnoa. at Orwutont Ala. baa baa* patoaml bacaaaa of tb* UntauCi Ulaaaa. Tb* America* Laatbar Company. at KaoxTtDa, T**».. baa ctoaad a daal by wtoub It eaaaaa lata poaaapakm of tba Than* 17 of tba Vtrctala Tannin* bad Cuban** Company, oa* of tb* Uneat taanarlaa 4a tba Btnta. A apart*) to Tba Atlanta OooaOto ttoo from Larroala, Oa.. aaya: “Joba Baatar, a aacro, charged wttb aaaanl tfa* tba Bra-yaar-otd itoa^itf of J. B. Con wall, aacapad froan bla captor* Baoday UdM, wfBla balm tahan to tb* BartwaM Jail. In faraotec HnMar Mr. Oonwall aortdaotly toot Haary A. BlaflaUtfX ooa of tboaa pardlof Hun tar. bat or wound to not fatal. “Dow poaeaa an ptmuta* 4b* aacro. The North. Tbe lee te tbe ■ —ppl at Dubu fiue. toe*, west oot lapsing (be than Ml clear Tor errata! — ' This le Ibe earliest tor roam ' The MeLoecke Toy Cottpanyb five story brick structure. la Mllwaekse, m gutted by fir*' Buadny night, en isling a toes cl—fieri tram fiUOjMQ to 1111,000. . A special to khe Buffalo1 Sxprees (na OMapbolKoka. N, B_ aaya: "Btx yluuc were beraed to death Satur day might et little C—cagsda. Hiikai. ee At the next eaeelon of the. Ohio Gen eral As—big, Hope—otatlye Gear, ad exia Bead—y. erfll latradoee an aadl-kMaepplag MIL He baa received lb— let—a threatening to kidnap and met!late — delight sr eat— (COO bo left hi an old shoe, at a certala plaoo. Tbe wrltere threatened to put out the Bxl'e eyes with a red-hot poker and Are the Gear residence Poreiga. The dock strike at Marerillea la an. broken. Rmnore of the 1 liens of President Mas, «t Menton. — denied. There wee a general fight be ter ten stadeots and police at St Petersburg A lot—'y la Batope lor tbe Boers la bring Organised by V Heart Roehe fidkt —We cloriag baa bean ordered at tbe Co—enter Cotton IftUe, Bert IrgVOC. V*. Germany sonde aa addlVtooei appro pt— yesterday of oearty RlAMr .POt for tbe OblDiee expedition. Tbe season ot Auatrin-Hoogary shows a popolatloo of lO.atPAfifi which to-as Increase of lfi per oant. during the teat deeaAe. . A special dlepatA ficn Cairo, Amt —w a new Dervish movexxcot la repoftod to bare occurred la tbe sooth sre peri ot the Bouden. Tbe official or gas of tbe Rasetao —try of Floe ace at BL Petersburg ft—S That Bessie will tasks strict rtgrttsla to ease ot aay raising at ffa ttea hr Os—any on Raeriea predneea % Qoaaa Victoria*! fuaara] coat WTK «*. «fca baHMIf Akitaa daralofaad U.t kaoto o* it* laat trial. A MrVi OiaWl ra porta that tha Oaraaa aarr into tha Brttlafa. haa *r •Mad to dbaatua tha BaMarllia botlara I roi PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS: Wtat tk* Rwm U|kM«ra Appro, prtatad tor TMr tappart. Tka Oaaaral Aaaanbty tanatlaatad watatlr tba piaOr or to* flu** Edara Uooai aod CkarttaM* InaOUaUoM. U took murb ttma boto la aoaamlcta* «*k aod la dabata to maka a bill tkac •«*tt raa ok op to all tk* raqulra to* paopia, and atilt keep totka to* Halts of to* oknay (o b* m***d by to* iwiaao* MU. Tka amouata appropriated for tk* ekarMabl* aad odacaOooal inatltudoo* of to* Stmt* ar* aa follow*: Danf aod Itomb- A no to I moproyru ttooa, 440,000; lor watarwork*, lira 4'BBP. «r* aacapaa aad equipping tor baaoar promotion agataat low of Ira. aaaaally tor 1 yoan. *3.100; total. NU04. Oallowka* Hl*h School-Aaaaal *p ttoOrlaUoa. U.000; u. talldta« (all propartp to b* ooorayad to tka StaU.) 14,000. total. *1.000. Dtof. Dumb aod Blind—Aunaal ap ^bprlatloa, *40,000; aaaaal lor pro yaars. *14.000; aoaoa] for library, *10; aaoual to pay dadclt aad to fmolds dlalap hall, twain, ptwoabtac tag baa*anal, *z artaataa mu, gymaoa lata, lianalo Ngtot plane, paring aod aatoadaaldot. n-oorvr kttekan aad ■aoodry. *10.00*; total ***.040. Col vanity of NdrMs Oarollna— An aaal appropriatloa, UM44; aaoual to traaaa, 111,MO; total. *17.40*. 8ta«* Normal aod loduatrtal Ool l««a—Aaaaal apptoprMtoa^ *34.0*0; ta pay todabtadaaaa of *31.000. build pracMe* and obaamratloa actsoot aa* additional dormitory aad mettatlon rooaia, aaaaally tor tame year*. *14, 000; total, *40.000.* ***** utrouM udu«c» of A«ricni tad HacUuki AxU-Amiai tip protriatkm. 919.000; aamllj for I rears to par debt*. tlMOOgl; aanaally for 1 raara ct> baud taztile bnlMlar. Hb,000; total. (JOjeOAL Colored A grt cat Rural aod Kachan*. <al OoUaca—Annual appropriation, (T« tOb; annual lacraaaa. (4.000; total. $1(400. StaU Hospital at Raleigh—Ain aa] appaoprtatloa, (T1400; aaaaally for 2 yuan for Iran dalnt|« and repairing $7.(40; annually tor 1 yaan to pay In datocdaaaa, $1.000; total. $77.(10. .Kata HoaplUl at tforreatoa—An Ofc^buaropr'aitoa. (1(0,000' aoaually tor 1 raara to par laddotadkane. pt*t 000: aaaaally for 1 roan to complete praaaot bnUdloga aad araot new oeee, $26,000; total, $lg.M. •tan Hospital at Ooldatero—Aairaal appropriation (1101). $47400; (for 1001 Increeard to $40 004); annuity (or I yean, to erect new bonding* $(>,000; total. 171.406. Provlato* Nona bat Indigent la. mm to be ttabud to boapptaU tree. AO Ot&era to par aa dtraotad by Board of UneCon. Offlctau violating act gntttj ot a mltdacaaaaor. Proaliha. Uoaey to bn need ex •**ty aa appropriate* No bnlldlnga to be ooanmenoed (bat would require non money to oomplata them that la appropriated, the Board of LX rector* to determine thin Pmrhloa Unlawful tar any par. aratag official to Inear nay data «* •KA aa prortdad by lav, unleee lit at. Irtma emergency and authorlaed by Oooacll of State. Qradtd School' BataMIshad. Orodod school* srsrs oatabHahod la tbo foHowts* towns sad cos atlas' Rbcby Boast; *BoAsM. Halifax conn Ur. Haadonoa LowasMp. Vases mis ty; Boat Baod, Tsdklo minty; "Outl tort Ondod Soboot." is Osllfort eoosty; HaadanonTlTla; Bocklsabam, Rlobsaood minty; Balms. Johnston sownty; BtsiUrtoid; Johaatoo oooaty; Martas. MoDowslI eoosty; Mt. oil** Wayo* ectasty; Cdsnaoo. Hall tax' eoosty; Onssrills, Mk oooaty; Bas tard, Moon oooaty. Colosod Orphan Asyfom. Tho Ootond Orphan Asylum at Ox tart will by spaeUJ aot neats* tho Mm o« II.MO. losdthtoa to tbo usual spprtmrtaUoa tar Its amtataaanoa. Tbo aoroont Is to bo uasd to pay off tho sx M1b« dahds soaloat tha oaylem. and to moha sook rspsdrs as may ba assd ad. Col—*4 Nomto Scknoto. TM act far tk. aa—Miiloi «M rn*mmmml Of tko Coterto Non—I MN—. Mm Mato Room of ■f—0*100 to r MOOT I or eto— m of Mo Mat. CM—M Non—1 fehooto. —4 •0 fMrlbto. tko hnf. oov oppro NtofakotoMM, - too, Mk-i for tko Morotoa of tko r—latai ——. <041 raputottooo of tko Mot. Utoo to rrtor—o. fa Mto Kkoofa Mon to Mbfort to rorlnr *n tko Mato Boaom to Rd—ouoo. toe trar *< MO %!■*•*}*• "m t>m—1> to—t to OUmmo at, to —ttt—Jly m. AMtorkt k DraNIn, K T., —no koHMo *»«5 MARYLAND'S LAW PwrWtof f*r WjfrincWkhk*1 »f Al Iffltcnte Yrtm PASSES TIE LEGISLATURE EASILY That fully fitly Thmiwu WBbDWnatklN4hyttiW*ili lata of the New Law. *»*u»olU, bid.. SpecUJ.—Tb» M election Mil. baying for Its object tb< prardtral dlafracchlaamctK of ana ol U>» **.*00 UUtaraM youre of tbi ***** *aaaag the Saoau ehorUy aflat H waa laaMMab east tc the Boaaa. wbara all the «.**.s* ■•da by tba Senate ware eoaeurrad la. and tba bill paaeM. It da now rea dy far the Ooreroor'a signatory. Tba teal paaaaga of the Mil sea markad by tba uMar afbaemae of any thing of a aaaaatlooal chary cur la the 0 ay ala bat aw pm teat yea an tyred, vhlcfc eanw In the form of a apaach Con Senator Dotbaoo, Rapoblloea, who charactarteed tba ooUry prooeod tuga aa a Mot upoo tba fair naan tad boaor of tho Mata Tba Seal you wta Ji v> If. a arm party ojrlatoa. In 4 ounrtar or an hour altar |-*-[ the Sanata the coaatdemJon na lauaedl ataty begun. Ona by oaa ttoa Senate* ■aandmanta nn taken np aad ooa •airad la without dlrielaa. That K eras p« span tu float r*nrr, wltk no attempt at relay upon the part o< tk* minority, except a motion to allow them oaa boar to oonatdac the annul “•»«. Thla wna promptly rotad down, and tka Mil wn* passed by a rata ot U lo II. tha Democrats haring six rate* oars than the majority requir ed br the cooeatwtion. nta Demo crats, Masers. Backer and Lamia, of Underlet; Key*, of Cacti; Pettiaon, of Porch enter Qartsr, of flt llary'i. rated with the Rapoblleam. Tha moat Important chase* in an Mdog methods accomplished by tht enaotmant of tha new law Mm In da priring til Karate rotate of the ajelf taaca of ballot elarba In prapsrtng th*U ballota Under the prartoc* prsc tin* Uaaa carka aeoompanied taeb raters Into «h* booths and marked -Hale baDoutor them, or ahownd Chma how to da It. The Damoersdn dta Chat this practice nttarly dearoyad tha aserwey of the ballot and mada U poa ■ibia for oorraptlonisu to kan throw «h signals from tha ballot elarka *h*th*r bar pal na made with corrupt ratara had baaa earned owl Tha ac re eg we; at at tbs naasm oa the bat lam has beta altered so that the can didate* for each office are grouped in stead of briag arranged In group* ac cording do the party they represent. Party emblems are abolished and otb *r changes wbteh make tha new law rary snarly similar to that In ariet tas* In Msmirbnaelt*. Tha effect ot the ha, Is. of emuna, largely a matter of coadaaMra, and on* upon which tka party imdsrs widely differ. TV D*a» ocrata axpeet that It will dlffnaoUn iM ttjOQO innM and parhap* IV 000 white ratara who easoot rand or write Of them It Is claimed- all the ■—tom and shoot (0 par cask of tha whites rad* the Republic*D tickek With thee* out of tha way the But* wilt ba safely Democratic toy many year* Id coma, aad tha Hnmadtsta re mit will ba the election of a Demo crat to suoeaed United State* Senator Wellington 1a lPtfl. Tha tcklre latarast taken by SeaaiOf Oormsn la tha passage of the MU (■area no doobt of bit candidacy tot lb* senatorahlp In «h* treat that the affact of tka new law la m the Demo irate aspaot It to ba Watoatt ta SaccMd tlttchcocfc. PmMo, Col . SpartiL—Tto Dally Chieftain taya: "It la detail*!? koovB bat that m Beam or IMeeU. of Ool —ta. vM ba appointed by tba Prtal Saat ba ba Baoratery of tba latartar to aaaaaaB Mr. BMakmet. Tba am baa baaa —UK by tba MaaBa at Mr. Wotoott la tkta oltr. tba atatanaat ta tng BMB aaaqalvMalty, aat K la In dlcatad that tba appotntmnnt vUI U atoda la Waahlogtoa tomorrow." Aa Alabama Railroad Bait. Birmingham. Ala.. BpaeHtr-A am atol ga Tba Agt-M—M from Oadadaa. Ala., aaya: ’Tba Oadadaa and At tatln Catoa Ban—y wan wold at yab Ba oatary ta mttafy Urn etalma at tta tntSaM—. aa tto road hag Barfattfd aa iBa lataraal. Tba taad wrat ta T. B. Mi la bahiW of tto bmdbaldari tor tm.aaa Tba m>s ara batag aaanlad kg A raontrar." / mamw—■**—aa TMoartMa, Into aoanty. Toon , via Barttolly diairoyag by Bra Ttiaada/ •Ml Lorn mitmntal at I7I.MB. (ar Thc taart wblab tagatrad lata the matlllam aadar which tto trUalag tadp Dtste gwilil la tto Palamae rtrar ad Marytoad Mai, Bad a that tta waa aat Baa ta aay toatt af tod M aflba TIE TEIMS BOTHA DECLINED. Miltary Otvinuiut to Be Replaced By 1 Crowe Colony, loedao.’By Cable.—The parllamen ury Pepere giving deetellj of the ae IVAlaCona between the Boer eoonnan <er-l»ehlef. Oeneral Botha, pod Lord K1Ubetter, commanllmg tho BrWeh In South Africa, bagla wdth a telegram from Btr Allred Mllaer to (XMoatel Secretary Chamberlain. The 4h«>etch la dated Pretoria. r»0. IJ, and etntea that lira. BoUa lu re turoed from n meeting with her hue bead bringing a letter lb reply to sir Alfred hfllaer'e verbal menage offer log to meet General Dutha on a mean, <* ending the war on the expreaa un deretaarilog that be would not dtecuee Ue Independence ol the Traneraal and Change River Colony. Mia. lo Ua aeeured Alfred miner that tho lr*««r wae written with the poinl clnsrly oadentood. Oeneral Botha re. ’fenad the matter to ble general! and sn&Asm* Mr. Chamber leo reptM Chet bo wae Had to lean of Oeneral BotlWe deal re 1® tunl and hoped that It wee genu lae. "He will hud ue." eald tbe colo nial Secretary, "andovia to meet him on all point* affecting Ue Individual median.’ A dispatch from Lord Kitchener to the War Office, dated Pretoria, rob. **• reports a long Interview wttb Qeu •Tsi Boabn. who ahowed very good JflUag and satmsd anxloua for peace. H* »“•« Po» Information, wMcfcbe ■aid he would rubmtt to his gurera-. Dcot. the generals and the people. If they agreed, be would visit the Orauo Wtut Oniony and get Blau to agree. Should all then hang u> sfaelr arms, it would finish the war. Ho said they eould go on tor some time and he was ■** straw bo would bs able to bring about peace without Independence "1 declined to discuss such a point.'* asfid Lord Kitchener, "and Mi* a mod ified lore) o» Independence would be nwei dangerous and would land to wtu la the future. Replying to General Bo tha's Inquiries, t Informed him that when hostilities ceased Urn military would be replaced by a crown colony admtnlstrattou consisting of a ncml nsted ax scull vs and an siqpted as ism - bly to advtae him, followsd alter o pe riod by a repi-ss sot stive govemmeat. The Boers would ho licensed to have rifles to protect thaemtvss sgnlnn the natives, thu Dutch »nd English languages were to hove equal rights. Kaffirs would not bare the franchise wngll after representative govn-nmeot bad bean grunted,' the Orange Free Bt-tfe taws for Kaffirs would bo con. strived good, Chareh property- anb'.lo trusts sod orphan nrTrw^AflK-vt i.q— toadied ,eo war tu wod^^^kpoectl on the farmers, seetstsnee mould bo given to repair the burned farrne and to enable the farmers to start afresh, sod ootonlsu who had Joined the re po bite should not be disfranchised. Oeuaral Botha generally seemed satis fied with these coodtttoex." Ou March X, Blr Alfred Milner cab lad Ixvrd Xttehsoer, sugeetlOff the fal lowing rspllss to Oeoeral Mottii “I bag to (storm you that on tbs cassa tion of bosUllelsa and the complete surrender of arms, ammunition, can non and munitions In the bands of the burghers In the field at gwernmool dapote or else what a. fit* Majesty's government lx prepared at once to grant amnesty to tbs Trasavsal and Orangs River Colony for nil boowfldo sets of war during the hostilities, as well so to move the governments ul Cape Colony and Natal to similar se ll on, qualified by the dlefrxnchlsecnsnt of may British sttojecla Implicated In ttie war. The military prisoners 11 fit. Helena, Cwylco and aisawhere on complete ear voder, shall ba brought back to their country. Milk ary law shall at ones ba repiacad by a civil ad ministration, but K I* the desire of His Msg eery's government as soon »■ circumstances will permit to sauib llrh a reprrsairtxtlve government. On the esisntlon of bostilKlea a high court. Independent of the executive ■hall ba established to administer the lews. T-aad, Church property, trusts etrl orphan funds shall bs -respected. The English and Dutch languages shell be tangM In die public schools and allowed in ths lew oourt. Whiskey Was Poisoned, flea niiailaiin Spec lai—Mr* Gao. F. Kse*. artfa at a longshoreman; baa base arrested on eueplrlln of baaing seat to bar husband, through tho mails, a hauls of whiskey, which, on examination, was fraud to contain a large quantity of arsenic. Tho nooplo bad separata*. Tbs packago contain ing the poisonous liquid ms held by the postal officials baoaasa of U» rules forbidding tbs mailing of liquids Kant was aotlflod aad whan be nailod at tbs pnatofflee tbs bodtla was open ed with tbs result that daeUraa soon afterward arrested Mrs. Kent. She da. aim ear knowledge of ths matter. A not bee Mssai<r. Maw Tork, Sperlel—The Owns Stsemadtlp Lina has plsrod an order wfth tbs Roseh Shipbuilding Oompsar. Chaster, Pa. for a saw stmmshlp to rwa batwusa kata aad ■areaash Ths -v saaal. It |a SI pentad, will ba eoin Aprll She wl'.l bean wl h a tka spar to* Pawrtaaa PsrVfcrd. Antwerp. *T Cable —The eisemer Obama Ha of tba Oeraven-Australian fftswmabtp samps*/ and ttbs IIrills* -Tap collided ta tba noshing Ttoadahaad Tba Tap ash sad only thrsi af bar grow ware eared. The Tay bad pat into tba Flashing Road a Mad swing so tba preselling storm. Pm mass parsoaa prrtstet. leelodlug tba wtraa of two sailors whs bearded Us reseat as * tarawsll rUlt.

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