1 [mond Headlight. _._ROCKINGHAM, N. CM WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1901. Send One nnllarsnrt cm i+ —4" i. APPEAL FOR HELP. Tk People of Jacksonville Calling hr. Aid. RIVE* IS GIVING UP ITS DEAD Ttaa* Bonita Have Baea Racovarad— nintary OuanJ a* tho Baeraed D4*. Wet—Tba I oaaaa. Jacksonville, Ms Speclel.—The body of Harry Bon as these, a reel es tate dealer, wee recovered hloaday frem the 8t John's river. Mr. Boone theno'e widow end eoa ere supposed to belnNew Tort city. The bodies or two nssroee were also recorarod. All are clctlma of Friday's disastrous firs. There are many rumen of further Ion oC life, bat owing to the departnrs of thousands of people from tho city. It ha lopoasUkki for sereral days to Twlfy the reports, unless the bodice are found. Mayor Bowden has Issued a request that all tlght-acere remain from Jackaearllte. It la feared the rati army of Idle negroes may cause some trouble and It Is believed that all those who win not go to work at si par day aad rations win bo deported. B. a. McOottcry. who was employed at th< Gardner ship yards., almost lost hie life In trying to as re the people who naked down Mark*! street to tbs rtrer when the dames were at their •*fe®at- Ha says he succeeded In get ting so persona across ike rtrer. but as aaay more wars either burned to dmth or drowned at the pier. The Al teasr, St 8t Anglistics, although closed several weeks for the season, kaa bass re-opened to care for the refugees Other winter resorts hotels probably will open as the crowd (car tes the elty Increasad. The dromes bars not been relieved, because the debris is still buralag and i tratm of water are being poured Into the ttamei all the time, night and day. On every telegraph and telephone pole that was aot dem ropey llnetnent were at work. The trolley company has a large force of taew at work hangdog feed wires aad clearing the tracks, where the street was numdetly cool, so aa to establish bar aarrlos aa aooa aa posatbla It will ha ssrurat days before a ear can pane teto Xaet Bey street. Ten military companies are etllTou duty to fi'eVfhr rends Item. A battery of guns Is slso in position at tbs comer of Bay and Msr kat streets. These guns were rescued from the burning armory In which much of the equipment of the Jack sonville troops were lost. The militia, men continue to patrol all parte of the city. Martial law probably ertll be en forced at least another week. The weather Is much cooler aad the work of HfmWtsIloa Is being rigorously pinh+4. An estimate on the total low by (tat •ra, aa siren out by a former tax col lector, 1a aa follows: Public bondings, *1,90,000; stores, north side of Bay •treet, *4H,000; etorea south side of Bay street. *0,000; stores. Porsytb street, *400AM; stores. Main street, g!*M09: residences, prominent. *71 000; residences, 1,100 small, *? UOO.OUS; residence, personal ofteet, *1.*00.004; stocks of goods In stores, *l.tos,00t; stocks hi to* smaller stores *M0.W0; ■treat railways, *14.000; pavements, *100,000; total, *14,144,000. Ths following official statement was lemsad at 10:10 o'clock Monday nlgbt: “The relef committee having rv eelvsd many husutrlaa concerning the sltuatloo hero, dselre* to meko the following general statement: Tbe city of Jacksonville, on Friday. May I. was visited by one of ths most horrible end sppnlllny ealamltlw that baa test happened In any cotamually of modern times. About noon of that day, a Ore was discovered la s smell psUmetlc •bre factory. In tbe (S tream western pert km of the dty. A high wind ws> then Mowing to the eastward carrylej As ffassw over the beads of the Ore men. The are spread with such rapid ity that ear rftissue had great dllD rslty la lea ring thstr bomsa and pta ean of bantaeaa. la many sum they basaly escaped with thetr Itvaa, and we regret te any a aumosr were burned u death or drownsd In their oBores to monos from ths lames. The number at thin time we here been easble to ee certala, attboegh Its bodies baeo bore tahaa from the ruins aad from 10.SS1 to 1M00 people are bemeleea. Tbs harmed area extends seat aad wmt shoot two miles, tad north aad south varying from mi belt lb three-anar tera of a mils, fa ttls area ww situ ated the oldest aad most populous por ttea af the etty, embracing all elapess of yenpts, high aad law, rich aad poor. The Baasm caned before them homes. Marshes sad all the pebHc build Inn mre oma Mors than half of the host prepetty lorn aggrsgetm from *1*900 000 to pUAOO.OOO “AM eeeUthaUeao af amasqr sbeuM be swt to A. Ml Iron, trsasarsr. us all eejpptMe mmeld be^msst^to the JUt (Btgasdj “The JaskeeavlUs ReNef As sidstlns. a ■ Oafpts, Presides!: ■dwla O. Weed, Bishop of Worlds; I. B. T. Bswfsa. Mayor: Tetfsu HoghtMi, OMUMUM." Th* JmtmTi Raflrf TrHa. ttmrn TM. Idil Iwir loo* e> Im4 aa4 mjfttm via bo «*•»><« tl br Tba *•» Tart Jaarmtl to Jarta a Hu* hr Rw nM *r a* m >oth tr •• bt Am nr irate term tv* •an Ml laraar ORr «•« of <ba tetoftete MmM. Atrtlr a't«* rl«4«M Matter atete TW ttrf m H Otei 1 f)WHR|blii ASKVILLE PIESinttV Hendersonville. Bpiefcl.-*rTha ntttn of epgatal bUrMt In HiMMmrUle thie week b the AabevfD| Prwabytery. It ooavened Thursday at Vp. m„ undor Boat fevorahia drcmcst Jess. AshsvlUa PrwXmtary 1#y*t a youth, but Je ooa posed of a tselous body or non, who era evidently doing) a great andgaaod work la tha ngme of tbalr Maetea. Tba opecdag asttnoe wae de livered by 8aw. D. M^Douglaa, cl Brevard Cam John l:R Hie ear non waa a wary plaaafnf ooa. After tbe sermon Presbytery waa amatttoled with prayer by tba retiring moderator, Bar. E. Mae. Daria, of Saraardarllle. At tbe opening eeaakm all tba min isters la th ePreabyts^BhMW present. Rev. T. H. Law. D. HegaU tor tha Amerioad Bible BodSeCymad Rev. A. J. MeKetway, D EX. edMoa^LTba Preaby terlen Standard. ware arc eng the rial toes, and this morning Bade Boat ex ceUoat addreeaea la behalf of tha cane, eaa they represent * Rer. 8. W. Newell. oMMseklsofcurg Presbytery, and Her. D.M. If elver.'of the Presbytery of HaopMt were're ceived and their ananas enrolled. TVtle morning at U a. m. waa sat apart tor bearing tba doocora] e^^tbata tha eaie brating of the OoadMta of tha Lord’s Supper. The esrmon.wt>leh waa n straaper ooa. was pam abed by Rev. B. Mac. Davie with ammoai east and power. Tba eomaamlee aerrlee, pre aldsd over by Rev. R. P. Campbell, D. IX, wan a moat touching one. A call from' Ilsualaeat avlHs ofcarch for the aaultaa of Rev. D. M. dfefver waa placed la bda hands, Mr. Met rar has already made many warm' friends ta KredersoovtBa. A petit km to orbanie « cborefc at High lends waa received and pieced In the hands of the home *mfaaioo com mtueet R*T. r. p. Smith u<l (Mw W. I. Terrell were NeMM priiBpal nwili ■loam to Um Os oars! Assembly end Bar. r. D. Hunt sad Bjrr T. & Bos well ellemntae. Thin edfclag wee net apart an the tints tor hvertas the re port of the bam mnSou. uuuniileelon commitle*. Her. R. T..ObapMl. D. D.. the efficient end <rfttrtns chair men. made a moat eenpedin report which was followed brlv bamher of mtnb-enilghtaoiac an# ‘ aoal-etlrring eddreeeee by the raid ode' wOrktn la the Seld. » Pre'recea New* of a young rnoe of mind. Orore One Bryan and hit .<_ Pry an, both of Ncwbi, •o drive to CUnbjm. the young lady iaafcyt Bryan threw the I bach ot the mule drnwtag the l>ti go and struck a match to light a cigar. The eruoke from the uatli or thing frightened the aula nod he started off with a jump. Mr Bryan grabbed tor the redan, but eocoeeded In getting only one. The mole broke Into a deed run. Mr. Bryan holding on to tbe ntngle rein afraid to pall on It tor fear of raining the animal oat of the rood and making the situation worse than It wen. But ha could keep up with the mule tor only a abort distance. Then be reluctantly loosed the rein and watched the re hide go sailing down the road. Be momentarily expocted to sse his cousin jump from the t»vg*> or do some other rash tl.ipg. Hi', ah* did the very best thing to be done under tbe clrcemrtancee rose carefully In tbe rapidly amoving buggy, stepped over on tha toot axle, stead ted herself with her left hand an the dash board, and with her right reached forward and gathered the relax. Then she took her seat again sad began to seo saw with a pair of army bits on that male until ha wag glad enough to stop. ■ y Tar IM Natas. lioc P. ruber has baaa appointed peat mas tar at Arcadia. Work kaa commenced on the aa* Episcopal church at Eloeton. Prof. Alraa Smith, tenchar la the Norwood pablle school, hem small pot. It la a mSS case. Ha la a nephew at et-Beaelor IL L. Smith. The Richmond UUpe'ch moles the death at Her. Joseph H. Rlddlek. Ion* a lead la* Mptdodlet minuter and presidio* elder at that Hr alt. ||„ «M bora ta Oates oowaty, Auaust Hh INI, graduated at Rasnntpli Maces College. Ha was prtdeteot oaoa la Rlttrai! female oalmga Plea thoaaaad dollars sew capital has beea pat Is the marble mills la Cherokee roosty. It win be hews) ■ I Ball Omssd. ears the So»Jt. I I CROP CONDITIONS. Th» Part Weak Warm and Favorable For Cultivation and Growth. Vmr7 decided Improvement* la crop coadltlona ooocarrad during tha peat weak. Clear aklaa and warm, dry vaathar Kara an Impede to farm work of all kin da, and rapidly adranoad tha arowth of vecetatloa watch a aw ap. ' grtM tad Tiforlot. His to eunkner-llka ooodltoaa waa vary rapid; middle temperatures daring tba entire'week ham bean quite high, reaching a maximum of M dagreea on May Ini, and although tha night* bare contlneed comparatively cool, aa pec tally, in tha more elevated waiter* region, the menu temperature waa I dacraaa ahpve tha dally normal, livery day waa bright and sunny. Thera waa no rainfall anywhere during tha week Moect • very am all amount (oua Inch) at Waldbo and tmcea at a few other points. The oaly disadvantage, oua feature waa that tha aqd dried oat no rapidly and formed a hard cruet which rwented Bead* sown before tba last rail a from oomlug ap wall; In the eeotml earn portion* especially tho ground ban become hard and difficult to plow. Warm showers era much used ad to soften tha aoU and would craaUy benefit vegwtatrm; tn txet in many countiea rain la badnnlng to be badly needed. Fmrm work wm pushed rapidly du ring ivory day of the week. Planting corn Is approaching completion except lo the extreme west; early planted cams op so poorly that a large amount o< replanting waa nroamary; in gen eral the stand of corn la poor but the young plants have Improved In color. Planting cotton la dost progressing ac tively. and la nearly finished tn moat eastern and many southern counties. Almost ail the land first seeded to rr.t. too had to be replowed and planted over. Cotton la aomlag up elowly, and needs warm showers to promote ger mination sad growth. Some peanuta have been planted. Orotund Cor tobacco la being prepared, and transplanting will begin In the teat aa soon aa show er* occur; tobaoeo plants have grown rapidly but are about tea days late. Wheat, oata aad rye are beglaalag to bead; the prospect for these crops la very promising; spring oata Is not do ing so wail aad needs more rain. Oar dean have nearly an been planted, and .rnmchimuroTamaet la noted; vageta fblea l(jm> becoafit more Truck crops are how growfQ nt<J-ly, aad shipments of moot of the early vegetable* are Increasing. Lata plant ed Irish potatoes ere doing well; the stand of early potatoes Is poor. Large shipment! of strawberries are being made. but. the crop Is late and short, Almost ell correspondents elate that the prospect for fruit Is still very good; apple* are blooming In the ex treme west; peaches wlU be quite abundant Pastor** are making alow progress on account of the prevailing dryness. Americana Leave Pakln Pekin. By Cabin—The Unlt>4 States cavalry and artillery left Pe kin Sunday morning to march to Ton Xu. Imposing farewell ceremonlos attended their departure Sir Alfred QaaeJoe and the other British gen erals. with their staffs, were present and tho British commander sent a de tachment of Baluchis, who escorted the Amarlrana outside the city wnfl. General Chaffee publicly thanked the cavalry aad artillery for their ser vice* la th* International relief evpa dltloa. and tor their behavior since, which has been, he said, a credit to themeelvee and their nation. ■ esegrapnsc tiriels. Nationalists at Santiago, Cuba, protested heceose Governor Genrr^l Wood stationed American ode era in the registration booths. A Ire at Jacksonville, na, caused an eeUmated loss cf sisooo.ooo of property and rendered 10,000 people homolees. Sla tires are reported lost. A dre la Armour's beef house In the Chicago stockyards eadaageret 1,000 head of cattle, hut they were gotten OUt Praetdent McKinley epeet yester day la Teams, being welcomed cy las meoae crowds at Houston aad A us tia. - Tmlk Wofttr/, Holy ok*. Mom.. Spatial —1Tk* Tatar, ■attoaal Ualoa of Until* Workara aiat kar* ta auaaJ oaaaaatlaa Monday. At tb* formeoa nilna then war* aboat M ArUaat** promt. r*yr*amtla« tkr tmtlla eaatra* of tha North *ad froo* North Oarottna, Booth OarwUaa. Al* Iimoi. Kmt**hy. and othar Boatktm atodm. t*Y*ral af tha dhpito tram tha Snath aro *mta Tb* aftaraaoa kaatiaa oa* prtwrtpally faoatad ta or. taalaatlaa and tha d«tall kotdaaa* ba caa Tumday whaa tha »ra>» of d*V m*»m ta atlaadaamjraa 1 JO*. PbNIppt#* A ntira. Manila. By 0*M*r-Th* fatand af Saoar. aaa of tha Vtaayaa troop, ka* ham traaafarrad from tha dwaart Mat anamando by Oaaaral Wad*, ta. ibad na—tit by Oaaaml Hu |kn Oaaaml Hash** ka* bam or •arod poroonally ta Saaar. and if ka U ahiananfal ta aapoOattaa tb* *or rmd«r af tb* taanraant ftwnl. Lab fcanB tk* farm *f Aarrlm troop* la t*Mr «m ka Mrtaty lacraatad aad b rldtrta oSanalra-p'P WtU ft* inaac art t*4. ARP QUOTES PSALM Ika Be DUcoonei on a Sermon bj a Norton] Preacher. fc’PEATS WORDS OP ABUSE. Bsrtow PtiUosophar Shows Mow 3*»o PwpJ. Fo«| Toward lha Sooth. flft> J*Crw bin U a Chin*ro r*4lrlAiu •aia Amin ao4 mw «t «T*ry dmMIc u*» *■*•* *>» ottered agalnat our peo P». I dost fret m reelf about what a northern preacher ears nor a northeru editor writes. but I boat like time aaea from the eel ate, and It grteeet me to roalae that the more malignant aa editor U against os Uw more eub •ertbera Me pager gats. Nov this Chicago editor ears In bit sermon: “f I vac* president when the nest lynching lakes place In tbs eoolh I voald pat a oordoa around that die trfca had hang a hundred of them end I weald shoot a hundred. Worthy of nannthala are the horrible tilings oar rlod on la the mkh As nu* as you U»» these eight mllltoa negroes will oae day hung loose If It Is to be btood for blood, theo woe to you In th* black belt You southsrnars with your rtheUloris pride still left you lynch tho foor negro for the eery crime thsi your fathers committed on their slaves. Thorn la oco volco that will apeik if Ml others are silent. (Appkuse.) When the tine comes vs will do mo: a than apeak. Ood will Jodie you-ymi whited acpukhhre who strain at a gnat and awallqw a camel. I have been told that 1 have lost frlanda at the south. 1 maser had any. They were norer Vjrthy of my friendship. They are neither Christiana nor good till **°*> 1 beaar the march of sight all U<A Ethioptane. and it will bo an awful Oky when they bar* loose In the Mack belt.' mj wtr* uyi that r tad better take Ota fto-rara out of the green hoax end maybe that will rotlore met I am that m tiay sparrows aref lrtaklng’S^H ♦twotaln la the troof yard. They M 3**k*w and blank, akin to the Canute'. A mocking bird la tinging In a heigh tort garden. Our Dock at pigeons I* aalHot around |a graceful ounrea. The faaeoek U strutting and spreading h a tnagnldeant tall and It happy in hi* realty. The dog lisa lazily os the this 61«a and ewerytMag It happy that (M has made except scene mis eatble people who are nerer happy on Mae they are abating something cr Andku fault with their nttpUmt. Bat about theae preacher* who are •» dletreeeed about the negro. I wHb tn remark that the same paper that gar* Dr. Gnnatnlua'a see tin anti about the regno had tn the next column In large headlines a press dispatch from Connell*rllle at an aooouat of fiendish ertana oomeniued by eight nemo: a upon Mr. McMillan and hi* wtf*. shoot, leg him and subjecting her to an out rage worm than death and left them both tor dead. I hops the poos* has got the negroes and Iynoted them by this time Do you reckon I would here refused to help lynch the brntne If I had been there and If that Ohtcato Piaacher bad been there end refused e helping band I woeM hare said “Now .boya_let’a fsarsg hfm op by the Irys end fir* bias time to expect—tbs cowardly dog who srooM not arenas a woman's honor." That's my faith aad par* of my religion, and I're been oa that Un* erer atari' three osstmgea began. 1 re joice oror ersry lynching of a brafe, of the aaas* kind. Ootreraor Oaadler map purge bte own raoord shout lynch Maisd demoone* Used Philadelphia ed itor who Bed oa him. but 1 am not •»»e»»or—aad ua nod a target to be shod at aad t am free to my thad ■ man who would watt for the slow, an eeetafa process of the law and the raurta to araag* car wires and deugh Imp la no mam ad all and has my aonrn nod contempt. I tMnk I haul belles read a peetws or go out and plant some more base a. tor my wife mys she wants n asirmelon of crops of ell Dies* leguminous reenables l think that l« sThai she callod them. It la that aama puritanical art ot prraclitra who brought on tha taar and WW thought tha next ppnarmMoa vnald hart aora aanaa aad lat ua along at not alarrrr wag ahotlabad. bat Hka tathtra Ilka goaa and tkrr ara r*t ■laarabla M l«M of MorPaeal It Bitting at tka fate, •ana of oar aiitaaa aad orator* daetara that paaaa aad bntobarlp Iowa now pra raA«. bat It ta Ilka tko gaaaa of "tkrao rord man to,’ now poa aw tt aad bow poa deal ooa It Run Orwdy — a grant apuarh la Baotoa aad faprlp oaptarad bla udraca bat la lata than hatlnltag bU afloat aad bowlla* at lha viaik for Ita bad faith to tka flfuaatk aaaadraaad. Tha mm praMaaa to atltl Ihalr ratdtat Mark aad It baa rpra d from Maw Pag I aad to Obtrapa tad lha arnat watt Tha O. A. R’a. kara ap ooltoad a MaakM to wrfta ap a bit tarr at tka rtrH war. aad tka aaat blag am ba to faraa M law tka pwbf'a ^koala Tha 0. A. flb. ara a powrr la lha laad aad thatr <wwad to ta dtww 2TT ■»?*— «— hat f tool jradaradaad tor tha* aaa took a wufadarato aaUlar la tka tow aad hotot «d aapbdag. If K taoh tow af m to whip ooa of thaw I d aarar brag *hoat “ — Ml 5 !y pour It back In the lug. Whin Cl >4 created Adam He plaotrd a tnnl.u r.N hlm and pot him la It to keep It mrt drees It and that ana tnrnc*nl and manly, and to I will go cut and dig crate and tarn ^hc hydrant Ira*, for It la awful.dry. 'Wtah I could tu-n at force on those prvwchere. 9lo-» Hl*1»>p Candler' exclaimed Vi big h«*d ilne-. •Oh for one mors hrrath of Pu.ltnu lam!” I've been peruatnj hl.mry Cf course be didn't mean those rn-ltaoe who came to Now England end wenl to Import!ns negroes anil r-fc** n* the lndtane and burulo; -wltoh-s. Jdr. Stedman and Mini Hutchinson hero e<even volumes of Amorkan literature and the second la devoted to those hor itble witchcraft times when lacrecso Mather and Cotton Mathtr and Betuu.-l Bewail and other aMnti had helptoei wooaa arrested and tiled and hung tor vkrticrWA. The while procedma Is In this volume and it makes lh> heart sick to read how the poor crea ture# hedged for their lives and lutb-.r last motnaoU on tbs galowu drnlel their guilt. How as many ns debt wars hung at one time and many m n at various times and how old Judge'-. - wall afterwards repented and ifcv twelve Jurymen repented and publish d thetr repentance ard adked Ood to for giro their great sin. etc. One woman, Mary Watkins, who was a hi red ser vant, a white woman, was trlrd bui the evidence was not quite luSh-tenl to cu vlot. and wo they did not hang her. t ut sent her off to Virginia to ha sold u a alava. This Is only a Httlr ai-*ap of New England history, and If any at their descendants la ashamed of It th y have never uld so to me Tbuso northern brethren are awfu! alow on apologies. But I must go and evir'c the sweat peaa and hory up tho doww-g for Uis June wadding. Our neighbor’s tarty daughter la to be married and they ere singing to me— "Brlig flowers, bring flowera. for thn bride io wear. They art born to blush In her shining hair." Bill Arp In Atlanta Oonatltutloa. While there la a atretic morenient la Iralaail for the rerlral of the ancient laacuaca. It U different tn Walra. A poll taken at Cardiff on the Qiestioa whether children In the board achoola ahonld be taught the Welah language haa rnulled in a major lly of *70 vole* agalnat It. RlflBBW IlMlTED Trains Oowiie Daily Scrvux I" lift, Tup Itkou, Ret OtUwtHNatt Stock ud Wed. ijierreirr jtgimr.taTuttWkft 1*117 . _ a®..I No. 37 Lt Kn Tort T. Cl UU|lh It 10 .mb Lt, Pfclladalpbla, “ - limp® 8 50 an Lt. BalUmor* « » 4 U pm f n a® •*»• '*•^<■>*('■>0, “ •■ <55 pm II Siam Lt. Blokmood, 3 A. L 1019 pm 12 3* i.® Lt. Fammtmu. " “ 1111 pm Hop® Lt. HotHoo ~ 505am < so pm Lt. Umdaooi, “ 210 am 5 55pm . Lt. AaloltB, - 5Mam 5 09pm Lt. BmilWa Plam. 5 IT am I 67 pm Lt. Kami#*, “ 6 50 am I .0 pm Lt. Oolambda, j - 110 am MJOii A». (ATaaaab. “ II in pm 1 Jd am Ar.JMkOooTlUc, •• IM pm COO a® At. Tampa.- 5 00am 100 ,m , _ __ No. 409 No.il. S'*145 pm LT. rkUadMptiia. - 1010 am 11 M pm LT.Naw Tort ,Q. D.B B OJ7 5 up pia'. Lt BaNImof^B. H.P Og. f 0 SO ptu Lt. WaakSoa, N-AW.g.a ~T. ~..'.'~ 0 b0 pm Lr.PormmoSti; Va.rT* pm ‘'id Him I-T WcMoa. •• II55 am 12 35 pm Lt. Norllao •' 17 55 am 510 pin Lt. Haadonoa, - 1 J0»ia 4 43, m Lt. BaMpN, ' 107 am 4 27 pm LT/Hoatkarn Mom, i la am 5 13 pm Lt. lUmht,_'*_ Ii5«a * cC> i»t* Lt. tllaliiiai, •• I so pm Af. Odartotta, « 711am 10 M pm pTUMCMr, 1006 am 1170 pm Lt. Qrortwnod. •• »07pm 152 am Lt.AOmoo, “ 71»pm 5 06 am Ax. AUaaba, \_•• 5 54 pm 4 50am li.luwan.4 W. C. 4 10 um . ;TT7T. Ax;tteoa,d oldA.. ... !'Jdpoi ii id am *«• *°7><f»«'TT.AA7T.P. 710 pm II 00 am A1' IJoOrtS LAN. 1 M am <17 poi At. Now Otlaaoa^ AN. 7 70 am_a 70 pm At, Waa>y<lla,N.UAEC 414 air a 56pm Ar. Kampala, - 400pm IT# am NOBTHWAIID, Lfeiir Ijuit . „ No. 4V) No. M L«. iMpUt.ll.C I SIX. 1 M IMS • 44ion " 1 iIS pa V M iu L». Now oriou«,r. 4 k ,~i Oprs rTTTTTT. Lo. MoWlo, I..AK. uiu.o. . to, Mootjloa'ry.A.4W.P IPu, | jOpm i-o. Moooo. d. WOo. I 0 MB 4 20 [ to L% a«4»m».~6.4 w. a fiiu. AU““. t i ll itoopa ■ ooTpm y yNooo, “ 14* pm 11 an pm y»E»H • " 4 44 pm a Mom tr. rtomoo._•» IM pm 41m. to. fcynotto. r»pm TSTii to. Wpgionioo. x aa»pa 7. .T77.~ to. Boom, •• lIT^Tll* ora y- *S»q»«ni rt—. •' l»H pm 4 0* »m r/r.JMl4|4, • | no on 11 IU x. *r. lotonm. - a al oa | 04 pa t» 5 nrsnoo pi Lo. W*4—. - 4 Mia 1 IQ pa 4l. frugal*!, • JOQin 4 54 pm A». Wnfc‘l—.N 4 W.4.4..;,., „ * tjia 4r lioltlaoto, n.i>.0o...... .... f 4 44 an i/. Mow frooi^?Tfc.B.4.&>. tn pa y JwlApMi. V.T.F.ARf 144 pm 4 10 oa 4>. Now Too*. X *14 pa IHu SSTm TfcTW I,o. Toapo, 4.4 U Bp. 14)101 IM oa l.t. IuAmoIIH “ 10 .4 oa T a pa to. il4*ioaoi “ ||4 pa u it pa Lt.U.loaUo.| « I fl pm Itlm t* ?*»*“' _ “ *4*pa 414 in f* yy*r»- i««pa 14*9oa to. BlMjP, " II Mia la 97 pa to. amfcin, •' 144 oa | it pa t». BorHoo " a Mom t II (on to. flUWUy, “‘4440a 4 41 pa to. BwkaooQ, 4 *4 oa 4 M pa y WaNMMoo. f. B. B. I Mom 144 p? Ir.ltMan “ “ 14 H oa II14 ra J'• ** “ 11 IT pa 114.. Ai, Boor loot, " “ a 14 pa 43400, N«»*^i INNTy. tqoopl 444doy. 1>l5'04 Om- oavurni P.*Tirir "om4 BP>il. Thrift?* •• LShIm. IHoiT^iu ]

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