Richmond Headlight. VC>L- *• ROCKINGHAM, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1001. N<) 10 Local News Items Hon. J. T. Legraud left Tuesday for Jaskaaa Hprlngs. v Sr. A. C. Everett, of Pegnos ifrat Friday in Knekiugham. 8. F. Reynolds, of Rllerbc high nkool Bras la town Saturday. . Editor has morrd into hU «aw mfcleaee, Just completed. fkaalal fiay is bailding again Upon Us alia af his former reshtsnoc. Hiss Capri, of Troy la rlsiting the Hlaaaa Mneme. of Uooklagham. The Headlight la glad to see Mr. Fafford Jr. on the streets again. Fnf. W. L. CridMatagh, of Ellerbe high school, sprat Sateiday here. J. A. He A ole y has moved Inlo tho mid i ssa vacated by Mr. Maxwell. Leak 8. Covington, of Lambsrton g*st Sunday with his family hi town. Albert Barrett has lost bora infer, mrd oa Us Wire that his mother R dying. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Wades, boro aiw rlsiting W. F. Long and family. t WNI Laad, of Ham lot attended the "Cheerful Liar" entertainment Thora dsy night U. C. Wataow lingers la Oeurgis, where bo ssado a business trip some tfawa ago. The WelU Bros, air disposing loo •ream and all kinds of eool drinks right along D. F. O’Brien, of Ilamkit was a eisi tocat the Headlight office last Moo daymoewiar Jaha Wright took ta the 8. 0. Con federate Reunion at Columbia 8. C. At. last work. WU1 Weill, the hmtllng aommeraixl salesman, spent Ssttuday and ganday wish hia parents Hltaaa Pxttle He Use sad Jokoeie Wan, spsat Batardxy and Sunday with ; friends fas Marlboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wall and daaghtois. attended tho -Cheerful Liar" vn tarts lament. Mr. ssf Mm. R. IJ. Wk It lock were press at Friday evening at the "Cheer fal Liar" entertainment. Mina Alias Bmlthernian, and Clyde Capri, at Truy made a plnaaant to C. a. Xnawi'i last week. Dr. K. 8. Daria ia preparing to build another More upon the aite where die other was boned dorm. The genie I Capt. J. C. Manhall apcut Mao day la town plying kb boaincaa and entertaining friends X. L Uiaanei koa pamhasrd the ih at 3. H. Lewis, la the llrery biteiuraa of Lewis a Hinton. Dr. and Mrs. Garrett, of Robrrdrl attended the “Cheerfol Uar" onter lahraamt Thorsday sight. The little efclM of T. W. MeOirt tad wife died last weak. The Headlight's sympathy la with the be reared. Capa, and the Mlaeeo C roe land were here Friday night, aMrnditrg the ''Cheerfol Liar entertainment. The Headlight learns with pis soars that Mr. TfUaaaa Dmn, who has boon qoito sink It Inymriaf a lowly. The poMWtcia^jf the Headlight are •odor ohllgatiaaa la Ror. W. C. Webb far a lot of choice tomato plan w. Bast Beat Ingham la building rapidly ear tha bow it real, tad later, will be the taadnmret aeatlnar of Ike town. *r». Or. row Ik n w palming and ■MtofWb* topmalng Ito Iran aha w»ly ymtotodl. A. MoAnfey. Tto Hlnann toaf wutof to now open ■t Ito aland la Hiaaoa'i totok raw, and toad a* ton will to tto mdar of tto day. tana Patrick, Ito knailing afnt of Ito MoJCtwaa warMa work*. waa mi IM wank and re Inroad wtoh mml atom. W. T. Main, ito prlaalpln of Vtn taglan Aoodamy panto Ihrankli Muek togtoai M wank oa kto way to kto i £ KU&^MiyW; V >'/ '» 1 ^ ' V. S. Hogan ha* purchased lit* Awy A Id red midiiwc on Fifth llllMi John, and Jam*-* McDuffie, of Laur Inbnrg passed through Rockingham last week to attune) the funeral of their •liter, Mr* A. O. XIMm. C. B. Terry of (Ubana'a mill* era* In to am u* trecraI day* ago. II* 1* one of Richmond1* be*t fanner*, also one of the Deadlight'* brat friend*. M. L Hinson baa told bla residence hi kbit liochIngham, and baa idotm) hi* nnrther Into the Harrison building whloh Mr. ftinam reerntly puchuaed. The Headlight Icarus with great pleasure that Dr. W. H. titoala ooctlii uea to Im pence, and trust* that be will soon bo able to reaamu bla prufcskmal dude*. Hoa. Hector McLean, agent for the People’* Mutual Benefit Aiwneiatkmof Sorth Carolina, will be ha Rockingham during court week, to iaaoc policies to all peraoua desiring them. W. U. Terry JSaq. long known to the petiplr of the county, bn* retained the practice of law, and has hit office at Ham let. He will give special atten tion to writing deed*, mortgage* Ml., and oolloetinii ofolainu. Rev. C. L. Ureave*’ sorrleea are In demand as a epeakor. and deaoavedly to. He deliver* within Dm neat few day* literary addrviMr* at UcFarlan, Hulk too and KUcrbe Spring, pausing in the mean time to marry a couple in Chatham ouuuty. Congratulatioaa Hro. Ilmiw. Wo leant from the Bcunetuvlll* Advocate that, on tha election in Kbencaer aebool district, every vote cast was in faeor of the tax, only two vote* went cast—nothing like unity when it cornea to raising aebool money. If tbia wasn't unity, it was thr nest thing to it—Congratulations Hro. Freeman. Graded Sr bool. We trust that the truateoe of the graded school will at once begin preparations for opening the grad ed schools by the Brat nf Hnqtem bur. They hold a meeting on Tues day night nnd organised hy alert ing W. C. Look clutiriuau and A. J. Maxwall, sac rotary. Old Soldiers. We uc requested by the Couuty Pension Board, to notify all the Confederate veterans who Itsve been receiving pensions, and those entitled to same, to meet this Board on the first Monday in July. Those who are not able to come, most be reprecented. This is re qnired by law. Confederate Monument. While many counties have erec ted monuments in memory of their gallant soldiers, who sacri fiesd their live* in defenre of southern rights and southern womankind, Ridhmond has taken no step in this direction. Rich mond's sons who fell in battle, and in hospitals and federal pris ons ware bravo, gallant and patri otic, and ware as dear to their parents, wives, sisters and sweet hearts aa were those of any land. We know Richmond furnished her full quota of troops, and that those soldier boys were brave and true. Then, shall we not revere their memories, and aa a token of affection for theui, erect a monu ment to their memory. Who will start a subscription for this purpose? n»u nwrm. Y. C. Morton, of upper Rich morwl, who made ue a pleaeent call on Betarday, informed tw that liter* waa a heavy fall of hail hi the river aertlon between Colo man'* mill and Mangam. He ftatee that from the heat infor mation he mold get it waa pertio early on the fan* of Lee Little, that Mr. Little hod planted hie cotton a recond time, and won Id herein plant again. Hail fell in eevaral erctiora of theeonntryoo Friday. We had a light ehower la Rockingham, ham't gut M yet, after pleating I wire. The C'heerlul Liar. Tit is farm comedy, as rendered by distinguished home talent at Rockingham, on the tfth instant, gives it rank among the I tost comedies of modern w riter*. This company made its debut on the evening above stated, iu the court house, and was greeted by an over flowing bouse; and if we can form any estimate of the appreciation of the audience by the enthusias tic and prolonged applause which aim so frequently indulged in, we would say that the exercise* must have been unusually entertaining. The manner in which each mem- J bor of the coiu]suiy executed his j or her part, in tliedifferent scenes,! showed remarkable discernment in the allotment of the different character* to the parties who rep resented thorn. Every member of the company acted his or her port with distinguished ability, and the concurrent judgement of the audience was that, though ama teurs, they are entitled to rank a* professionals. The exercises were opened by little Miss Jennie Watson, about eight years of age, who sang beau tifully, a beautiful solo—“When the Sun Went Down.” This woa • followed liy the appearance of the “County Constable’’—P. C. Whit- ! lock, in a manner which could not I bo excelled. Then came “Hostins Hassell, J. P.’’—Sttile Dockery, in his own iuim:tahle style, with ! all the dignity Which characterized 1 a justice of tho pooce in onte-bel- , liuu days. His personal appear- ' anoe, in hia judicial garb, was ini- ' pressive and unique, and in every j | way, worthy of the occasion ^ *»•* while turf clinerfSfhnss was notable at time*, his serenity was disturb ed several times by intense anxiety ami occasional disappointments. Mr. Dockery folly sustained hia reputation as peasesaing remark able stage talent. "Randolph Dearborn,”—A. McN. Page, in lus first appearance in this line nt Rockingham, made for himself quite a reputation. "den. Boomer,"—Major Edwin Sully, the very man, and the only man for the place, easily distin guished himself, and wqm Laurels which no other could have so suc cessfully achieved. "Rev. Sirs Stiggins,"—Thos. C. Leak, Jr. This character was presented by Mr. Leak most successfully—here sgnin the question is askod, who could hare represented the ramson in a more dignified and becoming manner? "Flora Boomer" was moat excellently represented hy the beautiful and charming Miss Edwins Armistead—aha was stage horn—built for the business. "Birdie Bweetlove,” by Miss Mat tie Johnson, the accomplished president of the "Old Maid’s So ciety," was truly a success a de cided success. The "Hoosler school mam" was represented by Mias Pattio Led rand, whose gifts in this direction eminently fit her for any position in such scene*. Aggregating the different actors ■no immim, we an not nwiitw to my tlmt they make a combina tion which rhoold draw fall hcrneee ia any town or oity which they might be induced to ruit, and wa auggeet that tlita company make engagementa witli aeveral towna on the 0. C. railroad. Aad now we aak who conld hare mote heautifnlly and elegantly rendered tlie popular aoloa w> ex eelleatly rung by lfaadamea Lad better and Brerott with the organ accompaniment nnder the ekiil fal toaefa of Johnnie Armietead'a NngmT Well done—a inaguiA eent entertainment waa the anani onw rwrdiet of the large, intelli gent aadtence. Take Tim Headlight. Kiterbe Minings High th-himl. Tbs clewing exercises of this popular school will occur on Fri day, lho 24th instant, with the following programme: Exercise*: Friday, Mny 24th. at 10 o'clock, a. m. Annual Address: Friday, May 24th, 2:90 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. C. L. Greave*, of Rockingham. Reception: Friday, May 24th, 8:80 o* clock, p. in. Ma«shais. Chief, J. R. Bennett, J. B. Rey nolds, J. C. Watson, Paul Bennett, P. B. Broedcn. , Everybody invited. A good' time may he expected, as this school always hue excellent enter tainments. The address by Mr. Groavce, wo can assure you in ad vupue, will be strictly up-to-date in every respect. Mrs A, Q. KlcbobMiu. Mr*. Nicholson passed quietly away last Monday at 8'o'clock a. in., and now ber silent dost re poses in the Green Lake cemetery to await the resurrection mom. She was a good woman, a devoted wife and a most affectionate mother. She leave* a heart-broken husband and two little children, one only a week old. At such a seemingly cruel separation the heart grows sick and sad until we rsmemlwr that God doeth all things well. Hi* way* are inscru table and w e shudder aa we see onr loved ones nearing tho oilier shore, and yetj Jess* can make s dying bed durt as downy pillow* an. .. Deullcis but the portal to and-, lass life. a*life of joy or a life of j ^tsa^.'i: hityo that ah* alsagi* well, wfjsre death and sorrow never corns nivd w here family rs-uniona never end. Protracted Meeting Rev. F. V. Shuniliurger, pastor of tbs Uatodiat oharcti commenced a meeting last uiBht, which will continue for tome days. To night Rev. Walter I. Herbert will be here, and will preach from day to day daring the continuance of the meeting. Mr. Herbert is an ex cellant preacher, and a noted re vivalist. He is in the regular work, and Is a member of the S. C. conference. Let everybody hear him. CIVIL CALENDAR Fow May Term, 1901. MONDAY. MAY, *7, 1901. 191. J. W. Covington vs. J. M. Mines. 10. Flora McLean V*. W. W. Bullard. 10. W J. Whitaker v». Henry H. Cov ington. 68. W.F. Hhsnkla vs. Ureen Whitley. <9. O. A. Whitley vs. W. V. Nhaaklu. a W. F. ShankW vs. U A. Whitley. 91. K. B. Loviu tJmr. of Daniel OI1IU. dveeasid, vs. J. H. Ullllt. 190. 8. M. Joycer vs. A. A. Joyner. TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1801. 81 J. H. Ulllls v* K. B. Lcrrin, admr. of Daniel OHHs. deceased. 86. John W. Covington vs John O. MeCaaklli, el al. 88. Bernard Wlnfleld, trustee, at al, vs John O. Dean. 87. M. K Milk and wife, and K. H. Bhepherd vs Harrison Shepherd, W. d. Crump. Ka'r et al. 86. A. D. Williams, vs J , A. MeNalf. 11* T^ike Ulbsun vs H. H. Covington st al. In. r. K uuiiiron vI John LrMk. WKDNBKDAY, If AY. 39. 1901. 14*. LnnrHarmilk Rm. va W. S. Crump Ex of K. Bmrdnn, dnovaaad. 199. Daro Covington Ta Chill* Coving 199. Wlllit B. Knight va R A A A T. R K Co. Mf. Clanda Rand lord va I. T. Wat. 199. Lvoy Carolina Carry, admr. va C 0 It U Co. 199. Alfrvd Loardamllk va B. B. I/O drmllk Ex. and guaadlan. THURSDAY, MAY 90. 1901. MR. Ann la J Canary va Rohrrt Uaaary fit. D. >. Caanami A Broa. va K. O. (Khanat A J T John, Jr. 319. Dal la Ann Ingla vi C C R R Co *39. J ■ Boom nOCIHOo 399 Bobrrt EllaHra va Alloa KlUrbn Ona apprariatoa a onrtainty. Ywr puc lint-book and fancy will baaatiaflad to a onrtafnty with Y. M. Bogan, Aoo. f-J‘ “ -*■ -k iti ill ii l g | jHamlet Department £ 4lf*rri»,s"rTls|Tw»r ifr The now mayor and roiumision ers were sworn in Wednesday. Mr. Rob a coal rector of Ham let haa gone to Jacksonville Fla H. F. Wads and K. B. Saun dera, of Rockingham was hero Thursday. Contractor J. II. Nails visited his parents in Chatham comity Saturday and Sunday. Quito a shower of hail fell in Hamlet Friday evening. No damage was done we think. Walter l’araons, Senator Mor riaou, John Smith, J. 1'. Cameron T. B. Covington of Rockingham were here Wednesday. O. T. Goodwin one of Hamlet’s oldest and moat prosperous mer chants, is haviug himself a beau tiful residence erected. Luther Smith had the misfor-1 tune to loose a fine milk row Sat urday. She tangled her aulf in the rope fell and broke her neck. T. H. Brooks and family left Saturday for Lumbortou, where Mr. Brooks lias accepted a po sition with the Carolina and Northern railroad. Dilla Brooks was tried in Jus tice Freeman’s court Thursday, for assisting tier husliaud in es caping from the grant house, and iu default of 92UO.OO justifiable bond, was sent up to jail to nwnit court. Parties all colored. « L,ncif <v sxJtputPU. J».. the i?»me of a now liquor rirrn that will open up in Hamlet this week. That will make Hamlet five barrooms, one distillery nearly ready to op erate. Miss Carrie Nation might do a smashing business hero for a while. President John Skelton Will iams, vice president J. M. Barr, rlupt. second division J. M, Tur ner, William Moncure and train master, C. H. Hix of the 8. A. L. were in Hamlet Friday morning on a tour of inspection of the 8. A. L. system. In the muncipol oonrt before Mayor Freeman, Hattie Springs and anothor colored dninc was up for fighting. Both were women of low repute. Mayor Freeman promptly placed them in the guard house with a fine. Thu* ended one day of court proceed ings in Hamlet. Mac. Molsm had Walter Tyson on a warrant before Squire Neill McDonald, for stealing hi* purse with 0.00 iu money. The evidence was such that would not convict and Tyson wa* set free, and the plaintiff Mcl/ean wo* taxed with I the coat. Attorney J. W. Legmnd of Rockingham appeared for the defendants in both the above cases. A Card er Thank*. To the kind friend*, who *o thoughtaully miniate rad to my dear wif* during liar illn***, and ralaiuled uuhoiiiidfxT kiuduee* to my family ainrs her death, I re turn my most gateful acknowilgr menta. A. G. Nicholson. A Idle ted Family. W# learn with graat sorrow and heartfelt sympathy, of the *ad condition of Mr. W. 8. Crump and family. If* and one or two members of tie family are now finite ill. We sincerely hope that the angel of mercy will hover over hie honachold, and that thorn mem ber* now ill, will soon be restored to health. A Picnic. On Easter unmday, a* we hud holiday we dacnlad to have a pic nic. Every one waited anxiously for the day to come. Wo were nil up bright and rorlv to prepare for <>ur day in flic woods, among the liemitifl rock* and feme. We started shout ten o’clock and Ar rived nt thu place wliere we were to liave our picnic, about eleveu o’clock. We had n very prett y place near Steele* mill called “The Rocks. All around on tlie largest nek* you could see hnppy group* of boys and girls, chatting and hav ing ft good time. We had fresh mineral and spring water which we enjoyed very much. Ahout ono o’clock we were call ed to dinner, out in a shady spot in the cool woods. Every one eu joyed and ate heartily of the de lightful lunch of which we liod an abundance. We then strolled leisurely oround, some tugclwsLer other* to gather pretty wild flow cm, n few fished aud boat riding would have been enjoyed, but our chaperons didn't tliiuk tliat best, as it was dangerous. Alstut three o'clock we all gath ered together und decided to tak* n walk. Wa went up the branch a short distance und got our last drink of spring water tbnn return ed to start home, as it was gettiug late. We had some trouble with our horse ns he was inclined to re main a while longer, we had to stop when he thought beet, remain styJ. hie chose wstart oCi again. We got Inins about seven o’clock aud found all wait ing for us to hear about tjie glori ous Easter picnic. h'L Inn May Weill. CORRESPONDENCE. Roberdel. X-Ray was in our village on Monday. Fine spring weather this week, crops are doing fine, wheat and oats good. P. O'Brien and wife of Ellerbc were visiting relatives and friends at Rolierdel Sunday. We are having our full share of shows these times, with grspho phones galore. A man from Steele’s mills gave us an enter tainment last Saturday night. A party went to the fishery on the Pee Dee last Saturday,. They reports pleasant trip, and a jolly time. Some of the finest crops of the season are being raised in that section, Mr. Ingrurn having about two hundred acres of the finest oats to bo scon. While there, we met our old friends, Ingram, V.C. Morton and wife aud Alfred Hatlloy. Ledbetter's. Duncan Mark* and family of Silver Rnn, hava been viai ting Henry Murks. Mina Ida Nicholenn, who ha* been visiting her brother, < sue home Sunday. Mias Eugenia and Jeeaie Sun dew have been visiting friend* .and relatives at Cordova. Mieses Alioe and Vara Haunyder* spent Sunday with Miaa Bella Meacham, of Rolwrdel. J. A. Sullivan and other* went to fira**y Inlands last Wednesday, hut didn't get many fish on ac count of high water. Mieses Stella end Fannie I.enn* May Webh and Master Ahgue Webb visited friends at Pea Daa Saturday and Sunday. Mra. Tom Meek* and family front Rockingham, were v i«Hlng at Mra. Breeden • Sunday after noon. Two Qin*. Continued on pageS.

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