_VOLl?l_ _ '_ROCKINGHAM, N. C., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST, 21, mi. NO. 24. Local News Items PartyMbntttra iImi Aag I. Thank*. John L knnll apat Sunday al Jaakaoa ikmaip. ih*. Claudia* Dockery ia Dora oa *«■ *• ■- Malcer I* In Moure county SU^MI hi* appoinlmrata. John O. Doekary, rt Pnikton. ia hern oa a viait to ka family. X. B. Shaw, of Laarbiborg, a pent •■■day night With hi* family. Gua Weill want to MeCoU, 8. O. to day to amiat in a ham ball gama. >. U. Barr. Tier-pro*Idtat of the 9. X. t. t la iked Rock tag ham Mat wank. Mia. II. C. Dockery and family hare returned from Jackson aprirtg* aad Raleigh. V. 0. Hie ha am* the Snlachool aom miMccmaa to hand ia hktehool canaoi rrtunta. Slim Rmale Watana, who ha* hero quite aiek. we arc glad to team la mwah better. Marey L. John, hq., of Laarinbwrg, made a peafraaioaaJ Tie* tu Rocking ham l*at Friday. Dr. A. C. Rrerctt nd M. hftm an at Bndklo, X. T. rislltoy tin Paa Americas ekpoeUloa. MM— Babbie Flowers and Morale lng an etaMag retail— and friande is the rlenity at LUcsetUe. Mn. OifcU tei gone to New York to purehan bar fall slock of millinery for bar boon to AbbeeUU, 8. 0. Meaera. O. B, Terry and T. B. Baxh-y ef tba Green lake nation, gar* as pleasant oailt a few days ago. W* learn with much pi—an that X. A. Lackey, of Hamlet, who bn been qalte sick, le now much (apnred. Mrs. J. M. flsUth aad daughters, MM—Kellie aad Baby, an visiting frlaads aad retail— to Marlboro coun ty X C. T. C. Guthrie. Eaq., af Charlotte, bn boto hen for eeresal days, eaUad by “wjear”aa the bedside at Hoc 1 T. I sOedad. _ spentfiHijafttw deur, Vn. C. M. Hobbs sad weal to /ashaan dpi togs Mn. -L. Wall! sad daughter. Min tarn, an baaaa again, after a pi—ant vfaiaqf aass^^ssehs to Ml. Airy, aad I. F. Gay WK family- »hn norad to Pbartoria a tew weeks qp, hare n lansed to Xcbardal wa weieoan then gaad poopta bask. Daw's forgot tba Hatafc ytswto to YItalogtaa. Tba fan for Use rousd trip ie only »1_M Don't forget tba day—Friday, tba XMh. Ber.T. 8. Wright la haring an •««■! tot ■taring U Ptoaaaal Mroer. Btn naaa ara bring gan verted and tha ana baaa Nrittd, and otieegthened la tha fahh. Mae. T. V. Uttle, lalalid by Bar. J. L. Been ok*. will begin a matting at Oerttodge'k emek ah are b on the 4lb Sunday,! next baa flay) whieh trill X. B. Cnadto trill tonratnanniroer for tha northern aaarfcria toynaohma Fall atoaha far bto aamyaoy's *■« amaamulh a>pane. Leah for ad., and II yon don't aae It, yen'll (nd It next weak. .Tha Headlight thaaka Mr. Look Weill tor a basketof boaotiful. loaotoua gmyte. Mr. Wrltl talto aa that large dmtatf ptehnjin riatoad hi* rinn yard, daotraylsg a qaaaUty of bto Pari X. 8. Photo, at toad Arriaga, rrhelaalaori thaatorar tm of Oer retkd Bub, hath favored Blehmoad hoyo, game aa a ytoaaaat aafl toetTeea day. aWb bare an a brief Halt of haai Mta. Lottie's atotar Mta. Bogtotor. hare been rtolilag bar at iha boaaa ri i tagtther with Mm to their borne In WO where Mia. Larkina will spend W« flaw. James T. U Uruud Tin* death of Mr. LeGraud, which occurred at about 8:40 to day, ia painful inteUignnoe to his many friend*, and sadden* the heart of the entire community. Only a few week* hare passed since with feeble step, he follow ed to the grave, the remains of a lov able devoted daughter, and now hi* fneurl* will lay hit body to rest by her side. It ia said that aflictknis nsver come alone, and wo see it verified iu the case of this excelhmt family; and while its members arc assured of the wannest sympathy from a be reaved community, they must pass "under the rod.” Ur LeGraud was too well knowu in Richmond and even through out the State, fur us to speak at length of his virtues, hi* life and hi* death, and as we expect to hare injsar next issue an obituary notice, we forbear to add to what ha* been said. The Headlight mourns with those who mourn, reoogniting the fact that real comfort oomes from above. m*. v. is Qresiw. Preached at Rohenie] last Sun day morning, and in Rockingham at night. On- Monday be left for Morren, where be ia engaged in a protracted meeting. Build Mare Hanses. Vor aome ycara past. Rocking ham haa needed mom house*, par tiouarly of the cottage kind, 8 to 4 rooms. Now that the graded achool ia soon to open, the de mand haa greatly incmaaed. Per sona who own vacant lots would And it a profitable investment. Let ua have more houses and num bers «4 families vriik wm Wi to gat * the benefit of the graded school. Work tke Streets. Wa had occasion a few day* ago to ride over the new street, lead ing In Mr. M. H. Russell's, and wa solemnly promised ourselves not to ride over it again, until it haa been worked. Now, if any body blames ua for adopting this absolution, unceremoniously, we kindly ask him to investigate the matter. Has anybody traveled over Stewart street recently? If not friend, dou’t try it. Mrs- Charlotte Mbsrjr. Urn. Sedhury, the beloved wifo D. W. Bed bury, fell sweetly asleep Id Jesus ou the 13th iuetaut. Bbs fell a victim to that much dreaded disease,? typhoid fever. 8be was a good, pure, coble wom en ; eo aifeetionhte wife, a devoted mother, a good neighbor, a sin cere Christian. For fifteen years, ebe had been a consistent member of the Methodist church, end ebe died ia full hope of a blieefu! immortality. Tha Headlight ex tends its since rest sympathy to the bereaved ones, end to tha bereaved companion, we would say, “The Lord gave end He bee taken away.” She sleeps well. "Oehe am the bosom ot thy (M, Fair spirit rest the aowi B*ea while ea earth thy footsteps trod. Hie seel wee mm Ihy brow. The OM VeSa. These clever hoys of the old Coofedersey have rets road from their grand summer re-onion at Wrtghteville. Major Holly telle ue they bad a grand, jovial time. The distinguished honor of Com ieeary Oeneral was conferred on tha Major, and we jaat know he fad "the hoys” somewhat differ ent from tha Confederate mean. JaleOerr knew what he waa doing when he appointed the Major Lie eommieaary gtnearl. He wanted a good gtestsl pro vider—mod he gut it. Uov. tf, M. Hliumburger. Will fill Dr. Rune's appoint ment uext Sunday, on 1 le Star circuit, and Dr. Rone wil. preach at the MetluHlist chnrcli .u Rock ingham. Rev. nr. Sh •mburger will return next week. Tv Nifbtnlt*. Magistrates whose term of office has not expired, and uthars en titled to receive the “Acta” for 1001, can get same bv culling at tbe Register’s office' W. 8. Thomas, Register of Deed*. anil "Bill Hl>." These gentlemen are two of our beet personal friends, and of our best correspondents. Each has borne his part well in a friendly controversy. They are friends, and it is isir dsaire that they re main such, but should the con troversy be prolonged, we four that it might uot end in the spir it of loyal friendship; and for this reaeon alone, we kindly suggest it* discimtinnance. Each has had bia tilt, and we now have a reply from X-Ray, which we will ^ return to him, with our kindest regard*. Don't mi*« Hatch Bros, grand and cheap excursion from Hock ingham Vo Wilmington Tuesday. August 00th. Hound trip all points to Lumberton, to Wilming ton, and return, only 91.26. For j white people only. Sea boost train and Steamer Wilmington will connect. Take your choice as to beuches. Lentzton. Too much rain this week for -• FH^ srfye (ft Mftmrood>jynW; few days enlh J. W, Lsnti inj1 family last week. The little chilk dren were glad to see their grjndf P* Bev. Qnyton "punched one hit best sermons first Sunday to ai large congregation. Miss Lillie Smith had her name changed last Sunday night to Mrs. Weatherly. We wish her a happy life. . Her. Guyton closed hie mooting at Bethel last Thursday. Bro. Guyton did some good preaching. May the Lord continue to bless his work at Bethsl. Ml* Lenti, of Norwood, began teaching a ynbecription school lost Monday. 8We ha* a very good eel tool. The rommitteomcn have also employed her to teach the free eohool. Wo hope that they hare made a wiee choice. She ii recommended aa a good teacher. The _ mouth of October will b^. given free. Thu* will give u* a five month* school. Bro. Guyton and family spent loot Sunday night with J. W. and family. J. B. Smith ha* a smile on hi* face from ear to ear,—another girl at hia bouse. Everybody speaks highly of oar yoang Dr. H. Ha paaaea through Lentston very oftau. We hear no oraapiaint. We hear that Aach WaWi i* im proving acme. Hops that, he will ha up anon. Everybody seema anxious to get ♦hair children in school. This is right. Many good wishes to the Head light. __ I. Look out for Hatch Bros, the old Reliable Excursion, Roek Ing ham to Wellington, August Both, returning same day ns mad. Trip only IIJ6. Train bavse Rock ingham 0: 4f a. m. for white people only. * T. C leek, Jr., la at Blowing Roek. | The News as Reported by Our Country Correspondents. * K4*4*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa iXi*X* lYiiti i^. if. .t .'t* ♦ <•. * • * » A Cordova. Quite u number of our people took in tim excursion to Char lotte. Mr*. W. A. Stone is visiting nt Jackson Springs. Marsh Hcndly is visiting Cedar Hill friends. Mrs. I.. A. 11*11 spent last week in Chariot t. Hap and Edgar Oulledge, and Mis* Minnie ltoswell, of Wadcs boro, *peut Sunday at the home of K. Hull edge, Misses Isabella and Mollie Oul ledge hat been visiting relative* in Anson aud Chestorttold coun tie*. John Ormaby and family, of Robervlcl, spent Sunday ut Cor dova. Superintendent Cole and fami ly arc nicely domiciled in their baautifnl new Imuae^ Dr. F. M. Keister ia erecting a ne*' office and drug store near his dwelling. We were pleased to have a visit Sunday, from J. B. Idle*, of Ham let, and T._ B. Liles, of Uni r Wolf Pit , H>T.*\y’ulfaee returned trom a brief visit to relatives iu Moore, on Saturday* Esq. Jfc M. Boggau returned Tuertisy night froqj Wilmmgtou, where he weijt to'visit some ufAhe track tarma in th#t, vicinity, wgtlf a view to raising lettuce for the market. '• , • * * /Jli'1 Cordovajuiv# a#d' 41m big jm crnjAl bat'* at Cor dova Saturday evening. It was a nkti gusuo \riim »T_rl to ftiueh. The score was 11 to 4, iu favor of Cordova. The most beautiful inert of the game was the remark able quietness on both side*. Our boys have shown that .they can play base-ball when they try. Tim ^batteries for Cordova were Austin and Sinclair, and for Big Pee Deo Ponds and McDowell. On Thursday morning of last week, Mr. John Morton and Miss Minnie Mills, one of Cordova’a handsome young couples, were named over scrota the line in the Palmetto State. They wend ed their way towurda the mill ear ly iu the morning, an if to the pursuance of their daily routine of work, but changed their course. The old folk* were recognixod as beligerents. hence they cruusud the lino and the snexstion took .place over in our sister state of South Carolina. The happy cou ple returned Thursday night, An armistice, we think, ha* tieen granted and the happy couple will shortly eetahlish a home govern ment. Congratulations to the happy pair. X-Ray, Rob«rd«i. Heavy rains continue to fall in this section. Archie McLeod, of Qiheon’s mill, gave us a call last Sunday. Quit* a number of the old folks spent last Sunday at Rllerbe. James R. Bennett, of Ssmpann, #ss visiting around in this section lagt Saturday and Sunday. Archil MoRsc and siater Miss Annie, of Hoatick's Mill*, were visiting friends and relations at this plane last Sunday. Frank Ellertw spent several days last week in the /ion neigh borhood, visiting friends and relatives. Misseu Xonie and Victoria Spivsy and Mary Lovin. of Eller be. were Visiting Mil. Lena lyoff t 9* Iii) last Sunday. C. U. Sugg and wife, of Cupel's Mill, were visiting at the home ol' W. It. Covington last Sunday. ] Mr ami Mr*. R. U. Gibson left tn*t Monday f»*r Red Spring*, where they will visit J. D. Gibson.' who is very sick. Miss Lucy Xicholxon, who ha* been sick for some tim», we arc glad to sny, is improving. Hustler. Ledbetter’s. Rev. Mr. gell preached an ex cellent sermon here Suinlay morn ing at 11 o'clock. C. K. Runic, of Rdrnton has been visiting his futner, Mr. Z. Baxle. Brookshire Breeden hoa gone to Wilmingtou ou the excursion. Christopher Sneed, uf Scotland I county, is visiting Kniford ltsw-l kins. John Wright inlwiI through here Sunday with somebodv , uml he wtu> all smiles. Vernon Webh wus visiting friends at l’ei» Use and Steele's Mill Saturday and Sunday. riiirvniT numuiv oi l^u rvl Hi'* is spending Home time with .• aunt, Miss Ami Hound*. Joe Maurice and wife s|>eiit Monday afternoon with their brother and sister, Mr. anil Mr* Linn Allen .t^lir Sunday school was small Sunday on tpicoiuit of a. good , ninny attandiiig the prytraWed iln; yt Heaver Dam. Two Girls. •. . Pee Dee. Ia?e Gale, who has Isvu travel, ing on the train aa news-boy, Htupp.:d over with bis mother last week very tick. Miss Lou Mclnnia is spending awhile with relatives in Mis>rc counly. Cleveland Hall, of Jute-s' creek, Anson county, is with relation*. Robert McDonald uud family, spent last week at the seashore. Miss Mary McLean, of Sanford, ia visiting Mrs. Uub». Chas. Roggan, Tracy Worley, Chne. Hutchinson, Silas Robin •on and Wat Roggan wont to Wil mingtou Taosday. ■ Mrs. Jneeph Thomas was called |to Fort Mill, S. C.totlm bedside iof a sink daughter lust week 1 Our boys warn defaated in their debate with the Roberdel lioys, Saturday night. This makes them oven. They will have 'an other to _prove their supremacy shortly. Come on boys, two to one takes the cake. T. W. Upper Wolf Pit. * The protracted meeting that ha* been going on at Mizpoh, cloeed Uet Thursday. Rev Mr. 8*11, the beloved pnutor. did eome able and eloquent preaching. Miaa Florence Harr in, on* of Montgomery'* fnireet dangliton, era* visitiug Mil* Alio* Wataon la*t week Mia* Belli* Bet Yate*, of (jin caater, H.C., i* visiting relation* in thi* lection. The third quarterly meeting for thi* circuit, will be held at Mie p*h the aecond Saturday and Sun day In September Mi** Vian* William*, of JAlea Tllle, h** boon visiting friend* io thi* lection. We would haw been very much •arpheed at the mi*con*tmntion placed o|k>u our item of two week* » » »—r-r ngn if it had coiue from any other source tiinti our contemporary at Cordova. We simply wrote tho iw-iii referred to to conutoruct tho impression engendered by soma iirngmutic ntitl oftlcioim intt*r* niodler* flint wo sere the only moil lhut made cider lor a bevor ilgo, \ln have uiudh cider for some of the lent uihi of tho coun ty, religiously or otherwise, who hnye usmt it ns a beverage, nnd sold it to their hands and olheis who might 1.1c- nn invigorating drink, lint that old barrel that has disurh-ed the equanimity of onr abstemious friend, X-Ray. ao long, is now empty, and no doubt in Ins solicitude lor tho sobriety of the coming generation, h.< cuiutl place his oar to the bung-hole and with the exercise of that great family, hour widow's cries, or pliuii'n sighs, and maniac’s yells Oh! consistency, consistency, surely tliou art the rarest uf nil jewels. Monster. Gibson. Miss Paulino Baker, alio Im* been away visiting friends, re turned hmiiL' lnat Friday, accom panied by Mix* Male Olivar. Harris Gilwon and hia little mm Will, were in lioniiettavillo lout Tuuraday. Mian Mary P. Gibson returned from 1,umbel-ton last Thursday night. A series of meeting* wore liehl last week in the Heeforf ehureh t v Mr. Curtis, of Laurtiihurg., Mr. Covington, of Rennet tsville S. O'. »»>* visiting relative* m • >ur town lust mo.—k. John Gibson, who lias been at Jackson Springs, for about two • ock», returned limns Saturday night. Morion Monroe, of Hebron, and John Kvnrett, of Hei.iiettsyiUe, S. 0., ure visiting Lee Adam* this week. Miss Mamie Oilmen, accoui|va nied by Milton Gibson, were in Luurinburg liutt Sunday P. M. • Mr*. Maggie Bullard left Satur day for Jackson Springs. Mis* Mamie Galloway, of Hole run, was viriling Mias Anna Me Colliuun last week. Miss Buena. I.oe accompanied by Bruce Gibson, attended ser vice* at St John last. Saturday. Misses Martha and Anna Moore of BeuncttMvillo, S C., arc visit ing Mis* Julia Gibson, this week. Jackson 8prlngs More than ono thousand guests have registered at the hotel thin season. Messrs Hour)- Dockery, of Rockinghnni, and UoboJt Peel'** of Marlboro fi. 0., were t<* have furnished us some »musein«nt Saturday by running a foul ruoe, hut for some reason the race was indefinitely |Knil|Miued. Weauuld like very much to me this race, as both men weigh 260 lbs. each, ur more. Quite a crowd cam* Saturday evening and spent Sunday here. It. is rumored that the Company will build a largo store house nt this place in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Kelson MoAskill ere visiting relations m tins rum ni unity. Mr and Mrs W. L. Holliday, and Mrs. I,, J. Hinson left Mon <lay for John Hopkins' hospital Mrs. Holliday and Mra. Hinson Continued oti pc.ge 8,

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