*' Local News Items r " 11,1 1 --kj V »mn>ir» wUl be Ttaakagirlag. £ VMm bar bon Quite Malta* L Ooriagtoa, at Lenoir, b *bllb* bit relallroo bare. M. T. Ik (Mb Mia a baslnaas*Mt to Lnateitoa hat Monday. Mia. 0. A. Hamilton, at Cbarlotta, is rMMn« bar tetter,W. M. Kelly. Wn. BMtriatlt returned Sunday montesfiuaaabaalacaarWtto Kleb aeand. Va. MeanetterOW will rots on a «10000.00 iaanaaftende Coraleetri* light* Hor traasn yaanted^wtea ate took onto Mta. H. I* Gwthria and children, and MteKra Fatriek. Mft ter Charlotte Jf lilitlj ^trshtg O. la In aad do lighter. Mta Aakaa, fatanad ban tte Colombia ialr Mat Friday aigkt. LonM OnaneO. tte Cumberland Co. t*lM, was tenge il. iaelde tte Fbyalta In Fatriafc S homo spate, from a - ******* part at tte Stats. Oat hallaat ttaia aad two work traia adnta oa tte S. A. L. Mat Sataiday jor ana at tte txaal* ] ~ la's Mill tebooi, l - 1 I. M. Coring***, of •f lk*l T. A Aaggka **4 family l*n non* MHWran taaUire. to Wato» riM T.O. Motto* will ooaapy tba H- A. Hardy, lh* hamnnai Will to| n|i*i*nilw of ikat ezaaUant papar, to* Jtow* and Ot*mr, tpeat TVatwdfcy aad Friday I* **r Iowa. a M. Bakka, Mr baatltog akoaaalam m**, wWaaOa aaaa toad a* a lima aad drain aU *lght of Mula-l*. aboaa, ahaaa, apaat Saaday with hia family, tof. Ohaa. H Marti*, at Faikm*. at f.Wy, | i at Might, at T o'aloak. Th* W*har*h**a rag*a*tad by a eitiaa* «|Ow<M,aafll rgamtlta, i»«ay*ha* *«M>tocZ r»mi ■lmT<**0*' ^ ■mn I J.C Mtfc./ LsaMvto.W. 0. Uah! A1. Oarri* J. A. Carter, aad Meatra. o< Mm Omuity Board Education. This Board held a called meet ing last Friday to adjust the con troversy in Steele’s towuahip iu District No. 1, in reference to school committeemen. Parties demur ring to the retention of the present committee were represent ed by Major J. D. Shaw. The members of the preeent committee were reresented by A. S. Dockery, Esq. The plaintiff* in tbs oase asked for the removal of two of the preeent committee and the appointment of two more selected by them, one representing them, end the other, as a disinterested party. After a patient hearing of the case as prevented pro and con by counsel, the Board decided 1° retain the present committee. District No. 2 in Bearer Dam township was divided into two districts, that portion next to the Mineral Springs line to be known as No. 2, with J. P. Harris, Nelson Gibson and J. M. McQueen as its committee. The committee is to furnish school house aud make a deed to same, to school committee a:td their successor* in office, to be valid so long as it is used for edu cational purposes, The new dis trict will he known aa No. 0 with the following committee: i. A. Marks, J. O. McKay. This school will be opened at Silver Run church, and taught there, until a school house i* built. The following committee was appointed for the new district No. 1, in Rockingham township: Robt. Webb, L. B. Mancss and M. F. Horne. A. McGregor was appointed a committeeman in district No. 1, Wolf Pit township, in pis*} of D. M. Hay, resigned. Tha Great Falla MUl Thia mill and other property of the Gnat Falls Co., was cold last Monday for **7,000. Mr. Gore, of Wilmington, being the purchaser. The mill ponds, fonr in number, were sold separata. It is eltaoet certain that this bid will be raised ten per cent., and another sals ordered. The Wadding Balls Blaglag. To-night two souls are to be made happy. Mr. R. K. G-egory leads to the bymeoia 1 altar, Miss LUsie Long, the second daughter of Mr. and Mn. W. F. Long. Mr. Gregory ia a brother to Mrs. R. A. Lackey, of Hamlet. Many friend* win rejoice with these excellent yoong people and vie with each other in expressing sincere wishes for their present and fnture hap piness. The Headlight extends congratulations in advance. Tbs Walter Matas Clreas. This oelebratcd show was here on tbs list, nit., and we do not hesitate to say that it was the beet end cleanest thing of ths kind we have had here In a long time. We did not witness tbs per formances, but we have beard quite a number of persons speak eommendably of the exhibition snd ths management, expressing a wish that this "Show” would corns again next season. 7 Tta—i AmmO Ct. Ob oao aido of aa, wo boar tb« ■harp oliek of tho trowola of tho "Manna who aro bailding tho Low* ia aad Btifaaa atoroa, oa tho aihor atda Mr. Oallaga baapa ap a aaatiaaai aoiaa with Ida aaaohia arp aaod fa boring tho artoaian wall, wtdlo J. D. Yoang, ia oar war, ia aa adjoining am, bam thTalZbWterTiiMor U U didioolt to tbiak, aad aboa* aa diflaaH to wriao, aad oqaatlp difleaH to write Jaat what wa think. ROCKINGHAM. Itn B»»k«, Chare lice and Sehoabi Are la a FloarUhlag Cwndltlou. Rockingham, N. C., Nor. 1.— Among the must thriving little town* in Eat tern North Carolina, ia Rockingham, the county teat nf Richmond. The population now it about 8,000, proper. Of courae thia doee not take in the suburbs or the cotton mill*. Rockingham now bar three good banks, the Bank of Pee Dee, Richmond County Savings Rank and the Farmer'* Bank. The last named bank it a new one, which was juet started up the 7th of test month. Mr. Robt. L. Steele i* the president. Mr. Leake S. Covington, the clever cashier, a bowed me through the bank and I must say that it would be a credit to tome of the city banka. It ia a nice brick building that coat 86.000 and is fumithad with handsome oak furniture and fix tures. It is equipped with the latest modern improvements for the protection of deposits and to insure accuracy in aocounts, in cluding a large fire proof vault, a Mosher screw door, burglar proof eafa and an American arith mometer. The Mosher safe cost 11,600. The capital ia 816,000. The Bank of Pee Dee, of which Meter* T. C. Leak is president and W. L. Parsons, cashier, haa a capital stock of 834,860. Surplus 816,000. This is the oldest bank here. The new Richmond County Sav ing* Bank was etarted up about the diet of this tyear. Maun. W. L. Parsons is persident and W. L. Scales cashier. It has a capital of IlSgQQO. Ur. L. C. Sharp, superintend ent of tbe electrie light plant here, informs me that the lights will be beaming in the “cityn in about two week*. They expect to have water works and the good roads system in this county some time in tbe future. They bays a fine echool here now. The graded school has Seen completed and tha school is now in progress. They have five teach er* at present and 900 students. Ur. J. H. Hill ia superintendent. Tbe people of this section believe in education. They just finished the artesian well at tbe graded echool a few day* ago, 186 fast deep, which ia a great conven ience.' Work was begun to-day of boring one right near the court house. They will soon have. a plenty of good water here. There are seven cotton mills in and near Rockingham, namely) The Pee Dee No 1 and No 9; the Great Palls, (this mil] is to be sold next Monday at pnblio sale) : the Midway Hills; the Steele Mill*; the Roherds! Mills and tha Ledbetter Mills. All of thsee mills are running on time and do ing a good business, except the one for sale. The Cord or a literary Society will make ita debat before the people on the aeoond Saturday night in Kov., the 0th. The ques tion for discussion is "Women'* Rights,” and each aide has four •paakera. Krerybody in inritad to attend. They have four churches here, the Methodist, Baptist, Kpiaoo pai and Preabytcrian. Mr. 3. H. Walsh, the genial and clever *dltor of the Headlight, ■ay* hi* papar ia programing floa ty. Ha tails ma that the 'cotton nop of Richmond county will be ■boot 66 per sent. The ootn crop will be abort one half. There will he nothing made scarcely on the river. There are a few fer aser* ia the eoaoty who had all of l heir sot ton on upland* that will ■aka a bale of cotton to the are. The pea vine and the harveet will help the farmers out considerably in thiaaection tbia year. Capt. W. I. Everett and Mr. W. E. Croeland, the two largest farmer* in Richmond oounty, planted for 1.800 bale* of ootton thi* year and will make about 000. Their corn crop is nearly half.—W. H. Redfern in Char lotte New*. Be Warned of Blacker Bros. "The trading public ia hereby wbmed to be ever on the lookont that they do not get “picked up” by inialeeding statement*, and fall to see lire big line of Clothing, Shoaa and Geut’a Furnishing*, thht are going at extremely low prioea, at Blacker Bros. Do not risk the statement of any man, hut go and aae them youraelf and see that they are fair dealers and low seller*. We will prove our honest dealings by a coll. Respectfully, Blacker Bros. Children’s Column. ^■w m w W v vwm a w SiLvaa Rob. Dear Headlight— I am a little girl 10 years old. 1 hare never written a letter to your valuable paper bat will send in a few lines hoping to see it in print. I am a member of the church. I go to Sunday school nearly every Sunday and always try to have a good leaaon. I have two sisters and two brothers. We can all play the organ exoept the two smallest. 1 mill oak the littls folk* a question: What verse in tbs Bibig opntaina hll the letters in the alphabet. Much love to «b* ^ebdllght had little folkf. Hattie B. Marks. Rockisoham. Dear Headlight. Seeing so many letters from the children, I thought I would write one too. I hope it will be printed as this is my first effort. 1 am going to school now, and I dearly love to go. My little brother goes and he likee to go too. I am so glad he dose, for boys don’t gen erally like school. 1 saw a letter from my little friend Katie Bos tick, of BUerbe. Write again, Katie, I enjoyed your letter very much. Beet wishes to the Head light. Bessie Terry. Robbbdbi.. Dear Headlight,— As I have never written to the Children’s Column before, I grasp my pen with much pleasure to writs one. I am a little boy 12 years old and I go to school every day. My teacher is Prof. W. L. Cridlebaugh, and I like him very ranch. Pa says I can go to Orand ma's Christmas. She live* in up per Richmond, and I can go rabbit banting. I will close for this Urns. Beat wishes to the Head light. Your Friend, Pea rile BMlard Rockingham. Mr. Editor.— I am knocking at the door of tho Children’! Column for the Ant time. My pap* take* the dear Bead light, and I love *o mnch, to road the nice letters of so many children every week. Our school is now open, and w# feel like try ing harder than ever to improve oar time. We love our teacher and hope (he love* ne all—the eeemc like ebe does. It so pleas oat when I go home in the even ing to play with my sweet little bine eyed baby Meter. My mama hoe only foar children, tsro boys and two girle. I am going on eleven yearn old, and the only on* that goes to eebool. I wish to join the children'* band. Let’s 0*11 it the Little Worker*. By'bye t® all. Janie. CTy4# O^dhi sed Mtw VAJley Kelly amass*-*’- *-■ Fr Our Co 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4* 4* 4*4* 4*4*4*' Cordova. Better mind, Mr. Editor, or some one will be shipwrecked. H. T. Clark, formerly engineer ■t Cordova, has gone to Charlotte. We forgot to mention last week, that Mrs. Han me Sullivan attend ed the Baptist Association and visited friends in Anson last week. Mrs. John W. Bounds and little ones are visiting her parents in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meacham, of Rockingham, visited hit brother Jeese and family, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Joe Button visited Mr. Battnu’s father and mother on Falling creek Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lilea, of Anson, visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Carter at L. A. Hall’s Sunday. Capt. Chat. Lear and Messrs. Fincher and Millikeu, of Hamlet, were at Rev. W. C. Webb’s Sun day. Some one stole the cloth cover ing from one of E. M. Boggsn's lettuce beds last Saturday night. | At this writing we haven't learn | ed whether he has recovered it or not, but understand that he has the guilty one spotted. No doubt but what tlte guilty one will be brought to justice. Messrs. Dank and Henry Mc Duffie visited their father up <>i^ j Mountain creek Saturday and ; Sunday. Wilj Goodwin ha* purchased ■ Dr. Register'* house ant- lot on Cordova highte now occupied by J. W. Bounds. Two of oar most promineut men went duck hunting out in the sand hills Saturday evening. Queer place for ducks. It seems that somebody’* cart has turned over. Roosevelt may dine all the ne groes he chooses to, but if he should strike a right hungry one he would give us the Job. The woods seem to be full of candidates from road overseer up to congress, notwithstanding this is an off year politically. Qlad to see news from Roberdel. Hope S. D. and J. H. will come often. O’Brien and McKrfy have open ed a barber shop and are prepared to wait upon the long-haired pub lic.' Billy Patterson has been hit again, but we didn’t strike him. Every body applauded your edi torial of last week. Hr. Editor. Shoot ’em in often. Roosevelt made an excellent ap pointment in appointing Frank I. Osborne to fill Judge- Fuller’s place. Sheriff Wright filled bis regular appointment at the Baptist chnrch Sunday, preaching a splendid ser mon to large and appreciative con gregation. The little baby girl of Mr. end Mre. 8. T. Mom ia quite tick. It ia now aaid that Lacy ia the oanae of the little dog being killed ae it followed him and Sam off. Mr. Editor, ae quite a number of your readen hare aeked the writer to keep agitating the pri mary aymetem for our newt elec tioae, let aa aay that we think it uaaleaa, ae almoet eretybody famra it, and our County Chairman elan auye we can here it. So it eeema to be ao aeeared feet. We know end ean apeak for a great majority of the people, that It la dwmaudvo and ia the only fair and square way ************* [respondents. ************** wherein the voice of the people can be heard, and the time is now here when that voice can, will and HCrr BE heard. Mr. Negro i» no longer to the front but in •tead muat knock at the back door. Slat-ea n>av be made and alatea can be broken, convention* nuiy l>e |>acked but can be unpacked. So far aa we know there ta no hin drance to a county primary aye tern. But come what may, aink or awim, live or periah we muat nod cannot be anything bnt truo Democrats. We know nothing better than that dear word Demo racy. It haa been tried and foqnd aa blue ateele. It ia the only hope of the Southern white man politi cally, and we must be on our guard ; be op the alert,—our old foe ia not deed but aleepeth. A great effort will Ire made by the Republican party to gain strength. The negro will uinke great stride* to qualify himeelf to come within the bound* of i he qualified auff mge amendment, ami we muat work while it is yet light. We muat educate or we muat periah and let ue be a united party, will lug to listen to the voice of the people, all true Democrats, high or low, rich or poor, the buaineaa and profeaaionul man, the plain working people for the glory and atrength of the republic today are its plain working people. Priiicpi and Loidj may flourish aad (•da, A breath can make them aa a breath has made. But aa hanrat yeomanry—a country's ^ ■prW., - ■ - . -a • "Shen once destroyed can Mvfr^W •applied. To your tents, Oh lares). X-Ray. Roberdel. We are sorry to learn of the ill ness of Mrs. W. P. Ellerbe. Hope •he will soon recover. Rev. W. R. Copped ge is now conducting s series of meetings at Roberdel. Ed Smith, who haa been visit ing his brother, Alexander, of Alabama, returned home lost week. How ia the restaurant over on Green Pond, getting along? There waa a sociable at J. J. Bennett’s last Satnrday night, which was much enjoyed by th« young people. Messrs. W. W. Oibeon, and O. W. Hnarne left last Satnrday morning for Montgomery county. Miseee Ella and Mary Harris of Beaver Dam. were visiting Mias Ara Bennett last Sunday. Mias Fleta Reynolds, who haa been visiting her parents, return ed to her h6me at Charlotte last Monday. . , Hurrah, for Roberdel,—two mar riages this week, and five new aomers. Rev. K. C. Sell preached an ex cellent Mrmon to a large congrega tion Sunday morning. Miss Nettie McDonald, of Pee Dee, spent Monday in Roberdei: Mr. and Mm. Walter Dawkins are visiting at Hope Mills, Cum berland county. ■ • , t. , Mm. J. T. Livingston, of Lilse villa, is spending a few days with h«r father, James Maecham. Mrs. E. E, Johnson, of Capel'e Mills, is visiting relatives in the oity, Min Myrtle Smith and sister, Mm. Minnie Terry, of Hamlet, were visiting relatives here Sen ds/. " • * i • . • Continued on png* 8.

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