• V Headlight. DECEMBER 4, 1901 NO. 3) Local News Items •MaJ J D Shaw left fur Lmnburtoa on A. L ViHomU left yreterday for Wilmington. Jehu McAlister vrellod hi* family at Lilcerillc Uat week. The e lee trie light* worn tamed on Wn» Monday eight. Xalmn Gibaan mad* as aa appreciat ed rkit oa Satnrday. W. T. VUam visited kia LUasrille friend*, a few day* if). Mr had a pleaaaat sail from Jehu C. Orelngteaoa Saturday. T. V. Book i* clerking far hi* broth er, J. W.Boek, ofTroy. Kli Leals sad daagb tare arv visiting T. M. Bqg^a and family. BmrW II Osggadg* wUI preach it !■ rkaia Spring sent Handay Mat- J*h« D Oar made a profam •enal visit ts Aberdeen last week. A J. Harrington was a pleaaaat eal l*» at dm Handlist edlee Monday. Mis. A. L Me Dona Id and little dangktai bare ra turned to Raleigh. Henry Monroe and brother, little Aknc. rhlted triced* at Tray last week Mrs. lagie, of Stewing Kook, 1* visit la* karroo, John Ingle, at Hotel Sick W.C. Hleka woe a ylwaut caller last Bataaday aad left • pleasant re A F. (taper was a plaaaaat caller tost Saturday. Ha toe, left a plaaaaat Marshal Dockery, after a pend leg Sunday with Ua tastily, returned to Tide editor had the pleasure ofnecat iaghJe yeans Mend. Deacon MeLeea, ht Wilmington last Monday. Jt». aad Mrs. Ballard Terry, of Bea ne tterlUa, R. C., rp*nt Thaakrglrtag with relatives ia Boekioghsm. T. F. Boyd has built a somber of Rood ksaaca la Harslet, aad MlB goes ahead. Mr. Boyd will “gel tear too.” Tha HaadHAt b>“* *« aoe Sheriff Wright able to he M beriacae again, after quite a cere re. sodden attack of Bad Batowia eu la towu Batoiday last. He earns to aarct hie brother. Bee. J. A. Baldwin, whe accompanied Tha Headlight learna with pleasure that toaster Jimmie Newberry, who bed hie erne broken eoara time ago, •* aMe te return to school. We woaM aell the attention of our Onmly Oommieeteoers to the condition of An depot bridge, on Failing creek, la t^btereetof economy. Bean of oar pablle schools, boil) white aad related, observed Worth Cnr otiae Day la thetr raboeU. WU1 peb Ueh next maek.a list of raeh. MhaBaaia MiPeaald, the aceamplish ed end pop a hi r principal of the Poring tea Indus;, sprat Batnrday aad Ban day with her hall; near town. Tha little ahlM of tor. nad tore. Clay Webb wee Tarried at the Holt grave yard las* Antony. TVs Headlight afrtptohtoan with tha htraamd. The town ef Hamlet h spread lig eut moaderfally aad amy be enter the lar gest terras hi Ah section ef Urn Mate. Wa pad lei ad this four years ago. Oar maotrm wee haaerrd lest Bea udry wkh the ysaoeaee of Mhe Stella Baldwin aad Wares Faith aad Rbaa vIm dtlM mi mIiooI bvsi Hernia*, win esoa be ready far oeeo paaey. He basdeae moth te Improve HeeeJet bp baUdlag a large a ember of patohetm. “toll grta Aar.” ton. Jar. A. Ingram and AiMran. ■gent A lard ay wt A (Meade la town. I* h raaorad that tor. Ingram and I®__ _ I % % t Robt. Lyon wont to Iaxurinburg a few dnya ago. Major Sully left for Rod Spring* Tuesday. J. 0. Dockery returned t o Wadeaboro yoatordny, Albert Barrett left Monday to attend court at Carthago. 3. B. Caudle nud little daughter went to Charlotte Tuesday. Rev N H Guyton left to-day for Fnyettville to attend Conference. I Mias Jennie Cropland returned ; Monday night from a visit to Bis ooe. Mra. C. L. Krana returned from • visit to Cheraw lost Moudny night. Measn. D. C McRea and aon i Byron made ua.a pleasant coll yesterday Revs. W. R. Coppedge and N. H. Guyton were pleasant cullers yesterday. Rev. R. C. Sell left today to at tend Conference now in eeeeion at Fayettville. Mm Tab'oie Nash, of New Lon don, ia visiting bee sitter, Mrs T 8 Wright Rev. F. M. Sharabergcr left for Fayettville ^Tuesday to attend Conference. Mil* Annie Wall and Meters. T C and Frank Leak, went to, Charlotte yesterday. Rev. C. L. Oreve* left Rocking ham ou Monday to attend the State Convention. J. C. Key, of Mountain creek, made a business trip to Scotland county lust Monday. G. M. Cork ms n nude u* a pleas ant call yoaterday—be too, left a substantial token of his good will W« m Uw* lH— t Ulri Kffie Harrington, who was so pain fully shot several days ago, is im proving. Messrs T M Rose and J B Good win, two of Hamlet’s leading citi-l reus, made a business visit hen yesterday. William H. Roberts, one of Lower Wolf Pit’s good citizens, sad son Willie, gave us a pleasant call yesterday. A. B. 8carlx»ro, a clever young man of Ml. iGilead, made us a pleasant call Tuesday—loft a dol lar with us too. Rev. #. S. Roue D. D., left Monday to attend The North Car olina Conference, which ia in set isioti at Fayettville. Our young friend, and progress! ire teacher, O. O. Reynold*, mud! a* a pleasant call on Saturday J and be left that dollar too. J. A. Harrington purchased the the E. H. Covington tract of land sold by J. W. LeOrand last Mon day, and will move there shortly. We learn that Mrs. W. N. Ev erett pressed the button which turned on the electrio lights re cently installed. It is a Rue sys tem and gives satisfaction. Married on the Snl instant, Mr. A. B. Searboro, of Mt. Oilead, and Mias Bessie Qrasn, of Wolf Pit township. The bride was a j apuat excellent young woman and on# of our teachers. This ms Ion two teachers we have lost in ttill way within one month. Stop it, boys. TV Hmm ud Farm. To oracjr pofaon who will >p(j ud am dollar and twanty-Rra rent* in adranca, wa will give than tha Headlight ud Home and Farm ona year, and a buggy ticket. Wa laavn lliit propoaitioti opao an til X-maa. •30.00 par nvmth for aa hoar or two aa«li work at to boa Count} Unir«l C'o:nm.KMK)iie;». | Till* lluard held its regular meet-1 ing last Monday. No business of importance wns transacted, except to yield to tils; demands of ibe Steelo's mill citi xens, in ordering tliuir bridges re built. Fstrl’at rick. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Patrick have issued beautiful murriugo cards announcing the marriage of their daughter, Misa Kva, to Mr. Wil liam Furr, Dec. 11th. at the resi dence of Mr. H. L. Guthrie, Char lotte, N. C. The Headlight extendi congrat ulation a in advance. Miss Rva isone of Rockingham's nohleat young ladies and our beet wishes will be ever with her. Btr. F. M. Shazulmrger. This faithful minister of the methudist church closed his pas toral work with the Rockingham church lost Sunday. It was not our privilege to hear pither of his Sunday sermons, hut we learn they were especially appropriate and highly appreciated. This closes his third year on this pastoral charge and his people will confi dently expect his return and ex tend to him and his family a most cordial welcome. ZPPHMMK Unlew prevented by eome un foreseen cause, I will pruuoh on next Sunday, Bee. 8th, at Bethel church, at 11, a. in., and lit Pleaaant at 8, p. in, I earnestly request that the morn-' beta at each of the above ehurchw and friends of the community meet me promptly at tbs hours speci fied. The canac is important. N. H. Ooyton. Ledbetter4*. The w rather baa turned warmer and we hope that we are going to havenotrie rain. Noah Shepherd, of Pee Dee, m visiting hi* ancle Mr. James Chap pell, Saturday. Robert J. Nicholaon, of Son ford, after spending several Hays with hie mother, Mm. Eugenia Nicholson, left ror Kdeatun, Sun day morning. There was a sociable at Mrs. Merger McDonald's Saturday night. Two Girls. --— | R J Hale sad (snjllf are vial Una [ a* Charlotte Jt From Onr Correspondents. Pee Dee. Prof. Key. the tinging master, visited otir Sunday school hist Sun day and g»VH itt sumo flue music— both instrumental and vocal. Rev. I>r. Rone, our presiding elder, preached an excellent aer iuon last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs Patrick, of Dar lington, arc visiting Mrs. Hand cock. Married Inst Wednesday night, at the resilience of the bride’* father, Miss Clam Kelly to Mr. Ron Sv. ink, Rev. C. Qrenve offici ating. BM Bauciuu hcs Been very *iek •for ■evfcral days, but we are gliul to loam he is improving. Lonnie II sue inn and Tom U» ery, of Fort Mills, 8. C., are visit ing their parents. We are always glad to sue our old friends. Tom Meacham, who has lieen visiting bis pur*uts, lias gone back to Congprd where he is making his home. Our Sunday school will have for superintendent next year, Mr. M. . - Hasty. J. Jf. Hasty spent lost Saturday sight and Sunday in ths country. Tho writer hod the pleasure of worshiping witii ths congregation st Roberdul last Sunday. We see that our Bros, at Cordova are up on debating and we have somo boya that are very well np o.i the eanio, and as De'nuicrucy is ■till sleeping, it falls on me to :hallengetliM Ste Vs Mill Ixiys nu Satur iay, the 14th Decombor, 1301? Now boys, you know tho old moth er makes mince pies that are gon milly hard to Wont, but the moth er loves her daughter, and if she a defeated by her, she will take it gracefully, for it i* all in the family. Cordova. John Hicks, of Union, S. C., is riaiting friends and relatives at Cordova. Tom Goodwin, of Cumborland county, is visiting his brother-in law, T. C. McKay and family. MisB Sallie H lick a bee visited friends at Midway Saturday and ■Sunday. - L John W. Bounds, loom-fixer, pas severed his connection with [Steeles mill and hns accepted a dheilar position with the big Lo ray inills at Gastonia. Tho many frie ids of John regret to see him lorn e and wish him success in hia nev home. C ol. Roht. H. LeGrand, agent for the Anglo-Saxon, spent Tues <1»] in our town, He took dinner wit h the Lieutenant of the Head ing it and his visit was enjoyed hn jely. i\ AdnAoday AYening, an th«* p«e> |>1 wereabout finishing their e»e «>• >g repast, Joseph Parker, one of or r leading young men, stole pret ty Mis* Lillie Gaddy and the two wwnt away by the light of the mjoon and were made one. Thia kind nf stealing will goon inapite °V high water. Much anccuMs and Pleasure to the happy ouuple. • Say Scotland, Who’s talking efxmt slinging mud?—and you dtin't accuse ua of llrlng in glass IViuaes. This la a hot old town Hnd plenty of rocks. A glass lionae wouldn't stands ghost of a ftliow hare. ’ Your Rocky Fork correapontleiil *nuat have boon tm^puiing on Mart Chanoa'a territory, from the number of aguirrala he ia killing. ffjh, go on Rocky Fork, yon kno* ■-/jrzg Mnrt has liwnvip, Mattie Gulledgv is qnito sick with pneumonia. Messrs. riliaw Dawkins and J. A. Goodman, official member* ot tlio RoUtJuI M. K. church. at tend'd tile quarterly conference here Saturday evening. Dr. Rono preached a grand eer mun Saturday night. Thunks to Mr. and Mrs. I,. A. Hall t'or being kindly remembered with choice pieces of back-bone and spare rib*. Aud vour lieu tenant surely enjaiyed them. Madame Rumor says that the Orton House will close to boarders ere many days. Patrick Henry, little son of Gaston Henry, is very sick with pneumonia. Oscar O'Brien aud Jimmie Mc Kenzie, of Robnrdel, sjesnt Sun day in our town. Mrs. O’Brien returned with them to Rnberdel. The boys of Cordova have nr | gnnized a moot court utul are hav ing a regular clearing-up of the criminal docket. George Warbartou, Clau<h< Rey I nolds, W. B. Little and Mr. M< . Brytle, of Pec Dee, gave us a pleas . ant call on Sunday. Come again j gentlemen, we arc always glad to I see you. George, the Steele's mill people arc your friends and I are of the opinion that you are uurs. We l>e)ieve in equal rights to all and special privileges to none, and we know your sympathy is always with the honest working man. * Cuildle was i\ visitor at [ W. C. Webb’s Sunday afternoon. On Thanksgiving evening the Cordova school set a nice Thunks | giving dinner, planned and car ried into execution by the noble belchers, Missus Melmiiu und liiild win. The table was loaded with all ninuner of gixxt things, such ax chicken, pork, btuf, pies, cake, fruits, etc. Quits a nunijM^Hk| tlio patrons of tin: present, also mvornlM friends Rov. W. C. Wub^B an appropriate talk for tn^^p casion and all enjoyed it immense ly. Plenty to eat and to spare. We hope Miss Ora and Miss Stel la will plan another entertainment before the school closes, as they are so successful. _ X-Ray. Pee Dee No 2. Rov. Noah Shepherd, of Okeewe raee, spent Inst Saturday with his father at this place. Tli* public school is suspended for this week, as W. W.. Baldwin, the teacher, is attending court at Carthago. Misses Dora and Pansy Sullivan, of Steele's, spent Sunday with Mrs. Dnnlop. Prof. Key, of Males, spent Sat urday night hero and treated Us with some excellent music. Mr. A, F. Alden has severed his connection with the Pee Dee Mfg. Co. atid moved to town. Mr. Mathis, of McFarland, has moved here. I,title Crawfonl Carr, who has been quite sick with chilis, is im proving. Mrs. Jesse Baldwin was right painfully, but not seriously, scald ed in the face Monday morning. V. 8. C. Pair Ground. Mr*. Cam Hmith ha* bwon th« K<Mt of l*r anut. Mr*. P. O’liriwii tor IK* *r*ok». W*".. *«> lt*‘r home iii A>i*;>n. Archie It null hikI grandmother, |of Dry cm*!:, uero visiting hi* lister, Mrs. Nell McAskill, lust Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. l)r. Hiatt gave a Thanks giving quilting hint Thursday. Also » big supper and caudy-pull ing. Didn't the boy* speak well ut the oratorical contest ut Hlh-rlie Springs Saturday uight. Mr. M. 0. Terry pit the priio. Y. Ledbetter's. Pmi. B. K. Reynold*, our prin cipal and Urooksher llaiilmi wore visitor* Kllerhe Spring* Suturdny I night and Sunday. Mr*. \V. H. and Mis* Mollie Mark* *|>eiil Saturday night and i Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John 1 McDonald. Robert Nicholson, formerly of j this village, lint recently of the | Sanford cotton mills, has been i visiting hi* mother and sisters at ] this place. He left Sunday mom* i ing to take « position at Fdenton. i Success to you Boo. ' We urs glad to note the coil* ! lalntcenco of Mi*. J. A. McNair, 1 after a wook’s F. vorw iliuess. Hope I she will soon be entirely well. There was a good turnout of i candidates on the hill Sunday eve i ning and they wore wearing a ! broad smile. Ol course their best girls to ride. Lot your mouths go otT boys, uni don't scare any body. The Sunday school at this place contemplates having u Christinas ’tree. We predict for them a nice time. • Fishing pays in winter. Not j long since there was a fishing |>ar* I ty given at a certain place and all | of the young m’MMaikfep, rtii qc; - j id caught a basketful of delicious j Datable*. Boys you can’t butter lit unless you can captures migh ty largo Ush. | The “gi-us-c^-*llH', broke loose ■ hist Friday night in the village, | but oil a thorungb investigation, | he proved to tie tu unfinished donkey. L Wllo is it? The question is How, who i* the writer, nnd to all Much inquiries we would reply in I this way: There was onoe two 1 Irishman met in the dense dark, and after bumping noses, one of them remarked: “Faith nnd this is me and of course I suppose that's you." A Knl >scri her. Cognac. Tho farmers are very l/uey gath I ering their corn ami a'e expect to • hear of ‘•shucking*.” Mr*. Penolopa ami Vnn Mc | Dnfflie spent last Wednesday in ' Hamlet, visiting and I hopping. | M. B. Cameron went to Hum I let last Monday. I Tom Currie, of Scotland, spent lost Sunday with hi* sistnr, Mr*, i Laura Tsrry. Ernest Robcrteon and Hill Mc Donald, of Hoffman, were in thia vicinity a few hours Thursday, Dave Morgan, wifo and daugh I ter were visitor* at Mr*. Tanner's I last week. Mim Lula Riggnn in teaching in I)i<<lrict No. 1, Mark*' Crwek Uiwnahip. 0. W. Wilktt* H[»nit Saturday in Homlat. Horlsart Riggnn and J. P. H#*n ry apnut Tltankagivina hunting. Thay »«rts right atiwwwfnl. J. H. McDufRa, »if* and aioter H»rlt*rt Riggnn, Miooea Lula and Connya Riggan, vinitcd Mm. Mar igaoit McDonald and family naar Lodtottar'i laat Satarday night and Sunday. I It r j a* h t bom n run •

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