. . .... . .... ’ ...... .. j| £d -Headlight. !■=.* ^aoJ ' ___noNK _ _ROCKINGHAM, N. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2T. 1901 NQ 42 AT >EE TIUIL Chrfatma*'Qreeting8: Ridunwid Headlight Wishes all its Patrons and Friends a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year. ”mT THE HEADLIGHT. JOHN H. WALSH, Editor. J. ■ WJLL8B. w. H. OOVDRITOS.i rmLtmnm. ■Wwmw ima. *»*>>> f»y»*r. Mrioilj «a*h ta i itnnUw NtM (ankhtd « u. CHRISTMAS GREET INGS. To all out readers we wish ajoyoos X-mas. Since we enjoyed these festive holi days one year ago, possibly all of os have had some un pleasant experiences. Some have met with financial . re verses, some with disappoint ments in contemplated ar rangements, some in love matters and perhaps others mourn the departure of loved ones. God, who knows how to temper the wintry blasts to the shorn lambs, * can all oar sorrows heal." Theda reflections lead to another, which is, how will it be with ns from now until the next Christmas? Could we remove the veil which hides from our view the ex periences we ere to have dur another year, we - might fail to eqjoy real blessings. Per haps it h well that our future is unknown to ns and that we go through life over hop ing that "all is well." On this glad anniversary of that glorious epoch when the herald angol sang, a sav iour born, and proclaimed "peace on earth and good will to men," let ns resolve to live better lives than here tofore, that when we sing ‘joy to the world the Lord is come," our hearts may re spond, "Crown him Lord of all," HURRAH fOtt SCHLEY! Lest week we said hurrah for Bekley we eay so again, for not withstanding be line b«ea censured by s partisan court, hie hand* are clean sad bis oooecieoee dean; sad be will live in the hearts of bis eountrynssu aa a pure man, a heave man. and a great naval nansiii r. Had he failed to na peers or deer my the Spanish fleet he would have been criticis ed, U aoteeobierud end net noised. Therefore 1st Mas have all the csedit dm, and agsin we ssy, hunah foe Schley! Mew 1st Sampson disgorge and ear to flehley the prise he wssivsd far empty boo st least divide. m. o. Doccf»Y-t;. & nab «MAi. #• noifot Um* fbiutfor Priteb | CANDIDATE IN KVKKT Co. Me. A. <J. Maxwell, of Rwklig> ka, Talk* Polities In HU Hretiuu We clip the following from the Near* end Observer, of the 22nd, instant. We bad heard that Mr. Morrison would be a candidate for congress, and again, that ha would not,—that be would and would not, and had been watching the column* of the Anglo-Saxon for "light,”—but in vain—not a word has it said. However, wa get it from Kaleigh first. “Oua candi data to the county” is a moderate estimate. Won’t there be two? , It looks that way in aome counties “The people of out section have not been taking much interest this year in next year's politics,” said Mr. A. J. Maxwell, of Rocking ham, who was in the city yeatwr day. Yea, a Congressional candidate from each county seems to be the rale in the new Seventh district and Richmond will not depart from it. Mr. Morriaun will be a candidate for the honor when the &ght opens op. It promises to be I a very good natured contest, as about all the candidates are per sonal friends of each other. In addition to his conspicuous party service. Mr. Morrison hoe the advantage of being a strong advo oate and antagonist on ths stomp. Our congressional candidates ought to make a canvas next eum 1 mor that will re-awak«u interest in national politics in the State and to ths application of Demo cratic principles to *he great na tional questions of the hour. We will have no State ticket, except judges, and of course these will not go upou the stump, and for | the past six years our people have barely thought of nstioual poli tics. Wo have been more inter ested in the color of the magis trates fur Goose Neck township than in the gorsrumsntal opinions of the Chief Magistrate of the na tion or of our Congressmen. Ths matters are now settled, and while they, were being settled the Re publicans were trying to convince the people that a Republican ad ministration of the uational gov ernment was as necessary to good times os a Republican lawyer is to get a moonshiner nut of a scrapo. Mr. Morrison would make a valu able addition to our delegation of bright young men in congress.” Clbson’a Mills. J. M. Larin and aou returned laat week from a eleit to hie moth er near Lanrinbufg. Mieeoa Patti* Manning and An nie McNeill Tinted at J. T. Mc Leod’* laat week. Mia* Alice Gibeon t tailed Mi**** Ida and Mon me Terry laat week. W. L. Oiheon and alitdk have returned from Conclave, where they went to attend the marriage of their brother, Floyd Gibaou, to MU* Betti* Haeon, which took placo on tha 18th. Mr. Oil won and wife accompanied by the brida’e aietcr and Meaen. David Manehip and Mack Gihaon return ed to the groom’* parent* Mr. and Mm. Jvaeph Gihaon, who give a reception which wee enjoyed by all. Mia* Monni* Terry and her three brother* have retarned front Ellerbe where they hare been at tending aehool. , Mar. Mr. Goyton preached an excellent *crnvm at Green .Lake Sunday. We are glad to aay he win be our pactor fur another year. Much ipbbim to the Richmond Headlight. Farm For Rent. Wanted to rent an eseallent K> home tom at Poweltoo, tor y«ar 1901. Ovod terme will be given to party fnrniebiag hie owa Kook. Apply to W. O. Kearna, Fewetton. >. 0. Or to W. 9. Brookahirt, XeMgh X. 0. (Pam will be divided if deeimd.) The Headlight and Beam and 9km one year and a baggy (Uket, far fl J9 The Local Happenings. . *L * * * * 141m Stella Baldwin ia visiting friends at Gastonia. Miss Allen, of Raleigh, is visit ing Misa Nellie Smith. Capt. W. R. and Mre. Croiland were in town Thursday evening. The Great Falls factory pond lias been frozen over all the week. Mre. A. M. McAuley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Page, at Bis ooe. •Call on Tom l»o if ynn want your vlothiug well laundered.— See his ad. Kddio Lyon is spending the holidays with his family at Gib son Station. Joe Gibson, of Gibson Mills, 1 was shaking hands around here i lait Friday. Rev. W. J. Fulford conducted services at the Baptist church last Sunday night. Stsnsill Covington is home from Oak Ridge Institute for the holiday season. W. O. Kearns advertises a “Parra for Rent" See hi* ad in another column. The couotj paid for board and lodging of the jurors in the In gram case, f290.2ft. There was a light fall of snow on Wednesday night, the ground being nearly covered. Lindo Brigiuan and Charlie Russell, of the Uuiversity, are borne for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Hobbs and children are on a visit to Mr. Hobbs' mothor, at Mt. Olive. Rev. P. R. lav conducted ser vices at the Presbyterian chumh last Sunday morning and night. Tom Parsons, of the University, end Hill Parsons, of the Horner school, are home for tbs holidays. We sre glad to learn that Gen eral Toon, Stats Superintendent of Education, is improving slow Miss Minnie Stansill returned from Greensboro Female College on Wednesday for a short rrcs tion. . A. T. Whito left with ns a spec imen lump of the red kaolin, of ; which there are large quantities in his section. We had a pleasant call on Sat urday from our young friend Rev. M. D. Austin, the popular teacher at Silver Run. Miss Daisy Baldwin is visiting bar sister, Mrs. Dr. SUusill, Mr*. W. T. Covington and brother, H. D. Baldwin. The Headlight learns with great, pleasure that Maj. J. D. Shaw, who bos been quito sick is now much unproved. Tracy Worley, who has been | at Spartanburg foraeveral months is with hi* friend* for X-maa foa I tivitiea, or longer. MtsaeS CjU, Mary McRoa and Rachel Covington are home from the Woman's college of Richmond Va., for the holidays. Mrs. Dr. Moor* and Misses lht* tie and Myrtle came in Saturday night to spend the holiday* with Mrs. Will Steels and Mrs. Lee Everett. On Friday we had pleasant ealls from several of our subsribers, among them W. H. Rolierts, Wolf Pit, W. O. Kearns, Puwalton, W: C. I’ssery, Jtswsv. The deadlight rroeivad 18 new | subscription* last week, recalling' for each 11,00 in tdrut*. B<- 1 aid** till*, ewreral of our patron* fin m enbeUntUl help lorinh our power preee, by paying their aoorxmU Thanks, yea special thank*, friend*. We bar* Joat tarnad oat from oar Job offlea *onu> extra aloe pamphlet work, which ire arc willing to oOmpare with any work don* In the State. If you want any kind of Job work dona at “hard tin*" paints, bring it in— aal inf ate ion gaarantaad or no pay NfUISd, Senator Simmon* ha* intro duced a hill in the U. 8. Senate proriding for a donation of $i5, 000,00 for the Roanoke Island Celebration. Simmons is u good worker. kleasrs. \V. T. Hamer, of Wolf Pit. \V. A. Ornham, of Capet’s Mill* and D. M, McNair, of Rob erdcl, were pinoaant callers last Friday, each leaving a doel&r to ast Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jv Johnson, Mis* Mattie and RobC Jr. expect to leave to-day for a viait to rel ative* in Marion, 8. Q., taking in the Charleston Exposition before their retnrn. E. E. Ingram, son of Jas. A. Ingram, who lias been at school at Morven, called on us lust Fri day, on his way hoide to spend the holidays. He too, left a pleas ant reminder. Cards aro out annonncing the marriage of Dr. Pntar John, one of Scotland’* beet young men and Misa Nannie Watkins, of Char lotto county, Va. The Headlight tender* advanced congratulations. Mr*. Dr. Tom Cole, m daughter1 of Mr. T. K. Diggs, died st hor horn* st Mt. Olive on Sunday and her remain* were to be iuterred to-day at St. Psnr* etiurcb. -MV tender our heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved. We uoticed a number of our farmer frieuds in towu'un Thars dsy, among them Motors. Webb. Key, Cupel and Thomas from Block Jack, E. M. Bogfcnn, J. S. Boggan and Rev. J. H. Austin, from Wolf Pit. The Headlight giv6$ issues iu the year. MV don’t ask our patrons to pay for our 'holidays. Since onr connection with jour nalism, we have never taken X ma* holidays but once, and then it was because our foreman went for a wife. ItCT. W H. Moorsv, I). D. Dr. Moore, P. of Durham District, who has two marriod daughters residing hero and who was s resident here as P. K. of the Rockiughum District, has been a visitor in the town for a week past. On Snnduy moruiug, he preached a most excellent sermon. The Dr. made msuy friends in Rockingham, aud they wars great ly pleased with hi* sermon allud ed to. Chancellor Johnson Dead. Chancellor Wm. D. Johnson died st hia home iu Morion Mon day night. He wa* in hi* 81th year, having 'icon bom in North Carolina Sept. Oth, 1818. After graduating from Davidson Col lege he came to Ueennettsvill* to practice low. He ws* a delegate from Marlboro to tho aeoessinn con wen lion in 1800, sod was after word state senator f rum Marlboro. The logislntars elected him chan cellor, which position he filled till the office waa sbulitbid i i 1808. About the time be moved to Marion end formed a law part nership with J. M. Johnson, tho preeent solicitor. His declining health caused Chancellor Johnson to withdraw from this Arm only a year ago. Iteetdes being an able snd emi nent lawyer. Chancellor Johnson was an extensive fanner sod stock raiser. Only loat spring he sold his Brushy Bay and Dnnobo plant ations and retired from business. —Bennetts villa Advocate. Tliia editor haa known Chanorl InrJnfcAaoo parannally for forty yaaw and daring all thaw yaari, haa wU«ra» d him aa a pom man k patriot, a philanthroniat, a afcriatlao. What atom ran w* •ay of any man T—if mom, (at tha •am* ha aaoordad to Mr. Johnaoo. Tha Uiarmomatar ngiatamd four digram bn low anra at Aabaritla, If 0. Inat Saturday. • Music. Mui ic ia charming. It baa pow er to soften aud to melt, it will tyrannise over the aoul. aud will force it to bow down and worship. It will wring adoration from it, and compel the heart to yield ile treasures t f love. Music will in spire both the old and the wicked. The human voice ia the most per fect musical instrument ever made; and well it might he, for it had the most skillful maker. The voice should lie cultivated to sing the tones of love to man and Ood. How sweet does it make tho wor ship of God to have the reverent •-motions poured out in song! How pearly should children be taught to sing; for what is sweeter than tlie Kings of innocent chil dren? Mnsic makes tin* heart courageous and the soul cheerful ly devout. The first ucoount of music waa at the laying of the foundation of tho earth, when tbs “morning stars, delighted with the premise of a new planet, sang together, and all the sons of Oud shouted for joy.” Every song smithes and uplifts. It is possi ble that at times a soug is ns good ae a prayer. Music is healthful. There is no better core for a bad humor nud no medicine more pleasant to take. One of ilie greatest attractions for oid and young, when visiting our cities, is the music that may lie heard. Ths hymn sung by u mother to her little boy may in after days. U*a voioe that will recall him from ruin. Many a mother sings her little ones to sleep. No fami ly can afford to do without music, it makes home attractive and will keep out augry feeling*. Bessie Covington. Tlie above is the production of a pupil of Snead’s Academy. Such communications are appre ciated. IMtstl At Converse, 8. C., Dec. 10th, • net. 8. V. L'ssery, son of Rev. Welcome and A. E. llseery, of Hcckingluun. His nge was 86 years. He professed faith in Christ immediately after taking sick, and said he vrn» willing to die. He left a devoted wife, father, mother brother, sisters and a host of rel atives and friends who mourn bit has. Mrs Margaret MvCuaklU. This moat excellent cdrietinu lady breathed her life quietly nway on the 20th of November, and her gentle spirit was bonis by angels to tho spirit land. Ev erybody loved "Grandma" or "Aunt Margaret” as tome cnlled lier. Her kind and loving words and sweet Christian example will he remembered and tovefed for years to eome. Like a shock uf ripe grain, site lias been gathered mto the heavonly gamer, and now safe from the oarsa of life snd the pains of age aud sickness, sho basks in the eternal suuehiue «j God’s presence, where sho awaits a happy re-union with tho loved ones left behind. A Meet ('em me w<l able Art W# received a lettor Saturday, inclosing a chock for 91.00, with a request that we send tho Head light one year to the Methodist Orphanage, Raleigh, the Baptist Orphanage, Jamestown, the Pres byterian Orphanage, Barium Springs, and the writer. The gentleman was ons of the Htate’s noblest public servants. He anil not allow os to us# his name. Who will do likewise? Seaboard Air L111 e Christman Rates. Special low rates between all station. Ticket* on Sale December 23. 24 , 25, 30 and 31, and January lat. Final limit January 3rd, 1005. STUDENTS will be allow ed to pnrehaa* ticket* Doc. 10 to 22. 1001, final limit January 8. 1002. R. E. L. Bunch, 0. F. A. Children’s Department. Rounxmi.c*. Dear Headlight—| A» I have seen so many nice let ter* from the cousin*, IVill write one too. I nru a girl of fifteen mnnmem, fair complexion, bine eye*, light hair, five fwt two inches high. T nin going to school now. My tencher'* name is Mina Hattie Davis. She i* a good teacher. My studies oro modern English grommur, geography, spelling, writing, reading and Colow and E11 wood’* advanced arithmetic and physiology. I am learning fnst. Cousin*, what are you going to do for Xnms. Miss Hattie is going to give one week holiday. She is anticipating a merry Christmas. She is going home Friday eve. Weil, I will cloae iny letter hy asking a few questions. Which i* the highest mountain on the gloh •? From what city do we got our fitshioLs* Why i* til- D>-ad S<i» su called? How many times is dead flies I mentioned in the Itible, whet chapter and verse? What State i* it that is round at each end ami high in the middle? If I *ee this in print perhai* I'll writo agsin. I«et* hoar from in< re of the larger girl* and Imys. I will olooe with l>eat wishes and a merry Christmas to all. Your cousin, Klita Haywuod. Rook man a*. Dear Headlight— I will come into the children's column for the first time. I am a littlegirl 11 years old. My s:hool, closed the IStli. I. hlv^: peU except my little bruther alitf sis ter. My uncle from Kast Durham* V C., is going to spend Christinas with n*. I will answer Curly Lock's aud Bam Sharp’squeetiona, and also Black Kyes’i The short chapter in the Bible is 117 Psalms. Christ was crucified on Friday. The shortest vvrss in the Bible is verm 35. 11 chapter St. John. I will close by asking a question— In which chapter in tho Bible did Christ say there were 12 hour* in a day. Best wishes to the Head light. Your little lriend, Kliia M. Smith. Roubbdei.. Dear Headlight.— As 1 have never written before, I thought 1 would join the chil dren's column. I am a little girl seven your* old and 1 am going to school. My papa takes tlic paper and 1 enjoy reading the children’s column very much. I will close for this time and if this is printed I will come agnin. With bust wishes to tho Headlighr, I am your little friond. Janie LeOrand. Rockukiham. Doar Headlight— I am a little boy nine year* old and I aut going to school. My teacher's name is Mr. Sandford. I take the Headlight Iwcuuse I like to rend tlio children's col umn very much. I like to go to school. Our teacher has stopped a w.*)k for Christmas, and I reck on I had better stop for fear of tlio waste basket. Zebulon Gibson, Elmore. Dear Headlight.—* I come iu vour happy band for the first time. I am a little girl 18 years old. T go to Sunday school every Sunday snd my superinten dent is Mr. W. H. Morrison and my teacher, Mr. L. P. Gibson. I like them very much. I bsvo no pets except one little sinter. My annt takes your paper and Jen ole and myself never stop till we read the children's letters over and over, so I thought somebody would like to wad my letter. The death angel lias made a vacant sent in our Sunduy school by taking nna of its faithful memhers, Mr. Lulhar Platt. Well I must not tell you everything 1 know this time, I might want to write again. I will close hoping to see my let ter in print. M. B. T. I.kdbp.tticrs, Dear Editor— Hines yon have been so kind to give the little girls and boys space in your valuable paper, and as I Vs* 'reading the nics Utters I thought I would write one too. I go to school now snd my teacher's name u Mr. Furman Reynold#. I like him (or a teacher very much. I atudy geography, arithmetic,' fifth reader and spelling and try to get my lessons perfect. I am a little girl, 10 years old, and have a nice time playing at recess. I read a letter in the Headlight that my school mate, Cora Lee Sullivan, wrote. We are going to have a Christmas tree Loro and a week for holiday. Pearlie Turner. Emjekbr. Dear Mr. Editor—I will write a tew lines to day. Our school lias eloaed till after Christ* mas. I want to answer Colon Wallace’* question: Pure religion undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the father less and widows in their affection and to keep unspotted from the world. I wish you all a merry Christmas. Yonr friend, Biown Ryes. "My wife war no III that good phy«i elana were unable to help her ” write* M. M. Austin, of Winchester. Ind. ‘but was completely cured by Dr. King's Now Llfo Fills.’' They work wonders In suunaoh and Hrcr trojbhs. (Jure constipation, sick headaelMi, 2be at all DrnggDta. Hand xl ftrnvtt'a Drink. *‘I know I would long ago have been In my grave." writes Mrs S II New soni, of Dveatur, Ala., "if it had not heen for Klee trie Hitter*. For three year* 1 suffered untold sgnny from the worst form* of Indigestion, waturbnudi, • tornaeh and bowel dyspepsia. Bnt this eirellent mrrihslne did n*e a world of good. Hi nee using It I can oat heartily and have gained M pound*." For in digestion. loss of appetite, tu-mach llrer and kidney troubles Electric Hit ters are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only SO oentl at all druggists. A Million Voire*. CVmiM hardly rip row tlic thank* of llomrr llall, of WVrt Kn'nl. low*. 1,1* tunwhy; A warn oold bad wttM u hi* lung*, naming a moat oballnala ooogh flararal phyalelan* aaid'm had oooaamptloai, but eould not help him. when til thought ht was duomad Ih brgan In aaa Dr. Klag't Hew Dlaooaary for eonauraptlon and write*—"1$ ooaa pletrly cored m* and aarad roy life. I now weigh rr lha " It’t poaltfrrly guaranteed (or cough* aolda, and long trouble* Price Me aad $1.00 Trla ottlet free at all dragglaw. flubfccribc for the Heed light. “While suffering from a bad eaao of pi*e», I consulted a phyalclan who ad. viaed me lo try a bo* of BeWItt’s Witch Haul Salve," up « V. Carter, Atlanta, (la. “I procured a bo* and was entirely cured. DeWltt't Witch Haul Halve iaa tolendid cure for piles, Kivln* relief InatanUy, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferea." 8nr. *ery ia unnecessary to cure pt lea Be. Wltt’a Wleb Haul Salve will euro soy eaao, Cuts, burnt, bruiaea and all other wounds arc also quickly cu red by It. Beware of counterfeit!. Ulchmood i)ru* Co. A Pliyalrlntt Ttadlflo. ' I have taken Kodol Dyepepaia Caro and have never uaod anything In my lifo that did me the good that did," •ayi;County Phyelelan. (loorga W. Horogga. of Hall County. Oa. “Being a phyaloiaa, I have preoeribed It and found It to give the beat reunite " If the food you nat rruiaina andlfeetrd In your atumaeli, It decay* there and pniaone the tyeleiu Yoo eantpravant thta by dieting, but that mean* atar vatloo Kodol Dyepopala Cor* dlgeata what you eat. You need (offer from neither dyapepei* nor aUrrathm. The aroeet eeaea quickly eur<d. Rover fall*. Rich mood Drug Company. fUlloMt and Gratis "A pill's s pill," up lbs saw Mat thsrssrs pills and pill. Yos ml t pill whlnh Is sortain., thorough sad grnUs Mustn't grips. Dr Witt's Lu lls Marly Klssn Mil lhr Mil. Partly rnpatalds. Do not fnrrs, bat assist Mis bowsls to sot Hlronglltsn sad laslg onta H*n« 11 and rosy be taka. RiebroosMl llrg Company.

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