' the headlight. ~ ** 43tT^ri-il ?—u.i JOHN H. WALSH, Kditok. W. H. OOYIKUTOX, j **»»•*»«■•■• (OMoumox utw. per jew, alrietly ewh In «l5Sj4-“* ***** ««■*** “ *P* |U0NMJL Entered aacnrdlng to act of Cmmt M tfw |—t oAor at Rockingham, N. C. aa araoad-claaa matter. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8,1901. VKDEB NEW MANAGEMENT Bro. Bixsoll lias retired from the Laurinlmrg Ex change with credit to him self and the pnj»er. and has left it in good shape and in good hands—Bro. Wisgius will steer the craft safe’y nto port. HAMLET NEWS. Cards are ont announc ing the morrriage of Miss Margaret Stalnaker to Mr. Robert R. Turry on the 15th, inat, in the Presbyterian church. . Mias Bessie Gordon is tak ing a course of study at Red Springs Seminary. J. M. Jamison has ben elected superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school. His sssistent is Murphey McDonald. Mrs. Smith, after visiting her parents near Stanton, Va., returned to Hamlet this week. {ip- *^Ara Farrar is going to llanderson, N. C., and will be suuoeeded as railroad agent by Mr. Battle, of Va. Mr. Frank Roberts is go ing to travel in the interest of a publishing house, but will still make Hamlet his headquarters. Another plaining mill will be •reded here in the near fu ture. Jeff Gibson has bought a lot on Hamlet Avenue, and expects to build a residenc soon. Mettles have made their appearance in a number families. Geo. Van Pelt has accept ed a position in Portsmouth, and will move his family to that city in a few days. - Mrs. Eubank and children have moved to Craven coup v Rev. Mr. Durant, the new Methodist preacher, has ar rived, and will preach next Sunday. Rs was generously pounded Friday night. •**•4 at drove's Brfak. 1 aoaM bag bn la ny gw**." wvitnlb*. S. H. lfew wa,SBiattr, Ala. "H II bi Ml gaais I asBnei sabU asoaf f me lb BhllaBaa n —ns »f» tir Correspondence. Contin i*l fmm flm png®. lfll iti itl iti Al it*l v^. »*^l jjl ■# f'TTTTTTTTTTT wish him much success. W. P. Peele, oue of our merchant* and Mbs Bertha McLean, of Fontcol, N. C.,j were married -Christmas day at the home of the bride. J. C. Thomas, wh„o was married on January 1st to Miss Lillie Lentz, of Nor wood, gave a reception on Thursday evening, Jan. 2nd, at his homo. The invited guests enjoyed a pleasant evening ami an elegant sup per. We are glad to welcome both Mrs. Peele and Mrs. Thomas into our midst. Children's Column. Rochixamam. Dear Editor.— I am a boy 15 years old. I go to school, nod study history, litera ture, spelling, grammar, Latin and arithmetic. My teacher in Prof. Armuleod. We all like him so much. I have got a rooster which is hlind in one eye and lias a mean black look in the other. Aa this ia the (lrst time I have con tributed to the children'* column, I trill close. ' Black Cat. Er.Hon, N. C. Dear Editor—It ts with great pleasure I uonie into your columns once mom. Grand pa and grandma spent Xmas with us and you bet we had a grand time. Old Santa Claus came to see my little sister Bessie and ciy telf and brought us lots of good things. I hope he came to see all of the children for I should have been greatly disappointed had he □ot came to see us. I will close by actiug a question. What was the first current money spoilt for? * Irene Poole, ' N. C. Dear Headlight— As ! have never written a letter to the children^ columns, I will try to write one. Grandma and grandpa spent X-tuae with ns with us. We hod a nice time. That was my birth day and Old Santa Claus brought me lots of good things. I was eight years old. Grandma and grandpa brought me some nice toys. My aunt gave me a nice doll for a birth-day gift, that will shut ite eyes. Hoping to see my letter in print, 1 will oloae for this time. Success to the Head light. Bessie Lee Poole. ADULTEai’-JD COFFEE GROCER WHITE TOUNO GUILTY OF VIOLATING OHIO'S PURE FOOD LAWj. ■* (aterssttag Pari* Caanralii the ■•Ullta at Cult« Dronatn Oat kr l«l*a(ll« Kiywtt-rrtaata mi list <>rta. Toledo. 0., Aug. 3.—The Jury h» Judge Meek's court la this city Las round Juteeu AVLItt. a local grocer, guilty of selling adulterated coffee. The prone cotton was based on a package ot Ar bocklrs Artoaa toffee. The State of Ohio, through the Pure FY-od Conimlst'oa. prosecuted White. The ease was on trial for nearly a mouth aud attracted national atten tion. The manufacturer* of Ariosa coffee conducted the defense for Grocer White. The best attorney* In the country were retained to defend him. but. after a short cousitltattou. a ver dict of guilty was returned l>y the Jury Tin* State of Ohio consider* this a big ctctory. I'nre Food Commissioner ltlnckbura has becu waging a warfare on spurious food articles anti the de partment bus been successful. The eouiplaiut of the State of Oblo was thill Ariosa coffee was coated with a substance which cuuissibsl defect* In tbv coffee and tn»de It appettr (letter than It la. The Ktnte charged this coating or glaxlng was a lacorable uie diuui for the pro;sigatlon of laieteria. t’rof. t>. A. KirchnMler. of this city, a well hoowa chemist, was the pc'uei tail wltuess for the State. He Usd made scteatlUr examinations of sain pli-s of Artosa 'purchased from Grocer White Id the open market, lie fouud that each Ariosa berry cuutnlncd an average of SOU liacterla. Ur. Klreh nialer further tr*tltled that other cof fees be examined coutuinrd few liuete rla or none at all. He dcctnrvd that I be glased coffee was not a w holesome food product. vsuriuim wuiuKii, ui uDnain.i, roc rcl>orated the tratliaouy of Prof. Kirch wnler. The State did Rut present fur tWr teatlmouy. Tbe defvuse through the Arburklea. who prepnred tills glased roSTw. se cond aouie of tbe uioat etularut cUem lata and scientists In tbr United Ktate* to give testimony In their hebulf. Prof. H. W. Wlb-y, of tbe Unltud State* Ag ricultural liepcrtiuent; Prof. Vaughn of Auu Alitor University: Prof*. Klellc and Wvblier. of the Ohio State Unlrer •Ity. were railed to defend Arioso. Dr. Wiley hud made * enreful eznuilnatlon of Ibe method of uiaunfact urlng Arlo an. He told of tbe IP iWO.UUO e«p* used '•y the Arlmcfctrs yearly In the prvjmra tlon or tbla gtaslug. <‘n tbla (mint lu rroiia rsuuitiiatlon. the state's ntturuoy drflly drew from b'ui the Information that tbeee eggs might be kept la eold storage l.y tlie ArtrucLU-s for a year or two at a tlnm Tbe expert* wbo beard Dr. Wiley** testimony were pleased to be able to “catch" ao famous a chemist. Tbe dor. tor at one point hi bla teatlmoby plalnnl eery clearly how It la that tbe egg pnt Inin the coffee pot by the boose wife art tics the coffee. He said (lint tbe beat coagulates the egg, ami *■ It •taka to the bottom of tbe pot It carries tbe dor particles of coffee with It. and thus clarifies the drink. It la tbe act of coagulation In tbe coffee pot that does the work, l ater oo In bla rroaa exam ination. be bad to admit that when tbe egg waa pul on Arioso coffee at tbe factory It became coagulated, and as egg cannot ba coagulated bnt once, that tbe coating on coffee waa practically no ▼aloe, as a "settter" when It reached tbe coffee pot I’tof. Wlb-y acknowlrdf-d that the flaslng might be a favorable medium for tlie propagation of tmrtcrln. al though be would not testify pnaltlvrly either way because be was not a lau tcriofoglsl. Prof. vsngltn of £nn Ardor, also a wlttw-sa for tbs ArtHXkln. saki ba found bacteria on Arioso ruffe* Prof. Hlelte. another witness for tbe defenae. found snjr number of lively bacteria on Artona coffee lie examined, •ad be agreed that glazed coffee rarely waa a aiore fuvorsl.tr medium for tbe propagation of bacteria than naglaaed eoffe* Pore Pood Commissioner Black burn •aya: "Tbe State la very ranch elated •ver Its rlctory against this corpora tion. We are aow considering the ad visability of Informing every grocer In tbe State of Ohio that It lo aa Infrac tion of the laws to sell Arioso, and at tbe name time give warning lo ruo •artier* that the coffee la an adulterat ed fool article." Tbe vrtdlci af the jury In tbla rase la •f national Importance tier*use a gnat an; other States have pere food laws 'ike that af Ohio, and It la natural to anppoae that similar action win be taken by other Pore Pood Coro nil* •toners to pretest tbe ante of glased coffee*. WssttmM'i fMMIsss Klaaasnn. Law rone*, esrt of Kovrova, a distant rotative af George Washington, bad a moat tyrannical temper, and one day la a dt nf pa salon be cat down with bio •word hia steward, an old gentleman named Jebaao* Tbe latter bad given on provocation far tbe deed, and tbe •rime waa ga act of brnulHy loeseoan bte rare that tbe narl may not bars been w«S balanced mentally. Be waa beongbt in trial for killing Jobaaon ggd demanded and reenfved the prtrl --jeddnr teff tbe beartac Tbe ertdetme proved to be seatlaelre. gad Perrers waa am ten* <e be hea«rd at Tybae*. Ap paate ewt made la tbe king fee Hem a. bat la rate. Perron amt bte fate nadteade ten rod* He waa Uteaerramoy. T» tbte *Mn tbe eaeen kmwipnluf tbe enH wag t grass 9 . * • Frrlixkrrm. liuUcnt id ! rniHv ur* xnbject to re atHcrtotia aud regulation* undreamed of l.i l.ugbuul. I u Hi* fortlfled towux abiuj tl«» frontier lb** are boud by iae to luv* ■ evnalu mock of floor ai waya no hand In imx* of emcrgeuclca The lathery uoi only baa to be kop' clean. bat the lutker baa to dcpualt with ih* local anthorlilra a ccrtaio •nm of mouev ax a aurvty for the prop *r con.tucl of hla bualucaa. The law alao look a after bla wclyhta and mcaxuie*. whlcb rli'rnmxtaur* plarca him la lb* an me poelllor n« tbv Brltlxb baker, lint In addition llic taw mm la laa ipe price at which bread can be Bold. NnpulcoD III ordered on one occnalon that a loaf about equal to our quartern abould be aold for uol more than all peace, and tbla at a lime when art war* paying vlghtpcnco aud ulueiwuua. —London Tlt-BIta. A Ayaaaalhetlt Uraaarr. In n weat/ro Maxaai-buxctia town Urea a young woman who la bluaaed with both illaciimlnatlon ami tad. The Drat of llicw* admirable qunlltlea 1 nbe baa dlaplayed by her two mar | Hagen. Her Arm liualiand wax a oilula ter. a moat delightful mao. tie d'.etl. and after a Inpxe of live or ala year* the wax united to bla ouly brother, who waa a aucrvxaful lawyer lu New Yoik. Ou her library deak atarnlx a picture of the Oral partner of her joy. aud nor | roan, aud one ilny a curKiita caller aak i ed whom the photograph reprexmitril. •That." xohl tlie boat can. with evl ! dent eniotlou. “!* a picture of my Inn I Uttpra brother, who died eight year* ago and who wna eery dear to ua | both."—Y'onth’a Companion. OrnrioNt, “Whot's yonr fnrvV ttskei) old Flint •kin of bis ratiliy the otln-r day aud was met with the sten-tuypcil reply: “Well. air. I will leave that to yon.” "Thank yon: yon'rv very kind." said olil F.. bnitonlnx up Ida poeket* and walklUR off. “Tou're tbr first |>er»»ii who ever loft me anything yet.”—Lon don Fun. A Ute Letter mt Prlaee Wlaasarak. “Ou tuy window sill. among all aorta •f crocuses and hyactntha. aland two rauielliaa whleb always Inspire me wttli strange thoughts. Onv of them, •lender and prvrty. with Ita omauieii tal erown (topi and soft, oate - very pule—pink blossom*. but IlitW fid .age •ud only two bods, transport a me to Ib-ddetln. bold* itself railier utIQly and lle|W English T’u • other makes mr hew Impression nr beauty as yim look at IL and ita stalk betrays In Its gnarl etl twisting lark of t are In Ita priming From the midst of the foliage looks out a dead branch, but tbr crown la | rkb In leaves, anti tls* foliage la grucu j er than that or Ita neighbor. It give* ’ promise of abundant blossoming In Ita right bods, and Ita color la deep dark red and white In Irregular gay rariega •ho. Do you taka the rompurtaon anise? It la a lame cornptuison. luora i*t»t. for I do not lore camellias. be ‘cauve they a fa without odor, and yon I lore precisely on account of the frw franc* of the fiowrr of yonr spirit, which la white. Ja.k red and black." Hera la a picture of the Man of Iron with bla armor doffed.— liarper'a U«g aglow. Lwek ssl Plash. Two clerks named Thomas and Clar ence were la the employ of a wealthy merchant. Thomas was alwnya aa la dostrtam* tad. hot Clan-are was oitn-b glees to frteotlly sad was extravagant la bis habits. In after yeses (.n* react Biarrted bla employer's daughter aud was made a partner In the business Thomas continued 10 be an booest. la dustrioos clerk all kls lira, and bla services wen- much apitn-cian-d by Clarence ami Ida father In-law. Moral.—There la so royal road ta •orcs-sw-New Vork Coaumrctai Ad veruser. ; ■» V»f •» •■ntxtln. “Tbr trouble with me," apok* tba young man who war on bla way horn* with bla limit amt lorrllnq from a par ty at the Knihurat club, "la that I al way* feel etnlaarraaord when I am 6nt In company. I never know what to da with a»y band a." “Buppoae you Joel bold iboa up," aald a boa rue voice to hla ear. The voice pertained to a large, rongb looking man with a ntaak on bln faro aad a largo, rough looking revolver In bl* band, and tbe yontb loot no time In complying with tbo augyvmiIon. —Chica go Trlbttn*. Bicycle* arc general le ronatdereil very modern Invent loo*, bnt aome of tbo Egyptian obriiak* bear agnteo mounted on two wheeled vehicle* ro I aombllag tbo old velocipede*. •Ilk gondn are mid to laky dyoo more -oendlly than any otber fabric. K (tone llVSIF Bol 1 Cotton. I bay# n largo lot of th« nnnd of thU fatnou* cotton for aala. Call quick if you want thorn. ' W. P. Ellorbo. ! . Bobnrdnl, K. C. Thn Prhle of Herow. Many coldlant In the laat war wrote to nay that for aerate be*, bruioea, ettla, woonda, coma, core foot and MIC Joint* BueklenVAntloa Cairo la tbo boot In tbo world. Baam for be mo, aealda, bofla, a loom, akin oroptlmm and pllaa. It norm orjno >ay. Only Mo at all draggle U MORRISON A WHITLOCK ATToajrvm-AT'Law, a*» na*L mrrtra unm, - Rockingham, K. C. Pwonn N. Commissioners Sale. By virtue of the power given me by ' Judgment of the ioiwriur court at, second Scnteml «r term, 1901. in an ae i on entitled, B. F. Lowdermilk, B. F •‘iinrrtnnv and W. A. Simmon* trosl-r plaint ffv Hgitii'it C. J. McKay.and wife t . L. Mi-Kay, John IS. Steele and An Ititt Slice v. It. T. Steele. Nancy Rob bins and her luu-ltand, \V. W. Uohbina defendant*. Tile s.vid action being hail ' for the foreclosure or a certain mort gage held by the plaintiff. B. F. Low dennilk executed by C’. J. McKay and wife. C. J.. McKay, Vehrurry 6th, 1800 and recorded in lwmk V V page* 416 Ac In register of dcudaoffloe for Uichniond county K. C., and to *atiafy a deid of truat held by B. F. Simmon*, executed by J. McKay and wife. C l>. Ve'vaj the 17th day of May. 1BR3. and record ed In the office of the register of deal, for Richmond county, N. C. in boot B R B page* 878 Ac. The aaid John VV. IXiraiKl, haring bern apiioin el rum miHionrr by aaid court. And by vlrt ir of laid appointment, aaid comimMlon- r will »cll at the court hmrte dorr li Rockingham, N. C. on Monday the 8rd day February, 1902, to the highest bid der for caih, the following described tract* or parcel* of land, to-wit Fir»t iraet lying and being In Rich mond and Montgomery count er, and ■ late aforesaid in Steele'* township and dellntd a* follows, tn-wit: Begin ning at Scyntha Gad* comer, a pine thence aoutli 70, E 180 pole* with mid Chappell’* lino to hi* comer, thence 8 31, \V 1411* pole* to a eoner ou ton of the round mountain inU. 1>. Tyson's line then N. 00*4 W 16094 pole* to a small pine and elm then N 9*4 K 48 pole* to a stake in the roal lhan N 70 K 33 pole* to Scyntha Gad’s comer, then North 84 E 66 -olra to the begin ning, containing 127 acres more or fern. Second ’tract—lying and being in Richmond county. *y of which was pur chased of John L. VVehb end wife, on April 1st 1880, regivu-rrd in honk I I pages 184 and 186, the other »£ of whi.-ti was purchased from W. VV. Halley and on the 2l«t day of February 1880, a full description of the land can be found by relerence to the deed In the register of deeds office for Richmond county. N C. in hook I I pages 182. 133 and 134 the whole tract containing 95 aero* more or lens. iiuru irmci—oegmning ni n rurxe ov * hickory and black gum pointer n d rum a line of John E. Steele’s north 48 west 89 pules to his comer s: • ke h» , a pine and white oak in Milra Usarry's | line, with it south 43 west 66 poles to a gum hy biekery in Thos. Steele's Ifn* with It south 48 eaat 86 polca to o stake on the bank of Chock's creek thence up , it 78 polca to a alako by beach, elms | and nlroh pointera with John E. i Steela’a line runs south 79 east H [>olws to a stake hy two pines and a r*d oak. tlier.ru direot to the beginning contain ing 36 acres more or less. Fourth tract—beginning at a stake on a branch Thos. Steele's comar In Green Tyson’s line and runt with said Tyson’s line sooth 86 eaat 83 poles to hts oomer stake by a red oak, with his other line south 2 west 80 poles to a ■ take, thence south 71 east 183 poles to C.J. McKay’s Webb comer, thence | with the line of the Webb tend north 84 eaat 66 poles to hla other corner. Thenea with hla other lino with the oounty line mad south 68 east 180poles to a stake, thenra north 43 east 63polos to a stake by two pines a corner of Jno W. AlJrod’a lot, with his line reversed north 79 wist 268 poles to a stake on a branch K. T. Steele’s line, thence up the various courses of aaid branch (said Steele’s linoj to theL*ginning contain ing 140 sc ref more or less. Fifth tract—'lying on the waters of ■aid Cheek’s creek in the said county of Montgomery,'beginning at a stake by a dog wood and black jack in Me Ki unis’ line, tho 4th comer of I). O. McKay’s lot and runs south 8*< west 74 po.es to a stake by a pino in R. J/ Steelo’a line, with hla line aouth 63 east 20 poles to a stake by a dogwood. Uawry'i comer.with his llni north6i E 84 poire to a stake by a black jack and post oak, north 67X west 88 pole* to the beginning, containing S3 acres more or. Iras. The above described 86 acres, and 149 scree and 82 acres, oompoae the Interval of C. J. McKay In the Is nils of his deceased father. This tho Slat day of Dec. 1001. • JOUN W. LrGKAND, Commissioner. Reliable and Gentle. “A pill’s a pill," says the saw. Bat there ere pills and pill. You want a pill whleli is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn’t gripe. DeWiU's Lit tle Early Kisers Mil the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force, bot assist the bowels ta set. Strengthen and invig orate. Small and easy to take. Richmond Drg Company. "While suffering from a bad oaae oj piles, I consulted a physician who ad vised me to try a boa of DoWitt’s Witch Hasel Bairs," says G F Carter, Atlanta, Ua. "I procured-a boa mud was eutirely cored. DeWitt’s Witch Hasel Salve Isa sulendid cure for piles, giving relief Instantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sofferee." Sur gery Is unnecessary to cure piles' De Win’s Wish Hasel Salve will enro any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured be it. Be were of counterfeits. Richmond Drug Cc Hhlsilw and Wood For Male. I havo a large lot of yellow-pine shingled which I will sell cheap. 1 trill furnish any kind of pine wood, any length, as low as it can be sold. Families furnished at shortest notice, Washington Long, A. 8. DOCKERY, ATTORIOET-AT-LAW,' ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Office op-stairs. Btanaill Holding Subscribe for the Hoad light. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat nils preparation contain* all of tlM llgesiaata and digests all k'ods of food. It gives Instant relief »• joovag tails to cure. It allows you to tat all Um food you want. ThaasaatsanalUva Kumachs can lake It. By I la oae many thou tan da of dyspeptics have been sored after everyth I eg eter ailed, la ,r dualled for tbe atcaia.4). Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on Ik A -Million Voices. Could hardly express the thanks <f llonior Hall, of West Point, Iowa. LIs len why : A severe cold had settled on f»i» lungs, causing a must obetinate jongli. K.veral pliysiolans Mid he had jonsumption, hut could not help him. shun all tltought he was doomed he ix'gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption and writes—"It com pletely cored me and saved my life. I now weigh W7 lbs." It's positively guaranteed for coughs, colds, and hmg troubles. Prick 60c and 11.00. Tria oltles free at all druggists. JOHN W. LeGRAND, Attormbt-at-Law, Rockingham, N. C. Prompt attention given to all law matter*. Ural Estate Agent. Office over Richmond County Drug Co*» store. •Phone 67. F arm For Rent. Wanted to rout ail excellent 10 horet* farm at Powelton, for year ID02. Good terms will be given to jmrty furnishing his own slock. Apply to W. 0. Kearns, fwrrllnn. N. C. Or to W. F. Brookshire, Raleigh N. C. Farm will )>e divided if desired.) ‘ My wife was so ill that good physi cians were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, lnd, ‘but waa completely cured by Dr. King's Now Life Pills." They work woaders in sunuseh end liver troubles. Cura constipation, sick headache, 2Bc at all Druggists. Tim Children’s Friend. You'll have a cold this winter. May be ycni have one now. Your children will suffer to. For coughs, croup, bron chitis, grip and other wlt&w cam- ^ [ laints. One Minute Cough Cure vkver ails. Acts promptly. It if very pleas ant to the taste and perfectly harmless. C. B. George, Winchester, Ky.- writes, ‘‘Our little girl was attacked with croup into on* night and was so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gar* her a few doses of Onu MlnuU;Cough Cura. It relieved her Immediately and She went to sleep. When she awake neat morning she had u» signs of hoarseness or croup." Richmond Drug Co. Of .Benefit to Yura. D. B. MltoheU.'jruHonL Md.“ Dur ing a long Illness 1 was troubled with bed sores, was advised to try DsWItt's Witch Ha**! Sales and did so with wonderful aeanlta. I was perfectly eurod. It is ths best salve ea the mar ket.” BursVeurefor piles, seres, burns. Beware uf counterfeits) Notice of Seizure. Notice it hereby given of seleare of the following property for violation of the the Internal revenue la we of the United State#: ▲t a place near Steed*, K. C., Dec. 10th, 1901, oae tingle barrel breach loading ahot gun. At'Fiaerlnburg, N. 0. Dee. 19, 1901, 2-j Jug*, eunteiuing 91)4 gallon# corn whlehey and brandy, one two-horte wagoa, one tot doable wagon ha meet, one mule, one horee, two water bock • te, 4 qullte, one aie, one prorieion box, one lantern, and oooklng utensil*. Person* claiming the above property will flic their claims with me in my office within 90 days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited te tlie uee of the United State*. E. U. DUNCAN, Colleetor 4th~Dlat. By Halelgh. N 0. XT. A. MeDONALD, Deputy CoUaator. Dee. 8l*t, 1901. Land For Sale. I have on hand four house# aad ' l<>ta and one vacant lot in the town of Rockingham; one lot in town of Hamlet; one lot in Robardel and on* tract of land al>out two mile* from Hamlet and four mile* fin.m, Rockingham, which 1 dec ire to offer for aale. JOHN W LaORAND. Kor freah meats , square weight and unlit* atten tion, call on J. W Laeeiter R Go., aoder P<*t UflUe • » • • i

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