ROCKINGHAM, N. C.. KKJDAY, MA cgH .4. 1902. Local News Items —'■ . ■' Uockiug'a jail is without » prisoner. W. (X Leak spent Sunday In Wades Miss Pat Me Use is back home from Oaj*. W. T. Krsrctt attended Scot land court. JSd Wilks, of Greensboro, spent Sun day In the city. J. K. Hpencer is ftttonding the Char lantun Its position. * Mrs. Many Mattox spent Sunday with friends in town. Minn ilettic Mooaly and Anule are visiting Southern Pines. * John U. Thrower, of Hoffman, was a pleasant caller, Monday. . Mias Mamie Steele returned Tuesday frasn a rail Moehsviiie. l>r. Thomas Steele, of WilmlngHM, spent M canes say in town. - Will land, one of Mnlaist’s Clever merchants, spent Sunday here • J.f. Bolus, of Capet's Mills, spent Mnnasj night in Jtocamgham. Man W. «f. Lank visited Mia. J. C. Mr. and Mas. W. T. Homer spent MuMthy with John >'. ilsiner and Uu. *• Mr. mod Mi*. Bred Dieklnaon return ed BUuiUgi Qgul Inuu uiuir oruuU soar. W. L Pnou, Mahler of the Bank «f Me item, spent oudiy in Um1c»> boro. Mka Biakey ia book from the north where earn Went to puruiiaeu her apruig CoHia aold at Mt. QUmd Monday at • ota. It ia bruiguig the Mine price Mo*. #. M. Shaan burger preached an Jaat bunday, to a Lola Huberts, of lower Wolf larhdtoigfriembi^«uid telaUree in Hariiog. MaUooald, of Hog man, spent Monday u> town and made the Mead light a pieaaaat call. Tha Head light ragreta to loam that Maw Mouie Tarry, of Boberdel, ia Parte as ty tick with pneumonia. Ur. J. M. Cuviuftuu, Jr. We take from the Wadeitl*oro M. A I., the following clipping: “About three mo. ths ago Mr. Thomas Lewis was assaulted, aud severely injured, by soru* one, in the rear of the Saylor block. Mr. : Lewis, who has been confined to the house ever since the assault, suffered a great deal .with one of his eyft, which finally went out. Recently his physicians decid. d that it was necessary to remove the diseased eye, iu order to save |:he good one, and an operation was performed Monday afternoon, by Dr. J. M. Covington, Jr., as sisted by Drs. Ashe and Bennett. Mr. Lewis stood the operation1 well and it is :.ow thought that he' Will recover.*’ The Headlight extends congrat ulations to L}r. Jimmie, our clev er, talented Rockingham boy. Wonderful to TelL A correspondent from Dudo writes os follows: *'W. P. Ingram and Joe Porter killed 860 birds and 17 rabbits in ono day After this they went over to the Big Island and cut down a bee tree that was 160 feet long and 6 feet Jin diameter. From this tree they took 0 gallons of honey, after 0 men had eaten all they conld hold. Then they nailed together 2 plank 12 inches wide and ten teet long and tilled this trough' In doing this they had to wade through honey over their shoe tops for 20 feet around the tree and when they left, the honey was still running from the shattered tree like molasses from an open faucet” He says there are several more trees ns large as this. Now let somebody beat this. Teachers' Meeting, Black Jack Township This meeting was truly encour aging. The children were present from every school in the town ship, five in all. Font ot these wen* represented by their teach ers, several committee-men were present also. The church was nearly Ailed. Miss Faith Covington brought in Mias Howell, who read an ex cellent eaaay in good style, and one little boy, (did not get nanie) who made a nice little apeech. Miss Litxie Dockery had a young lady, Miss Covington, who read an excellent eaeay, in good style. Mias Mattie Maynor, of No. 8, read an excellent essay. Her style was good also. Miaa Haywood, of Miss Hat tie Davis’ school, gave us an ex cellent recitation, in good style. Ail of these young ladies acquit ted themselves handsomely. The spelling class showed good train ing and ws heartily ooupmand teachers and pupils. Mineral Springs. The many friends of Rev. W. C. Webh of Cordova, will make an effort to seoars his nomination for the house of representatives. Mr. Webb possemn all tbs qual ifications needed for tbs place— Honest, sincere and upright, with tbs interests of tbs people at heartland, If eleoted, no dishonest dollar sou bribe him. Ho is a working man, an old Confederate soldier, a Christian minister, and aa each wo present his noma for tbs consideration of the voters of lisbmood,so«nty. Giro us W. 0. Webb, Stoola’s mill. I win pay fata each, for on* o* two aapisa of rake Headlight, of the following dates, if in good condition. May, *>, Jans t, Jana 17, July 94, August 91. W, H- Covington. Mm. Mury CoVltiKlou. Mr*. Mary Covington, the tie loved wife (if Mr. John B. Coving ton, died on lo*t Thur*day even ing and her remain* were iuterrvd on Friday afternoon in the North-; am oenietesy. Rev. D. C, Britt conducted the burial service* in the presence of a large concourse^ off friend*. Mrs. Covington had iieen for a number of years a de*. voted Christian woman and on ex emplary tnr-mlier of the Baptist church She had been in feeble health for several years, a victim of heart trouble, and no doubt she would have died earlier, hut for the devoted attention of her’ faithful and loving daughter, Mr*' W. C. Hicks. But the end came,, and the happy spirit winged it* flight above storm and cloud to that beautiful land, where sick ness and death are unknown, and storm-clouds never rise. a God doetli all tiling* well. Let' the bereaved say, “Thy will l»' done.” Our teadoreet sympathy* is with those who weep. — ■ " ■ 1 Died Near Silver Bum Church, ''ij After a long illness Miss Margo. ret F. Thrower passed away o» the 10th, iust. She was horn oir October 0th, 1820. She joined^ the Baptist church in 1040, and had been a consistent member since that time. She leaves two brothers and three sisters to monrn their loss, besides many other relatives and frieuds. '•'$ She was buried at home in thf family grave yard. The buruU services wer^M^ducted by T. Jy Auatiu. _*_ ' r:\ This l^pil School This school, which was taught by Miss Hattie Davis, closed last Thursday, with an exhibition at night. It a os not our privilege' to be present and participate iu the festivities of ths occasion. We learn, however, that Mias Hattie hod an excellent program, and that the children acquitted themselves handsomely. Scooped It In When we had printed about one half of onr last week’s issues, we learned that a flagman on a freight train had jnet been killed, so we stopped the press, set up the news and published it in bnlanoe of our issue. This will explain why all the papers did not contain this item. Teacher's Meeting* In Steele'* Township. It wa* onr privilege to meet the teachers, pupils, committeemen and patrons of three schools of Steelo’s township, at Hebron church on Tueeday last. It is certainly enoonrageing to see a whole community thus interssted. The exercises were pleasant and entertaining. Yonng Mr. Carter of Mr. Jonee* school and yonng Mr. Matteraon, of Mias Paul in * St an back's so bool, acquitted themselves in dsolamation, in a manner which reflected great cred it upon themselves and their eohools. Mis* ——of Misp Stan back’s school, read an excel lent seeay and mad it well, Thgw exercises were closed in splendid style by little Master Monroe, ojf Mm. Lisxie Wheeler’s school, k bright little boy, with a nice lit. tie epeech, which was excellently delivered. It wae very gratifying to ese n general turnout of the people at this meeting* Mm Wheeler’s pupils exhibited seme excellent speohneue of drawing. The teachers and pupils are to be commended for their work. Vo brilliant enoosss la business is on record whom the value of newspaper advertising wae not me* SlsfcSJlT3 'ut p"m lt<K-kiiiKU>uii On-cmt. In addition to announcements ■ already made as to the t ime anil place of holding our Second Quar terly Conference on this circuit, we hereby remind the members of this circuit tlmt our second quar terly conference will be held nt Green Lake church, embracing the 4th Sunday and Saturday before it, in March. 22nd and 2lird. We earnestly insist that us many of our members from the different churches on t he circuit, as can possibly do so, will attend the services on Saturday and Sunday, j We especially insist that stewards i from each church on the circuit be! present on Saturday at the service at 11 a. ui. The stewards oil the circuit for 1902, are as follows: I)r. J. T. Hiatt, B. B. O’Brien, J. r. McLeod, L. W. McNeill, M. C. Hssty, R. L. Webb, J. D. Has ty, W. C. Kllerl>e, R. L. Nichols, il. C. KUerbe, J. P. Harris, T. C. Gibson, O. G. Reynolds, £. C. Jhoina* and W. G. LeGrnnd. i_ Now, brethren, you hold a very important office in the church, and ooe that demands attention to its fiuancial interests. It is very im 'portant that you be present at every quarterly conference in the bounds of your circuit. Come, let us have a full attendance of stewards at Green Lake, on the 22nd,'inst., at 11a. m. .We hope the members of Green Lake church will arrange to be present on Saturday ns well as 'Sunday. Dr. Rone, our beloved Presiding Elder, will preach for ob Saturday and Sunday, at gbe time herein specified. Sf . P. C. Mr. Editor: As suggestions about candi dates seem to be in order, I take the liberty of submitting a. fen remarks through your valnsble paper. It teems that almost ev erybody in the county has some personal friend he wants to elect to office, regardless of his ability or qualification. This is not the right kind of spirit we should have. We are a too intelligent people for anything like this. I have thirty-seven friends that would !>e all o. k. in office, but I know there are better men in the county, and I’m for the best. We all should be, for the world is watching as. What we ought to do is to get together on some meu who are -qualified to fill the offiee* and net try to elect men for per sonal reasons. Ws think ws have men os good and true as there is in N. C., and these are the ones that should fill our offices, every true voter will agree with me, then let us rally to support our best men. We ought to re-eleot onr present Sheriff and Register of Deeds for one more term. For the Clerk of Court, two of our beet men have been suggested. John Everett is a noble young man, and we are all proud of him. We could not elect any better. J. H. Walsh, we think, would be an expert in the Clerk’s office. Let ue elect one of thee* men for Clerk. A. 8. Dookery for the Legislature. Hurrah for Dockery I J. W. Lents. Helds the World's Record. “Mr. Fred J. Terry, formerly n linotype operator ip this office, but now witn Edwards A Brough ton of Raleigh, holds the world’s reohrd for speed in setting brevier type, In nine hours he perform ed the marvelous feat of setting 06,000 erne brevier. This is al most as much work as ten men eould do setting type by hand, “The News feels a special pride in Mr Terry's achievement.—Char lotte Mews,” Miss Fssisls Shaw, Of Best Is gin si, It vWUag rslstlvss In Laartaburg 4 The County News Cordova Miss Stella Baldwin line been quite sick all the past week. L. A. Hall, Esq., is visitiug relative* in Charlotte. Mis* Lom Ingle has been quite sick for several days. George Gilliam, formerly of Cordova, but now of Ossipw mill*, Klon College, N. C., is slinking hands with old friends here, this we?k. Misses Ettn and Nettie Morse are visiting relatives at Rock Hill S. C. Mrs. Dr. Webb will *oon open a full stock of millinery goods at Cordova. Her ninny frieuds in town and surrounding country, who know her, know that she is up-to-date in that business, and no doubt, will make u success. Peg Leg William* shipped quite a number of colored families from this station last Wednesday night. Dr. Webb bus been quite busy the past week. Miss Kate Gurley has been very sick for several days. Tho many staunch friends of Rev. W. C. Webb will vigorously push his name for Representative. He is a good man and worthy, in every res(>ect for the position. W. A. Stone, Eeq., will probaln ly enter the race for township constable. Hurrah for Stone 1 People are beginning to prepare their gardens and plant seed.' Supt. Cole has had the roof of the mill, cotton sheds and smoke stack repaiuted. Thanks to E. M. Boggan for some nice lettuce. His is at fine ns any wo have ever seen in the truck regions this season of the yeas. it seems that politic* ana reg Leg have got the country in a stir. E. L. Hamilton, George Sin clair, J. E. Shaw and D. P. Mc Duffie, spent Sunday in Hamlet. E. P.'Gaddy, Esq., and James Gaddy, are sick this week. Rev. S. E. Mercer waa visiting Cordova, Monday. X-Ray. Black Jack Miss Hattie Davis’ school closed at Haywood last Thursday and she hod a concert that night, whioh waa pretty wvll attended. We weee not able to be there, but those who were, report a mo* time. Mrs. D. C. Millikin and her mother, were visiting J. H. and J. C. Covington Saturday and Sunday. Miss Bell* Meaohem was visit ing at Roberdsl, Sunday. Miaaes Rachel and Flora Terry and Miss Ida Holt were visiting in this community, Sunday even ing. Two or three widowers were stirring around Sunday, and boys and young men too numerous to mention. Some were afoot, some in buggies, some on bicycles, and some on deaf and dumb mules. There has been very 1 ittle plow ing done yet, but spring is begin ning to open, gardening and farm operations will begin in earneet from now on. We will name some good men for office. T. 8. Wright for Sher iff, J. H. Walsh for Clsrk, W. S. Thomas for Register, A. 8. Dock ery fer Representative and Steph en Well for Commissioner. 0. teju, tters Mm. J. H. Clnrk, from Jackson ■ilirings section, is visiting her brother, J. A McNair, of this place, who still remains critically ill. We regret to state that I be in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lames Sullivan is ijuite sick. May her recovery l>e hastened. Murphy and Robert McNair, of Chesterfield. S. C., ur<* visiting their father, J. A. McNair, of this tillage. _ Mrs. Eugenia NicbMeon left Sunday morning to visit the homo .if her deceased futhcr, at Sanford. J. C. Currie, of Chesterfield, S. C., stopped over hert Sundny night mi his wav up into the flut woods. Mi«s Annie Davis left on Friday last to visit her sister Mrs. D. M. McKinnon, of Patrick, S.C. where she expects to remain several days. We caught a glimpse of the Rocky Fork correspondent Sun day, us he passed through the vi’ lage eastward bound. We expect ed him to stop with us a while, but lie might have beeu bothered about finding a hitching post. The winter certainly must be broke judging from the way the young people are making use of these Sunday nights. By the way, we need street lamps here during these dark niuhtsand rainy weath er. It would be such a luxury to our citixens, and theu it would lie i grand treat to all who ride or drive. I am afraid, some of these dark nights that some one will uil on to his horse a little to hasty, and begin to grapple in the wWng"dirflutiou for bis bridle. - There is a man here who says, that Gobbler, of Rocky Fork, de serted the club ut tliis place, and then turned state's evideuce. Before we forget it, we say three cheers for Walter Thomas for reg ister of deeds. We know all the young men ought to support him. Is there anything amiss of him? If so, what is it? Success to yon, Mr. Editor^ We are going to give you our best efforts. We have not heard a word of opposition to your announce ment and we are only glad of it. We are with you. Subscriber. Fair Ground. Mias Otelia Lovin, of Qihson’s Mill, vm visiting her cousin, Miss Mary E, Lovin, last Sunday. Rev. N. H. Guyton preached an excellent sermon at the M. E. church here, last Sunday night. Missea Myrtle Loflin, Ins Smith and Will Ballard, of Roberdel. were visiting frieuda and relatives hers, lost Sunday, O. G. Reynolds began school at KUerbe Springs last Mouday. Mrs. A. D. 8pivey visited her mothsr, Mis. A. N. Brown, near Jackson Spriugs, last week. Major Snlly, of Rookingham, is up bird hunting, this week. Oscar J. Spivey ia visiting frisnds at Troy, this week. 8nowflake. Pee Dee. We are glad to see this beauti ful weather. Just think, the birds ars singing. Ws cannot under stand quite what they say, but I think they are saying, "Daffodils, daffodils, say do you bear? Sum mer is ooming and epriuftsme is bear." There was a party given last Saturday night a* Mm. Howels. There eras qulteQs crowd af young people present. Oaks and sandy were serysd abundantly. Osqllnesd oa page A

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