I --- - ' . Seeking theTrutlp., „ .j., , Ntcoaemus .represents n large multitude ql men and .e«mn in the world to-day. He was seeking; truth if not salvation ,for his redttak' Aral*1 He was a6 interested that he did not wait until morning, bui came to Jesus by night. Sopfe have sue seated that be did t8s ngtlbeewse of'fcis anxiety, but because he did npt have the taqrflVmrage -*• '##* >»• It is a weak religion that p man can hiffc frdm his honseTOld-. ” ’ " ■ A conscience void of offense.,bsfpreGp4, and man is an inheritance for eternity. There is no human life so poor an^ small as not to hold many a divine possi bility. Humility i* the altar upon which God wishes that we should offer Him our sacri fices. •- ‘Y< Jt«1 « <1M: I The same spirit of faith that teaches a man to cry earnestly, teaches him 4b wait ^fore dear in thte sight *of God and His angels than any other conquest is the C°No*trti» work made thbYArld began wsr [ . done." i»f t{i WW the “Emigrants Lament’ and said: . - > «h(Tu7 v«S‘ " /ww *•*'! “1’m.very lpnely oow,,Maryv t<> ii« ii For the poor make no ne\y friends, But bh, ‘they love the better far The few our Father sends.” i- ;l:? Th^sd toillMhaires deserve tittle cred it for their gilts tq'ctfllegwr'ahd Hbt-a* I at the recent move ments of ■northern philanthropists,, but a movement to lift up the poor and •give thGm rt chance would-he* h modi blessed thing than to educate them $n books. Peter Cooper and George Peai bcvly have a hlgher'seat id’ heaven than Rockfeller and Carnegie will ever reach. George Peabody bijlli whole blocks of tenetoent houses In Londdb for the poor. The rooms were all venti lated and supplied with pure cold watpr and the windows, looked out upon grassy lawns arid'flowers and shade trees. There were bath rooms attached to' every tenement, an® a few preity chromos on the walls and the /ent charged was only a plttance^cpough to make repairs and pay the taxes. This was doing more for the poor than edu cation, could do. / i< • >» i ft A clean shirt and a comfortable home will lift a boy up quicker than books. It has boon said that k right himgrjr mini can’t get religion, and I reckon a hungry child can’t study to do much good. Education Is nbt always had In the schools. It la the life work of every one. Education comes by contact, by absorption fttrtn dthers, by reading and thinking, andlby Mperiencnaad 4iset* vation. Some pf.the,gi;efttotf m$nin toe tPnited gtatea never had a years BCUUV/IIU5P «—r* —-ATT has beep that not more than ten .gel-, lege boys in a hundred made good use of their.edifedtlOB. They lived and dlfed and made no sign- Qut for the sake of ithe ten we must give the ninety change. These northern gentlemenf Wtu* met in Athena seem intensely, in ddrntl ley’s epeeceh Srgith* dfcortri* and teat' of all. ffife will jeo^w fc,ft charity, but aa a measure .of justice, and Mr. Bdldwt* said, MYia, ttniVs to justice,?'.any and refreshed. I set that down W.m/tMA*AhAlATfnp off the old — — .. ighd .hddahlMn ■ ■I*.. .. I I . prUtmtee to tata lias ta, Now see how the accounJL ^an^SiSRlv all these credits and onfy one discount for the old maffe.' Verily* ‘the Hhfe» hive falen to ua in pleasant1. placear-;T In spite df otfe drtlwback, the lack of sufflcffertt' ribWtutfe tti * mhttyr'caUn;i Health® -phst week-'w ah pipe»Ssd*^s generally very faborable' hot# *10* farm work ahd tttn grewth/tff dtoitt.‘ Many correspondents iay that It #a» I“an ideal week” or “weather all that could be desired.” Work‘,l1Wfc£dtfla actively--feverr tfv J^d-'Wfflreat- dial waa,- acoompUpbbd.; JSbfr tp&BprxUiW dicing tta flQS}* 4fe grees above normal daily, and the. iftaifmiM 6hhu7red' i^ner'piiy'ob ‘Mfcy 3Vd.i: vTtWrfi^bdfdt1W(,Aegfdes Wif ported la css trot tsforfh CaaoMtiaJ Wife? amount of fcsaehine; wasuiallfpdanl# The rainfall was irregularly distribut ed, and while very benaftoiakvHidwwv oqpyrrg<| two,, or threq d^J^dortps the week In many , counties, in other, no rain fell, and drought is now nfc ginning to be lffelt We&toiKlfi ti3W? ing rttrti‘toO*1“tlre,Vn tbS| efifrt > 'Bin hWl wick, Pit* Qkxjenve-Wasfailutcan^kia qate# Hinstyftrfripiftf f 1 P*£ttpIt£§N .^avWsoni. &RK*Vj Randolph ana Stokes, and ip the •west, Rowan and (paswell. Over most of the Suite warm, gentle rains are needed tA bring up cottcte ahd Corn afiffl on* able the transplanting of tobaccct Vegetation, 1 however, made rapid 1 progress and,even in the extreme, west, forests are nearly fully clothed with green. J Planting cotton is now well ^ad vanced and will be completed within' another week oc so; early planted baa come up nicely and chopping to, stands is underway; late planted needs moisture for germination^ it isi now quite, apparent that the avenge In cotton will be diminished, and that in corn largely Increased. Plant ihg corhr Is' now underway' In low lands ;l a good stand of corn has been secured, and some is being cul-j Uvated the first .time; yeun« W 1«1 suffering Jor Jack of ra^. ip .thq, southeast portion. Cut or bUO worms ha^e tilled some ‘young contl *fcWm ers are busy trknspltfntiri^^fiaccW;1 buff cannot make moth headway with- < out generous raintS’ pUpt* are;grow*r ing very rapidly and many farmers .prefer to set out and. water, which. Is ' slow work*'1 ’ tobacco i roust be considered as spmewhM. l^p hfnd oh accbunt oftbe droughcmeat on rich land baa improved, a and In | ment o® <®d®B Mb bcgtm,' ihd'bbaria are in bloom; the strawberry crop is a little shorter than the .average, , but chijMfiebts are now gri!fc£ foMKl InJargo wnUtlaa^l^ah (being injured almost everywhere by ’and' pastures ^ ftonritfiift, ,00m* , kinds of apple trees failed to bloom, 8tuq.n«« r'Wlk>—«4r»y»l«*I. In the extreme western counties* the ’ outlook for apples as well 'W' ■* rhost (other klnds-of fruit is vary-bright, as the trees fruit ' Melons are up, and a large crop of (w|MPM«B9i k »»*obaMe.1 fg l> >J , r^-rs. taitmulSn* im Jft * 1 'v pcir Schley CWfcd' UtJuri' da'‘Ufak«Mi Mountain Sunday morning, accom pli# t itoa9M*V' .Uwtift, fltfwi 1 Chattanooga during the were described to the admiral by Gen An excursion train on Rapids & Indiana road Sunday night near Wallen, iOg 30 persons. Voecount de A tie, the gueae Minister, aril jayjiitht held over the remains, of lives, this afternoon. Only^ recent years has such a* casual honor been, accorded to a deceased member, those occasions fcelnfe tne Stafte ifuneral’of” Representative Wil liam D, Kelley, of Pennsylvania ■prcsslve. - {awti**. '«Vn ^SSSStos ; aadwill-be buried inaJfetil Pottdr'sdteM. untefs Wa t frwfct died Tuesday and his body waa taken to tib'tiiergub andiaWsired^diaktA.^ Hi* identity va* learned- byfdeteotlrwi forking ^ithe kP^stpffl^ ^tbery^ase.. K£#b rssa* was one time a magazine edltbr .y^anihiater tal character. _ ■; •’ ^ SeaboaiW ' Air •< ,JIU<> 4 tad i'Aif .s'JwPl Double Daily Seryj8flw|