We had • pleasant call last Satur day, from Jdo. M. Wright, of Scotland eooaty, who Is now teaching at Hoff man. Mr. Wright is an areellant young atan, a good taaeher and a capi tal writer. Wa hops to hear from him occasionally. Masers. Robinson. Williams and OsudW have opened a law olBes In tha building ol tha Bank of Hamlet, with Mr. Williams in charge. His services are too well known to reqniro any word latlon. Mr. Williams Is ou4 best eooaty boys, s son of Mr. and Mrs, Black This la s strong firm 111 motive a liberal share of Vow Post Office. ; ' At last, Rockingham haa a mod al Fostufllosi and it is in charge < " l and obliging officers. Codger. . This gentleman fUAt^iis ap pointment hare - uHAturday spanking to a large inMbnce of Republicans, and Democrats. Our engagements prevented us from bearing Ur, pudg^r’s speech, but we learn that it waa conservative in tone. Mr. Mcschsm Married. w*>Ws have just learned of the happy marriage of our. friend, J' Jr. M sachem and Mfse Lanie Cran ford, of liAkdel, which ooeurred last week, we regret we have not bean furbished the data for a gen eral write-up. However, we oer-, tainly wish for the happy oouple all that is desirable in this.world a life abounding in sunshine and a higher, nobler and happier' life, when, the sunlight nffur diffi -cat and happiness never and*•** - .A£-—?-- ■+»■ • «' la Mn Am law irffTfruit I* n^fe^ It' was feellpfffngsMius for anybody to go shoot tha depot, on sooount of the reoklees and continued firing of pistols in that section, we sup pose at, or over the bridge and along the road for some distance. We don't suppose they mean to do any damage, but an unseen person might ba killed. There ought to be a remedy, and if there is one, it ebonld be applied. To cross the bridge at night, is a dangerous feat for anyone to un dertake. If there is any law to cheek this evil,'' let it be enforced. Pee Dee No. 2. Mw Ida Alien spent Sunday with her brother at Hamlet. Mieses Minnie Thrower and Bmms Warner visited relatives at Oordova last Sunday. Willis Thrower spent several days at the Raleigh fair last week. 0. W. King visited his sister at Laurel Hill last Sunday. Mieses Mattie Lassiter and An nie Gollins, of Cordova, visited Mrs. Braswell at this plao* loot Sunday. The house occupied by Mr. Mo* Iatoah at this place, wo* burned down lest Saturday at noon. The Are woe caused by a defeet in the stove flue. The lose falls heavily an Mr. Mela tosh. The family have oor deepest sympathy. /see* Baldwin was thrown by Me bone Saturday night and woe right painfully hurt. W* hop* he will soon be out sgair. _V. 8. 0. Uttto* MIII2. Severn! hue* goo* from this neighborhood to the Raleigh Fair. Them vn e nio* sandy boiling M Mr. W. 8. Crump’s last Satur day night. Think all enjoyed it very mush. Rickard Steel* end family will leave today far their new home at Spring Hill. Wears sorry to see them learn. Mm. Will Ingram visited Mm. v RICHMOND CO. DOEf^OCRATIC BY BIG MAJORITY The Democratic TidA^fcas Elected in^Every Township Except . Beaver Dam, Wh^J^f Republicans and Independents Receive „ jority of 26, Electing magistratee and tovywhip oonstables. The following in a tabulated state ment of the official returns of Richmond county, showing the vote for each candidate at every precinct: . TABULATED ©TATEfipENT OF fHE COUNTY VOTE Commieeionere. ' ' I m § . 1 PRECINCTS : S 4 S 2 ^ w C - I BS*6 c J s » a & 4 -1 .....— Upper ■Steele’a .._) 88 88 12 12 12 Lower Steele’*-t— 80 41 & 42 80 Mineral Springe— 26 80 08 67 «1 Blaok Jaek- 61 46 60 60 66 Beaver Dam-- 66 47 24 19 19 Rockingham No. 1— 166 160 68 62 6ft Rockingham No. 2.. 280228 00 6U 68 Upper Wolf Pit.. 87 86 21 10 1ft Lower Wolf Pit.- 90 «> 8 0 ft Mark'e Creek- 07 90 69 66 55 TOTAL8- 861860 804 897 8701 j THE ITEMS. ‘ Hector Little fell while awing* ing 1mA Sunday evening, and broke hie leg. This should be • a lesson to the boys. Rev. W. R. Coppedge will be gin a series of meetings at this plsoe on November IS, and will be assisted by Rev. Davis. All are cordially invited to attend. The candidates for the various county offices spoke at the chapel last Friday night. Thera were several goods speeches made, but our president, Mr. Leak, made the beet one of all. We believe he would make a good preacher. Hie speech was full of good advice to the young men, and they will do well to adhere to what he said. He spoke in high terms of the mill people and we know it oame from hie heart, and let ns all as mill operatives, live so as to have our president, superintendent, and. overseers speak well of us. Well Mr. 0., as you say, I am too late. Long ago when I looked at you and smiled, I then lost all hopea, but let me say, you have my heartiest congratulations. I am so glad you found one whom you deemed worthy of your love and oonfldeaoe, and I most con gratulate the bride upon getting a man who was so much loved by the ladies of Noe. 1 and *, because of hie winning smiles and kind sets. As I have already said, I bad lost all hope, bat some of the other girls who had a ray of hope, are now in dispair. They have already said they oan’t get eabbage, milk and butter cheap any more. But now yon are mar ried end my only wish for you is a long and happy life, and that yen asay always have plenty of good old sweet potatoes. Yonr poetry wee very appropriate for the oeoosion, but a man of your talents instead of being an humble farmer, ought to be a famous poet. I believe yon have been studying the favorite book of the children, Old Mother Oooee. Let am ad vise yon to study something non elevating to yonr wooderful mind. e if be m quite I shall vhave him get him eoipa that will show evelfo do hope th* not be el K. B. Griffin returned from the State fair Friday. We am very sorry to hear that Miss Foy Williams, who has been very sick with fever, isnotsowell. Mr. Hinson has moved his lively ■table to a new building where he is better prepard to eerve the pub lic. Miee Liles, Cheraw is visiting Miee Alma Salmons. Olad to hear that Mr. Stogner, who baa been very sick, ia much improved. | J. M. Crowaon and John Hen derson returned from Asliboro last Wednesday where they have been | visiting friends and relatives. Miee Joeie Odom, of Brightevill* 8. C., vieited her sister, Mra. Tounson, during the past week. Mrs. Johnson, of Chatham Co., is visiting her danghter, Mrs. M. D. McDonald. Mrs. Candle and danghter, Miss Ella, of Salisbury, are visiting Mrs. Willie Candle. Miee Kate McDonald is out again after a serious attack of diphtheria. Mias Ida Allen, of Rockingham, visited friends iu town Sunday. Willie Dennis has returned from Oibeon where he has been very risk with fever. Mrs. Rusher, of Saliabary, is visiting her danghter, Mrs. Milli kin. Messrs. James and Charlie Spencer spent last Saturday in Rooking ham. Daisy. Blaok Jack The weather has been dellghtfal lately for form work, end the far mers are vetting on pretty well gathering Most erops are toler ably good. Potato digging will be In order now-then gather the persimmons aod make some beer. Mm. Delaney Bennett, from Boberdel, spent two nights with relatives Ik this oommanity lest Mrs. W. 0. Hicks bee been right sick for a week or ao. Mr. John LeGrand has been wrioutly tick for two or three weeks. Hampton Covington was visit ing at Mr. MeachamV Sunday. JohuJ>riggen, from Cordova, was lu this section Sunday. . W. J. Harris and. wife! 'Spent, Saturday and Sunday at Pee Dee. Miss Ida Holt was visiting her lister, Mrs. Covington. Sunday, end her best fellow wss there of oonrse. Messrs. Jack LeGrand and Rat liff, from the Fail Ground, were visiting at Mr. Giles Moore’s, Sun day. The plow aud horn crowd gave us a call one night last week. The Bible aays there is nothing new under the sun, but there is a brand new boy at W. B. Coving ton’s—and Watt wears a broad grin, for it’s the first one. Con gratulations. Mrs. Ann E. Bolton has been visiting her Brother. Hampton Covington, for a week or two. She returned to Roberdel, Sunday Miss Neilie MoKothan returned from Lumberton, Friday. Say old widower, you better hurry op, cr you may get left and that would be tow bad to think about. Buggies have got so wild out here, that they have to belled so they oan be found. Ws are glad to report that our neighbors aiw about through gath ering oorn and cotton, but some have a good many peas to pick. Bay. Smith, of Bsnnettsville, 8. C., will give a lecture at New Hope church next Thursday night. His subjsct is, Uncommon Stnss. Ws young folks are certainly glad our school will start torn at our new school house. We all hope to eecure an education. We were given an sntertaioi inent at New Hope school house, 8. 0., by W. H. Davis a few days past, and it was enjoyed very much. . M.e. A. 0. Everett is off on a visit. Hampton Covington, of Nrw tonville, 8. 0., was visiting his sister, Mrs. Mattie Maoehlp, at this place, a few days post. M. A. R. DEMOCRATIC LANDSLIDE THE STATE GOES DEMO CRATIC BY MORE THAN «W0 MAJORITY. Every Congressional District in North Carolina Will be Repre sented by a Democrat. The Democratic majorities in the 10 districts are as fol lows : IstDist. J. H. Small 10,658 2d “ C. Kitchen 11.374 3d “ C. R. Thomas 6,015 4th “ E. W. Pou 11,000 5th “ W. W. Kuhen 7,965 8th ** Q B Patterson 4,680 7th M . R. N. Page 6,700 8th “ T. F. Klutts 1,661 8th “ E. Y. Webb 6,092 lOli “ J. M Gudger 241 * Roberdel. Rev. 8. E. ll«roer preached an exodlwnt sermon to a large cou giv^n tii»n here Sunday morning. Wo lira sorry to learn of the illneea of Haujly Ballard and alao M re. D. 11. Nordair. Hope they will toon be out again. . Silas Easterling is baring some repair* done on hie dwelling, which when completed, will add much to ita appearance. ^lieeee Lillis and Pearl Ooving ton spent last Saturday and 8un- s, day iu upper Rfthm^nd. Mias Xafnw Wishart ip» A V w Saturday uod Sunday at The Longbranoh Lumber Co. has moved up on the publie road to a more convenient plaoe and ia now running ou full time. Messrs. W. B. McKenxie and Colon O’Brien made a visit out in the Qreeulake section, Sunday. It seems that public speaking and marriage is taking the day in this section. On last Wednesday evening Mr. J. F. Meacham and Mias Delaney Cranford were made oue in matrimony, aud on Satur day last, Mr. John Williams and Miaa Thompson, of Moore County were mimed. We extend to all of them our congratulations. The Woodmen of the World ale getting up a band here. We hope they will be euoceaeful, as it will be a good thing for the order. Vanoe Skipper, of Lanrinburg, was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday. Will Culberson, of Hickory, is visiting friends and relatives here tbie week. J. A. M. Several of our people attended the State fair. W. L. Holliday has resigned so manager of the Jackaon Springs Company store. Mr. Will Mc Millan, of Troy, is now conduct ing the business, and he seems to be the right man in the right ptaco. Mr. Marcus Wimberly, of Aber deen, who married Mise Julia Mo Donotd, of upper Richmond, a short time ago, visited this place with his beautiful young bride, a few days ago. We are pleated to learn that Miaa Lula Roberta, of lower Wolf Pit, Richmond County, will taaeh near us this fall. We hope Mise Lola will enjoy her sojourn in upper Richmond. Corn-haskiugs are ail the go ia this vicinity now. Crops am vary good and wa expect to have plenty of corn brand to eat next year. Mr. Sanderson, of Lynchbarg, Vs., baa taken charge of the ho tel at this place. Ha will be ran dy to faad the hungry in a abort time.

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