THE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS iphe Week's Happenings Faithfully Gathered and Correctly Told. Ocrtto* MMisl points higher, now 8 15 lMiiiuUj1**1 *M * T hi tor at Mr. J.LOamphall spent lest Monday the family of Mr. W. F. Long. _Mr. and Mrs. T. i. Onriagtoo an vMMagMr. Osetaglaa's mother Mrs. The Ooanty Beard of Bdocailon wUl . ■■■> la regular anion on ted Monday ed January. Man’s Call senad the tax notice of IhartC Wright and don't dai) to oall on Meant anna. I aU ad her ehildnn with her. It waa a i ad mimfac Springs on Monday, the killed I night by the *, Biyak Liles, apent > with hla inaoa friaaria and Iffelt _1 the 37 th fey Bar. W. J. MdJtoQuiklMniT1 Lnorlnburg, VelMOi that J.M Yoaag received Ike Soak Baage gives by Wart Bros, ft* the pooeeaeor of (be lucky ticket. J. V. PeBen'i^, we law, hae pomkaa Bahamaf* ** U|abered fatad in or TrtrfaBb ready for yoa-ootuo •Xftrt it. 1 have mom beautiful 'I**1* i-MOrt get. almoat jrt taad family, af ^feMbftiftanmd* to Mr. Lenta, of Stealy.aad Mr. Mathe •* Meatgwaixy, were recant vial ftomto the famine* ad Mmie. Y. M. Bggumdi.llkBeny. Mr. and lire. F. F. Gibaon, of Dillon. M. IX, «*d Mim Frankie Masoa.of CHb Mft.A<X,gaiOkibtaM at Joecpk «•»» Bm yartiaafam of bia .*• <*• Waftmia fa haring a grand afanmaaftaaie of Dry Goods. Hietalee ■ hit (may departateaf daring j*rtMmftft*nk boat all Mbs Pearl Gibson is visiting at Glb tcm and MoOoll, 9. C. Mr. John Manahlp, of Tetoin, 8. 0.. is visiting his uncle, Joseph Gibson, this week. If yoa hare frequent headaches, dirtiness and feintiug spells, de., you are in a dangerous condition and Un able to die at any time. Better pay yoar subscription to the Headlight and make yourself solid for a nlee obituary. Mra. Charlotte Steele. We learn with sincere regret of the death of Mra. Charlotte Steels, of Thomas county, Ga., on or about the 18th of December. Mra. Steele waa about 76 years of age. She waa a native of Anson county, N. C., and a sister of Ueasn. William Little, 8r., Geo. Little, 8r. and John 8. Little, all of whom are dead. Mra. Steele waa a noble, kmdhearted chriat ian lady, and we have uo doubt she ia safe in “she haven of rest” It waa our good fortune to live aa her nearest neighbor, for a time, iw Thomas county, Georgia, where this editor taught school, and we shall always remember gratefully, her kindness to our family. Andrew Thrower. A telegram was received here some days ago from ‘Meridian, Miss., stating that Andrew Throw er had bean vety seriously injured from a blow on the bead. His brother, John B, Throws*,. #f-Pee Dm Ho. 1, jeft immediately for Meridian, but did not reach there in time to see him alike. He was found on the railroad track near the mill in which he was employ ed, with his akull fractured and in an unoonoious condition. Ha died two or three days later, not having regained consciousness, and it is not known how be receiv ed the blow. A coroner's jury was empanelled, but their decis ion has not reached us. His remains were brought homo Saturday night and interred Sun day afternoon at the family bury ing ground at John H. Thrower's, OMr Silver Bun church. The family, and especially the aged mother, have our tendereet sympathy. DkTleHedlajr. A very interesting aoene wu witnessed at the home of Mr. and Mr*. I, 8. Davie Monday night, Dee. 23nd at 7 o’clock, liiee DoUic Davie, their danghter, and one of oar town’s moot charming gide, wee nnited in holy wedlock with Mr. Zebaton Hadley, one of oar most prominent young men. The waiters were Mim Zetta Dellinger, of Buckingham, and Uxj Charlie Hadley, a brother of the groom, from Covington, Mim XOa Capet, of Covington and Mr. WUUe Fulford, uf Bookinghem. Mies BUe Davie, a sister of the bride, iad Mr. Tom Hunter, of Bochingham, Mies Blanche Mor ton and Mr. Robert Oapel, of Cov ington. The bride waa dressed beacti fdlly in a gray ladies’ sloth, trim med with white. We wish them a* long, happy •nd sooaeeafal life. They will ooeapy the Covington heaee on fifth evenae, after Dee, ftlh. lev. W». Fulford was ••Mater.,_Friend. Bgy yaw gmeerlat of H. H. Th*7—*—*• A. W. Porter A Co. will sell yoa ttobrntaelOn 100 lb white sacks State Anti-Aaloou Leiiguc. The State Auti-Saloon League executive committee met tonight. President: N. B. Broughton, A. J. McKelway, T. N. Ivey, J. A. Oates, J. W. Bailey, I. C. Blair. Eev. J. L. Kesler represented the committee appointed by the Bap tist State Convention. O. K. Nimrocks represented the North Caroliua Conference. J. W. Bai ley was put iu charge of the cam paign. The following are the features of the law which will be advocat ed: (1) Prohibition of sale of or manufacture of intoxicating liq uors outside of incorporated towns. Forbids the sale of liquor in towns of leee than GOO inhabitants. For bids the manufacture or liquor in towns of 1.000 people or lest. (2) Local option elections m incorporated towns or counties at any time of the year after BO days notice upon petition of one thira of tbe voters not oftener than, once in two years. (8) In such elections the ques tions of the dispensary or the sa loon or prohibition to be put as politicians may request. (4) Prohibition of the import ation of liquor by any means into tbs prunibition territory. (6) After July the 1.1906, an applicant for lice use for the manu facture or sale of intoxicating liquors shall preseut with his ap plication a petition in his behalf signed by a majority of the quali-j fled voters of his muncipaiity._ Baleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer, Sawdust for Alilckeas. ^ Aar exchange says, one day a travelling man (you know what that means) expressed surprise to •n Irishman, who was feeding meat to his chickens. He told Pat it was a great waste, and sug gested that he mix sawdust with it and save half of his meal. Pat was pleased with the idea, and tried it. Later, the traveling man was around again, and asked Pst how the plan succeeded. It works beautifully, exclaimed Pat. See that yellow hen? Well I gave her half and half and then gave her all sawdust, and she hatched three chickens with wooden legs and the fourth one be jama, was a darned old woodpeoker. Can’t you give more suggestions? Beat Flour at H. H. Smith’s. -. i Xotte*. The tax moat be paid. I have gone to all my appointment* to hunt yon. If I pay a deputy to go to yon, yon moat pay him pay him. I a hall not do it. The on ly way to aave oaah ia to call at my office at once. T. 8. Wright, Sheriff. Deo. 80, lOOt, Keifer Peer* at H. H. Smith'* MoUee. I hereby forbid all peraone to hunt or tnepaae ia any other manner upon my lande in Book* iogham townehip, adjoining the lande of lamee Haywood and otb* Mr*. M. J. Waloh. Phaeton or Bony, ‘toT "• ohtep, and fo to A. W. Porter A Oo. for it. They eell the Bebeook, Bar bom. Amer* lean, and any hind yon want. Our etoek la Urge end wall aasorted, and we ean anpply the eoonty at prime lower then they oeo b boiight thiaaideof Obioego* Try m and prove it. Per Sale at a leryMa. Wr offer for aaU at a bargain •« right room home eli* Jtoalad ia the town of Robineon, OaadU and WillUme, Offiee ia Bank Beildiag. \ t , COUNTY NEWS. Pee Dee No. a. A happy new year to you, Mr. Editor, the Headlight and all its raadera. Fred Thomas, of Huntersville, spent the Holidays with his rnsny friends at this place. C. L. Brady and H. L. Sewell vtailed their homes in Moore county during Christmas. John Capel and Mias Lucy Baldwin, of Malee, visited rela tives and friends here lsst week. Louise aud Willie Mauess are spending sometime at their old home iu Moore county. C. W. King and Ulys Jones left Sunday night for Wiugate high school. Alfred Baldwin, of Pea Ridge, viaitod here during the holiday*. Mis# Sal lie Lilee, of P*e Dee station, ia spending some time with her sister at thia place. Mimes Mary and Luoy Baldwin ■pent Saturday night and 8onday at Cordova. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gurley, of Charlotte, are visiting relatives at this place. The remain* of Andrew Thrower ■on of Mrs. Amanda Thrower, waa brought here last Saturday night from Meridian, Miaa:, and waa in* tarred near 8iiser Ron church Sunday. The relativee have our sympathy. The Christmas tree at the M. P. church last Thursday morning was a very attractive thing. The tree was very beautifully deco rat* red with many nioe present*. The exercise* were very good and the address by Mr. Warburton was just simply grand. Quite of young people enjoyed an apron party given by Miasee Ida and 3ue Allen last Saturday night. Mr. L. A. Hamilton got the premium for the host work. We hope for another in the near fnture. V. 8. C. Cognac. Christmas passed off very quiet ly here, but everybody seemed to eujoy themselves. Herbert 0. Riggan, of 8outhem Pines came home Thursday after uoou to spend the holidays with his parents here, returnitg Mon day morning. Misses Conuye and Lula Rig gan spent Thursday in Hamlet shopping. Mrs. Peuetope McDuffie mud J. H.'McDuffie spent Tuesday in Rockingham. Charlie Terry, of Chesterfield, 8. 0., spent the holidays hers with his mother, Mrs. Franoee Terry. There was a “sociable” given at Mrs. Frances Tarry’s Xmas night in honor of Chas. Terry, of Ches terfield. Mm. P. McDuffie, Mr. and Mm. J. H. McDuffie spent Christmas day with T. 0. Riggan’s family. Rev. P. R. Law filled his ap pointment at Marks’ Omsk Sun day afternoon, but owing to the inclemency of the weather, his eongfegation was not so gooo as Them was quits a few from Hamlet at Marks’Omsk Sunday, among than Misses Lottie Ms Dooald, Am Gera, Mauds and Mansis Vsndsrgrispt, Mauds Smith, May Henderson and Mias Rietbburg, Messrs. Martin and Willis Brown, Will Dennis, Boyoe Dtyns, David Henderson and Jems Candle. Willis Wllkss m-opsusd his “Soo* Monday. Lnssal. Wtntsr tarfoste on hand and for sals by A. W. Porter A Oo. Pee Dee. Well, X-maa ia ever and we all hod a very pleasant time, and uow feel like working for awhile. Miss Elisa Chisholm, of Albe marle school, ia spending the holi days at home. The Misses McDonald, of Car thage. are visiting at Mrs. Bolton’s We are glad to learn that little Vance Covington is improving. Rev. T. P. Little filled his usual appointment here last Suudsy. Rev. Guigsinus preached an ex cellent sermon at the Chapel last Sunday uight. Mr. and Mrs. Suggs, of Ran dolph, spsut X-mas at Mr. Ty son's. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, «f Dar lington, 8. C., are visiting st Mr. Hancock's. Our first quarterly conference for the year 1008 will be held ut Pee Dee ohuroh Jauuary Rnl. The X-mas tree given at the new ohurch on X-utas morning, was a success in every way. The speech mads by Mr. Warburton was the best we have ever beard him make, and that is saying a great deal, for we have heard him make several good speeches. At the last account Mn. Phil ip# was at the point of death. Sunshine. Black Jack A happy new year to all. Mia Lanie Holt, from Durham, and bar brother Henry B. Holt, from High PoLit, are spending the holidays with their father. ''"Hampton Covington end Martin Beverly, from Adameville, 8. C., were visiting relatives around here last week. Daniel McKenxie, from New tonville, • 8. C., is spending tbs holidays in these parte. Mre. Fannie Holt, from Dur ham, is visiting relatives and friends in this section. Mrs. Henry and daughter, Mias May were visiting Mrs. fills Har rington last week. Misses Sue Covington and Brent Meacbam are home from school at Albemarle spending their vaca tion. They will return next week. Van Covington has moved to the Leak plaoe to conduct a farm, W. B. Covington haa move*} from Beaver Dam to M. J. Throw ers. » Mrs. Alice Hasty spent Christ mas with her sister Mrs. Nannie Haywood. Martin Haywood and wife spent Sunday at Pee Dee. Beecher Seego, from Anson, is vieiting at Mr. Msaoham'e. Sandy Wsbb, from Robinson oounty, is spending a few daye with his father, A. B. Webb. Misses Li sue and Alina Dockery ■pent Monday night at Hampton Covington’s. Mieses Rachel and Flora Terry were visiting iu this section t*et week. Mies Pearl Deaton, from Lum berton, spent laet week with her grandfather, Mr. McKethan. Johu Driggers, frum Cordova, was sporting the fair sex in thews parte laet week. C. Scotland Notes. Writs it 1008. Hurrah for the Headlight, "it times every year.” Now is the time to eubeoribe to the Headlight. 8end along that "measily old dollar” aud be hap. py The country now has a “move on it,” for e feet. We hope every move in the right direction. Iu your list of new resolutions don’t forget the Heedlight—send your dollar, and yon will have made one resolution that you will keep a whole yiar. While out bird hunting Christ mas Duy, Norris • Wright, of Spring Hill, aocidently shot his brother Luther. They were some distance apart and the shot email —the wounds are reported not serious. The past week has been a gay one in tho social world. The yonng folks home from school, and everybody did his best, sud mil succeeded. Mr. D. T. Currie, a suooeeefal planter end ooe of Laurel Hill's most substantial eitiseas, 'was happily married Christmas eve to Miss Katherine McDuffie, of Rowland, N. C. Good luck to them. Quite a number of the farmers of Scotland are going to plant a few scree each in tobaooo. That together with the increaeed acre age in wheat, oala, etc., indicates that ootton is not in supreme com mand. Her. J. W. Wallace and family spent the holidays with his wife's father, Mr. J. W. Covington. Mr. Wallace unfortunately has been right sick, bat is reported, much better now. Rev. Y. B. Wright spent Christ mas with his father, Mr. C. 1. Wright. Among the other namerous vis itors is Mr. A. J. MoLsuchlin, of Fairfield, Fla. Everybody is glad to see Arch. To the Headlight sod all its long list of correspondent*, we wish a prosperous and happy new year. _8ootch. We want to purchase 1000 bushels of pass, best prices paid - by A. W. Porter A Co. SOLD OUT. I not quit* told out, bnt I him vary mu doing no during tha Xmaa day*. Howarar, I ban* laaaland Another Fresh Supply of Gtooariaa and Oonfaetlonariaa. Frnita an planti fnl with ma. Call on ma for yonr baa ay and tutor Groaariaa. It will pay you. I wiah to thank tba paopla for tha vary libaml pat rooaga thay harngiran ma. Joat kaop ooming—I’ll , hara tha “atofT” for you. I BUY Battar, Cbiokana and Bgga, Corn, Paaa and almoat anything tha farmaa r%iaa. pDurnto dm, With a Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. Behind the Court Boom.

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