B Headlight. i r FRIDAY JANUARY 10 1903. NO. 45. LOCAL ITEMS. —An , , t TMiuUMtlNklxA. KtaOir Northbound. Wo. 10,--7:39 a. m. •• M--J—.-9:58 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. ' Ko. 1> , , --9:00a-m. “ *1. - -9:18 p, aa. Mim Ftokatoa, ol Wadcaboro, rlalicd Ma.lwj Hal actk. MHa Fulfard. aWar ct Will Palfoed. la war aUbMiaa Blake,. Tbn SoaUtam Rxpeaaa odea haa barn 3>eni bank to Um depot. 0* and Ha. FM Diektnaoo • apaot At reaek wltb frtaada bora. ••A Bnmta, a alntar o< O. A. Hum; la a riaHar to bar toathnr'a • wniBlabilaoa. of Ckeatcr, rialled A paraaw a farr Aajt ago. ' HA Matrtnt. at Wllmlagtrm, baa baoa AHA Km Oamaton. Mm. Dt. Haora aad daughter Him Hattfa. bara rataraad to PiUabara. . Mm W. T. Ooalagtoa la rhltof bar Ator, Mm Imlmaoa. at tlbamarla. Bar. W.B Oappidgi baa aa appoint " baaat at Paa Daa abapal Saaday 3 pm. Ha Murat to Aia tbat Mr. Olaade AM baa btn qnltoatekforaooM H, T. Lang ha* a poaHkm to tha At whh CAT Clark Max trail, aa Ubg bargeman. Mi. tad’ Mn U A. Tba Moaro* Joarnal aay* no arietta -irtbaeeamd* an tba atraata atnc* rha diagaaaaag ra ataaad. Jaap a* M. gaiilb. at Brnnawlelt. Oa-, wba baa baaa vfeittag hia btather, S. B. * toHb, baa bwart baa^. So* new ad* at Blaahor Bro*., Dr. Hirtw aadH. H. built and aotleaa d tarn ad HaaaJat and Bank at Ham na Sanaa at Spwaaalltthaa baa 8«la*h*,Sdaor kaapam aad U peg a, The Baaatt probably baa aa many ana Th# Headlight laaraa with regret the* Hr.lx A- Ball, wi.h bla exertlaat dually, will leave far Charlotte la a datvdapa. teen oat aaat weak for Weat Brea, •auaaaeahad. Whiter good* ere going ndf ointed hia men. Am a soldier, he waa calm, quiet and always oool, but aa brave as a lion, and un many occasions, he and hia gallant boys woufor thom aalvea distinguished renown, for their gallantry on the field of bat tle, aud in raiding expeditions. Aftaa the war, Capt. Mclver re turned to hia home and opened hia law office, and from that time, to his elevation to the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, he novur laokud for cliouts. Many an old soldier of his com mand. found him a friend indeed, when hia friendship was uoeded. Aa Chief Justice nj predecessor eclipsed him in the essential qual ifications for this high office, and U li worthy of note, that he was the only eitisen of South Car olina, who held hi* position and 'influence, amid the din ol politi cal strife. A groat man has fall en—Chief Justice Mclver, the “noblostof all the Homans;'1 the boat of citiseos; the bravest of soldiers; the ablest of juriota is dead. All the people of the Slate rng.iriii«>(4 of party aud race, are reads to exclaim, oh, that he oonld have lived forever! But while ha was grant in tlie avwa of the world, in bis inter c-iurse with hia fellow-man. be waa greatest in the horns oirols. Aa a husband he was devoted to hia wife; as a father ho woe truly affectionate to his children, and with a firm, bnt loving hand, be raled hia boms wall. We hope to read a tribute to liia memory from a mots compe tent scribe, and nu doubt will en joy this molauchcdy pleasure, bat urn on* who knew him well, and honors bis memory, we offer tide w'osk tribute. The Chief Jnetioe has long lieen a memlier of the ltpieoupal church, sad we trust In- has laid aside the toga of the j Chief Justice, to wear the rolie of1 a heavenly saint. — Frtsli snowflake crackers at K. II. Smith’s. Michigan’* l*Mlln| Xewapaiiar at a Orui Bargss.it. By a special arrangement with j tha pnhIUbare of Tha U'aice-*! Weak Detroit Free Hess wa are: able toofToruur readers a great' l *rgiii.. The Taica-a-Weak Fiw*i I'r*M la Michigan's leading nswi-: paper. It is published on Tnoa* day and Friday mornings, and give* you tha lalaat new* ■>( the world twic* eaak weak. It atari ton tain* asvtrral article* of inter* *at to arary snsibar of the family. It U an Ideal family newspaper. Wa will seod you tha Richmond Headlight and The TwWa-Wsak Detroit Fr«o ;Prms, both paper* ana year, few only 91.10. Address yo«> orders to the Headlight, Rock lag ham, S. 0. Winter tarf oats on band and or aula by A. W. Porter A Co. COUNTY NEWS j Gr4at Falls. Plenty of rain arid muddy streets, especially on Sunday. Joe Burnt, of Steel*'* Mill*, peaetrd thruvgh our town last i Wnlnealiy light en route to Bal timore to hav» hi* crippled hand I operated on. :• Mr. Parker baa lw«u suffering very much sure Christmas with a ■ore leg. Mr. Oocknii*! will soon have his now bousa copjjdcted and it will , he a nice one. > D. 1). Webb) i* suffering very much from at affection nf the jaw. Earnest Webb is also ou the aicITlut. j Muses Ffna^e and Ruth Wal lace gave * sociable on Saturday night compliments rp to Mia* Lil lie Green, of jbqiova. who was visiting theoitW^ J. T. Horne*., Moore county, j it visiting at Mr.'Cocknuu's. Mis Mary Dpwd was uu the Hick list last week. Hurrah for the Anti-Ssloon1 League aud Senator London's hill! It is times for the people to rise and check! this great evil. Work will hcgip at once on the lower floor of ths mill for the) placing of 80 more latest improv ed Draper looms. Snpt. Gore' will also have sejbral more cot-! tages erected for* the operative*! that will be requiicd for tho new! machinery that islsoou to arrive. Speaking of pretty girls, Orest Falls Stand* second to uuu* of our mill* fur prety girls John Uinet aud daughter Mary, and Warren were at D. F. O' Brieu'a Sunday. ' Let u* boar the Mews from all points, again. WUat ii Much success to'{the Headlight for lSk'Bi. Textile. Roberdel. It seem* that Rocky Fork ha* some fat pig*. That’s right, ting out. From what vrt can hear there will he a wedding supper given Sunday night up on the Kill. We would all like to have a piece of cake. Bob Fosterling *cd Mies Daley Bollard gave the old folk* the slip Sunday. K. Sandford tied ths knot. Wood is so high a boy should not call on a yout g lady unlev* he intend* to marry her. If you *11 want to know what the Robsrdel bund can do, oomo out to the academy Saturday night. ' We will hare a public installation of Woodmen officers. Everybody come out Young boy* bring two or three of your best girls and see what w* will do. We don't charge you anything to come. Don't run if we should pass th* bat around to help it* on ilia instrument*. 8. T. Cognac. Itain again last Sunday. Wa think all of January’s Sunday* will ha haddars. Mr. Man Terry, of Chesterfield, S. 0., was routing hi* mother here last wask. Mr. and Mr*. 8. Tarry have moved from hereto Chesterfield, 8. C. We hops thay will like ihoir now home, Kx-Agont Haueoek, of Hnmtnt,' waa on our “atroots” Thursday. W. Dunn, of flohorde), was vis iting at C. 0. Yates' Waditveday. j Mr*. 8. Carris and children, of: Scotland, wars visiting at 8. Ter ry's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. M. MoLaochlln and mother, of BooUand, wars visitors at Mr. J. A. McDonald's last weak. Wa ora sorry to hour Mr. McDonald is no bettor. There wan a denes at D. O. Cs msraii * Friday night. Lueaai. 1 Malaga gropes at H.H. Smith's. « Black Jack ] We pigret to learn (lint Henry | lult is right ii'.-i with fever. Johnnie Moore and Willie Smith , if Great Falla, were visiting in ', •hi* section Saturday night tuid , Sunday. 'i. B. Covington, of Pee Dee No. ] 1, was visiting hi* fathor Sunday. ( W. D. Wilton spent Saturday i light at Mr. Harrington's. i Snnday wa» a rainy, rntny, I lay. It was so rainy that the jeoplo did not stir out much. R. A. M., 1 believe you about .he road*. Say. Mr. Gobbler, all the fat 1 log* are not dead yet. John C ' Jovingtou ha* two that will weigh ibout 800 apieoe. Chiekou ilatrlc. Thursday morning I wnt it Half mile from homo in the woods iplitting rail*. Anyone rarely ;rer | »wsed that way. Messrs. B. B- Holt and H. C. Webb cnuiu i.i shout a hundred yard* to got u lived of wood, and had been thorn tbout five minute*, wheu my nxr {lanced and out my right foul, beginning with largo toe nnd split ting it open half way to my leg. [ called for Uulp and Messrs. Holt Mid Webb came to my nasistanoo. Mr. Holt carried me home, while Mr. Wobb went for * doctor. He procured l>r. Hunter, who dressed the wound. The wound him! i pretty bndly, but ia doing tolorw- j bly well uow, thanks to kind friends and good Or. lluuter. John C. Covington. Pee Dee. Misses Addis Rainwater, Hattie Smith and Mattie Thrower, of Rohenlsl. were visiting here last night and Sunday. family in Wilmiugtoo list week. Little Vance Covington, the lit! la fourteen-months-old sou of Mrs. Lizxie Covington, died Inst Sunday evening uoro. What the uutcoaio will be this scribo knuwcth not. A case of small-pox is ssid to be near the town of Wadmboro. i Dr. Joe Bennett, county physician has charge of the caso. Confi dence in our Dr.’e ability to auc cesafully oope with tbo diacaee, it felt by our prop!*. The ease it. said to tie near the depot. \ Roooevslt, the accidental cap tain of (his glorious country, is atitogaiu. Wo do not bare the tyui|*iiliy for (tooth Carolina that we would havo bad, if the had not had this pn>terse of a presi dent in their minds but a short titno ago. They did nut present him with a lining cup, hut there waa a rush lu gimfcii hit slimy hand, by moi», women and chil dren. Tho “smart set,” so called In dies of Philadelphia, are oppoeod to having honors paid to Wintiiu Davit, tile daughter of the Con federacy. I myself, bolieva a yankuo ohuroh la no place for a virtuous lady, living or dead. The deoondanta of the Mayflower pro duce a sfaoch in my noetrlle. ' That New Orleans editor talks to Teddy right. Be calls a spade a spade. Be bills luia jaet what be may aspect if he persist# in fllling our poatoflOc.a with ne gvos*. last Teddy test with them, sleep with them, eje! let him >/• I i< daughter in marriage, if iv waala to, Unit i* his liunnusa, >ut hands off down here, or be i ill find his pension roll much ■rgvr than it is now. Koosovslt, lyena-like, feasts ou slendering, urdead, slid not satisfied with; lust, lie wants to fill our post* ; itficvs with negroes anil compel uir women and children to tniat ■ct hnainuM with them. Fill ’Inladvl phi* |x.sU>llice with u ©on—well, they wouldn't lynch ■ ins. I>ut they'd go on n strike, iud that means playing the devil [Ciiemlly. If 1 live, I ex, • t to go to the Hterau'i ru-umon in New Orleans. will o(Ter a resolution asking itocsevwflt to correct tho statement nade in his book in relation 10 lie charge of the Hou. Juifersuu Davis as being a repud is tor slid ilber false charges. K. F. F. Pee Dec, N. G. Wo have lud the pleasure of ipeitding several duys in your .Itrilty loan, Rockingham, lately, li t al ways go to Hotel Richmond lumil tiinuer limo. This hotel is ! ran by Mr. nuu)d gather the news from alt ovar the country. 1). B. Charlotte. The Chadwick ia one of the inoet up-to-date mill* in the south. It manufactures tine sheeting. jOn the Blit of Deoeml*.?, Mr. W. it. Caudle, of Charlotte, and Mia* Cora Kawlk, of Orsoneboro, were married at tho homo of Mr. John Kilington, in Charlotte. U'n extend to them our beat nisboe. The Chadwiok Cornet Band is getting along finely. They have been playing for the public some. J. \V. Bound* i* president, C. C. Ingle secretary a.:d II. C. Lomax treasurer. Some of the Chadwick boya liave organised a joint stock com pany sod are doing a nice bnsi ness iu general merchai.dise. U- L. Scarboro is president, J. W. Bounds vicu-priaident, F. A. Bridges, secretary, T. W. Ingle treasurer. Sec what cotton mill boy# can do if they will stick to gether. I am always glad to g«t the Headlight and enjoy reading it. Bo 1 will close by saying good Inok to the Headlight. Moonshine. Beat Floor at H. H. Smith’s. •—.r " Bny • Buggy. Phaeton or Burry, while they ora cheap, and go to A. W. Porter * Co. for it. They sail the Baboook, Bar boro, Amer ican, and any kind you went. Our stock ia large ami well assorted, and we can supply the oounly at price# lower then they can b '•ought this side of Chicago Try ue eml [>rore it. noccixoKAv. Dour Headlight —A* 1 have never joined the chil drens' bund, 1 thought 1 would try and write u kittle letter. My papa takes the Headlight. I en joy reading it very much, espe cially the “Children’* Column." Will some of the eousins please answer Limes questions: Whowss called 'The Pathfinder of the Sea?” How was it that Metbu saelah was the oldest man on earth sud yet he died b.fore his father? Some of lho cousins scud in the » 'ng, “’Mid the Green Field* of Virginia.” Best wishes to the Headlight and its friends. _Maybe]. v oom ac. iMur neod light— 1 ••at iny«lf to write fur the Dm time. Our tohoui wu out last Friday fur Christman, and I went down ou Rocky Fork visiting aud had a good time. We are going to ■tart to school ngnin tomorrow. I will clues j>y asking a riddle, What is all around tho bouso and and in overy corner. With best wishes to the Headlight. W. P. McKay. RocKtsanax. Dear Headlight —1 am a buy fourteen vears old. 1 go tu school every day. Miss Mary Thumas is our teacher and I like her very well. My deakmate is Ralph Covington. My studies are geography, spelling, grammar, history aud arithmetic. Ws have had some cold weather lately. I will ask a question: Who found Mooes in I ha ArkT I will close with bast wishes ta the Headlight. - _L__ * Rock man aw Dear Editor— Please print the following song: ADIEU, ADIEU, MY BOY. Adieu, adieu, my loving buy, It break* ui> heart to pari with you, Bnl vbc lime lias ouiikj for mo to go. And Oh, your mind, do let me know; I'll go swsy end leave you hare, Although to me you are dear. But recollect it'sonly love That yuur happiness cannot prove. You loved me oner, or you told me so, And now my dependence I do know; You loved mo once I do believe, t never thought you would deceive; I never thought you wuuld forsake A heart aud hand you agreed to taka And cause a girl to be undone Who never thought you were in fun. You ought not give yourself away. Tn lees you could lorn tlm longest day. And ciuse a girl to be undone Wto never thought you were In fun It’s uot my will lor you to love The one you think beat to choose; Bnt 1 hope a warning you will take, Fever to promise aud then forsake. Bo tare you well, my loving boy, If tke lids of lore I can't unfold, I'll live In pease, and balr in mind, A loving boy is hard to And. If another girl you have in view, I hope to her you will prove true i But you I never shall forget, Although 1 never peln or fret. —Minnie Orepe. Rockjmumam. Dear Editor— Ploane print Vho following aong: JEALOUS LOVER. One ere a* the moon abown brightly, Them gently fell a dew, Up to a lonely cottage A joaloot lovur drew. Ha aald to fair young Kile, Down by a sparkling bay. Yea, there we'll wait and wander. And appoint oar weddiog day. Ob, Edward,! am weary, And do not care to roam. Pot reaming aaama aa dreary, 1'leeaa, Edward, carry me Iwrme. And aa ah* kaealt before him And e*k*d him te spare bar Ufa, into bar fair young boaom, Ha pttehed a dagaid kalfa. Oh, Edward, m forgtr* you, Thee* are my aary leal wordai i Oh. Edward, I am dying. • I a lean mine eye* la death. Down yonder In Iboraltey, Where the tower* era la hladm, ’ Thera gently ateepa a maiden, to ail*a I la the lamb. She died not broken hearted, Nor of aiekne**’ pain; Her brow bent all at one*, She parted from friend* ah* lorod aa wall. —Dora PArkar.