n fi»u »mg Slate Pejer leaf b Ml •wet ef focrel At tartly STATE «nCas'«AK KNITS Ha m Ml Tts MOTHS* W HN tterellehc?. Hot. CkM A timet gorcrwor W Hank Cbnfte me traanniued « the Mot sad not at ths Ommi as ttot totjHfttlM and ft ’■*! ied baa •ttoprrttj to th« JlltoW hare . _ aad rooetred i Oft* tor them, laditatrlcr M Mafletmn my. Lfltwr tea bid .... at fbtr wage* aad •ratabtr merer Hjorrl earial wcceaa. The bow ewer, haa ton ; hr a want of iwtoctoa: to meet the agOTOgrfttleae t tor br the last General As aaaMr. It win ha own at year 0r»t Mil to Mm mu by which tha •Maatoww at tha stata win coma vttMa tha rnmi. I aa *C too opia hjMh^Ua hmnt Law bow lu <*Mah wM ho ad« ant Jwao will - r “ , a of their pas ha* shows that »h*y ara par aadar _i aa that tfea'hardca'ibau'tail •awally spaa an aad ia proaorttoa lo too ahtMty to pay Is oaa of satraao dUtowNy; It tad sad It It not altn •rthac MpSaMUa. There has heca ■to** oassplhtat at thr bianaallly of sassssasoata la oar Hist*, rsnasrs 0M stsishsau eosapiaia that tha cor parailsas do aat pay than proper part tor too sopoort af th* —. whlla laai at tha cor laalat that they ar* taxed *f tha U1M hnrtad apoo patty. Th* low* bow la tha "ha prana* fur ipaUty of -d. hat by easalttr of sisooi • K Is SOI aalcntood tost those _haw# aocared fnarhtoe* froaa th# ■tats aad thatobr ratoy special petn hpa shoold ha noapt rrujn pay ■aat af tax** oo the valuo of tb< ■aashtoo* aad prtvftopea which Uity •May. Mr. fastis* illiter is a «■*•> bo s» toojiaptnae Ouort at the Ualtsd •totos declared that “It fca* bora i ttwmmAmatmm. parse aot yet folly MiaPhSd. lo dad a artM oftaels,* this *pscta of property which will W: at too is a* litoo lost to toe «ntn ef It, osaal sad fair ta It* rclouoo* lu . toto^BIAtoor Prapsrljj^aJsd "which bSPadff^KSeh ajoro tha# proporiy fiasraQy reeatvc* at th* baada of g«P|aaM«|* WtA.ru TAX COMMISSION. Th* report af tha tost* Tax Cfc* • a ■ rosy lmtcraatla* docn Id wall worthy of year oertouo • of tha rscaamaadatlOB. hnraia are paw h. oar poo «T aot iscot with ready It to cartaia, howaver, waalaaloa baa pi*on dlii ta tha probtoat prrawaied waaolilarstluo aadcr u# raaalulwi. t tro/t wanted will not aaiy OB tbo part Of Use ■to. bat *rlH eoaso a _ . Of to* aahjeot of tax ' all aar paapiu. Mach imsM to to* Stale. M lava* by rafaaal to tot psraaal property ia xrhara the no _ ta rata Is ao Mph as lo boeoa* toad tax tala Is aa Mph a* lo bacon* > tola caa bo rcawdtad and a fall Nettop at propotty • hS| stop artU b* ) adfialaoot or aa i af to* harden of te» -Mat Ion of th* ho aa dtstiv BfDOXTXW. 5 w*0K paofla. Rich a>d pm alike ft premia, ad nsrcmXr **£ftn U favor at a llbornl potter toward* tho odaeaUoa of tit ■-»■• Tho platform oa which I ft* foe 0«k» naatataod this pro «MMi. ‘TMiaiMv eoBiwal Urn nr Matt of Ike amoral AmrelMy of ItPO •**■ apfreprutla* cu homdrod thou ■re* 'hw tho boaodt of the fthUo whooh of tho Btafe. aad ft4** 1reatvta ta Increase Hi *"*d ■* aa to make at least ■**!»«’tefio la each roar la Eft* ft*4** dhtrtet la tho etota. fth*r*.•* ft **re* PUtfotat dfchiritK* ao Mtnattaa «f tap patTShTC faKi £• flj*ae«o amp part of tha .ebool £“4 *» was them enjoying. AP SC* fcft «* *•» entering «»ou tha often of Oorerpor fc» tho Prooawt I harp ana- UUuugh tho Rata ■**ft> rrcboioa advocating tmlver ■* btocattoai. Wins tho BMpwtB *remahft« fe Urveue J"cn. *k*r WMcrnod OOa odoca Moaa! hoiter 1a tho tollore ft* fto««a*o: -Wo raaow our ******* for tho astoaoloa aad Improve S^t °* r?ft*lc •oh**! ayatem of the SRat^ ac ihAt It may keep pace with a bred* aad ooadltloas of oar poo *• W# point vita prtda to tha treat ip«m aad protraoa ta this great ft** fring tba last two rear*, sad reU atUatloa to tha fact tkat.UU year £*•«* *re» Ua** ta tha bMory of tba Rata, every school district baa Doan sblo to autocall a pablie free school for tour Ounth«. as reqatred by the Ooonbtnlloa.* When tba Republican convention met la tha same city it ued tb*a language—'’tntsttlgraeo bo '■* the eoreet-otoaa of tbs Bute, aad tbo cde-xtllun of tba-Msg do •eadeat solely apoa our public school*, wo fear'the support Dp pablie taxation of at Moat a four moalha school In «v orp school dlatrict la the State.” It appeal*, therefore, that both parties repraarntad la yOar Hoaorabla Body ara pledged to at least s four months* school la rrery school district la tba Bute aad tMs. of eoune, tod cries tbs negro districts. 1 aa cot unmindful of the fact that tba odacotlon of tb* •agio baa been aomowbat disappoint ing. aad there are many of oar people who really believe that education h Injurious bo the negro. The Governor argues that edc.a catlou doei tbo colored ou good, lie sustains this proposition by forte that aLew Ue edneaOoo of tbo negro to be benohclal to society la general. mu Tba (torernor speak* of tba Uairer •Itjr aa the acknowledged head of o'-’r Punll* school system and rboouicsenJs favorable coaiMerallon of Ita e»rd*. STATE MINIMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Tba recommendations concerning this laatltatloa are tor Increased racJf IDeo, aj ita growth demand*. A. AND M. DOLLED*. Tha Agricultural and ttcrhsnUAl CoUaaa la highly coauncadad ft«. Ita atefulaet*. (Inc people must ba for many yuan Uigety eagsged la ngilejl tarsi pursuit*. Hear* we should loi ter all tastltatlooa looking tu their let kiwit DEPARTMENT OR STATU. The Coverpnr pralaos the work don* by the brodair of State, and u;t ba Brads oor oatlsixaeo during the session of tha Legislature. THE TttKAftUKY DEPAStUEMT. Tka work of tha Trrtaary depart ment is fully sat forth In doccuneata accompanying tbs message. AUDITOR'S DEPARTMENT. Tha Auditing department la eorrrCd by reports submitted with airsnoge. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Thu department la folly oovtied by scrota soaring raporta. THE BOARD OP AGR1 CULTURE. Tkto board ha* dose excellent work dcrlug Ike pant two pari extending toe *rnjta of tbs usefblMi* as the need* of the State manifest tkauthci. 1 transmit herewith the retort of lb* Commissioner* of Agriculture and voaitareid tka uae to your careful eon iMetalltm. I concur la tbs recasunen latloue therein made. CHILD LABOR. Tba Owtstpot argues that tha Bute bon a right to regulata tha working of children la mills and factories, tod tbonM rxerelaa this Dgbt by wins lag illlltCB. PENSIONS AMD SOT.DntRg- BOMB. During, tha peat two years tka State naa pnM owt to tea sotaie:t sea widow* lg pensions MK.H7.M). tad In the support of and addition* to tb* Soldiers* Homs 11.000AO. It 1* admit ted that North Carattad seat more sol* dlarp to tba Cwdadainta Army than .any other Stata. Tba amonut paid to the widows at these soldiers and to th* sorrlror* at that gallant army moat appear to sti rywae pitifully tmafl. Theos old men and tba wldoam of theta who baa* passed away hare tt*»a stack honored on tbt platform sad Id tka proas and the State haa dona what atm naa fell aM* te da to maim their llres not* pteesaat aa they approach th* and. the debt which era owe to them ton aaaer ba paid. Tha tuna which we pay to than* ta hot a small part of (hat which it ay merit. Their Ptttar aeeee altles wOI appeal to yam aad T eaanat . doubt that aaeb arnalatou will be mite i am ram lad th* Mate shfe to tonr. • rWIIV IMBT. TM Cortroor irfoioon arotlSrotioo « tM food *Mvta« mod* br tM ha# rtf or MUtuRiifv Uftiion. •TATS HOtPlTAL FOR THR IK _ BANK TUa iMdndM BrtM • food abo«r ■ abotdd bo rarofaiir QBOUM1CAL 1OTIVET TM BMto a >0*001 col Borror mb Mo a «oM doal to prowati tM wof taro of tM Halo. It Ml M uHr fliBil for I* tM fraaaaollao of Ho •OAKO 0T FVBUC OflABtnjM TM vortt of tM Board of MM CMrtUoo Mo booa a labor of lava TM of tMa board harro now > groat goal, m< Mom tM of ooorylodtoMaol la tM l l1*11 dT jr nmhi | oartloa of far ro> tffSSS^Srajiylf A anuy.^lu n-? M r, Urn Ml* Board of Kralth, Which 14 herewith trxaa«attC. It eppoart that IMeh Fork of the character expected Of each board* ha* See* i-ew*rJ'.eh»d Chria* the past twu }nul. Thla l» H*S*a dieOM other Utiafa aaaltary la •paettoa ol tha Bhate'a In.utuilome; of all public water auppUca. and M «W ••cctrJ private rilapUat oil miM; ad* ▼tee and Inatractloaa to ■ualripaU* flea; health ufflcera Bad Individual elt izeaa; tha collectloa ot GUI BtiUtUea and the dlaaealaatUw ar.cns the peo ple ot varied latornetlea as to tha preservation *f health. Tht cdtKd ttaitl effect of thla work It appaient th tbs improved public eentlteeat oh Uhl vary leiaorunt auUert. BOARD OF SXAldIKKRR OF STATS INSTITUTION* Uhdar •* act ot Uta laat Geaeral Aa •chaiily I caused to be re triad to each •tuber of the Outeral Aetemblt Cur iae the Mootii of November. lfdi, t printed copr of ihe report of ah* Board of Excaileen of Slate mentations. Thla board waa created by tha hut General Assembly aud tbe report shows the r»»ult of Ua drat work. Phil Bad detailed information la retard to etch of the lottitutlona lovcaU*ased la to be found la eild report, tctetBM with tha nwwatnbddAlioDh of tbe board tile legislation. Th* OXFORD ORPHAN ARYLUM. Thla iMtltntloB manaeed under th* Joint central tf Statu and Grand LoJ«c of North CaioUaa, A. F. and A. M., U malatalnlnc Ita reputation for excellent work. It la dome a (real terrier to tbe orphan* ot the 8tata. I raaaend It and Ua want* to roar fav orable conal dr ration. THB OXFORD ORPHAN AST LG Id FOR TUB OOtiORBD. Tba reports from thla laitfteUoo (how Increasing naafulaats. tu needa trv act out in the aeconpnaylhf docu I meet* and dteerve ocanldrratlan at I rout bands. UHNERAu THOMAS F. TOON. On the ltth of ritrurf, IMA Dim •val Thomas F. Toon, Superintendent Of Public Instruction Mr the Stats, fail On sleep. His record la mm of which ■lbs State may well ha prood. He en tered th* Cos.'cdarmM artsy a young man as a private tad without cmtslde influence, by merit atom*, won promo tion after promotion until he became a Brigadier General: He finely offered bla Ilf* tor the liidepeatease of bia section. He Anally gave It In behalf of the education of the children. Ha waa engaged la canvassing the State In ad vocacy of larger educational taelltUaa when he waa attacked by pneumonia. II* ended his life aa ha had spent It In patriotic eervUw for the State. Ae sol dier, as rJtiua, as oKIcsr. he was al ways faithful and gave to th* cause which he espoused hit fall devotion. He died aa be lived without other fear than that which ww an told la Ih* be ginning of wisdom. LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSI TION. Th* recommendation la that a suits ■ ble exhibit he provided tor at this ex position. STATE DEBT. A paragraph la devoted to tbc State's Indebtedness, with reeoronten datloaa. CONCLUSION. There ate many matters not noted In the nieasagn which will claim your at tention. ITrLjpe no Oeaeral Assem bly has ever assembled la the 8talo la time of Bruce that has hail greater opportunity for real aerrtre to (he Slate. You will not forget th* dread cif oar people of debt and their oppo sition to exgesaivn taxation, nor eU .you (all to Appreciate the gveeawodM takings wMcb the State baa entered upon and th* larger future for which we all to earnestly hop*. Money wise ly sad prudently expended sow In be half of those thing! wblet tend to de velop Iks Stale will prove a beneflrtal tavesuceat. Economy should not be overlooked nor should parsimony la th* expenditure of money for our larger growth hinder oar development. Thera la but one way only to serve the people well and that Is to do the righl thlcy. trotting them an they stay evar be trailed, lllni Saperiatradcwt Killed. Mocluville. Special—Ocorga 11 Tremble, seed shorn 35 years, loot Uf lit* la a gold Minn at 3:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mr- Tnunbls cetns here tram Milwaukee, Win, sav ers) months ago .mod had th* manage meat of a cold mla* about IS alias west of Horknille. located In Yadkin county. Gear the Dart* sad Yadkin line. The accident waa canned by some keHtlcf machinery overturning, pin ning Mr. Trimble underneath, death resultiG* Instantly. Another Earthquake. Ia redo. Tfjt., SperUL -A ehllyparm go. Mrxteo, (pedal ore "Inforatatioa ho boa rewired her* that a aten o’tbqoak* ekork era* felt at Tapacho la. At La ITnloa. not tar from that pile* anbtnrrainan solo* bar* baaa frequoliy heard. The (hock at Tapa. cb'ila aaa of abort daratloa uJ did no eondoeriibtc damage to property, bat (bo propU weth paOKvetrleko and taaar of them nl«r te rrtara to their boran." Had lo Bo Dwppertod. Aagaot*. Da.. ■paeW^-fctomou Ditto, tototed, waa banged hero Fn d»r lor the murder Of a roaag white nil aaiptd William Hprlag*. l>aaa war an itmot and Irlghlawad apo* the lentlotd that h* had te hd bald aa unto (bo trap wo eprwag. Hla aecfc era* brekM. hprladf *o a bartaadar aai the aogio abot Mae baeaaee ha ra. faaad te oil blaa a drtsh, eboO a year aato ______ OUR LEGISLATURE —c4 fialtb Elected S»eakr,of the Kenti Ii ReRreiMUivet SENATE COJHRtlTTEfS APPOINTED. the gfcadloa Open* With Every Prospect •> B»«c1UiWfn«v* Th* L:«aor BUI Meeting at Ik Hews*. The Hnoee met at J o'clock Wed bteoay unit eg* cried to order by Chief Click tlromcd noon. of.*he <«■ Mob of 1*41. who ukd He r. Dr. W. C. Tyree. partor ot Ike Plrat Bapttet church. fUlelih. to oCrr prayer. Aftor a moat earnest and apiroprtata petit loo tor God's bleealng* tore*! upon the as sembled tepieeeatatl'ee of the State and the guidance to direct their dell- | beratloii* the clerk anondeed rx-LJiu tAMOl fla-e •*»» ev 0 A TVem^lltqHJ, 0| j Allegheny, u leapomry prerldlca ot ftrer. Acting Rendu* Clerk WUson wa» directed fa a*l| the- roll dt tne:n bare, and lit ol Uu IS* ansmtrtd to their nimet. In group* of Un Ihry were then colled le tie Speaker's ilcek. presented their aertld-H** of election and took the oath of o3t«, aanj'nUtw ed by Chief Justice Uniter Clark, each member prceeotlBg hie certificate. Roprtxentmtlvie Oool cl Cmratnnd; White, of Halifax; CatT. cf Greens; Smith. ef Or.trdi Moore, ol Cumber land .tad McCall, ot Uariiinoii. aid not bare their certificate*. but as there tvai «o( mnteat they wifo allowed to tab* the o*oi ai i:w, an the r tempers caving property qualified. Fpenker Pro Tern Doughton announetd that tfco order wee th* election of ~ Ver. Cca. Crl hata. of Grant ill io nomina tion Samuel m: of Orarr*. a> ta every way null peoprrly n-r form the -lattes office. reenpUu latlng hi* honor a public ernraal and hie familiarity' with all the ma chinery of leglalatloa. mad# noeelble by a loag tana of eorrlccs in the Kouae { and ae chairman Mitchell. Hicks, of Buplla. Rules: Drown, Tcradon. Qlcnn Appropriations: Baldwin. B-.etwo. u earner prawn, Durham, uui:am Hoey, ftutlte, WTttl*. Coitg-eaefonjl AppcTttotifiriiif' Qod win. Travis. TTcbb. Hoty, M<-J.aughUo Spence, Lamb, Hicks, of Granville Warren, ftlchanUoo. 1-amb, Hicks, o' QranvflU: Warm. Rtchcrdeun. Judicial Districts: Blow, Mann Webb, Woodard, Jostles. ITIcka, os Qranrtlle: McLaughlin. Burton, Mu lls. Joint Committees—library: Tkijwr Reinhardt, Gilliam, Godwin. Gprulll. Walker. Pharr. Jestlcc of the react: Kicks, of Dop tl«; Aaron, Bellamy. Barton. Cathay Tablic Buildings and Dcunndi: L*mh. Thayer. Walker. Pollock, Manu Trustees of tho Cnlveralty; Prltch ard. Gilliam. London. Henderson. War rwn. Barton. Webb. Hoty, Holton. Kcrolled Bills: Webb. Aaion. Blow. Durham. McMullen. Pbiuv. Pollock. Printing: Rtrhardsc-n, Beasley. Hoey. Tbe State Uquor Bl.l. A bill tn be entitled "An Act to Regu late the Manufacture sad Sale o! Llquoia iu North Caroline ' was la * rod t red by Mr. Watts, ul Iredell, ai follows: That It altall bo nnlawful for any Person or beraoas. firm or comoratlou (o manufarturs, sell or otherwise dks pose of for gain, any spirituous, vinous nr mall Uquora or Intoxicating biUrrt within tbe Stats of North Carolina raceirt la Incorporated cillcs and towns wherein the sale of or inunufsMine o liquor Is not or aiay not hereafter be prohibited by law. Provldod, this act iball not be construed to forbid flu sale of inch spirituous vinous or mall llqunra by druggists for alrkneaa upon *.hc written prescription of a regular yrnctlclug physician haring such old vrscri uudsr his charge. Provided, lortner. that thla act aball nut be ic cocalmed aa tn apply to wins or cidct manufactured from graver, bsrrtsa or frails talaed oa tbs lands of tbs person to maanfoetsrlng. or purchased by tbe manufacturer from tha growers there of. Faction f. That It ahull ha unlawful lor any person, persons Arm nr corpo rollon to manufacture or tell or other wise dispose of for gain any spirt teous vinous or malt llqucra or intoxtcatiiu hitters except as herein beforeprortded In any Incorporated city or town with in t first obtaining, aa provided by law, a license therefor both from tba hoard if comrnlaslorfers of the conoty In which eaf.t city or town it situated and from the board of aldenoea or etty souacllmsa, or the governing eolborl Hea by whatever name tailed of aald city or town. SCCTIOQ S. 1IU SOT poioo TtamilDI thn provisions of thin net with refer ence to thn sals. or dlepoottloa for gain. jt spirituous, vtcoos or malt llqoora or Imcxlcallng bitten, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor sad upon coqrictloe shall be Imprisoned not exceeding six mint ha or fined not aaeeodng IMO. or betb, la the disc ret loo of 111* court. gec ticn 4 That any person vtolatinr lha provisions of this act with refer rocs to the manafartnro of spirituous vlnoox or malt liquor* or Intoxlcallnt bitters, shall bo guilty of a felony aad ■hall upon conviction be Imprisoned not lean than fear months or more iban two roars or fined sot lias than *200 nor more than *1.000. or both, lu the discretion of the court. Section That any physician whQ shall make any prescription exoopt In ease of stekaras for tho parpaoa of aid ing of abetting aay parson or parnoua who are sol bona fids under bin charge to parebxae any Intoxicating liquors contrary to the provisions at this act and aay druagmt who shall .dusMoate ths prescription of a physician for la toxteatlng il snore /or but psvnsn or persons, not boa* fids infer hie charge, without ths written direction of the physician On aama, shell be guilty of a rletioi Shan M far each aad every oCeaas or both la (he dtersttoa of the eowr*. And all UeHorof the district aad of the maysr rpoHea ifissrs of tho dty er taws which arid dmggtw s Mala la located aad aay see* Crutglst ihiiin* te keep tha record alarmsTi ar fda lag to permit aanmlnatloa af aneh raw ord by ths maw named, rtall bt •ectioi 4 Tha* all laws aad d«dne ad law* la omdWt with the a« da atepfepwwf fietaeday** i_ __ rads la pl*a* ikem'iMl tfcdk lmm» 4laic aaeaaga. hwt a dIJpasjdon rtu tarty manifested ta refer alt maitera to proper eommtUo**. and la view of lie fhrt iLot the eonsmlWean had art rat been appointed, tho House ad loaraod tin »-add in Ols Bennie Batardnv the onlr * iriT- of nsnerel hepwUmoa was a dtecnarisa over rodnetag the pay of reprints fiemstar Hney and others it , > THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL UtSON COMMENT* TOR JANUARY I*. I«NIIH P«»l St TMlWlWltt Ml A«U IfH, I.J1—u Uliiss Tot re... UR IN.«nHtfr«w »-l OSMIHMI •a ikt Dq'i Jaiftl. t hwto ta TbMatloMMa l#i MJL V ' Ttor." Luka (tomha • «" *» "(be 7” a bleb efc»* ttol bt naat bto« bin Ml t.btod *A ,«•* Jarre aiaat tort «ub»t« «bei»«elv»e In larf»aitumban (a taia tiiti Itoir #>«*• fiT^fS3rt- ‘SdSCUiTa JiSJ2iT T. •ftufogut bed bwlt in Philips, A«p phlrom. nr Aj^UoMi the Jm who dwelt in IW iitiem poassnemd oebr a place «f prayer (Aota Ml: II), end (hey tciooffd, a* it were, to tin* ^rMf'lw *■ TWsalouive. „ ?. MA* hie manner vat. To elvers hogia with the Jew*. end not t» t«n* U the ftcmtile* omul the Jewi Wjfoetd the got pel. that their mouth# might be stopped froju elamorinc against him tweaueo ho preached to lb# (irntilca. - Throe Sahhetb day*." Th*« dot* not imply that Pen] kepi the Jt%aS Sabbath eS a sacred day. bat the Jews would *samnbk en that day in greater number. Thm does Ml in* Jiuat* Iba tort* of raal’a ,U/ to lie *1(7, "Nratoaa*.” .ifjra n w to mtoiad o# work, h »aeor*i»a» »R¥ «C Old nlj mn>l 9a H>taro. Ptol Tilt them ©oner ru*ng the lifeeian. Deef.that frciard'.nfl tn the proo boost tl was nrseej mrf that tho M >tah should suffer and rise sgeinj en*. that this One. nemo* ly. Jeaue, is Ibc Auointrd Ow _ 5, 'Opening and Alleging. FlwrlOf by elutions. Hi# method firms Ip have ikt S&Vi&sr Praia 1 bra to Joaaa ,0-hpel, •Low...* ttol to Hun >11 tnaja IwfeMw. «» falflDad, tud ttot II# . hut of this VO sTt mot certain. Tbs mob intended to some Paul and iCilaa and bring them not, to abandon them to the passions of tbe ex* sited people. 6 **Drogged Jason.** The Jewe were ber.t on carry 1*8 their mat. and not tad W Paul and 6ila*. they as bed their boot, wwb Terns other Christians, and dragged thns before the uasgiatratra of the eity. -World upside damn.'* After haying marie tho sedition and dbnsrbansa the Jews charged it all on the peaoanbfta and UrvufBt apostles. They would bay# it thought that tbe preachers of the gospel were tniscMrf luurs, that they sowed discord, detracted nmneroe ana is vert ed *!1 o~Uer and regularity. 7. -Hath received." Tho inainaatinm Is tbit by harboring those seditious man Jarou ha* mode hismolf a partaker ia their sedition. **l)o contrary,- etc. There was aa vet an low ogsiiut Christianity, but tho acoiMlion wit meant to derlsro the Chris tiar.e ettemlas to the ustablished govern* relent, and opposed to Caesar‘a powoT. in , rrryril, to mr.ks decrees. "Ttiers Is an nthn* king.** Mr* /ottewwsv said, indeed, i Jen* me a kvug. but not am eamluy kiag, | not a rival of Oamosr; nor did Hu ordi nances iatrrfcre with the decrote of Osesibr, for He mu.de it a law of Hie ktmg dof to “roodsT onto Caesar tho things that are Cse#tar*s." P. ‘Tronbled the people. They had no HI vpiaion oi the apcoilto or thsir doe trine and MKild sot ate that there was any dangrr tn ihs state from them, and ware, therefore, willing tn overlook them, hot wVim they were rep revealed aa tstaWo of Caesar, the mien were rbliged to oap press them. Vat they tUmwivcf should be (Urrd with treaes. 0. •‘SeroHty.'* Wbrthrr by dcposUizm a sem ot money ia not quite clear. What they did eras in accordance with the Ho* Miu ojeyes. and gave oofEoent security far tba good ecndoct of Paul and Silas. They were doubtkaa required to pledge themselves that they would uot Attempt to rorry oat any pines of treason, and /hat tWy could do, for tbe charge was false, and they wore not inclined to make ,M fn.-e IIL Fmmdrng the cinch iu Bern (re. 10-11). 10. "Emt away.' They did not pa me lomVmnrd rlirturbera, but bereaaa it eramtit clear thet tax further effort; were uaeiaea et that time. "Unto Berta." avs&**ruusi jMpeUtioa end importance. II. ‘Them wan nan coble.'' Urn nraipnrirna ie between the Jew* el the laoolaeaa lor Iba triumph of the leqpel at Theaaalnolea wee moetly among the Otc.lilci. They wan not an Mooted end prejudiced—not to peceiab and iu-natured. They hed a freer thought, lay more open to eenviettim. "Krarrheil the beriptaraa da Hr" Since F.ai reaaooed out of the Ecnptttw. and referred to the Odd Tee la ment, they had rwreuno to their Bib'.ee, turned to the plaoaa to which he nfernd, reed the rwatext, oonaidcred tha eeope and drift.' tempered other rdaoea, examined whether IW’e ex planet mar wan line Ine, aud hie artenwate forcible, and lint drtennirad eeenrdiaety. IS. ‘ Many of then bettered.' The net ■eral remit af hanaet atudy of lhe 8ari(r irjn "Heoonble womea." The roapel *11 proemtwed to all, aid each ludfeid Til wo fait la decide for hlaeelf. Three Oiechi were haathni. or proaatytea to the dewirb relation. The leeuel made a* d-iibc one of electricity aa nu nuaevThrtlc arc About to be made oa huinnu ankj^'tl by It French doctor ai Xante*. TV Iwct year, acoot^ln* «o report* Croat the flcneau yard*, wo* one of great activity lu Ilia abfrttoHIdlag lu dUKtry of Ucvtaany. Iu Qalliln the wage of tbe /sru* la liorcr ha* been no induced that •* •tarring to death on a pittance of /k'*u three lu aixleeu cent* a day. 'Tut my guu la my colon " vrn* tho request made lu Ida will by Frnucti Hastily, a Hungarian big-game Luult-r. who hv.a died, ngci^uiuviy-eight. Rhine* Clark, of Black River, Win, tfvr i'tri-utor of the paper collar, t* now. at tl>e age of ninety-three. ut work os whnt ho call* a spring automobile. A propoerl will be made to the French Parliament to tnrunfer tbe re malar of Hrhau. Kalsac, Mi.whelet aaj Hdgir tf-ilntot to tbe Pnutbeog. Paris. Th« Bultau at Turkey lnstarg 1b*t every rater or both leal peraoeays ah on kl die a natural death. Other nutrv mwir of death ar* not "rceognlaed" c» daily fty Niet-ltaa KKesdt. tba ccovoi During recent experiment* In Berlin, by the nld of tlic trreemlou of Dr. Pu pln. an Amoricnn. for leaaenlng the re* alatance la loagdletnncc (elrgrapb and telephone wire*, wreaagea rent by tale phone were nodlbl* to penona aland teg thirty fret or more away from the receiver. A statement roc fitly Issued by tbe Croatia often at WaablSatoo. abowlng tba percentage of peraoaa lit B>* differ ant atato* be in von tbe *g*a of ten and ^ fourteen year*, la 1W0, who war* able u> road and write, place* Ntbnits at the bond of Lb* list, with a porcoat ag* of M«C SEABOARD' 'AxrLiksRaii.wav’ Iriwca Ilf tilt, Imp*. Hu**. H<> Orttu: ui Nt»L«Wd *■*»«• is mxcr KovtitiKk m a. • ioUTUWAXJD. „ Dally Ba.^*,. No. *1 No. II Lt. XavTork. r. B.n. II AS pa U»rt I.T. rhtttAatpMa, “ “ I ft pa TfOaa Lt. BaJttaara. " - »it pm tfl an Lr. TkiaAlaaun. ff.I.By. 7 M pm IV 41 *» La. IMaud, HA. I.. 1017 pm I It pa La. fHHUtn. " " 1170 pro IHn l.r. M>H(— •• 1 iTVa 6 H L'. ILaaJaraum - ii ti ii a <1 ia Lr. RaM«fc, “ 1 !»*'« OUpa Lt. Hart harm Plaaa. *_C la pa 0 10_ia Lt. ttaaila. - 7 iTa-a 8 41 pa Lt. Oolua' la, ; “ 1011am imam Ar. Sataoeab, * 1 II |-I1 • Ii a n Ar. Jaafcrr*.«t>.a, " 7 CO hh 1 ’ r.u •• ...... 'iT \ ftm Ar. Tampa, 3 TO am ko'.-.i kail •>» ~C I.T VrTlork.S.t.r.A 7 II am lilpl I... PkEdldpAn. " II Him 1: II pa T.r.Sra ra.a.l).ll.Kalhl laii-io .. ... . ).v «y.lmera.D. a.r.Oo.. ‘m.u T a'loa.'nAw.aru. ... .. t u -m Li. if.ih! rnaatL, a. A. i. j 01 pa I -h.ro Lt. IT.Mon. ** 11 11 pm II i-aro ..V. XurHaH •• 1U am 1pra Lt llaaAacraa. * I is am ivi pm Lt. Baidak, - 111 am 1.1 am Lt. HealAatn Ptaa% “ I 10 an i n p.a Lt. Hamlar. “ 7 Mam VI) pur Lagllmlailoa. - ........ IU>a At. ChartoU*._“ 10 mam to 17 pm Lt. . tartar, •• 1097am nil am Lr. Oraranai “ 11 (7 pm oil am Lt. Atkarm, M 111 pm III oar At. AUama, I “ 4 CO pa 711 an Ar. Ainr'i, C. A W, C. 14* pm.. D.’Harm.dalOi.. T»ipm lllln Ar Moaimmi'ryTA AW.P. I M pm a J> pm At. Haw O.Impaa.L AM. 7 71 am_...... Ar.KaakriLa, JS- .A m.L. l 30 am I. M pm Ar MrmpAla, « 4 11pm ItOam WOBTHWABD Daily Dalit Ms. S» N.I. ii La. ltampkla.H.0.* M.L. II 41 noon MOpio L.lisantt.L, La. Daw Ortaana.t.. il, i 16 pm I'.'.....*. tt.laiKL.4A. UNaa . La. lwl»»'nr.4A».P iUia loop* La. l»a»»,II Jttla.'.... *«a am 4 to pm IV Aaraata. o. A W. c. MU am . La. AUaata, I a,A h. MU aoaa « M i-ra Ai Atkatia, * *41 po 1111 pis AillnaiaMl, * A It pm IMaa At. Ckaaar. - 711 pm 4 15** I.y. MrnHoUa. --l it ra “» *1 aa l.i. waaailia, (Aya . La.WLaM/ - wMra ms La. Ooalkaia yiam, 3 I) I) pm {Vila La. Balalg*, * IHaa >1 Ham Lt. Baadataoa. « I Mam Iliapa La. Hsrllaa •• IMam 111 pa La. WaMas, “ 100 aa filial Ip. tortsaeaU, •• Tlfaa IHpa u t:—ret; At aa1aam. K8.r.Oa. flMaa A». Bav Tarkpd.D* *.Oo. f»Mpa C1BWS,'B.V.KAfcf I« aa 11* aa At. HamTark, •• aII pa It* n ” ~ ’ Ho. ill fa, ff La. Taaapa, tA. L By. IUia IM aa La. m. Aipala - 1 «* aa a A. nVUNBY, A (oat. KAMaattfui N. C ABERDEEN &■ ASHEBORO R. ft. COSDEVIfD* QLt/ULB DaBy tvn' UaAap. ■« 4* Ha IB H*.tT Hall IWa IMP It AWt.Waa at II Mt I Up ■ Ha a Up til Muni MIA * Ms M Mb task**. II Ma i*4p Bln aa I Ua |8 * lip Mu ■> A>Mm Ilia IIMa I My BL okat 'tM* M Up srntB. Y.4a4 la T Ua All fAOH, Baa. Bat*