THE HEADLIGHT - JOHN JBU WALSH. J > : u Ol I t fUIDAY JAKUAXY 1%. (KM THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. The Governor's message i» replete with useful and .important suggestions and recommendations. It is just Such a document as might be expooted from ooo of Got. Aycock ’a ability and patriot ten. and if the legislature will give, due consideration go the matters alluded to by •'the Governor, and act in ac cordance with his timely and grise suggestions, it will bo well with the people and the State. We expect to notice this paper further at a later Aats. ■■ —--- — J8t»Mr Uto l-MMr the Things' Which an CmcuV' Tko Rockingham i^uoiil cor respondent ef tha Charlotte Ob ' server, of whose identity we have no knowledge, aaya aa follows: "The Superintendent was not Mfy with atf'tohsdpli of appor tkmmenta and a meeting eras call ed for next Monday for this p«I pum.” This statement does injustice to the Superintendent in two ways. Fin*, It implies a failure to discharge an important date. Beoocdly. it chargaa him with a date that belongs to lh« County Board of Ed a cation. This Superintendent has never haao bahtnd with his work, nar has ha arar aakad for time, on hia amount,' for the completion of : nay haslnsss which was lsgiti faatoiy required of him. -hatha mid correspondent is not con Tenant with school law, i jmpeetfally cite him to "School Law,” page 17, section 24, which - hah — follows: "The County Board ot Education shall oo th« mooed Monday in January and I the second Monday in July of! each year, apportion tha school fund of the county to tha various townships in said county per capita, Aa. Further on, H mys: "It shall ha tha daty of thr Coon - ty Board of Education to diet rib uta and apportion tha aehool money so aa to (ire to each school in said township for each race tha seats length of school term, as naariy aa smy be each year, Ac.” We hero no idea teid oo Res pondent IMTEIDKD to do me en Jnja*tioe, bat be bat done it, at least indirectly, and I claim the right of mil defraeo la a bowing that 1, it Soptk, here nothing to in with the apportionment, bat ■e 8e«TwUry of the County Board of Kdooatioa, It hamate* ay doty pod my pleaseiw to aid Board in - Abla, and any other work that de voir#* oa mid body. The Board would hare made the j apportionment at tbie meeting. But as all tba buainsaa oould not fee Uanaaetad In one day, th# ap portion amnt being a tedfoae Job, are* left orer for pest Monday, i. H, Wai»h, C. 8. S. Teachers’ Township Heatings. Three meeting* will be beld at tbe fotWtrlag pUe#s at 1 dD alauk, p, m., oa tbe detea eeti ^fenklsitii.T.I,In niT Xswiy, Spelling, Penmanship. I The other schools of the township! will folio* in innsricsl order. Use! teacher will cm.duct the ex i-rviamof hie or bar school. At a specimen of penmanship, the pu pil will present to the Su;t., a let ter, composed sud writen by par ty presenting it- The writter may he * boy or girl, and several may engage ia lhi* work. Each eoltooi may hero two dn olalmon and two i-saayieU, and as many in apelhttg class as teacher strain*. Unless providentially prevented ■yxuy teaober will be expected to be present. The luw requires it, and 1 cannot excuse anyone. Twenty minutes will lie allowtd to each school. When practicable a speaker for tbo oooanifn.arill be provided. The exercise* will be public, and we trost all who fuel interested in educating the the children, will evidence tbs muio by their pres cnoc. Should there be snow, or much rain, ou any day- arwxifWd, the meeting wiil be postponed. J. H. Walsh, 0. S. 9. Kcr ail kinds of Groceries, Farm Supplies and *t*nlo Hardware, call ot» A. W. Forter & Co. We liave everything yon want iu those lines at prioee to suit. Nio-xt fruit* st II H. 8 nith’s Tbs'New Tear IIcduIiiUvm. j This i» Ihv happy « ascii v»hou Tlw world take* on new lilo, And leaps again into Hie whirl Of charging j<iy» or striiv ; And es it'* customary to kesijv* each year anew, Hera are a f«w resolve* 1’vc made— l pass ’em up to you. I dn resolve that I will not Drink any liquor grown. Unless I am silli auiueuue, or Unless Ism alone; I will not owe a tailor hill, Unleaa the tailor lets me. And if I'm worried, it will be by Something wiong that frets me; I will not stay out late at night When I retire early, I will uot lot luytslf get cross Except when 1 nw surly; I will nut grumble at my lot, If it has coal upon it. I’ll not refuse uiy wifo a hat, Unless she wauts a bonnet; I will not Ik in bed I ill eight, If I get np at seven, Nor will I sock my oousb at len. If I’m up at eleven ; I will nut cu* the hired girl, Unless I feel like swearing, And I will not. wear auytbiug Uni what I fas) like wearing; Above all things, when I takeenufT I’ll do my best to sneeze. And as to what I’ve said I’ll do. I’ll do Just as I please! ' ..■ The Biggest, Grandest CLEARANCE SALE Of the 20th Century Going on at w* WEST BROS. ^ MAMMOTH STORE. Will toll you all about it next wook, but if > ou aro im palieut for big bargains, better call uow. Our dry goods must go now. WEST BROS. XhllF*. The tax must l.o paid. I have (Wile to all i»y appobitnuoit* to hunt rno. If I pay a deputy to ro tu you, t«'U jnuat ptiy him pay him. I *!uUl not do it. The on ly way to nave eeeli ia to call at my odlco 00 once. T. 8. Wright, 8h«-riff. Dec. M), 1K8, Matk*. Thi* i« to give notice that ap plication will be made to the Gen eral Ataeiubly of Korth Carulinu. at it* present acMioti, to amend the charter of the town of llo inlet. Board of Commleeicncra ai town of Hamlat. By E. If. Hator, Clerk to Bo&nl. Thi* January 7,1903. YY WATSON, • UNPERTAKER. Our »rrang*m*nt» for furnia.V ing funam!* cr>- complrt* in every Hr.*. K.ewry rlojmrtmont of tV !>rt-*nea« i» np-io-tlal* l ot* ry i*nj**et. \V.- Imt* acoolii.y board, rbunrl- truck and every* tiling naad' d. Our Una <*f uoflloa ami e.iakata arubmroo avory dio and quality, and will I'./ aoid at abort margin*. With ovary ra'fcet ailll, the HunowitlLa ft;ini*l:ad without ax in* elm go. When dr-almd t«» do an. wra will tola ch irg* nf lh» ix>rpa* at d*atb aiul «*n*pW« ail arr-tcgnaairta for lha tolwrawat. Pall am W. T. falfutd. aalmmaa, a* any bout of day or night. At aigM hn aan bn found at U» rani* itaonw uf Baa. W. t. Falford, at Randolph Manat. Prompt aad faithful aerrioo at Aa low*at living raloa, ia our motto. Uraatly agpraatotiog oar Mga palroaap to tba goat, *a will aodaorur to marit giaour hnn. RanrwaffaQv. W. J. FULFORD* XlWMfer. A. 3. DOCKERY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Oflficj up-atr.ira, I huildin* W. M. KELLY, ~ ATTORN FY-AT-LAW. Rockingham, N. 0. JOHN W. LkGKANdT" Ar»Ri*r att, Rockingham. K. C. attrition given to all law ouittm. Ural Hautta Agrnt. (rfeio ovar Kiel racmd County Drug Co'aaiore ‘Phone 67. MORRISON A WHITLOCK Aitobkctb-At-Law, an Beat. Emu Ankara, Rockingham, K. O. U D. ROBIN'. ON, L B WLLwUMA T. I.. CAUDLE. LAVVVE S. An IlBat. Errara Aoim. UCac in Rank Building, HAMI.KT. N. C. Wo want to pt refiner IflfK) l-tuhel* nf pen*, b*«t prior* paid 1*7 A. W. perm L 0<. Notice. Apr Heath n will bo matin In (be Gen eral Aaaeiuu.jr id Kortk t «rol m ml Ha araafon In Haul, to tnerwi-rrate a: d ehartcr th* flank nf HamWt with lie principal tiOlev and place of bualmiaa la tha town nt lla.iiici, Uicluvitiud cornu y. Nortii Caroline. Tbt» ike. 21, iya. XiH 'CO. The iiMd-raipead baring, qualified b.-futc ti.r Clark at the Dopc/lor Court of U'cHmi.'d Cownty a. n»!nc«.*i»eu.f of the ertat-nl AtCrnm Mettle, da nonl, tnfitre la bairl-y given to all p none holding eleiw.a apalnet eohl ra Mtu to praoant them to me duly veri fied on or Mm the On* day of Janu ary, IdOt, or tMa notioa wtli ba plaadad btlornf tbalr raaorary. All pattern IndcUad to aald aetata will plaaaa naoho ImwedlaU poyoaaut to oao. Oeotga Vt. .nobole. Ad min la tra tor of Aadataoo tfetlle da TMe Daoambar fit, l«0d. Ftr Colo at m Rorgalit. Wo offer for aolo at » htqpiiD Mt olif»i right mom homo eli gibly oitaotod in Uw town of uaoilot. ftobiaooii, Ooodlo and WlUutaaa / DON’T ; THINK. If you call -me© and do not find what you wont do not think I will not,have it next time. I have new goods com ing in every day, and if yours are not in ono lot, they may be in the next. I have determined to keep what the peo ple want. So continue to call aud I assure yon that you will get fresh goods at reasonable prices. Big lot of “atuff” just ordorod. They are all fresh from the factories or mills. Give me a call before buying. I will m&ko it to your into reel. I BUY Butler, Chichoua and Eggs, Cora, Peas amrnluioat anything the farmer* raise. your* to wire, With a- Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. Behind tlie Court House. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By trading with me. We keep everything in the eating line aud a little saved on everything ns„d on the table, will enable you to live cheap er Jmd better. Wo keep Canned Goods, Bacon, fiUnr, Sugar, Coflue, Rice, Fish, Cheese, But ton, Cabbage, potatoes, Apples, Bananas. In otner words, 1 keep & full lino of Heavy and 1 Fancy Groceries. Call on me. Wo would like | to show yon around, whether you wish to buv or not. A penny saved is a penny made Trade I Kith us and you’ll save the pennies. Wo feel | very grateful to our friends lor past favors and hope to merit thoir continued favors. Y M BOCCAN &CO.I hoese Shoeing a specialty. Huts* shoeing and doing Iron Work uu Buggies and Wagons an in my Inis of husinsss, and 1 guarantee work and prii-toi to suit. Work done promptly. Bring .all your old irons, brass and cr>p|*r to rue and I will give you tha highest msrket prices for it. Ed. B. Terry. Use pps Fertilizer This fe^iliaer has been used cxtenaivclyln this, snd other sec tions of thu country for two years, with groat satisfaction to all who have used it; ' For further information as to its valns, enclose stamp to the following gvutlomen: 0., M. L. Hinson, W. Little 9tewle, John 8. Covington; Rohurdnl, J. W. O’Brien, E. C, Terry; Cordova, T. Berry Liles; Diggs, Dr. J. H. Williamson. Chemicals can be bt.uglit of \V. I. Everett, B. 8. Ledbetter. For receipts for preparing this fertiliser apply to, E. M, Boer trail, Cordova, N. C., Y. M. Bogreran, Rockingham, N. C. 1>. W. Watson, Rockingham, N C. FARMER'S BANK, Rockiaflliam N. C. Re-|ioctfu!ly solicits yottr patronage and hanking businets. We gvarauteo absolute Security, PromptnoBB, Accuracy and all Aucomoda lions consistent with safe bunking. Call aud seo us when in town ROBT. L. STEELE,- President, LEAKE S. COVINGTON, Casluor. _ Pegging away Still Pegging: Away. I am still at my stand over A. W. Porter A Co’s atoro pegging and sowing shoo* for the good people who liave been patronizing me for years past. I still do my work faithfully and promptly and at the lowest living prices. If you havo never tried ine, come now. _J D. YOUNG Tax RmIIm*. The taxpayer* of the town of Rockingham are hanliy Informed llnl. I hate keen appointed Tux Collactor fnr tlie t«»u. Th* books are in aiy p 'annnion and 1 am (wady nn«! mg*J to ante receipts for ail true* paid. M. L. Hifi*oo, Collector I mb now elrvring o*t my atook of Hummer lUlr C«U nod Shame in order to make room lor Winter good*. Auy man taking ne many ae n down at a. tima-wfll reuetee Urn par cent disoonnt. big line Winter Ooodn ]net rdotired. R D. 8T00NBR Orer J. W. Coringtoo’r store. Xo bettor time than now to pay yonr Bnbosription. * . ’ . < • * • a i Hotlco. I In'feby forbid all person* In or tr>*j~ie* i.i any other cnrorr upon my lai d« in Rock Ingham township, adj rilling the j land* of Jaiuee Huywoml and nth- I era Mri. M J. Welch. i&3 LOOK—Loam to throw your voice and change epota on Sard*. Oreatcet fan oat. Oaly cfir silver. Addreee, Art Supply Co. Wine ton. K. C. If yoe have property fat sale ov rent, or Mr* to bay or reul property Id town or ooantry, call mi L. B. WILLIAMS, Beal Beta to Agent, Item I*t, X. 0 To Our Friends and | the Public: i • On the threshold of a new year we grout you and thank you for tlie’patronag* which has made our business a success. It shall continue to be our aim to keep in Rockingham s drugstore which shall consider the wants and needs of pooplo, and shall share with them every benefit with which fortune favors us. Very Respectively, Dr.N. C. Hunter &Bro. DRUGGISTS, Rockingham, N. O. Thankful. * We want to thank our many friends and customers 'or their liberal patronage for the past year and solicit tl lame for the coming year. Wo feel sure that we have pu 'oilh an honest effort to please our customers in prioes an< 'ooods, and will strive to give lower prices and better goods han wo have ever done in the past. We wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year ind will advise you when yon want bargains to come an ;rade with BLACKER BROS., for the least raonoy of an store in town. Yours, for straight, legitimate business, Blacker Bros Loading firm of Rockingham. JJV^Bandford Building, next to Richmond Co. Drug C Polite Attention to all. Auction Sale of Shoes. On Saturday, Janu ary 17th., 1903 I will sell at public auction, in front of my atore door, Urge lot of SHOES OF ALL KINDS. There are abont 200 paira in the lot, and among the , are some splendid goods. If you need shoes, wait a f Jays—ho on hand at my salo and buy shoos for the wh family and still have more than half of your shoe mo in your pocket. Will also aell a lot of Clothiug at auci . SALE BEGINS AT 3:30 O'CLOCK, P. il. Yours respectfully, John R Smith How to Fatten a Poor Hors Poc fattening en l giving life end strength to • hone or mole I >oor condition one 2V«eat package of Ashcraft's Condition IVwde « er.nal to 10 bnthtli of corn. The powders by correcting the dig* ion creates a heal,by appetite, then all the food ia aaaimilated so tothing paasea through the animal undigested. Asher all's Condition Powders la a strictly high grade preparatioi tad every stockman who usee it gate fall salve far bis money, “1 had at* old bone fa very bad condition generally. He Oris thii. md had n blood dieeese which was caaefag tm hair to corns off. I rave the bone three doses of Ashcraft's Coalition Powders e day ft. f days sad fed him liberally, The appetite of the animal Improv from the first few doses end be gained SI pooada fa flesh daring ti. week, had he wee made almost a new hone. 1 most heartily recot ■end Ashcraft's Condition Powders.—C. C. Susan, Liveryman ar Parmer, Monroe, N. C." 25c. Package Sold by . A. M. FLOWERS.

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