Headlight. ROCKINGHAM, N. Cj, FRIDAY JANUARY 23 1903. Nn ^ L_L ITEMS. ftrlw I mm lutlagtw Dally Minuovwx -—7:19 a. m. ** *»•---BrM p. xa. SOOXHBOran.' ' -a- at. " 41. ' B:I* p. a,] 8w4t; with hit family. Bar. William BBadfatd wm hem on *»*»#. tattmad the fmtetnl of hit, • Wamgmtthat at were forced to! aaity •vartaaaMtmok twaaommiml notim. whloh mwi.’ia too lata. Mr. J. U. Meltalr. of MMdrwdorf. | M- C.. yam ua a pUamot oal) lata Frl Btyaaf iaflnaa paid tuheeripticn. We gmatly regret to learn that Bib A- J- htagaar had a (all ytoiorday, wkiah tame oaar f mo taring a limb. Mr. and Km B 9. Beatkh am rUt htg their mhtlern tad trtaadi la Rleb Mmad. They tpewt Soaday with Ha Brntim^hlhit. Mr.Joka r. Unmar. M.9L Btggni la daliyg a muling ha Mam with the .Ziypa fertiliser. Boy a (arm right for 700 aaaaat am It mherwlee withoot paying a haary Bar. 1. H. HallV aorama laatSoaday •talag, a* the MethedJat ahoigh, ea the “bOrriod tolewt.^waa lueid, and Mr. T. O. Oothrte, of CharloUa. wha at Hamlet yrofearicaally laat Friday, aad la haoklwgham oaBatotday, Mr Ontbrte haa heeaam oea at the tmt mifaiai iawyom la tha State, and we ■■pMI to hear (mat him aana, la a bis who m pointing tbo roaidonoe of Mama. John and Walter Thorn • aa fall a diataooa of 90 foot. Dr. Steal* waa eeUod In administered to the woondad own. The Dr. . thinks bo will oooo be entirely tailored. —————— idea. A. It. Usckerw Bif taaODlalira Dockary baa baaa hemmed with an appuiut ■Mat on qgtte a number of oo*-| rnUtaua, add judging from tba in tsraat ha baa manifested la State and County matters, we M that fas will serve bie people with ecadit ’•‘••fnL Mil (Mala, flM what mm bar* aaau will board, Mir (worn har* town and aw aawiag aoatUmUjr non than an avorago mi niter of lent of await grain this araana. Lat tte good work go ow, fnoada, for ytm auuwi haw too amoh «f thw raiaablo grain and forage. Bat lUtlaooru will ha pwnchawd by Biahwaad fatawrs. Much may bo ould bat tha yawhaaara will bo TMa aaoadrwt lady, lb« telorod I w lf« of Mt. Adrian Onaohy, diodj laat Taoaday, at tef hoaaa ia Hub artel. Bbo taarwr Mud tea, • tewawad tea La ad and a awaot ttlilt tete orljr four day* old. It ia (aiafaltjr aad Wa» « la ted jrowag awtter ayinld frwna later bate, bwt inora painful to aitntaa, tte grtof of a load tea ten 1 who la loaaad U> •Hatoo >ad tear all tte grtof. Bat tteaa la a plow wtera taoaW Iwaarar aaaaa, aad wtew ten wag te • feagpf Mtea af ted »*to r«Ua aad nigaa joaa all oar to a ' <y 1* /i, r/r- / / * VZbSmV. • ~ 4. * CeMMty Itoonl Of Education. Tbe Count* Board of Education met last Monday, pursuant to call, and after the tranaaotion of aqfiilar ruutiao bnaioeea, appor tioned tbe ana of *8828.00 to tbe different toarushipa aa foiIowa: Rockingham townabip, including Graded School---2800,40, Wolf Pit- 1892,80! Mark’a Creak-.. 884.80, Bmtct Darn-- 810.40, Mineral Springe- 887JO, Black Jack- 828.00, BteaU’a-1824.80, *S&8.00 Tba above apportion.ment *u aeade upon a baaia of f 1.00 per capita, of school pupil.. In July last, an appori ioamentof 40 cent* par capita wae made. Tbe total apportionment for tbe year wae *2.00 per capita—the largest we haewerer had. • Teachers and utheie, haring claims against tha Co. School Fund can hare them cashed opon presentation to me. 3. H. Walsh, C. 8. 8. umwm MMTorC With a sad feeling and a heart full of sympathy for a most osti-1 nsabl* and deeply bereaved moth er, wv annoonca the death of Claudius tiandford, which oocurr •d on Friday night, the 16th, met. My. Sandford waa a clever, kind-hearted y.-uof man, who loved bis mother, aud waa kind apd respectful to everybody. He had beau m had health for some Warn, and hot for a mother's love end watchfulness, might have died months ago. Bet the kind atten tions of friends cannot always save, life, and at last, the end naarn, and now Claud's spirit is iu the spirit land. Hie mortal re mains lie beneath the sod in East tide Oeawtory, where they were istei ted in UisysssMsata lam lira burial services. Slowly the ad crowd returned front the tome and the new-made graver wae moistened by a food mother's tears, and eovwmd with beautiful Bowers. Miss Georgia Kay KseHillaa. Miss MacMillan gave an enter tainment la the Court House in Rockingham laat Friday uight. She had a good hutiee, aud as dated by the Misses Cocker, Wh talented end acoomplisbed musi cieoe, gave a meet enjoyable en tertain atent. Miss MacMillan is a lady of rare culture, and as an elocutionist, stands high in her chosen profess ion. If you liava not heard her, by all means embrace (be first opportunity to do so. The prwvieds wars given to the uew Presbyterian charch, ituw in procesa of ooaatrnctioa at Pee Dee factory village. Ths atuouut real iyed wae %--* How to Prevent 1'tilckena From iMrajiai Turnip*. It ia aai4 that if you will plan) your turn! pa ia a rt«M>)« Said, a abort dir fence from your dwelling, tba chicken# will But And them. But don’t forget to drira amall Hakra around tba patch, eo that tha fatally can And them whan wanted for dinner. If wa had land aaough, wu could try tba experiment. Caekaaaw ',fai>aa. Married o» the fiat, incTant, at the raaideum of tha hride'e father, Wm Ida Cudkmae and Mr. Char ley June#. Tha Headlight am* tende hearty ocogratutaUunc, with beat wi*he« for the preeent and fa tore hippitwk ut tba happy obuplo. KII#rb# Iprlngg. Miaa Sarah McRae la quite eick. John Wataod an tetrad aobool knaladay. Thera waa a dance at S. 0. Chappell'* Saturday night, which waa aujayad by all who attended. Miaaaa Annie and Katie Baa* Uak apart Sunday at Dr. Biatt'a. lUaa BHaa Beatiek and Frank •RMt Sunday at B. A. M«Baw’e. VMM. ’• ‘ftf? * 'Sr "' * ' ' '■ Wade®boro News. O*o. R. K. Lm'i birthday m*aj appropriately ubaervad here bj tha veteran* and daughter* of th< Confederacy. Promptly at U o’clock, the daughter! took u[ their liae of march from th< Klondyke Hotel to the ooar( houae, when tha veteran* wen aaaembled. Kach danghUr had i Confederate flag and their regalia. On reaching the oourt houae ihej were welcomed by the vetwram writh oh cor*. Copt. Frank Ben nett called (lie meeting to order. Mr*. Kngene Little, in a very lov able little talk, explained the ob ject of the daughter* in prsaent ingthe badge* of honor. Col. Baonett than apuk* of Lee in trnne that war* uot only eloquent, bat touching. Thera vu one aeatenoe that the Oul. made that ought to be im proceed on every Southern men and woman indelll bly. He aaid, "that the Bowth, in bringing forth auch a man aa Robert Bdmund Lee, had accom pli* bed aw act worthy of the oauae.” Let every mother of munmuua county teaen tin* to b«r children. Thera waa one hun dred and two 'jadga* received by the daughter* and aa tba name* of the applicant* ware called, the veteran* • tapped to the front and the badgea were pinned ou by the daughter*. Th# following com rade* of Richmond an* entitled to badge*: Capt. Everett, M*j. Stilly and my old friend Dan Gay. Tbaae geutiemeu will have to ap ply in paraun for their badge*. Th* vote rant then aaaenilded in front of the court houa* and were marched to th* Kloodyke Hotel, where a eumptou* dinner waa pre pared for them by tba daughter*. It waa Just auch a dinner aa the ladiaa of old Auaon know how to aerre. It waa, in every way wore tjhyeA^Unaa^ God blaaa them. ton tiring beiMLTfrr ry b o"el / got happy. Vaierata and daughter* mingled freely until the ending of the moat memorable day in the hietory of -tba U. D. C. Small' pox scare about over, tho diaeoao being confined to one par aoa. The ahootiug of Gonxalea by Liot. Guy. Tillman waa the moat cowardly act ever enaotyd in the South. "Shoot again you cow ard," ought to be engraved in marble and placed over tba grave of Tillmm and hi* body plaoed in South Carolina potter*field. Kow* acaroa. People atill mov ing in our town and more new buildinfi being contracted for. Go ahead. E. F. F. Potatoe*, onions and oabbage at H. H. Smith’s. Oranges, applet and Ban*use at H. H. Smith's. Qognad. Oh I the cold weather. Him Lottie McDonald, of Ham let, waa visiting Miaana Lola and Coonye Biggan laat waste. Mrs. Bryau, of Raleigh, was hers Toeeday. Miaaaa Lola and Omnia Riggan and Lottye McDonald were at Mil. P. McDuffie's Thursday. Ur. MeKiuuon left Thursday night for Port Caswell, where hr •a in the service of "Uncle Horn." Uiss Connie Riggan spent Mut arday night and Sunday with bet sister, Mrs. MeDaflle. T. O. Riggan spent Saturday night in Hamlet. Mr. J. D. Rolwrtena, of Raleigh was a pleasant caller at T. O. Riggan’s Saturday afternoon. Mr. amt Mrs. W. p Wilke, an moved over In Scotland. Lneeal. Carload eotton seed hulls ami ■Mai jaat anivad at H, H. Smith'i h. D.BOBUMOS, b. B. VILLI A Ml T. UCAUDLR. LAVTBMR, Am lau Rsvava iasm (MBm la Saab BwBdtag, UAMLJBT, g.O. Push anew Bake eraekeia at H H. Smith's. 1 V K. li. Hi^., Norfolk, Va., ta vifitinaihia |<aranu at i place. I ***■ W. R. Copy edge filled hie uaoal appointment here lost Sun day. MUe Maaiie Button has. been right atek tfee past week, but we are glad ahej is abU to lie at her arork again, *■ Mr». Pittapn is on thoaick lint Tbo little ^tighter of Mr. Au d era in la varu low. Mrs. C. E. phaw, we are glad to note, is improving. The e idowire are going a route with thu young girls. Look out, youug boya, if you’ll get left. * Sunshine. Bolter Dam. The feme affd no fence it all the talk not tits way. Of coarse no one wants! it. Schools are Blueing on rapidly with full at tendance. _ 7 Oh I the bhaltlfiil sleet, the first *•’»• bad this Lae iijn. Joo. S. Harrk made a basinets Uip to Scotian|l last week. Mr. and anu.lWill Chapul were riaillnjt their llother, Mrs. Mc Kinnon, Sandal. f 1 U_a_I. _ « as« w smvmm AQDIR Lob were riaitu [ relative* at Led better,* Sou^y Mr. acd m. \ C. Oilwon ware visiting «r. ud «*' J. B Uitaon, Sunday. . • ; SOur rerdam # hope it and $'bel3 oorrea y a few he may . Senate U quit* ohetinaftr io eeloctiug a number from I . C. Dnubtlree the deadlock ii our legislature will have been fc ruken eiv tins j* printed, but ovi ooily, “tenee et teneoT,"—I hoi I, and aru held I faat—iathe mot o of the friend*; of <*aeh oouteeta it for tho »eaf. A. H. McDi>ni)d.*pent laat Sun day at Vaaa, liit-Vild home. Mr. Sam BBia left Sunday night fur McBaa; S. C., where be ha* accepted a (ioaitinn with Mr. E. 0. Whitaker, lumberman, of that place._ Surveyor Jim McLoan, of Scot land county, a|* nt aeveral day* hera Laat week, aurvayiug live Inuda to ho cultivated in water melon* this year by Mr. Briuaon, who will opermta quite an extan •ive melon farm here, on land owned by Merer*. J**. Blue aiul J. W. Butler and other*. Mr. and Mrt.O. M. BallienLine vary pteaaaully entertained a low friunds at their hospitable home Friday night. Mr. and Mr*. James Blue spent Sunday in Bootlaud at Mr. P. H. I.iriugstun’s. We bear of th* issuing of invi i tat ions to attend s party at the home of Mr D. T. Wallace Friday night, Mrs. J. W. fVgs left a few days ago for Durhatg on an ox tended visit to relative** and friends, tth* was accompanied by l»er ton, Ink Miaa Elliott, of Cntigrownie, arrived last w«*k on a virit to Iwr sister, Mr*. Duncan McPherson. 51. F. Long spent Hauday at hit hum* in Bookiagham. nr. Morris Wright, of Bootlaud, wa* a visitor t« this city Monday. • Oaba. Aypliaatlee wli be made to the Oew erajMlaeemhly afglsnh Oarellaa at Its •hatter dm Baah af HamWt vKa its ystaatgal aAss a** plaat af Mum In the turn at Warn 1st, MlshasOnd This Pea. hi, M09. * I r NEWS p*« Dee No. 2. JanvM Lowo and Gonie Roberta of Wolf Fit, were visiting hero Sunday. Nr. Blake haa moved his family fron* Moore county to this place. Mr. John Sinclair and Mrs Nora Thorns*, of Laurel Hill, spout several day* with friends at thii. place last week. The homo of Walter King wan tba scene of a pretty marriage last Wedueadsy night, alien Fred W. Maurice lod to the marriage altar «ne of our must charming young ladies, Kin Daisy King, The esremouy was very beautifully performed by Bar. D. C. Britt. Tbe attending couples aero Mr. Chaa. Brady, Mias Lela Sinclair; Mr. Walter King, Mina Sue Allen; Mr. Cliff Davie, Miss Julia King, We wish for Mr. and Mrs. Maa rioa a long, happy ami prosperous life. On the same night at aliout II o'clock, a Mr. McLean anil Mias Cossin were married at tho home of Mrs. Allen, by Rev. T. S. Wright. They returned to their home iu Raleigh Friday night. May their lives lie pee00. Some of the children are shut iu with the mumps. Thomas Williama spent several days last week with his sister, Mrs. Kirkley, at CIk-raw, S, C. The writer spout several very pluaaaut days with her sister iu the country lsst week. _ V. S.C. Roberdel. The turnout Saturday night wee very large. The houao waa packed, and moat too deep. The baodfuraiahed. torn* flue mutie puhllc. . v/»~” “ * Mra. Tutor baa bean right elck for several day#. Hope aha will •con be well again. Mrs. Adrien Oraiahy i* very ■ick. Rocky Pork will bare to kill another pig. One more weighing 660 lbe was put in the meat box by J. W. O’Brien. Who eau beat tint? Our grand president ia getting mighty old in hia line of huainoaa. Everything look* black to him and white to ua. l,»t ua bear from Mr. E. P. P. again on this •ubject. Roosevelt Will have to some dowu by and Iry. John Ingram and Miaa Bock Gay were married Sunday even ing. Rev. 8. E. Mercer joined their honde together aud marie them any 1 will, and we hope they will, and he happy all-tbe day* to come. Who will be uoxt? We caunot at*it. theta now. __8. T. uuucueri. Hurrah for that Rocky Fork pig! Ww are told hy tha owner of that 000 pouuder thav it wax only 14 mouth* old. Borne of our good hunter* com plain that the earth ia ao bad.y Iroicn these time* that they can't track a turkey any distanoc. bloater Charlie Durkin*, of Hotfnum, spent Saturday mid Holiday witli W. M. Turner nud family. The factory poud lia* lieen fro *<•11 over, lint uo one dare* to veu tore skating exoept the feathered Wilma. Mr. and Mia. Martin Oi'mon. of Green Isik«, wore vial ting Mr. and Mrs. ICIijxh Gibson at tliix place Sunday. Murphy McNair, of Clwater field, S. C„ oams to hi* father, J. A. lieXairja house several days **o, ou the aick list. Mr*. R. P. Lanes, of Steele'* Mill*, with her two youngest chil dren, have been visiting friend* bar* for aercml day* past. Hh* returned home last Tbaraday. Raw. S. B. Mercer filled hk regular appointment litre Sunday morning. Ha preached from lb* Slat chapter and 10th erraaof tb* hot* of Kxodwe, Hie regular sp pointment for the year at this p)*«», will be the third Suuday in each month. Elijah Gibson is now driving the Coni jinny's wagon. He ia •noeweded^ua night watclnunii l>y hi* brother L. D Gibs* n, who will move hia family her* in a few day* from thetribaon Mill section. Tbia necessary cliaugn brings W. H. Murks into the mill at second •mud over the spinning, which po sition was recently nwigued by Vernon Webb. The public school building at this place ia now completed, nud will be ready tor use ns roon ns th# ncocseary furnishings are available. The house is a good comfortable building, 20 X 80 ft, wi h stove flue. The work seems to have been doun in workmanlike manner end finished irp nccordir.g u> ll >yle. Sultssiriber. Pogue*. Tbe farmers ,uw preparing (heir land fur anotlwr crv’p. Ual> Everett ami family, from IjiurioUurg, were visiting ln» brother, Dr. A. C. Event!, last Friday aim Saturday. Rev. Mr. Jh:Ivin preached na a giHid sermon at Xow Hope church last Sunday. Dr. J. H. Will mins, m lost one' of his plantation house* last weel., by fire. It was occupied by his blacksmith. Miss Ethel Hliilock v.is visiting our little town lust Sunday. Wu are proud that we are get ting along so well with our school. E. W. Uauship’a shop urns burned last Wednesday night. It caught by fire heing left in it in the afternoon. Everything was burned. I thank “Block Jack’’ for joio ^nWLsr?«go«d dual ot moving in our sect ion now. I will stop by giving my beat wishes to Dm Headlight. K. A. M Not lee This is to give notine that ap plication will be made to Die Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, at iU present session, to mmtnd the charter of Dm town of Until let. i Board • f Commissioners of town of Hamlet. By E. F. Hester, Clerk to Board. This January 7, lyotl. Natlorr. TIid uiidrralgtied haring qualified before llic Clerk of the Superior Court of Klehniond Comity s* SdnilulUrainr of the estate nf Anderson fictile, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all p moos holding claims ugnlnsLtaid «•* late to prevent Lbeiu to me duly veri fied on or before the first day of Jann ary, IBiH. or till* notice will be pleaded in liar of their r.-covery. f ill persons indebted In «sd Citato will please ranks Immediate payment to me George If, .lirliol* Admtnislrmtor of Anderson Mettle de ceased. This December 31, 180? Ledbetter's. Dear Headlight— I will try to write to tho Chil dren’s Column for the first lime. I am going to school to Min Lila Phillips and I like her very much. T study second reodor, arithmetic and spelling. 1 am 10 years oh nnd will be eleven the twentinti of May. Well, 1 will close to. this time. Blue Eye. Lannwrnen e. Deer Mr. Editor I will write you a little letter for tuy Aral time. 1 hove been fad ing the other little boys and girls' nice letters and 1 thought I would joiu the hspjiy bond too. I um going to school to Miss Lila Phil lips. I study spelling, arithmetic and tf.ader. I will close for this time. Dsst w islies to the Head light. Blnvin Gibson. Rotkimihjlii. Dear Headlight— As 1 am ont of school to-duy ou account of haring a very severs cold, 1 will wilts you S few lines. Our school m going on again in enrnest. M iss Joliunio Wall is niy teschnr. I asked my Head light friends once before to tell us who first instituted trial by jury, but no ono hat answered >'«*• 1 just want to know real bad. Your friend, Matilda. Rocelnshaii, Dear Headlight —As I have nevtr written to the paper before, I thought I would write s ^>looo. 1 don’t tl^infr ^ fliVt, even with s Itashful boy, or any other kind of one. 1 know sums boys deserve to l»e flirted with, but that is no mason why we girls should degrude ourselves by doing so. 1 think it is real I Mid to h rout; |M»or boy's hearts by being untrue to them. I long to see the time wheu the girls of our country will resolvo positively to not koep coni|>sny with intemper ate boys. Girls let us resolve to «1<> all in i»nr power to reform the yniiDg men end boys of our land. Our parents have brought ns np in the way we should go, aud I am sure mine never taught nto to flirt nor keep company with pro fane nnd intemperate ls>ys. I am only 18 years old and know bnt very little about flirting, hut I know that >t is a sill. 1 certain ly do hope you will try to do bet ter in tho future Ilian to flirt with a bashful boy. I think more of a bashful boy than I do of dudish flirts. Blue Eyns. DON’T THINK. ] t / If yon call onco ami do not And what you want do not think I will not liavu it next time. I have now goods com ing in every day, and if youiwaro not in one lot, they may l»e in tho next. I havo determined to keep what the peo ple wont. Ho continue to call and I assure you that you will get fresh goo la at reasonable prices. Big hit of "stnll” just ordered. They are all fresh ; from the factories or in ilia. i. Give me a call before buying. I will make it to year ulorest. I BUY Be (•sT, Chicken* ansi i-nr. Corn, Pom •ml almn.t anything the farmers raiaa. your* to nerve, With a Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. Behlrtd thw Coart Homo. NOtlCC. Tfcb h to giro aotfeo that appMoa Uua alll !»• *a*4a to tha Oaaaral *• »*»W| of Kortfc OaroMaa, at Ita pfoa oat towkm, to aawwi tha ofearUt of U>« Town of Rook Ingham. Jtnaary l*tS, tm. • G'hawffo of Flue*. By roqnoot, th» •xarciaoo which won to ha«o Imon hold at Bt. Paai’aehoroh, will (m hold at Oak* 'UU. Aoadomy, tv<or E. M Bo* gaii'o midonco. J. H. Waloh, C. B. H.

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