LUCAL ITEMS. ■■•■■■ESK—-mssset—*aMn^r=3r*— <Mbw* will «ona« on the Iim Moe La»a Patrick is .pending the week . with Ms (tally. J. T. DeBerry ta mored be family ®>*r to east Bncklegham. Major J. D. dhow and daughter. Him »•»» tltttoci at Raleigh ikk Wa regret to bear Uat Mrs. Daniel flay hat been qaite uwcU for annl H. H. Biddle mode ma pleasant call Mi Wcdamday aad paid for aubserip tfeaof hheott. Maeara. Hone ocher and Kilter will Mil Week so the etora nnhd by Dr- Heater* tire. Wo Mb with much regret that Misa Areas Gaddy, who has bora aiafc (or aoM tbea, la Mill qaiu ,.ck Bar, W. 0. Wehb Vft laat night fir MUMore, to hare his daughter trust •d at Jahas Hopkias hospital. D>. J. M. Omringteh Jr , of YTadee horo, spent Tuesday ia Itocklagham •at d Baa a pleasant caUar at our office. Mbs W.C.Dsarry o( Exway,and J. i, Btrtt, at Mwr kns. were plese aat tod iwsdtablc oaDen last. Monday Dr. Him tar A Bco. bare anted fteir' drags end medlohnw to the McRae e*aed, raocallj raeatad by Mr. Hced tar. We are pleaard ta lean that oar worthy major. Bar. W. J Fulton!, wh* baa boon gaits aialr. to reported brttar. '* *«itof Mta cmmcrt ta oar town, Mos will be more cord tally welcomed than Mr. E 3. Whitlock aed hie moet aaUmahie wife. ■lodge,*#*! eeame to bo making hit mark wherever ha poos. Ha has g»wu aa Ha tertian In every eourt over which hr haa pfaalded ' fbt Lehr, Wltlfcine Comedy Co will B**e awtamtaaaeota ia the aoart bout* rt* «%hta next wash, conus racing ICawday night. Mia. Walker haa maned to Hock toghawi and Mr. and Mrs. Walter are aaawyylag the reeidence recently va aeted by F. L. Aotry. tm£u£jSSu%£ ta^ Wrn of the Iwaad wife at ear old friend Free. Mau •waa, ml MaOall, & O. ■ ^Wa hear at tervntl new hooaae to bo areakad fa* Boat Ingham aeon. Probab ly aavcfal. In ISa Hula town of Wet aaweilte, near Boafclaghaa. M»Jpi Jno. D. Chaw, owe of oar big gast lawyers cod uldaet rni neat eili MM baa reseat ly atada improve menu to Me already bcaotlfwl hoars. UJaa tome Ur. i. M. StoavUl tbl to be riding around a liUI« for tceiea Tkr good Doctor baa born im prtaotud ae home tar quits a while. Wa are glad to era that tec member* •t «ke tegtabtun. up to thla time, aaata ao« to bo eoamraed In the mat IMP oi irMiillg tJMl ttteptln| h4Imi Qaito a r.inaber of tfcn jrenas people •f Ikt X«lfcod«t diurch pvt *u ca> tenatom»nt la ten enntt honor Wit Friday night ta nine fond* for church Wa are under ekllgetiraw to Mr Brewa; eierfc, (or a copy of tea “lb.; •art at tea Corporate CmamieoW It la neatly gotten ay andeonme ta te aotopl i lei la every yartiealar. Mr. JCaca Irooa, at Jonrehora. Fla wha left thla eeoaty twelve year* ago, teade ate plaawutaalloa WedawaUy. and paid Me onbeoriptfan to Headlight. Tbta makra tea elate aew ottteeriter Mva. C. M. Habte cad children, IIt Ha Xka Maria cad Mooter Chari!. riattlag Mro. J. If. luj HaUidif 'Mr. MaM anteaa at Ilaatlrt oul > a reward ad delivery to '■:>_^ "J, *«al ^aMla. ibargrd with I tag Jolla Am . that ago B*rd lia thtolaaae at tea H«ad bttao efcleoa at gteale'o ara la atteh l mewling or or thrat k " Ifooaya tee fv> pteart fgaatly worried aver tew matter, wad that, X they are ant wwted Iw famaaarrt, tea aravier will bo brought ta tea aallaw of tev grand Jury. Wa moot gthtofoUy eypmafon te* fcltadtaaM at aooMMy at nor oot'eeriterv to tea log up terir taboTfH.U».T In aN oar feumaMatfe r«pvr,a*tv, wo baaoaerarfcvoa treated eoaall. Wa Mgoov teat w* feed to write fmi ear Me*, a tow oaarei, hat wo kora merit S5£ atato far ooovy aid ana wa ^ TW wU |ii| ^ OoU Written fear tbe Headlight. "Dclighlfui task to nvf tho lender thought. To tesej; tho young Un bow to ' »h'Ot.” Tho world Ucday boars evidence of th* great ax tent to which the powers of the luititn tniud have beonma awakened. There is no accounting for the puesihililicf in caaed in a human soul. Who would have thought that u “we* toddler"—tha child of a poor wether-woman and not al lowed to enter tho houses of tho riob, but sent to the kitcheu to oat and roup with the little dar key*, would ever become President of these United States? And through all tbe oat ego rise of life, other instances are vividly perceptible 6/ greatness being at tained from, the very base of tbe ladder on which thoueaud* have mounted to tho topmost pinnacle. IIow weighty then, the retpon sUtilitiet developing upon those entrusted with the care and guid ance ef youth, the xwrent* llr«t, the teaeScra next, and like th« preacher* of the gospel, who pro claim* tbe unsearchable riche* of a crucified and rite* Saviour to a fallen end porisbing world, it must be tho truth, the whole truth aixl nothing bnt the truth incul cated Into (lie youthful minde, for au erroneous impression is never wholly eradicated; |M*rniciuua in Hncnoee most be conicmmed and nangfat but a pare and noble dig nity encouraged and maintained. Let tlioec who are in occupy oar place* upon the great arena of life l« encouraged to seek a higher, etill higher plane of exist ence. Oue who. hat long been accus tomed to watch the alaority with which the meutal vision grasp* the axioma recorded in the text books, confesses else finds not on ly congeniality, hut aashnilataa | the situation to '‘voices around the Throne.” What music on earth can be compared totheriiig iug laughter of happy children et they anmee themselves upon the play-ground or raise their sweet voices in ebauting tho praise* of the living God? Then peering into the dim vista >f coining years, can behold the i germs of greatnews fully expanded and shedding a halo of effulgence ik the galaxy of a nation's glory, j Iuctoil. --- I Attention Veteran*. Veteran* of Kichmor.d county will meet in Rockingham on Tues day, the Cnl oT march to elect of fice™ of Camp 820, and delegate* to attend the re-anion at New Or leans, May 16th, 1608. W: I. Everett, Commander. TP Rearer Irani Teacher*. In ennsoqnence of the inclem ency of tbs weather, 1 failed to hold the Teacher's Township meet ing for Bearer Dun and Mineral gpringa Tbs meeting* for these township* wilt bo held a* follow*; Bearer Dam. Friday, F«b. SOlb, and Mineral Spring*. Tassday, the 16th at So'clock p. m. Evert if any schools here been closed we hop* they will he represented. J. H.JlValsh, C. 8. 8. . To School Teocber* and Con* nlttenes*. In a preview man* of the Head light I requested that the teach er* not ohwe their acbnol* before they bad taogbt a four month* term. 1 did thia with the amor sue* that (Mats help would be iwnd*r*d in good time to help the! needy school*. Mmr I am advised by the (Nate Sapevinlmdeut that the appropriation W tile second flOCMVri.CO U -not In hand or in sight, and may wit be availshte." For this rviteon, 1 herewith advise nil committeemen to clues (heir •ehoolde when they bare taught oat the money on hand. i. H. Walah. 0,8 8. Carry yaw chicken* In H. H Smith. Ha'll hey them. Captain Richmond Hohaon, of ma fame" haa resigned Maoflkoaaa naval aoostmotor in the nary. COUNTY NEWS Ledbetter's. Some of Pee IVe1* fair ni paid their reapecU to our village last Sunday. Mi« Eleanor Sounder* *]>ent two or three daye in Rockingham lost week with Jo*ph Gibson's family. Min Melina Dnwkiue, of Con dor, Montgomery county, woe visiting her eieter, Mrs. W. M. Turner, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mian Ida Nicholson is making pn<|>aratit>iis to tnko a oontwe in school at Saufonl, Moore county She contemplate* leaving about the 12th nit. Shooting bee* in Tcxn* waa the program lost Saturday night in this village, by some of our youug people: Wish they would kill some rearer home. There ha* been, more cotton •old nod hauled to this mill since the first of January than' any time previous, and it still contiu nea to come. We don’t know how they managed to get over the gul lina mill 1ml.I t.Kesir IssniiMr Mr. 8. K. We Mi and Mix Min nie Sullivan, of this village, were happily united in the holy hoods of matrimony last Sunday morn ing as 8 o’clock by Rev. 8. R. Mercer. We extend to them our kind congratulations sad may their future lire* be crowned wtth succcxfnl devotion and happinxa. Subscriber. Pee Doe. Mrs. Gurgainus and daughter havo arrived. Gladly we welcome them with ns. Mrs. Joues, formerly of Carth age, is now with her daughter, *>s. Hancock, where sbs expacta to.make her home. Misses Ada Davia and Orace Caudle went to Steele's mill last Monday. Misaes Mamie Dolton and Jou ■lie Tyson, and Mr. Tyson visited Roberdcl No. 2 last Sunday. We regret to learn that Miaa Florence tlsaery is very sick. Mr. llssery returned home last Wednesday night from tho bos pita! in Charlotte, where lie has been treated tor cataract on the oy<s. Wcarugliid to note that his eyesight is much improved. Mr. A. F. Alden has accepted s position in this mill as beamer. Three clieers for tho -Poe Dee string band. Sunshine. Roberdel No. 9. Un McKinnis returned home Thursday, from a visit to her par ents iu Munlgomrry. Miee Harali Torn Ashworth u on the tick list this week. John McCaekill and wife were visiting relative* here lost week. Mr. tud Mr*. (Jill's Pence spent the day with their sister, Mrs; Me Reo. Mondor. Mr Onlledgn is still drilling sw^jr. Hs hse Umn to shite flint ruck sod is still going. Tbs will is oeor three hundred feet deep now. A Sunday school wn» organised hers last Sunday. Mr. Wilvy Dawkins wilt superintend it. Hops all near hsr* will attend and help ns nut. We will bo glad to have any mlcister that ran and fssls like it,'to nail sod preach fur as when convenient. We live so far frost church that town con n'd. get to g.i often. ___D. O. R. Roberdol. Miss Amanda Ourria left Mon day morning for Ellsrbe 8t>ringe, where aim will tench manic. Davs Sedberry was a visitor bars Sunday. Ha left to come again. Tbs greatest drawback in the labor* rs are barrooms. Uafortu •stelyowr town in serssd with Ibsm and a gnod perssnl of the wagss stops at them. Anyone wbo drink* dove not saw any t Mug nor do they save In. Ligwor It tbs aonstsr enrss to Ml working • people. To inv mind the bijtot way to improve tho condition. of the la boring poopls ie to| gire their children more and k^-ger school term*, to teach tbeig economy, honesty mi I industry ^nd to keep them in the fear and Ibve of Qnd. I havs no practical knowledge of the sffoct of working children in mills etc., and am ant in a po sition to give any opinion of any value, but if a good nlwy of old er ones would go to! work and aend their children to School they would fowl better, I 3. x. Great Palji. J. T. Bruton and WiJ. Onnsby, of Cordova, visitors h^ee, 8nnday. Lumlier u being pinned foi tba fraction of overseer F/8: Terry’s cottage, near Mr. Ed ’ferry’s resi dence. Everybody ought ti r ad Bill Arp’s letter of last weA. Woold suggest Rickard Olney as a suitable uamo far' 8. T.’s baby, of Robenlel. , Sorry to hear that! Mi** Julia l>«ui was sick on 8aU^duy. Mrs. Stogncr, who ^as so pain fully hnrt by a fall »|verttl day. ago, is slowly improving. Herman O’Brien lias been on the sick list several d« ys with la grip po. Eis moths continues quite nuwell. Captains Trncy am Vic seem to be desirous of Sa ding inure members to the,bund.t Glad to always read inch letters as your Wadesboro on respondent write*, flops lis wOJ Continue. \ Textile. ■hw$S"i«5k" ' ' The weather keeps wet and thuiw is not much Iteing done, but catting and hauling wood. The sick and - crippled in this community arc getting some bet ter we aro glad to say. Hampton Covington was visit ing at Mr. Holt’s Sunday evening. John Webb and Misa Snead were visiting about Buckingham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington and rou Ellis attended Miss Nellie Henry’s wedding at Rockingham, Sunday. A certain widower likes to crom a certain red, rocky hill near bore occasionally, on Sunday. If he captures the prise don’t be sur prised. Henry Rush’s son, colored, cut his foot yrutly badly o, e doy laat wosk. Willie Thrower, from letwell. Moss., is visiting his father, M. J. Thrower. We are glad to eve him. Pm Dm Now 8. Mite Stiei* Alim it ndiug tome time with relative* iu Moor* comity. Olwl to eee <mr old friend, Tra cy Worley in thii Tillngn Sunday. Mm Ethel M«or», bf Marili rille, viaited Mi*a Blanche Shore# l.tet week. Nr*. O. 0. Baldwin, of Mai**, •p*»t aoveral ilajt with her moth er, Mr*. Carr, at title |'lane lait wank. Mr*. Mora Thome* In* n»nr*d bar family from Laurel .lill to tl»S* plain. We git* them «"cor dial wt Iconic to rair town. Mr*. Roiicrt Thnnm*, of Mid ;wny, w«* vuitiog relative* here Tuewdey. Mia* In* (Godfrey, if Wadaa boro, I* with bar mother at thb plane. We nuder*tend that bar mother will return with her to Wadaatinru in a few day*. Jeaea Baldwin apant Sunday with hi* fa-bot in the country. ▼. 8. C. Ereetl lot mowBak* cracker* at 0. U Smith'*. RoanCrnam Obaw* at H R Smith'*. Ex* ay. Dear Deadlight—I •rill write you mv first letter. I •ni going (o school'and my l acli er’s name is Mr. West Luther, and I like hirv very well •> for and 1 like my playmate*. My pa; a lias lx-en sick for two years. 1 b< p that when I stop going to srIhioI 1 will know more ami cau write better. 1 wish I could get a copy or your po]>er ouce a week, for I like to read it, l>nt I aiu uut able to pay for it. The farmers in this section are busy now. 1 have I four sisters tad six brothers. | Boose of them are in school. 1 hope that uiy letter will not l.e 1 laughed at, for it is my first, and *o I will close hoping to Sec my letter in print. 1 am sorry tliut 1 could not do lxHier. With much love to you aud the cousins Suo Thompson. I Covtxoton. IV#r Headlight— I will write for my first time. 1 am Q little boy 11 year# old. 1 mu going to school to my cousin, Miss Haiti.- Davis, and I like bar very much. Wall, I will tell you1 aliout my grandparents. Both of tuv gtaudfuthers fought in the Mexican and Confederate wars. One of them is dead. The other is living, hut ha ia vary* old. He is in his ftoth year. Wo are huv | iig some very cold weather. 1 go to Kutulay school iv*ry Sunday that 1 can. My teacher in Sun day school is Miss Mamie Bald win. I will elosejny letter now. A. B. Green Rixnnaa. Dear Headlight—I think that the huger buys and girls ought to write more on sub jects, so l will take for my sub ject DANCING: Dancing is an act of play en joyed by people before Christ's lime, and has lieen continued ev er since. King David praised the Lord with stringrd instruments end dancing. 1 do not think there ia soy harm in n social dance, but I do thiuk there is harm in a public dunce where everybody goes. It mutters little iwhat they are or who they are. I will dote by nekirg a question ; Who invented the wireless tele graph? E»f. Statement - of the condition of flie FARMER'S BANK, of Rockingham, N. C. at the cloao of business on Febru ary 3th, ItU). Cu: <Wu» d from report to North Carolina Cor|Kira> tiou Commission. RESOURCES. Loan* and Discounts—4oJ.714.lU Overdraft*.-..— 2.006.46 Banking Huhm. . 4.2U0.00 Furniture mid Fixture* LUGO. 00 Cash on hand dc in Bfc». 48,888.23 4KU.U65.UU LIABILITIES. Capital - 15.000.00 Undivided profit* . ...-1.861.61 Depoat* subject to check 83.074.48 ♦ 104 056. W I. L. fl. Oovinrtnn, Cashier nf the Farmer’* Raiik, solemnly sweat the »im»i atatrmniil hi *w true to Hie 1*eat M knowledge and lielief. L. 8. Cuvikoto*, Cashier. Elate of North Carolina, I Richmond County. I Sworn and eobtorihed to Iwfim mo tbia Hth day February, HKM. J. L. Bobby, Notary Public. Coaaacr Arraer: R. L. flteela, ) J. M. Smith, J Direvinr*. i. B. Caudle, ] Thn supremo court (a now Ir •cation Chief /netiee Clark ami Associate Juetieee Walker anr Connor are at their fuel*. Orange*, apple* and Manana* n II. H. Emil h e. Wadesboro. Our county cuinmisaiioiiers will have their hands full to-duy. Ka shira their regular aniline of busi ness, they will have In decide on isaiitiug liceuse of two cnochdntm for retailing spirits. Mr. Mills, onr only l>ar-neon man, who u now soiling liquor, ischargsd with having violated tile law i f soiling liquor to minora, und a |ieiitiou by the citizens asking that his license lie revoked is the conse quence. The other is Mr. Uigh towor, a new applicant, is charged rich having violated the levontp la*. and also a case in court foi an affray. The petitioners <lo not think he is u suitable man fur •oiling liuuor and for thia reason the commissioners will lie forced u tin grant him license. Geo. Parker will o m.neuoe the erection of n cottage in weal Wudeslairn at mi early day. Will laicns will also liegiti building nt mi early day iu south U'tttlesleiro. A long telt need of Wadeabom ««»coneiinimated last week—the organization of n reality company. It ia c.nuposed of the wry best voting material that we huvn in our community. Fred Coze, Esq is at tlio head. Young men ot progr.swive mimla wud indomil able energy compose the balance. Dr. J. M. Covington, Sr. is not hilly one of our most efficient phy sicians, but a most progressive citizen. He has built an ideal home iu our miilst, and is an im portant tneialier of the b-sly [»► litic. Let Richmond county send its mom ufsuch man. The cowboy president is at it agaiu. Not satisfied with injur ing our people by hi* niiarepr* senuiting them, lip must invite them to Ilia nigger soiree, not let ting them know that cu.Dh is to lie the guest of Imnor. Give the dog rope enough and he will hang himself.” 1 am glad that some of tho SoUthoni representatives had Self-respect enough to leave the white honae. The negmoa in mnaa meeting endorsed R.-osevelt in hi* action and denounced the south in lan guage that means a great deal of danger to them, lam sure they have nothing to gain, hut a great deal to loae. E. F. F. I,. II. K-JBI.'fckJX, I.. It. WILLI AM* T. L. CAUDLE. LAWYERS, Akd Rsai. Estate r.«XT». Office III Bank Build lug, 1 HAMLET. N. C. Kallist Application will bo made to the Urn rrsl Assembly of North (tarolliia at its •osslon in 11SXJ, to imorpurate and charter the Bank of Hamiet with ils principal office and place of besiursa in the town of Hamlet, Ricti.iCnd scanty, Berth Carolina This Dec. 81, IIWL'. Mortgagee's Sab of Land. Ilj virtue of the power contained In a Certain deed of mortgagro, usecutad to A. U Convening and J. W. Hlimp, on the 3rd «laj of March 1698, by Jno. McPherson. and reoonied in Book BUB, page 222 in the oflloc of thi llaykCnr of Deeds for Hiehnroinl Conn ty ; and whotea. Ibe iulervat of tha said J. W. 311 tup liaa been assigned to me, I will on Monday the of 2nd day of Match, I9US, between tha hours of 10 a m. and 2 p m., offer for talc al public auction, for cash, tha following ileaerilied tract or parcel of laud, lo wit: first tract. Beginning at a pin* three pine pointers near tlio old road leading from McLean's bridge to the fulling mill and on the weal side of lit* 'irad of Long branch and runa 3 30 K 3b clutlns to a corner; theno* 70 Eaat <0 clmins to a comer i thrnoe N. 30, W. 3 chains to a comer, thenr« direct to the beginning, containing 100 acre* granted to Duncan McPherson on the -7th day of Noyember 18.8. ! Uocoud tract Beginning at a pitta imong pointara. the fourth nornar of Duncan McPherson's 100 acre surrey and runs north 80 W 20 chalna to 8 corner, theuc* South 70 \V tu chain* to it corner; tin nee South 20 Kaat It chains to a corner; thence Sooth TO I tv. .chains to a comer; thence 8ooth 16 K 10 chair,a to a comer; thence 8 67 W 13 (0 chalna to an oak two pin* pointer* in his owu line ; thence 8. 80 K '39 chains to the Long branch: tbenou up the meanders of said brand*, to said McPherson linn; thence as said line rv versed N 81 W 17 chains to a pin* t pine pointer* the beginning corner of said Merheraim's survey, thence the home line of said survey reversed If 70 B *1 ohalns to Ui* beginning contain ing 100 acnssereepilng-J acre* that am now enclosed uw) in eitlilvstioci. A. O Corps uing and J. W. Sllmp, Mortgages*. A. G Uorp'n'ng, assignee, J. W. Lolirand. Atty. This tbe 2f dry cf January 1903. Commissioner's Sole of Land. By virtue of tlir power oonUinc<l in a decree of I lie 8u «erior court if H'ef--* mond County N. O., made by Juo. ].. Evrrrti Clerk. on the 16 day of Jain * ary 1903, In a certain spectator export c pruruiOinjpaliflMin W. K lteyuoMa And other heire-at-law of John Rey nold* deceased tre p’diionen, I will on Monday the 2nd day of March, iwn nl 12 d'Hooi noon in front of the Court Ilouse door in tho town of Rock ingham in «aid Hint*- and county, offer fur talc for cash to the highest bidder, tho following described lands, the tamp being the laud* dose tilled, in tho petition In Mid *p. del proceeding*. A tract of land situated, lying snd be ing in Stoule’s township in said Slate end county adjoining die Coleman tract and other land*. Beginning at a chestnut oak on the Sugar Loaf Mono, lain, supposed to bo a corner of the Cnieinsn land snd runs s* a. line of Mid land Soul’* #5 W, <( cliaiua to a stale: tnoncc K. 00 W 23 chain* and 60 links to Coleman's Crock: thenoe up the yariniis courses of said ereok •boot AO chain* to a ttaka by a stoop, ing maple and 3 |>lue pointers.- thence rtouili 46 E 70 chain* and60 links, peas ing, through s small blearing made by Wm, Mrseham to a stake by a blsek gum and drsid sosMfraai thence 8 46 I w 36 chains to a pine In the Ooleman I line: Ihenee with said line N 35 TV IS I chain* and SO link# in the beginning, I containing 380 acre* more or loo*. 1 John t. Cameron, Loin in lesloner. January 27th Iff® DON’T THINK. If you call once and do not find what you want do not think I will not have It next tlmo. 1 have new goods com ing in every day, aud if votirs are not in orta lot, they may ha in the next. I have dctorminod to keep what the peo ple want. So continue to call and I assure you that you will pet fresh goo 1* at reasonable price*. Big lot of'"stuff" just ordoreu. They are all freeh from the factories or mills. (live me a call before buying. I will make it to your Merest. I BUY Balter, Chirkwns and Kkk*. Corn, Fra* and almost anything the farmers rxiso. yours to wrre, With a Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. Behind the Court Honno. Notice. Tata ta in *!*• nolle* that apptlna lina will b' inad' vo Ibn Oonorel An aombty of Honk Caroline, el Ita pr*o ont ami on, m emmd tha tbarlar of ’ lb* Town of Mocb'r.*hani. ! Jan oar/ l*th, Iff. IUMI Xaptrvloor'* Meatier The road itiper vieor* of Wolf Pit lowoahip will meat at Oak dale Academy, near R. M. Bo* gac'i Saturday. Feb. SI. All irre-areia are expected to be pr*» eut. ^

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